Earlier Ancestors

The information given in the main part of this website relates to the direct descendants of John Holmes, the oldest definitely-identified "root" of the family, and is (as stated on the Aims & Objects page) thought to be accurate and complete. Unfortunately, the trail back in time runs cold with John as it is not even certain where and when he was born, his birth year being derived only from his age at death (which might, of course, be inaccurate). Extensive searches failed to throw up even a slender lead and so this line of research stopped many years ago.

However, the advent of the Internet and family tree research sites has meant that one can now search birth, marriage & death indexes more easily, and also profit from work done by others while compiling their own pedigrees. Sadly, even this new way of doing things has not provided any more detail on John Holmes but it has enabled progress to be made on lines leading back from his wife Sarah, née Buckingham. Information on the Internet is not always correct though, and can be impossible to verify as sources are often not quoted. The new lines are thus presented here as separate from the main tree, and should be regarded as probably correct but not certain.

Ancestors of Sarah Buckingham