Manage local emails and folders

In the local email management pane, you can manage local emails and folders in the same way as in the Windows Explorer window. In specific, you can:

  1. Navigate through local emails and folders
  2. Create new local folders
  3. Rename local folders
  4. Copy / Paste local emails and folders
  5. Delete local emails and folders
  6. Create a new sub folder
  7. Rename a new sub folder
  8. Cut / copy & paste a sub folder
  9. Delete a sub folder
  10. Drag / Drop a sub folder

  1. Navigate through local emails and folders
  2. Create new local folders
  3. Rename local folders
  4. Click the folder to rename, click again or right-click and select Rename from the popup menu; Enter the new name, once the name edit box is shown.

  5. Copy / Paste local emails and folders
  6. Right-click on the emails/folder to copy, and select Copy from the popup menu; Navigate to the destination folder; right-click the local pane area, other than emails names, select Paste from the popup menu.

  7. Delete local emails and folders
  8. Select the emails / folder to delete, click on button or press Delete key; Select Yes on the confirmation message box if you want to delete, or click on No if you don't.

  9. Create a new sub folder
  10. Rename a new sub folder
  11. Right click the target sub folder and select Rename option from the popup menu; Enter the new name, once the name edit box is shown.

  12. Cut / copy & paste a sub folder
  13. Right click the sub folder, and select Cut / Copy from the popup menu; Navigate to the target folder; Right click the local emails, select Paste from the popup menu.

  14. Delete a sub folder
  15. Select the sub folder to delete, click on button or select Delete option from the right-click menu; Select Yes on the confirmation message box if you want to delete, or click on No if you don't.

  16. Drag / drop a sub folder
  17. Select the target sub folder, then drag / drop this folder to the destination local folder. This is the same with cut-paste a sub folder.