Cover design FINAL 2/3/12 12:14 PM Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K RESEARCH REPORT 2010 front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K A Publication of the Rhodes Research Office, compiled and edited by Jaine Roberts. Report Design: Sally Dore, Design Aid Cover Photograph: Professor Christopher McQuaid on Marion Island. Photo: Bo Bonnievie. All other photographs from Marion Island: Christopher McQuaid. Research Office Director: Jaine Roberts Tel: 27-46-6038055/8756 front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 2 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Preface from the Vice-Chancellor Dr Saleem Badat 2 Introduction from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Development - Dr Peter Clayton 5 The Vice-Chancellor’s Research Awards - Distinguished Senior Research Award Professor Alan Hodgson 6 - Distinguished Research Award Professor Janice Limson 9 - Book Award Anton Krueger, Experiments in Freedom 13 Selected Research Areas Marine Biologist Receives The Prestigious Gilchrist Award - Professor Christopher McQuaid 16 Professor Torto’s team, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Journal of Analytical Methods 21 Undertaking Fundamental Research on Applied Organisms - Professor Martin Hill 24 South African Literature in English in Focus Professor Dirk Klopper 28 Media and Citizenship: Between Marginalisation and Participation Professors Herman Wasserman & Anthea Garman 30 Library Research Highlights 32 Top Researchers: Acknowledgements 34 PhD Graduates 35 Publications from the Vice Chancellorate & Administration 37 Departments Accounting 39 Anthropology 41 Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology 44 Botany 51 Rhodes Business School 55 Chemistry 57 Computer Science 65 Drama 71 Table of Contents 1 Economics 75 Education 78 English 82 English Language and Linguistics 84 Environmental Science 86 Fine Art 89 Geography 93 Geology 97 History 101 Human Kinetics and Ergonomics 103 Ichthyology and Fisheries Science 105 Information Systems 108 Journalism and Media Studies 110 Law 116 Management 119 Mathematics 123 Music and Musicology and the International Library of African Music (ILAM) 125 Pharmacy 130 Philosophy 135 Physics and Electronics 138 Political and International Studies 142 Psychology 145 School of Languages 149 Sociology 152 Statistics 154 Zoology and Entomology 157 Institutes, Centres and Units Centre for Higher Education, Research, Teaching and Learning (CHERTL) 165 Electron Microscope Unit (EMU) 168 The Institute for Environmental Biology (EBRU) 169 Institute for the Study of English in Africa (ISEA) 171 The Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) 175 Institute for Water Research (IWR) 180 The Public Service Accountability Monitor and CSA 182 Rhodes University Mathematics Education Project (RUMEP) 184 Affiliates Albany Museum 186 National English Literary Museum (NELM) 189 front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 3 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University is, undoubtedly, one of South Africa’s outstanding universities. I take pride when Rhodes is referred to as the ‘Scholarly University.’ Building on the solid foundation of outstanding pass and graduation rates, amongst the highest per capita research output and percentage of staff with doctorates of South African universities, and an increasingly diverse and cosmopolitan student body, our priorities in the coming years for the support and development of scholarship are three fold. First we plan to become a more postgraduate and r esearch intensive university. To this end, it is our intention to slow our growth in under- graduate numbers to a minimal level, and instead focus on growing the proportion of our postgraduate students from 27% to 30% in the coming years. To this end, a number of new initiatives have already been approved. The Rhodes University Board of Governors have made available an amount of R12.5 million over the next five years to launch the Sandisa Imbewu (We are growing/multiplying our seeds) Fund, to support new initiatives for scholarly projects that enhance postgraduate outputs across all faculties of the university. Three new masters’ programmes are being launched: Creative Writing, Information Security, and Social Policy. Preface 2 Dr Saleem Badat, Vice-Chancellor Other developments, such as additional postgraduate and research programmes and new postgraduate residences, are planned to follow. Our second priority is to bid for and host a UNESCO Institute for Water Education and Research. This field already enjoys prominence in teaching, research and community engage- ment activities across numerous disciplines, and three dedicated research centres, at Rhodes. The scope of our research ranges from studying water at its sources through to the Antarctic, and our contributions extend from municipal waste water management, to working with industry, to national policy advice to government. Water is an increasingly critical issue, and we wish to put our knowledge and expertise to work for the continent, and to become a key hub in Africa for research and postgraduate development related to water. Our third priority is a new Life Sciences building, to ensure that these disciplines continue to thrive in the way they have, and to create space for other highly productive departments to also grow. The achievements of colleagues in Chemistry, in Zoology and Entomology, in Ichthyology and Fisheries, and in Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotech- nology, the most research productive departments at Rhodes University and the Photo: Sophie Smith front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 4 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 3 producers of large numbers of postgraduates, are deservedly celebrated. But the very successes of these departments have resulted in severe space constraints. A new life sciences building is likely to cost in the region of R150 million, and be the largest infrastructure project in the history of Rhodes University. It would provide a consolidated space for cognate life sciences, and also free up space to address the needs of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Bio- chemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology, Botany and Environmental Science. The Life Sciences building would follow a spectacular new