My Astrophotographs
Having purchased a "budget" telescope in order to use its equatorial mount at the 2002 Total Solar Eclipse (or not, as it turned out!!) I decided to use it with a digital webcam and see what images I could get of the planets. This was not an entirely straightforward process, as documented in the Technical Info page, but the results are quite pleasing (to me, anyway!). I've also used a Konica-Minolta Dimage A200 digital camera quite a lot for more wide-angle views, particularly of satellites, and for planetary conjunctions. The shots you see here are in most cases just a small selection of those I have taken but they have been carefully chosen as the best examples. I've also added quite a lot of information about the planets themselves. The montage gives a quick look at all the planets, plus the opportunity to find something out about them.
To see what will be coming up in the next few years, click here (constantly updated).
To see what I've been looking at click here, or for details of highlights and new additions click here.
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All images (c) S.P.Holmes 2003-2025 Reproduction by permission only |