• Account and Billing

  • What Are the Limits of the Free Service?

    The free service can only be used for personal or business trial purposes. It offers limited mount of storage space and download bytes. Many high-end / business features are more or less limited. Free users cannot publish static websites, web pages or file URLs. They cannot use email or FTP hosting service.

  • How Can I Change My Subscription?

    The data housed on DriveHQ is not tied with any particular subscription; so, you can order a new subscription and cancel the older one at anytime.
    Moreover, DriveHQ allows users to 'stack' subscriptions, so you can order an additional storage/user package if you have unusual requirements for a particular project

  • How Do I Change My Username, Email, etc?

    Email address along with all personal information can be updated at anytime from the Account Details Page. You will need to verify new email addresses before the change is applied
    . If you are a group owner, you can change the username of your subusers at anytime from the Group Admin Tool. For group admin accounts, ysernames can at this time only be changed by DriveHQ Support. Please contact us at support@drivehq.com if you would like to change your admin username.

  • How Do I Recover My Password?

    If you cannot remember your password, you can very easily recover your account using your email address. If you also do not have access to the email address used to register the account, you will need to contact DriveHQ Support for further assistance: support@drivehq.com

  • How Do I Cancel My Subscription?

    Cancelations are performed from the Current Subscription Page. You can cancel a subscription at anytime by going to your account menu dropdown (top-right of website), and selecting the 'cancel' button. Ording a new subscription will not cancel an existing subscription

  • File Transfer

  • How Do I Migrate Data To DriveHQ?

    Migrating data to and from DriveHQ is very simple regardless of how much data you are planning to store with us. For Small-Medium sized organizations (100GB or less) of data, we have a FileManager Software that will allow you to easily move your existing file server content to your DriveHQ Account. The software is capable of running multiple tasks at a time, and can resume if/when network outages are experienced.
    If you have a larger enterprise account, we recommend looking into our Courier Upload Service; you will ship us a disk, and we will manually upload to your account free of charge!

  • How Can I Access My DriveHQ Data?

    DriveHQ gives users an array of options when it comes to accessing data that you store with us or that has been shared to you: WebDAV Drive Mapping - Our Enterprise WebDAV Tool allows you to map a drive directly to your machine and access DriveHQ as if it were any other local/network folder
    FileManager - Our flagship client software, and by far the most feature-packed way to access DriveHQ data. You can share, publish, edit account settings, and view transfer logs all from this single powerful tool.
    FTP - In addition to offering enterprise-level cloud solutions, DriveHQ is one of the largest FTP hosting solutions. Simply install any FTP client, enter your DriveHQ username and password, and start accessing your data!
    Web Access - For those users who do not want or are not permitted to install software on their machines, you can compleley use all DriveHQ cloud file server features directly from our website.

  • Can I Setup A Sync-Folder?

    Using FileManager, You can setup synchronization tasks to any folder(s) on DriveHQ. This being said, DriveHQ does not recommend using sync-based solutions as your primary cloud solution. Syncing files to and from a server is not only inefficient, but also leaves the possibility for conflicts between collaborated material. You can use FileManager, WebDAV, or any other method to access your cloud data directly; no synchronization needed!

  • How Can I Access An Older Version Of A File?

    DriveHQ inherently supports file versioning. By default, the most recent 10 versions of each file will be available under the history action option within the accounts Storage Page. Users will be able to rollback to a particular version or download a specific version that they would like to keep for backup.

  • Can Multiple Users Edit The Same Document At A Time?

    File locking is supported across all DriveHQ platforms. When 'User1' opens a file, a lock will be placed on this file so that if 'User2' attempts top open/change the same file, they will receive an notification that the file is available in read only.
    Users will be able to select the option notify me when files become available.
    If you notice a file was not correctly closed and remains locked, you can access the account Lock List to manage existing locks.

  • Why Is My Upload/Download Speed So Slow?

    DriveHQ offers nearly unlimited bandwidth to our users, so the transfer speed you experience will largely be related with your own internet service provider connection. If you are using a web browser or webDAV to upload/download large file tasks, it is possible that you will experience unusual delays. For larger tasks, please either use our FileManager software or our FTP feature.

  • How Do I Edit Files Directly On DriveHQ.com?

    Logon to your account via www.DriveHQ.com and go to My Storage to directly access your files.

  • Sharing

  • How Can I Create Users?

    If you have not ordered any group license package, you can try it with one free subuser. You can order more users from $4/user/month. Visit your Group Admin Tool to 'Create', 'Delete' or 'Add' your users.

  • How Can I Set Permissions?

    DriveHQ offers several permission levels to choose from when creating a new share: Preview only, Read only, Download only, Upload only, and Full Access . When you create a share, you will be asked to enter the permission level after you intput the names to share with.
    If you want a share to be available with different permissions for various users, you will simply re-share the same folder and create a new name with the different permission. Shares can all be managed from the Share Management Page

  • Can I Share With Non-DriveHQ Users?