library, opened in 2010 at a cost of R75 million. This state of the art and high tech facility supports scholarship at Rhodes in ways not previously available to students and staff, including a specialist research commons and powerful new data- base search tools to enhance literature searches and information aggregation. A new Environmental Learning Centre building, to support the range of outstanding research and postgraduate work being produced at Rhodes in environmental sustainability, was also opened during the period under review. The highly acclaimed Professor Tebello Nyokong, director of the Nanotechnology Innovation Centre at Rhodes, and SARChI Research chair in Medicinal Chemistry and Nanotechnology, continues to attract honours. During 2010, she was awarded two honorary doctorates by other universities. The SARChI Research Chair in Marine Ecosystems, Professor Christopher McQuaid, also attracted widespread intellectual kudos to the university through his influence as a world leader in this field. During 2010, three additional SARChI chairs were awarded to Rhodes University. Two chairs - for Professor Marc Schafer and Professor Mellony Graven - were in Mathematics education. The third chair, an SKA (Square Kilometre Array) chair, was in Astrophysics. This brings to 5 the number of National SARChI chairs that Rhodes has thus far won. The SKA award is recognition of the leading role that Rhodes University plays in the SKA project, through the work of Professor Justin Jonas and his colleagues. The Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Senior Research Award for 2010 was conferred on Professor Alan Hodgson, of the Department of Zoology & Entomology, for the national and international impact of his research over a sustained period. The Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award (in the age group 40 and below) for 2010 was awarded to Professor Janice Limson of the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotech- nology, for the volume and impact of her research outputs to date. Dr Anton Krueger of the Drama Department was the recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Book Award for 2010, for his book entitled Experiments in Freedom: Explorations of Identity in New South African Drama (Cambridge, 2010). In the Humanities and Social Sciences, following a rigorous competitive process of applications, four research focus areas were front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 5 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 4 launched using generous funding from the Mellon Foundation. The focus areas and their leaders are: • Critical Sexual and Reproductive Health Studies, led by Professor Catriona MacLeod of the Department of Psychology and Pr ofessor Louise Vincent of the Department of Political and International Studies. • Visual and Performing Arts of Africa The Audacity of Place: Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa, led by Pr ofessor Ruth Simbao of the Department of Fine Art. • South African Literature in Focus, led by Pr ofessor Dirk Klopper of the Department of English. • Media and Citizenship: Between marginalization and participation, led by Pr ofessors Herman Wasserman and Anthea Garman of the School of Journalism and Media Studies. Rhodes postgraduate students continue to excel in winning prestigious international and local scholarships, including the Rhodes (Oxford), Mandela Rhodes, Flanagan, Commonwealth, and Fulbright. Four out of 27 Mandela Rhodes scholarships were awarded to Rhodes University students, the largest number awarded to a single university. Consider that we constituted only 0.8% of South Africa’s university students, yet we won 15% of all Mandela Rhodes scholarships. I extend my congratulations and sincere thanks to all of our researchers, scholars, collaborators, partners, donors and funders, for their contributions to making 2010 a year in which research at Rhodes University continued to flourish. Your expertise, dedication, rigour and generosity make Rhodes University the rich and distinctive intellectual space that it is. Dr Saleem Badat Vice-Chancellor front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 6 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 5 In 2010, the total subsidy earning accredited research output count for Rhodes University of 615.3 units represents an increase of 9% on the previous year. By far the major contributor to this growth was the significant increase in both PhD (37.5% up on 2009) and Masters by thesis students (34.5% up on 2009). Rhodes contributed 3.3% of all accredited r esearch output in the public higher education sector in 2010 (0.1% up on 2009). With 1.9% of academic staff in the system, Rhodes retained its place amongst the top three most productive universities as measured by accredited publications per academic. Rhodes exceeds the DHET research output norm for universities by 53%. In 2010, the total accredited publication output count for Rhodes University of 325.33 units represented a decline over 2009 of 7.3 percent. This followed two years of steep growth during which accredited research publication output grew by 28%. Accredited publication output for 2010 consisted mainly of journals at 89.9%, with conference proceedings at 7.2% and books and book chapters at 2.9% making far smaller contributions. This mix is roughly in line with the sector as a whole. It has been recognised that books and book chapters are under- appreciated in relation to journals, and recommendations to increase the weighted points that they attract as proposed by ASSAf 1 are awaiting approval by the DHET. Rhodes continues to lose accreditation points for books and book chapters submitted, because the hurdle of independent reviewing is not always met by the publishing avenues chosen by authors. The University has become increasingly reliant on research funding in recent years as a larger proportion of its budget, and attention at university council level is being given to ensuring that appropriate systems and support structures for researchers are in place. I add my warm thanks and congratulations to all of our researchers, funders, collaborators and partners who contributed to the excellent research results of 2010. Dr Peter Clayton Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Development 1 ASSAf: Scholarly Books: their production, use and evaluation in South Africa