
Get more storage by promoting DriveHQ!

DriveHQ offers the basic service for free, which includes tons of great features, 1 sub-user license, 1 GB storage and 200MB download bytes per month. By trying out more DriveHQ features and promoting our name, you can get up to 5GB free space and 1GB download bytes per month.

Get more free download bytes

For each feature that you try out, your monthly download bytes will increase by 200MB, up to a maximum of 1GB/month. It's easy and we're sure that you will love these features!

After you try these features, your monthly download bytes should automatically increase.

Get more free storage or 20% off any plan

Promote DriveHQ to receive up to 5 GB of free storage or 20% off any subscription. Promoting DriveHQ is easy and it can be done in less than 1 minute.
  • Refer your friends, coworkers, customers or even your boss!
  • Help us spread our name on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other social networking sites.
  • Mention on your blog, personal web pages or company web pages.
  • Link on any publicly accessible websites or write a good review about our products.

Once you've completed one of these, email Please include:
  • Your first and last name
  • DriveHQ username
  • A description about how you've promoted DriveHQ
  • Proof of your work, usually a URL(s)

Based on your effort and result, you can receive up to 5GB free storage, or 20% discount on any subscription.

Professors, teachers and students get free 5GB storage

If you are a professor or a teacher, DriveHQ can offer you 5GB storage + 5 sub-user licenses for free.
If you are a student older than 14, we can offer you 5GB free storage space.
We hope that if you love our service, you’ll spread the word on campus and refer us to your colleagues.
And remember, if you need more space, we offer high discounts to members of education and government. Just email for more information.