About DriveHQ

DriveHQ offers Enterprise Service free trial, competitive upgrades and SLA that guarantees 99.99% uptime

Apr. 12, 2012, San Ramon, California - Drive Headquarters (https://www.drivehq.com), is now offering enterprise customers a 14-day free trial, competitive upgrades and guarantees the service uptime to be over 99.99%.

More and more SMBs are choosing DriveHQ as their one-stop shop for all core IT services. To make it easy for prospective SMBs to try the service and decide, DriveHQ offers the basic service for free, and the free basic service can be upgraded to the free group account service for free. Now, DriveHQ is offering a free 14-day trial of our enterprise service. DriveHQ's enterprise service is designed to meet the most demanding requirements of large corporations and government agencies, yet at a very affordable pricing to SMBs. For customers already using a competing cloud service, DriveHQ can offer a competitive upgrade discount.

Many SMBs have used DriveHQ's service as their primary IT system. They store, backup and share important business documents with our service. The reliability of our service becomes a critical issue to them. DriveHQ has many years of track record. We never had any major issues or security breaches. This level of reliability is superior to almost any other cloud service provider. Now DriveHQ is so confident to offer any enterprise service customers the Service Level Agreement (SLA) that guarantees 99.99% of uptime.

"The SMB market is our primary market. DriveHQ's cloud IT service differentiates from other free cloud services in that it was designed for businesses from the beginning. Business service requires a much higher level of security, reliability and manageability." Says Sean Lee, DriveHQ's Chief Product Manager. "DriveHQ has the best and the most complete offering in this space. The new initiatives will help SMBs better evaluate our service, understand the benefits, and have a strong feeling of security.”

To sign up for enterprise free trial, please visit www.drivehq.com home page, click on Enterprise Service, then click on Enterprise Free Trial. To request for competitive upgrade discount, please contact DriveHQ sales.

About Drive Headquarters, Inc.

Drive Headquarters is the world’s first cloud IT solution provider. Their focus is to help SMBs by providing a better and more cost effective alternative to traditional IT systems. Founded in 2003, DriveHQ has become a leading provider of Cloud IT service with over 2 million customers. What differentiates DriveHQ from other companies is that it is a one-stop shop for all core IT services, including cloud based file, FTP and email servers, as well as automatic online backup, remote sharing and collaboration services. DriveHQ’s services not only lower IT costs, but also are more flexible and reliable than your in-house IT system. Complementing its advanced and easy to use products with its personable and highly skilled support staff, DriveHQ is the right choice for meeting the IT needs of growing businesses

Drive Headquarters is based in San Ramon, California. More information about Drive Headquarters can be found at https://www.drivehq.com/.
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