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+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ T H E B A R E B O N E S G U I D E T O H T M L by Kevin Werbach
Version 4.0 -- January 1999 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This document is available at
, where you will also find the HTML formatted version, translations, and background materials. The Bare Bones Guide to HTML lists all the tags that current browsers are likely to recognize. I have included all the elements in the official HTML 4.0 recommendation with common attributes, as well as Netscape and Microsoft extensions. This document is a quick reference, not a complete specification; for official information about HTML and its development, see the World Wide Web Consortium site at
. The Guide is designed to be as concise as possible, and therefore it doesn't go into any detail about how to use the various tags. For links to some good step-by-step HTML guides, see
. FORMATTING OF THIS DOCUMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document looks best displayed in a monospaced font. For clarity, I have separated out tag attributes onto separate lines. Generally, multiple attributes can be applied to the same tag. Tags are listed in upper case for ease of reading, although most tags are not case sensitive. SYMBOLS USED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL URL of an external file (or just file name if in the same directory) ? Arbitrary number (i.e.
, etc.) % Arbitrary percentage (i.e.
, etc.) *** Arbitrary text (i.e. ALT="***" means fill in with text) $$$$$$ Arbitrary hex (i.e. BGCOLOR="#$$$$$$" means BGCOLOR="#00FF1C", etc.) ::: Arbitrary date (i.e. DATETIME=":::" means "1994-11-05T08:15:30" etc.) @ Email address (i.e. "mailto:@" means "" etc.) ,,, Comma-delimited (i.e. COORDS=",,," means COORDS="0,0,50,50", etc.) | Alternatives (i.e. ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER means pick one of these) COMPATIBILITY (remember, HTML is evolving and browser implementations vary) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (no notation) In the HTML 3.2 spec.; should work on all browsers 4.0 Introduced in HTML 4.0 recommendation N1 Netscape extension introduced with Navigator version 1.0 or 1.1 N2 Netscape extension introduced with Navigator version 2.0 N3 Netscape extension introduced with Navigator version 3.0 N4 Netscape extension introduced with Navigator/Communicator version 4.0 MS Microsoft Internet Explorer extension * Netscape extension now included in the HTML 4.0 specification =========================================================================== =========================================================================== NOTE: If you want to make your file more easily transeferable to XHTML, you should type tags in small letters and put quote before and after each attribute value. =========================================================================== GENERAL (all HTML documents should have these) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Type (beginning and end of file) Title
(must be in header) Header (descriptive info, such as title) Body (bulk of the page) STRUCTURAL DEFINITION (appearance controlled by the browser's preferences) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heading
(the spec. defines 6 levels) Align Heading
Align Division
4.0 Defined Content
Block Quote
(usually indented) 4.0 Quote
(for short quotations) 4.0 Citation
(usually displayed as italic) Strong Emphasis
(usually displayed as bold) Citation
(usually italics) Code
(for source code listings) Sample Output
Keyboard Input
(not widely implemented) Author's Address
Large Font Size
Small Font Size
4.0 Insert
(marks additions in a new version) 4.0 Time of Change
4.0 Delete
(marks deletions in a new version) 4.0 Time of Change
4.0 Acronym
4.0 Abbreviation
PRESENTATION FORMATTING (author specifies text appearance) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bold
4.0* Underline
(not widely implemented) Strikeout
(not widely implemented) 4.0* Strikeout
(not widely implemented) Subscript
(displays in a monospaced font) Preformatted
(display text spacing as-is) Width
(in characters) Center
(for both text and images) N1 Blinking
(the most derided tag ever) Font Size
(ranges from 1-7) Change Font Size
Font Color
4.0* Select Font
N4 Point size
N4 Weight
4.0* Base Font Size
(from 1-7; default is 3) MS Marquee
POSITIONING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N3 Multi-Column
N3 Column Gutter
N3 Column Width
N3 Spacer
N3 Spacer Type
N3 Size
N3 Dimensions
N3 Alignment
N4 Layer
N4 Name
N4 Location
N4 Rel. Position
N4 Source File
N4 Stacking
N4 Stack Position
N4 Dimensions
N4 Clipping Path
N4 Visible?
