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############################################################################### # BizDesign ImageFolio Lite Edition 4.2 (Four-dot-Two) ############################################################################### # # ## ### VERSION : 4.2 # #### ## ## RELEASED ON : 02/15/2007 # ## ## ## LAST MODIFIED : 02/15/2007 # ########## ## # ## ### ## # ## ### ######## # ############################################################################### # Released by BizDesign, Inc. # written by Dirk Koppers and Greg Raaum of BizDesign # # Purchasing : # Support : # Phone : (214) 642-9787 # Email : ############################################################################### # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE INFORMATION : # # Copyright (c) 1999-2007 BizDesign, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Selling or distributing the code for this program without prior written # consent is expressly forbidden. # # One licensed copy of the program may reside on a single server, in use by a # single domain. For each installed instance of the program, a separate # license is required. # # Licensed users may alter or modify this software, at their own risk, of # course. They may also hire others to modify their own copy of the code, as # long as the code is not transferred to or retained by the individual who is # hired (unless he/she is also a license holder). Although license-holders # may modify the code for their use, modified code may NOT be resold or # distributed. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BIZDESIGN, # INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # BizDesign, Inc. is not liable for any conduct associated with image gallery # activity, nor for any binary media posted using this program, including but # not imited to images, photographs, movies, and clipart. # # The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Although this # program has been thoroughly tested on BizDesign's servers, BizDesign does not # warrant that it works on all servers and will not be held liable for anything, # including but not limited to, misusage, error, or loss of data. ANY # LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT # OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. Use at your own risk! ############################################################################### # Do not modify below this line unless you know what you are doing. ############################################################################### # (1) ######################################################################### # WHAT IS THE FULL PATH TO YOUR USER DATABASES? # Path to the text file containing usernames and encrypted passwords # For extra security you should store this outside on your Web server if # possible and rename the default to something else. $admindb = "$data_directory/db/admin_user.db"; # (4) ######################################################################### # PLEASE PROVIDE A SECRET 'KEY' THAT WILL BE USED TO ENCRYPT PASSWORDS. # Change the value of $secret_key to any combination of numbers, letters, # symbols, or spaces. # ***WARNING*** After you change the value of $secret_key you must run # # to reset the password for the default Admin user. # THIS WILL DELETE ADMIN, GROUP and USER DATABASE!!!!! # Then, login to the admin area with username/password: Admin/ImageFolio # Afterwards you should not change the secret key value or run reset.cgi # unless it is absolutely necessary as it will DELETE ADMIN, GROUP and USER DATABASE $secret_key = "A secret key"; # (5) ######################################################################### # DO YOU WANT TO USE COOKIES FOR EASIER LOGIN? # If so, it will store a cookie on the computer of each user who accesses this # interface so next time they log in they won't have to type in a username or # a password. 1 - Yes, 0 - No $use_cookies = 1; # (6) ######################################################################### # AFTER WHAT PERIOD OF INACTIVITY SHOULD SESSION FILES BE DELETED? # ImageFolio will delete old session files if they have not been used for a # specific period of time. This is good security for those who log in and then # stop working for a while. The system will automatically lock them out and # they will have to log in again to continue working. What length of time would # you like this to be? example: 1 = 1 day., .25 = 6 hours, .015 = 21 minutes $session_expiration = '.25'; # (8) ######################################################################### # WHAT TYPE STYLES WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE FOR THE BASIC TEXT ON ADMIN PAGES? $admin_font = 'font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"'; $admin_small_font = 'font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="1"'; $admin_big_font = 'font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#000000" size=3'; # (10) ######################################################################### # HOW LONG KEEP YOUR BACKUPS? # Here you can set how many days backups should be kept of your index.txt and # categories.txt files that are located in your "data/backup" directory. # The default value is 15 days. $backup_expiration = 15; # (11) ######################################################################### # REMIND ME TO REBUILD THE INDEX WHEN I LOG OUT? # If you set this to "1" then you will be reminded to rebuild the index every time # you log out. RECOMMENDED! $remind_rebuild = 1; ################################################################################# ### SECTION 2 ImageMagick configuration ####### ################################################################################# # (12) ######################################################################### # UPLOAD FILES $iBULC_upload = 1; $use_single_file_upload = 1; # (Automatic create thumbnails) IMAGEMAGICK OR IMAGECONVERT REQUIRED ! $use_manual_file_upload = 1; # (Manual upload files plus thumbnails) # (13) ######################################################################## # BATCH