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Early living conditions were a little cramped! We think that's him at the top. | None too steady on his feet at just 4 weeks old, but already inquisitive.
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Barely a handful of kitten in these early days, his distinctive markings and attractive face are already apparent.
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| At 6 weeks he's getting much more independent, investigating everything and everywhere. |
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We finally bring him home at 8 weeks old, and he finds carpets and soft throws are much better to scamper about (and doze!) on than boxes and floorboards. | 
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| As the 3-month point is reached, the cat-cushion on the kitchen unit is claimed (before Saadi arrives, anyway!) and a quick play on the bed is always appreciated. |
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The two faces of Suhail - the firm stare says "I'm the boss" before the rigours of the day make it just too difficult to keep his eyes open any longer!
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Just 5 months later though, we're ready to be an outdoor cat - well, it was just too cold in December! Meeces beware - I've got my eye on you.
 | I can still pose with the best of them though, and show off my handsome markings. Just look at that forehead and those stripey legs. |