All DriveHQ Blog Posts

Folder Sync Is Not Optimized For Business

Though sync solutions have become very popular in the cloud industry, there are many reasons businesses should be careful before choosing such a solution.

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Cloud Misconceptions

What is the 'cloud'? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a cloud-based solution?

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Exploring ISC West

Known to be the largest security trade show in the U.S., the ISC West 2015 event at the Sands Expo Center certainly lives up to its reputation.

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FileManager has been DriveHQ's flagship software for nearly a decade now. But who says an old dog can't learn a few new tricks? Read what DriveHQ users have to look forward to with the upcoming release of FM 6.0.

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A New FileManager

FileManager has been DriveHQ's flagship software for nearly a decade now. But who says an old dog can't learn a few new tricks? Read what DriveHQ users have to look forward to with the upcoming release of FM 6.0.

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Concerns of BYOD

Combining the power of cloud computing with a BYOD policy allows employees to access company data from any location without the need for it to be stored locally.

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CameraFTP with Mac webcam

Learn how to ftp footage from your built-in Mac eyesight camera to CameraFTP with Eyesights easy and free software

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A CameraFTP User Story

If you were affected by any of Dropbox's most recent service issues, which include selective sync auto-deletion and various security breaches, see how DriveHQ can help improve your cloud solution

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CameraFTP with DVRs

Using digital video recorder systems to upload footage to the cloud has always been a trying task for IP camera users. With our advanced naming and FTP service, see how CameraFTP can help simplify your cloud monitoring solution.

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A Special Offer

If you were affected by any of Dropbox's most recent service issues, which include selective sync auto-deletion and various security breaches, see how DriveHQ can help improve your cloud solution

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  • Oct 13, 2014

Drop programs that are hostile to privacy like Dropbox. Get rid of them... these services do not protect your private files

Edward Snowden

DriveHQ Bundled Plans

DriveHQ prides itself on being a break from the trend when it comes to pricing for business cloud storage. See how we will be leading the way in the next cloud price war.

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DriveHQ at Techcrunch Disrupt

Read our review of the startups that were presented at this years Techcrunch Disrupt San Francisco

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CameraFTP Updates

Just a few months after our Virtual Security Software release, we are happy to announce a flurry of new included features

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Inefficiencies of Browser-based Solutions

DriveHQ's solution is aimed to give the accessibility of a browser-based solution without all the restrictions; read more about the issues with browser-based services

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Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Use our new cloud-to-cloud backup feature to create a complete enterprise cloud backup solution

Avoiding The Heartbleed Bug

Read how DriveHQ managed to remain unaffected by the Heartbleed bug, which caused incredibly widespread issues across major cloud providers

The New VSS Software

Learn how to turn any computer into a live online DVR with our new Virtual Security System Software