UPLOAD FILES # You can ether choose to do client-side or server-side thumbnailing. For server-side # thumbnailing IMAGEMAGICK OR IMAGECONVERT is required! $iBULC_thumbnailing = 1; # (14) ######################################################################### # Overwrite if filename allready exist? # $overwrite_if_exist = 1; # (15) ######################################################################### # KEEP THE ORIGINAL FILE? # If you upload a high resolution "TIF" or "JPG" then ImageFolio will keep the # origianal file if you have "$use_fullsize=1" in your Make sure that # the extension of the file you upload is the same (case sensitive) as the # "$myextension_fullsize" set in the otherwise users might not be able # to open the file since ImageFolio WILL add that extension if it is not there! # (16) ################################################################### # WHAT IS THE FULL (ABSOLUTE) PATH TO YOUR 'temp' DIRECTORY. # Create or designate a temporary directory! # The 'temp' directory is used to store uploads temporarily. Images are # automatically deleted from this space. It's permissions must be set to 777. $tempdir = "$base_if_path/temp"; # (17) ################################################################### # WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM WIDTH OR HEIGHT FOR YOUR THUMBNAILS AND IMAGES # Your images and thumbnails will be scaled in proportion. The width or # height, whichever is greater, will be scaled to the dimension supplied # below. $ThumbDimensions = 120; $ImageDimensions = 500; # (18) ################################################################### # ALL IMAGES ARE SAVED AS JPEGs. WHAT QUALITY WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR # THUMBNAILS AND IMAGES TO BE SAVED IN? # Choose a numberic value between 0 and 100. Note that higher numbers # mean better quality but larger file size. $ThumbQuality = 70; $ImageQuality = 85; # (19) ################################################################### # YOU CAN AUTOMATICALLY HAVE THE CONTRAST OF ALL THUMBNAILS AND IMAGES # INCREASED BY SETTING THEIR VALUES BELOW. # Specify a numeric value between 0 and 100. $ThumbContrast = 5; $ImageContrast = 5; # (20) ################################################################### # YOU CAN AUTOMATICALLY HAVE THE SHARPNESS OF ALL THUMBNAILS AND IMAGES # INCREASED BY SETTING THEIR VALUES BELOW. # Specify a numeric value between 0 and 100. # ImageMagick around 0.7 is good # ImageConvert around 10-30 good $ThumbSharpness = '20'; $ImageSharpness = '10'; # (21) ################################################################### # WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM FILE SIZE FOR AN IMAGE THAT A USER CAN UPLOAD? # Put a value in bytes. So, for 200 kb, you would put '200000' # Please note that ImageFolio will automatically size this down, so keep # this number fairly high. $max_size = (1024 * 1024) * 1000; # (1024 * 1024) = 1 MB # Modify brightness (-100...100) # $ImageCustom .= " -brightness 10"; #EXAMPLE # $ThumbCustom .= " -brightness 10"; # Enhance detail # $ImageCustom .= " -edetail"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -edetail"; # Enhance edges (1...100) # $ImageCustom .= " -eedge 10"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -eedge 10"; # Edge detect light/medium/heavy # $ImageCustom .= " -edgedetect medium"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -edgedetect medium"; # Enhance focus # $ImageCustom .= " -efocus"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -efocus"; # Emboss # $ImageCustom .= " -emboss"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -emboss"; # Emboss more # $ImageCustom .= " -embossmore"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -embossmore"; # Equalize # $ImageCustom .= " -equalize"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -equalize"; # Modify gamma (0.01<->5.0) # $ImageCustom .= " -gamma 1.0"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -gamma 1.0"; # Convert in Grey Scale (256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8 or 4) # $ImageCustom .= " -grey 256"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -grey 256"; # Negate # $ImageCustom .= " -negate"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -negate"; # Reduce noise # $ImageCustom .= " -noise reduce"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -noise reduce"; # Normalize # $ImageCustom .= " -normalize"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -normalize"; # Shear # $ImageCustom .= " -shear"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -shear"; # Slice # $ImageCustom .= " -slice"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -slice"; # Soften (1...100) # $ImageCustom .= " -soften 10"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -soften 10"; # Solarize (1...255) # $ImageCustom .= " -solarize 25"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -solarize 25"; # Spread (1...32) # $ImageCustom .= " -spread 3"; # $ThumbCustom .= " -spread 3"; # NO NEED TO MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ################################# $allow_multiple_administrators = 1; #$admin_setup_url = "$admindir_url/admin_user_setup.cgi"; $admin_setup_url = $imagefolio_url . "?admin=admin_user_setup"; #$group_setup_url = "$admindir_url/gallery_group_setup.cgi"; $group_setup_url = $imagefolio_url . "?admin=gallery_group_setup"; #$buildurl = "$admindir_url/nph-build.cgi"; $buildurl = $imagefolio_url . "?admin=build&ct=$current_time"; #$adminurl = "$admindir_url/admin.cgi"; $adminurl = $imagefolio_url . "?admin=admin"; #$reseturl = "$admindir_url/reset.cgi"; $reseturl = $imagefolio_url . "?admin=reset"; #$imuploaddurl = "$admindir_url/imupload.cgi"; $imuploaddurl = $imagefolio_url . "?ifup=imupload"; #$iBULC_uploaddurl = "$admindir_url/iBULC_upload.cgi"; $iBULC_uploaddurl = $imagefolio_url . "?ifup=iBULC_upload"; #$uploadurl = "$admindir_url/upload.cgi"; $uploadurl = $imagefolio_url . "?ifup=upload"; ## 1;
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