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15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) + Crazy Eddie's GUI System - Event log + 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) + ( + 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::Logger singleton created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Begining CEGUI System initialisation ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::ImagesetManager singleton created 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::FontManager singleton created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton created 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowManager singleton created 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::MouseCursor singleton created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton created 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Checkbox' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Window type alias named 'DefaultGUISheet' added for window type 'DefaultWindow'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) CEGUI::System singleton created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI System initialisation completed ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Version 0.5.1 ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Renderer module is: CEGUI::OgreRenderer - Official Ogre based renderer module for CEGUI ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::ExpatParser - Official expat based parser module for CEGUI ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Scripting module is: None ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Attempting to load Scheme from file 'TaharezLookSkin.scheme'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Started creation of Scheme 'TaharezLook' via XML file. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Finished creation of Scheme 'TaharezLook' via XML file. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Loaded GUI scheme 'TaharezLook' from data in file 'TaharezLookSkin.scheme'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---- Begining resource loading for GUI scheme 'TaharezLook' ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'TaharezLook.imageset'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification: 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: TaharezLook 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Source texture file: TaharezLook.tga in resource group: (Default) 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Finished creation of Imageset 'TaharezLook' via XML file. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font from the information specified in file 'bluehighway-12.font'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Started creation of FreeType Font: 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI font name: BlueHighway-12 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Source file: bluehigh.ttf in resource group: (Default) 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Real point size: 12 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Succsessfully loaded 289 glyphs 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Finished creation of Font 'BlueHighway-12' via XML file. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font from the information specified in file 'bluehighway-10.font'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Started creation of FreeType Font: 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI font name: BlueHighway-10 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Source file: bluehigh.ttf in resource group: (Default) 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Real point size: 10 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Succsessfully loaded 289 glyphs 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Finished creation of Font 'BlueHighway-10' via XML file. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font from the information specified in file 'bluehighway-8.font'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Started creation of FreeType Font: 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI font name: BlueHighway-8 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Source file: bluehigh.ttf in resource group: (Default) 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Real point size: 8 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Succsessfully loaded 289 glyphs 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Finished creation of Font 'BlueHighway-8' via XML file. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins ===== 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Button'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Button'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/RadioButton'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/RadioButton'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Checkbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Checkbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Editbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Editbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Titlebar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Titlebar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ProgressBar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ProgressBar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/AltProgressBar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/AltProgressBar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VUMeter'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VUMeter'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Slider'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Slider'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Listbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Listbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Combobox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Combobox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Spinner'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Spinner'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticShared'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticShared'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticImage'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticImage'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticText'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticText'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ListHeaderSegment'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ListHeaderSegment'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ListHeader'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ListHeader'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MultiColumnList'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MultiColumnList'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Tooltip'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Tooltip'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ScrollablePane'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ScrollablePane'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabButton'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabButton'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabButtonPane'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabButtonPane'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabControl'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabControl'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MenuItem'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MenuItem'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/PopupMenu'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/PopupMenu'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Menubar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Menubar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbarThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbarThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ImageButton'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ImageButton'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ===== Look and feel parsing completed ===== 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) No window renderer factories specified for module 'CEGUIFalagardWRBase' - adding all available factories... 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Button' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Default' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Editbox' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/FrameWindow' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ItemEntry' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ListHeader' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Listbox' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Menubar' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/MenuItem' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/PopupMenu' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ProgressBar' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Scrollbar' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Slider' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Static' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/StaticImage' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/StaticText' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/SystemButton' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/TabButton' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/TabControl' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Titlebar' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ToggleButton' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Tooltip' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ItemListbox' added. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Button' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Button'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Checkbox', window renderer 'Falagard/ToggleButton' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Checkbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' using base type 'CEGUI/RadioButton', window renderer 'Falagard/ToggleButton' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/RadioButton'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/FrameWindow' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Titlebar' using base type 'CEGUI/Titlebar', window renderer 'Falagard/Titlebar' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Titlebar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/SystemButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/SystemButton' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Button'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Editbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Editbox', window renderer 'Falagard/Editbox' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Editbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditbox' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox', window renderer 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Menubar' using base type 'CEGUI/Menubar', window renderer 'Falagard/Menubar' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Menubar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/PopupMenu' using base type 'CEGUI/PopupMenu', window renderer 'Falagard/PopupMenu' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/PopupMenu'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/MenuItem' using base type 'CEGUI/MenuItem', window renderer 'Falagard/MenuItem' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/MenuItem'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/AlternateProgressBar' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Falagard/ProgressBar' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/AltProgressBar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ProgressBar' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Falagard/ProgressBar' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ProgressBar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/VUMeter' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Falagard/ProgressBar' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/VUMeter'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbar'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbarThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/TabButton' using base type 'CEGUI/TabButton', window renderer 'Falagard/TabButton' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/TabButton'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/TabControl' using base type 'CEGUI/TabControl', window renderer 'Falagard/TabControl' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/TabControl'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/TabButtonPane' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/TabButtonPane'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList' using