N4 Background
N4 Color
N4 Inline Layer
(takes same attributes as LAYER) N4 Alt. Content
LINKS, GRAPHICS, AND SOUNDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link Something
Link to Location
(if in another document)
(if in current document) 4.0* Target Window
4.0* Action on Click
(Javascript) 4.0* Mouseover Action
(Javascript) 4.0* Mouse out Action
(Javascript) Link to Email
Specify subject
(use a real ?) Define Location
Display Image
N1 Alignment
(if image not displayed) Dimensions
(in pixels)
(as percentage) Border
(in pixels) Runaround Space
(in pixels) N1 Low-Res Proxy
(requires a script) Imagemap
MS Movie Clip
MS Background Sound
Client-Side Map
(describes the map) Map Section
N1 Client Pull
N2 Embed Object
(insert object into page) N2 Object Size
4.0 Object
4.0 Parameters
DIVIDERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paragraph
(closing tag often unnecessary) Align Text
N Justify Text
Line Break
(a single carriage return) Clear Textwrap
Horizontal Rule
(in pixels) Width
(in pixels) Width Percent
(as a percentage of page width) Solid Line
(without the 3D cutout look) N1 No Break
(prevents line breaks) N1 Word Break
(where to break a line if needed) LISTS (lists can be nested) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unordered List
before each list item) Compact
Bullet Type
(for the whole list)
(this & subsequent) Ordered List
before each list item) Compact
Numbering Type
(for the whole list)
(this & subsequent) Starting Number
(for the whole list)
(this & subsequent) Definition List
=definition) Compact
Menu List
before each list item) Compact
Directory List
before each list item) Compact
BACKGROUNDS AND COLORS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiled Bkground MS Watermark Bkground Color (order is red/green/blue) Text Color Link Color Visited Link Active Link (More info at
) SPECIAL CHARACTERS (these must all be in lower case) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Character ?; (where ? is the ISO 8859-1 code) < < > > & & " " Registered TM ® Registered TM ® Copyright © Copyright © Non-Breaking Spc (Complete list at
) FORMS (generally require a script on your server) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Define Form
4.0* File Upload
Input Field
Field Name
Field Value
(checkboxes and radio boxes) Field Size
(in characters) Max Length
(in characters) 4.0 Button
4.0 Button Name
4.0 Button Type
4.0 Default Value
4.0 Label
4.0 Item Labelled
Selection List
Name of List
# of Options
Multiple Choice
(can select more than one) Option
(items that can be selected) Default Option
Option Value
4.0 Option Group
Input Box Size
Name of Box
N2 Wrap Text
4.0 Group elements
4.0 Legend
(caption for fieldsets) 4.0 Alignment
TABLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Define Table
4.0* Table Alignment
Table Border
(either on or off) Table Border
(you can set the value) Cell Spacing
Cell Padding
Desired Width
(in pixels) Width Percent
(percentage of page) 4.0* Table Color
4.0 Table Frame
4.0 Table Rules
MS Border Color
MS Dark Border
MS Light Border
Table Row
Table Cell
(must appear within table rows) Alignment
No linebreaks
Columns to Span
Rows to Span
4.0* Desired Width
(in pixels) N3 Width Percent
(percentage of table) 4.0* Cell Color
Header Cell
(same as data, except bold centered) Alignment
No Linebreaks
Columns to Span
Rows to Span
4.0* Desired Width
(in pixels) N3 Width Percent
(percentage of table) 4.0* Cell Color
4.0 Table Body
4.0 Table Footer
(must come before THEAD> 4.0 Table Header
Table Caption
4.0 Column
(groups column attributes) 4.0 Columns Spanned
4.0 Column Width
4.0 Width Percent
4.0 Group columns
(groups column structure) 4.0 Columns Spanned
4.0 Group Width
4.0 Width Percent
FRAMES (define and manipulate specific regions of the screen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0* Frame Document
(instead of ) 4.0* Row Heights
(pixels or %) 4.0* Row Heights
(* = relative size) 4.0* Column Widths
(pixels or %) 4.0* Column Widths
(* = relative size) 4.0* Borders
4.0* Border Width
4.0* Border Color
N3 Frame Spacing
4.0* Define Frame
(contents of an individual frame) 4.0* Display Document
4.0* Frame Name
4.0* Margin Width
(left and right margins) 4.0* Margin Height
(top and bottom margins) 4.0* Scrollbar?
4.0* Not Resizable
4.0* Borders
4.0* Border Color
4.0* Unframed Content
(for non-frames browsers) 4.0 Inline Frame
(takes same attributes as FRAME) 4.0 Dimensions
4.0 Dimensions
SCRIPTS AND JAVA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Script Location Type Language 4.0* Other Content
(if scripts not supported) Applet
File Name
(for references) Alt Text
(for non-Java browsers) Alignment
(in pixels) Spacing
(in pixels) N4 Server Script
MISCELLANEOUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment (not displayed by the browser) Prologue Searchable
(indicates a searchable index) Prompt
(text to prompt input) Send Search
(use a real question mark) URL of This File
(must be in header) 4.0* Base Window Name
(must be in header) Relationship
(in header) N4 Linked File
Meta Information
(must be in header) Style Sheets (implementations vary) 4.0 Bidirect Off
(for certain character sets) ============================================================================ Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Kevin Werbach. Redistribution is permitted, so long as there is no charge and this document is included without alteration in its entirety. This Guide is not a product of Bare Bones Software. More information is available at
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