    To share with a non-DriveHQ user, you will simply enter the email address of the user you are sharing with rather than the DriveHQ username. A link will be automatically sent to this user to directly access the folder; or, you can manually send them the link - they will have to enter their email address before they can access the share.
    You can also use the publish feature if you would like to send/receive data with public users more quickly. Sharing should be used when you want to control the permissions/activity.

  • How Do I Update An Existing Share

    You can use the Share Menu to revise the detail for any of your Shares.

  • My Share Link Is Not Working

    If you see that a share link is no longer accessible, you should first logon to your account and visit the original folder location. If you can access the original file within your account, then the issue is clearly with the share. You can visit the Share Management page to verify that your share is still current. You can recreate a share directly from the My Storage section.

  • Publishing

  • Why Is My Publish Timing-Out?

    If you are a free user on DriveHQ, then publishing will only be available to you at a testing level. When you create a published folder/file, you will see that the publish URL expires within 20 minutes.
    If you are a paying member and still see that your publish is expiring, please check your Manage Publishes page to see if you have an expiration set on the particular publish.

  • How Do I Publish My Website?

    Publishing your website to DriveHQ truly could not be simpler:
    You will just need to upload your website files to the /wwwhome folder located within your DriveHQ storage. Once you've uploaded your site files and changed your default/index file to home.htm, your website will be accessible from:

  • Are There Any Limits On Publishes?

    To publish folders/files, you must be a paying member on DriveHQ; free users will have a 20-minute expiration on any file or folder they publish.
    To avoid abuse, there is a limit on your bandwidth when we believe an account has unreasonably high activity. You can increase your available bandwidth at anytime by ordering another subscription, or you can wait for your bandwidth to refresh at the beginning of your next month's billing period.

  • How Does a Publish Differ From A Drop Box?

    A Drop Box Folder is a special folder which allows non-DriveHQ users to upload files to the folder with a public URL. Standard publishes allow users to download files from your account. If you want users to have both upload and download capabilities in a folder, you can make a single folder both a standard publish and a drop box folder.

  • Can I Password Protect a Dropbox, Share and Publish?

    When you create a drop box folder, you can set a password so that users must enter the password before they can access the drop box folder. This feature is optional. When you share a folder, the system will automatically generate a share key. You can also use our Group-Sharing feature. In this case, The other user only needs to log on to his/her own account to access folders shared to him/her. Expiration dates can also be set for shares so you do not need to remember to un-share the folder. If you publish a folder, then you can use publish URLs to link to the folder and files in it.

  • How Can Users Upload To a Published Folder?

    A standard publish on DriveHQ gives users with your particular URL to download data from your published folder.
    If you want to receive data from users, you should be using our drop box feature. Making a folder a drop box will produce a Drop Box URL which you can distribute to your users. They can upload files directly into your Drop Box folder without a DriveHQ account.

  • Do You Sell Domain Names?

    No, DriveHQ does not sell domain names. You can purchase a domain name from a domain registrar company such as GoDaddy or Verisign. Once you have purchased a domain name, you can host your custom domain website, FTP site or email service with DriveHQ.

  • Backup

  • How Do Backup My DriveHQ Data?

    If you want to create a redundant copy of your DriveHQ material to a separate location for safe-keeping, then you need out cloud-to-cloud backup feature. Your C2C backup task will run daily and stored to a secondary secure DriveHQ account. Should your main account(s) be hit virus or maliciously attacked by an employee, you will be able to easily 'restore' to a past date with the cloud-to-cloud backup tool

  • How Do I Backup My Computer To DriveHQ?

    For a more standard backup solution, DriveHQ offers our Online Backup Tool. This software will allow users to create backups for folders on their local machine(s). There is no limit to the number of computers or tasks you can create/backup

  • Why Do I Need Backup AND Cloud Storage?

    Many users do not see a difference between cloud backup and cloud storage; though in truth, knowing the difference between these could end up saving your organization from a disaster.
    Cloud Storage refers to a replacement for an existing file server solution; in other words users are constantly accessing the stored material and making changes.
    A cloud backup solution, on the other-hand, is creating redundant copies of your data according to your schedule, so that you can recover your data to a particular date should you ever encounter file loss.
    Click here to create a new cloud backup task

  • Can I Set Schedules For My Backups?

    Absolutely. Whether it be cloud-to-cloud backup or our DriveHQ Online Backup software, you can tell the tasks to run when and where you want them. You can even reduce Online Backup to run only once a week.

  • Can I Exclude Folders/Files From Being Backed-up?

    You have the option of excluding particular files/folders by name, or excluding file-types from being backed up with your other data. This is all done from the backup task setup page.

  • FTP

  • How Do I Use DriveHQ's FTP Feature?

    DriveHQ data can be accessed through FTP using any standard third party FTP client such as FileZilla, WSFTP, CuteFTP, and many others. Enter ftp.drivehq.com as your new host server, and then logon with the same username and password that you use to logon to DriveHQ.

  • Are There Any Restrictions?