base type 'CEGUI/ComboDropList', window renderer 'Falagard/Listbox' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Editbox', window renderer 'Falagard/Editbox' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Combobox' using base type 'CEGUI/Combobox', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Combobox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Listbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Listbox', window renderer 'Falagard/Listbox' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Listbox'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ListHeader' using base type 'CEGUI/ListHeader', window renderer 'Falagard/ListHeader' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ListHeader'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ListHeaderSegment' using base type 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment', window renderer 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ListHeaderSegment'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/MultiColumnList' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList', window renderer 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/MultiColumnList'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Slider' using base type 'CEGUI/Slider', window renderer 'Falagard/Slider' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Slider'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ScrollablePane' using base type 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane', window renderer 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ScrollablePane'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Spinner' using base type 'CEGUI/Spinner', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Spinner'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Tooltip' using base type 'CEGUI/Tooltip', window renderer 'Falagard/Tooltip' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Tooltip'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/StaticImage'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' and Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/StaticText'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---- Resource loading for GUI scheme 'TaharezLook' completed ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Sheet' of type 'DefaultWindow' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) ---- Beginning loading of GUI layout from 'CrowdDemo.layout' ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'root' of type 'DefaultWindow' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'debug_overlay' of type 'DefaultWindow' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'Panel 1' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'Panel 1'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'OPCurrentFPS' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'OPCurrentFPS'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset 'BlueHighway-10_auto_glyph_images_ ' with texture only. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPBar1' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'OPBar1' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' to window 'OPBar1'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'OPAverageFPS' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'OPAverageFPS'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'OPWorstFPS' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'OPWorstFPS'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'OPBestFPS' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'OPBestFPS'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'OPTriCount' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'OPTriCount'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'OPDebugMsg' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'OPDebugMsg'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'OgreLogo' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'OgreLogo' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' to window 'OgreLogo'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'CeguiLogo' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'CeguiLogo' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' to window 'CeguiLogo'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'InstancingDemo' of type 'DefaultWindow' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'CompositorSelectorWin' of type 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/FrameWindow' to the window 'CompositorSelectorWin' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow' to window 'CompositorSelectorWin'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'CompositorSelectorWin__auto_titlebar__' of type 'TaharezLook/Titlebar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Titlebar' to the window 'CompositorSelectorWin__auto_titlebar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Titlebar' to window 'CompositorSelectorWin__auto_titlebar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'CompositorSelectorWin__auto_closebutton__' of type 'TaharezLook/SystemButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/SystemButton' to the window 'CompositorSelectorWin__auto_closebutton__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'CompositorSelectorWin__auto_closebutton__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'tInstancing' of type 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/ToggleButton' to the window 'tInstancing' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' to window 'tInstancing'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'tIndependantEntities' of type 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/ToggleButton' to the window 'tIndependantEntities' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' to window 'tIndependantEntities'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Shadows' of type 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/ToggleButton' to the window 'Shadows' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' to window 'Shadows'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'Object Count Text' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'Object Count Text'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset 'BlueHighway-12_auto_glyph_images_ ' with texture only. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'Object Count Number' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'Object Count Number'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Object Count' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'Object Count'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count__auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Object Count__auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count__auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Object Count__auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Object Count__auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Object Count__auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'Time Burner Text' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'Time Burner Text'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' to the window 'Time Burner Value' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' to window 'Time Burner Value'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'Time Burner' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'Time Burner'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner__auto_incbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Time Burner__auto_incbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner__auto_decbtn__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'Time Burner__auto_decbtn__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'Time Burner__auto_thumb__' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'Time Burner__auto_thumb__'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'PostEffect' of type 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/ToggleButton' to the window 'PostEffect' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' to window 'PostEffect'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Window 'ExitDemoBtn' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'ExitDemoBtn' 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL2) Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'ExitDemoBtn'. 15/07/2008 17:03:02 (InfL1) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'CrowdDemo.layout' ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPCurrentFPS' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPBar1' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPAverageFPS' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPWorstFPS' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPBestFPS' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPTriCount' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Panel 1' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OPDebugMsg' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'OgreLogo' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'CeguiLogo' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'debug_overlay' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'CompositorSelectorWin__auto_titlebar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'CompositorSelectorWin__auto_closebutton__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'tInstancing' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'tIndependantEntities' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Shadows' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Text' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count Number' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count__auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count__auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count__auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Object Count' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Text' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner Value' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner__auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner__auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner__auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Time Burner' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'PostEffect' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'ExitDemoBtn' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'CompositorSelectorWin' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'InstancingDemo' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'root' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) ---- Begining CEGUI System destruction ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Window 'Sheet' has been added to dead pool. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) ---- Begining cleanup of GUI Scheme system ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) ---- Begining resource cleanup for GUI scheme 'TaharezLook' ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Imageset 'BlueHighway-12_auto_glyph_images_ ' has been destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) Font 'BlueHighway-12' has been destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Imageset 'BlueHighway-10_auto_glyph_images_ ' has been destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) Font 'BlueHighway-10' has been destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) Font 'BlueHighway-8' has been destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) Imageset 'TaharezLook' has been destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) ---- Resource cleanup for GUI scheme 'TaharezLook' completed ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL2) GUI scheme 'TaharezLook' has been unloaded. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) Scheme 'TaharezLook' has been unloaded. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowManager singleton destroyed 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton destroyed 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton destroyed 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) ---- Begining cleanup of Font system ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::FontManager singleton destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::MouseCursor singleton destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) ---- Begining cleanup of Imageset system ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::ImagesetManager singleton destroyed 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::System singleton destroyed. 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI System destruction completed ---- 15/07/2008 17:03:25 (InfL1) CEGUI::Logger singleton destroyed.
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