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Drive Headquarters Releases DriveHQ EmailManager 1.0 for Business / Professional Users

San Jose, California (Apr. 21, 2008) Drive Headquarters announced today that it has released DriveHQ EmailManager 1.0, a revolutionary email management, synchornization and backup application, designed for professional users and businesses.

DriveHQ Email Manager is the first software application that can manage your emails like files, drag-&-drop or automatically backup your Outlook / Outlook Express / Windows Mail in real-time or scheduled times.

DriveHQ Email Manager is designed to be very similar to DriveHQ FileManager, which has been downloaded by hundreds of thousands of users. The default dual-pane interface allows users to easily drag and drop emails / mail-boxes from their local PC to DriveHQ online email system. Users can change the interface to only show local emails or DriveHQ emails.

DriveHQ EmailManager includes the following features:
  • The most important feature of EmailManager is it can backup and restore emails one by one. Almost all other email backup software can only backup / restore Outlook .pst files, you cannot backup / restore a single email. Because .pst files are very large and locked when you are using Outlook, it takes a long time to backup or restore your emails; if backup fails in the middle, you might have to start all over again.
  • Easily backup your emails using drag and drop.
  • Set real-time or scheduled backup tasks to automatically backup your emails even when Outlook is running.
  • Can automatically resume interrupted uploads / downloads, it is extremely reliable and efficient;
  • Integrates with DriveHQ Email Hosting service. You can access backed-up emails from anywhere using DriveHQ webmail.
  • Migrate your emails from one computer to another computer.

About Drive Headquarters, Inc.

Drive Headquarters is the world’s first cloud IT solution provider. Their focus is to help SMBs by providing a better and more cost effective alternative to traditional IT systems. Founded in 2003, DriveHQ has become a leading provider of Cloud IT service with over 2 million customers. What differentiates DriveHQ from other companies is that it is a one-stop shop for all core IT services, including cloud based file, FTP and email servers, as well as automatic online backup, remote sharing and collaboration services. DriveHQ’s services not only lower IT costs, but also are more flexible and reliable than your in-house IT system. Complementing its advanced and easy to use products with its personable and highly skilled support staff, DriveHQ is the right choice for meeting the IT needs of growing businesses

Drive Headquarters is based in San Ramon, California. More information about Drive Headquarters can be found at https://www.drivehq.com/.
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