    Free users will not be permitted concurrent FTP connections - meaning they will be able to logon to just one ftp client at a time with their DriveHQ account. You can order a subscription at anytime to increase your permitted concurrent connections. Alternatively, you can order licenses so that each user has their own individual ftp username/password.

  • When Is It Best To Use FTP?

    FTP is a far more powerful method of file transfer than using a web browser. If you have many small files or particular large files that you are working with, FTP or our own FileManager will be the best options for completing the task(s) efficiently

  • How Much Does FTP Cost?

    FTP is a bundled DriveHQ feature; there is no additional cost. This being said, you will be limited by the storage and download capacity of your subscription. When you order a larger subscripion, this will be reflected when connecting over FTP.

  • Will Permission Settings Still Work Via FTP?

    Yes. The folder structure and permission settings you create on DriveHQ will be fully replicated regarless how you choose to access DriveHQ data (FileManager, FTP, WebDAV, Browser, etc).

  • Does DriveHQ Support Anonymous FTP?

    Published folders are accessible using "Publish URLs", which are usually HTTP URLs. If you want to access a published folder using FTP client software and if you know the publisher's username, e.g. "Mike". You can log on anonymously as follows:
    (1) Logon as the username "mike" with an empty password. You will have access to the folders published by Mike. You cannot access Mike's other folders.
    (2) Logon as the name "anonymous", enter your e-mail address as the password. Once connected, enter the folder "/Mike" , and you will see all the folders that Mike has published.

    Files in a published folder can also be accessed directly through a link like:
    e.g.: ftp://ftp.drivehq.com/DriveHQ/DriveHQSoftware/DriveHQFileManager.exe

  • WebDAV Drive Mapping

  • I Get A WebClient Error When I Try Connecting

    **Error: Weblient service not installed**
    If you receive the above error, this means that the Weblclient service in your machine is not enabled. To enable this service, follow the below steps:
    1. Open administrative tools on your machine.
    2. Go to the Services menu
    3. Locate and open weblient
    4. Set the status to Automatic, then Enable, and Apply

  • How Do I Use WebDAV On Linux?

    Please note DriveHQ uses a fine-granular ACL-based access control system, which is not the same as Linux / Unix based file permission system. After you map a drive, you cannot use CHMOD to change file / folder permissions. As long as you map the drive and access it from the same Linux / Unix user account, you should be able to access the mapped drive.

    To map a drive on Linux / Unix, you need to have WebDAV Linux File System (davfs2) installed. Then, the first step is to create a Secure WebDAV URL. Then from a terminal window, type in the following command:
    mount -t davfs https://dhqid*****.webdav.drivehq.com/webdav/dhqid**** /drivehq
    Here the URL is your Secure WebDAV URL, and /drivehq is your mount point (must be an empty folder).

    The WebDAV client software on Linux tends to be not as efficient as FTP. If you experience slow performance, then you can consider using FTP.
    More details on Linux mapping.

  • When Is WebDAV Better Than Sync?

    When you setup a mapped drive to DriveHQ, you are literally opening up an access point which allows users to directly access files housed on our network. Alternatively, a sync solution is creating local copies of your files each time you make a change. This requires tremendous amounts of effort for both the network and the CPU. Moreover, when users utilize a sync-based solution, they run the risk of having conflicts between their cloud and local content due to network issues.

  • Can I Create Shares Over WebDAV?

    WebDAV does not work as a collaboration management tool; but rather a way to access and edit files that have been shared with you through an online file server. Shares can only be created through DriveHQ website, or when using our FileManager software

  • Software

  • Is Software Available On All Platforms?

    Our engineers are constantly working on software updates to ensure that our products are compatible with the newest of systems. Our FileManager, OnlineBackup, and EmailManager software are available on desktop and mobile platforms. Our enterprise WebDAV tool is available for PCs only for the time being, but drives can still be mapped using a DriveHQ security key on mac and mobile devices

  • Do I Need To Install Software To Use DriveHQ?

    Software is absolutely not required to use our cloud features. You can publish, share, transfer, and manage your users all from our web browser access tool. However, if you have very large tasks or large files to transfer, using our software will be far more effecient than a web browser.

  • What Is The Cost Of DriveHQ Software?

    All DriveHQ software is free with the exception of our Active Directory Agent

  • Partnership

  • How Do I Know Which Partnership Model To Choose?

    DriveHQ provides incredibly thorough detail regarding the differences of our partnerhip models Please install our reseller guide if you are unclear which model will work best for you.
    If you have reviewed all our detail and still have questions, please send an email to sales@drivehq.com with an explanation of what you are looking for in a cloud partnership.

  • How Do I Get Started As A Partner?

    CoBranded resellers can get starting in a single click by selecting become a reseller within their accounts.
    If you are interested in a White Label or Instant Reseller partnership model, please reach out to sales@drivehq.com

  • How Do Commission Payments Work?

    Payments made by users to DriveHQ resellers will be held in the account for 2 months to avoid any fraudulent transactions. Once the 2-month period after the payment has passed, you will be able to upgrade your service using your earned commission, or have this sent directly to your associated PayPal account

Service Manual