User: kulchayaad - 8/27/2010 1:33:44 PM
OK. So I have set up a sub account from the Group administrator menu. I want my sub user to click on a ftp hyperlink on my website to upload files to his password protected folder or be able to pro
Thank you for your reply.
You can have any number of sub-users. You just need to order additional sub-user licenses. It is at only $6/user/year. If you have a lot of sub-users (over 50), we may even offer you some discount.
>>> What I would like to have is a service where multiple users can upload to their password protected site/file/folder.
The service can meet your needs and in fact works better; but it works differently than you thought.
Please note:
(1) All Users can access All files / folders in his own account (In “My Storage” virtual folder).
(2) By default, other users cannot access files / folders in your account;
Please note (1) and (2) means each user’s data is protected with a username / password.
(3) If you create folders in your own account, other users cannot access them. You need to share your folders to other users. You can share different folders to different users and set different permissions. The other users can logon DriveHQ using their own account info; they can find the shared folder in the special folder:
\DriveHQ Share\YOUR_USERNAME. Each user can only see folders shared to him/her.
(4) If you want to set storage quota, you can use the group admin feature to allocate storage space and download bytes to your sub-users. You can limit the storage space and download bytes. In this case, the sub-users will upload files to their own account.
(5) If the sub-users upload files to your shared folders, they user your account storage space.
(6) As the group owner, you can use the group admin feature to Logon As a sub-user and gain full access to the sub-user account.
(7) You can also logon as a sub-user and create folders, then share the folders to your own account.
Please let us know if you have any more questions.
Thank you,
Customer Support
-----Original Message-----
From: ad***@******.com
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 11:06 AM
To: 'support'
Subject: RE: Web Access to FTP Folders
Thank You. What I could not get from the website is how many sub-users can I have in a group account? With the free option it is only one. What I would like to have is a service where multiple users can upload to their password protected site/file/folder. Each folder would have a limit of say 10 megs in storage capacity. In fact, this is service that I would like to offer to musicians who will upload their content/artwork/notes which we will in turn upload to our digital distribution intermediary storage station of sorts. Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: support [mailto:support@dri**]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 11:30 AM
To: ad***@*****.com
Subject: RE: Web Access to FTP Folders
If you use web and HTTP, your sub-user can logon directly with the sub-user name and password. He can access to his own folders in "My Storage"; he can also access folders shared to him from "DriveHQ Share" folder.
As the group owner account, you can gain full access to sub-user account by using the group admin tool. You can select a sub-user and click on Logon As from "Group Admin" page.
If you want to use FTP to download files, you can use Internet Explorer and enter: sub-users can do the same.
Now if you want to upload files using FTP, it is recommended using better FTP client. For more info, please visit: click on Software tab.
Windows Explorer can also be used as a simple FTP client, just enter:
drag and drop is supported, but it is less reliable than other better FTP client.
Please let us know if you have any more questions.
Thank you,
Customer Support