Please note DriveHQ uses a fine-granular ACL-based access control system, which is
not the same as Linux / Unix based file permission system. After you map a drive, you
cannot use CHMOD to change file / folder permissions. As long as you map the drive and
access it from the same Linux / Unix user account, you should be able to access the mapped drive.
To map a drive on Linux / Unix, you need to have WebDAV Linux File System (davfs2) installed.
Then, the first step is to create a Secure WebDAV URL. Then from a terminal window, type in the following command:
mount -t davfs https://dhqid********* /drivehq
Here the URL is your Secure WebDAV URL, and /drivehq is your mount point (must be an empty folder).
The WebDAV client software on Linux tends to be not as efficient as FTP.
If you experience slow performance, then you can consider using FTP.
More details on Linux mapping.