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As mentioned on the main page, appetite was never an issue!
| Playthings were soon found - usually the old favourites
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This is Saffron - blue eyes made even more blue by the camera flash | And here is Sienna - still rather grubby round her nose!
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Both posed together, getting used to lap-sitting | Not to mention chair-sitting - dirty nose now getting cleaner!
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Sienna snuggles into the "cat-quilt", while Saffron practises looking appealing on the "cat-chair"
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Little kittens soon grow up though, and before long they were adopting the classic cat poses - on the bed and on the lap! Very much more elegant than in their youth, however
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The meadow soon became a favourite territory. Sienna quickly took to patrolling her domain while Saffron preferred a quieter life, sitting at the edge of the paths and often joining us as we took afternoon tea
They could easily be persuaded to return to their old ways however, as the quilt remained a firm favourite when a snooze was called for. Not often as a "composite cat", admittedly, but invariably with a look of complete contentment