today, 2009. Introduction Dr Peter Clayton, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Development Photo: Adrian Frost front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 7 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 6 The Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Senior Research Award: Professor Alan Hodgson Photo: Sophie Smith As an undergraduate student at Liverpool University, Alan Hodgson was one of only a few in his year to be selected for the Honours course in Marine Biology which was taught at the university’s marine biology station on the Isle of Man. It was here that he became especially fascinated with how marine organisms are adapted morphologically and physiologically to their environment. Since then he has been doing what he enjoys most, trying to understand relationships between structure and function in marine invertebrates, especially in species that live in harsh environments such as rocky shores, estuaries and more recently deep-sea hydrothermal vents and methane seeps. These small creatures play a crucial role in the maintenance of natural ecological systems. Over the years, however, he has not confined himself to marine habitats, but has also studied species living in freshwater streams and in deserts. During his career, his research work has taken him to many parts of the world including Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, Namibia, Panama, USA, UK and Germany. These visits have been made possible through close collaborations with colleagues. However, Professor Hodgson is also quick to acknowledge the support of Rhodes University and his colleagues, valuing the institutional and departmental collegial atmosphere and research environment. Professor Hodgson’s research career began as an Honours student at Liverpool where a research project, and research seminars by staff and postgraduate students, formed important components of the course. It was the opportunity to undertake a unique piece of research that convinced him that this was a career path he wanted to follow. This conviction was re-enforced during his doctoral research at the University of Manchester, which he completed in three years. However it was as a postgraduate student that he also found that he enjoyed the challenge of teaching, and he was therefore determined to remain in an academic environment. One week after defending his PhD thesis he was on a plane to take up a Junior Lectureship in Zoology at the University of Cape Town, moving two years later to a Lectureship position at Rhodes University. At Rhodes he was able to pursue and further develop his interest in invertebrate morphology by making use of the university’s excellent electron microscope facilities. Professor Hodgson is also quick to acknowledge the support of Rhodes University and his colleagues, valuing the institutional and departmental collegial atmosphere and research environment front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 8 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 7 biology of fertilization of invertebrates, and the evolutionary relationships of some invertebrate taxa. One measure of the quality of Professor Hodgson’s work is the inclusion of results from his publications in numerous research texts and reviews. In addition, some of the images from his publications have been used on the covers of international journals. Being awarded a B-rating by the National Research Foundation in 2000 is further testament to the high quality and impact of his research at an international level. Further- more, he joined an elite band of scientists when, in 2004, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science from the University of Manchester for his career-long body of research on invertebrate structure and function. However, this career is far from over as he says that ‘There has never been a better time for students to unravel the many mysteries of animal structure. This is because of the tremendous development in microscope and imaging technology, coupled with significant advances in techniques that enable us to follow biochemical and molecular processes within cells’. Academic standing Professor Hodgson is considered a highly pr oductive researcher at Rhodes in terms of publication output and postgraduate supervision, despite being the Head of the Department of Zoology & Entomology since and structure using electron microscopy that has brought him the greatest recognition. This is reflected by the regular citations his papers receive, as well as invitations to contribute review chapters to research texts. At some stage in their life history, the majority of invertebrates engage in sexual reproduction. This requires the production of gametes, spermatozoa by the males and eggs by the females. For successful fertilization to occur, the gametes must be formed correctly, and then they must meet. Detailed studies on the morphology of spermatozoa and eggs provide important insights into how this is achieved. Furthermore, because the spermatozoon of each species is morphologically unique, information on sperm structure can be used to look at evolutionary relationships between animal groups. In some male invertebrates, however, sperm production is not that straightforward. The males of many gastropod molluscs, for example, simultaneously produce more than one type of sperm, one type that has the capability of fertilizing an egg, and a second that is not directly involved in the fertilization event. In many instances the exact function(s) of these non-fertilizing sperm is not known. The results from Professor Hodgson’s work have contributed substantially to our knowledge of the diversity of male gamete structure, as well as an understanding of the At first his work concentrated on examining the location, types and structure of peripheral sensory receptors of marine molluscs such as clams, snails and limpets. Such receptors are of vital importance to these animals as they inform them about their environment, such as changes in the salinity of the surrounding water, presence of food, pollutants, or even predators. The morphological work was supported by experimental studies that monitored the physiological responses of these animals to environmental change. In addition, he also studied the structure of the body musculature of these soft-bodied animals, relating this to how the types of muscle bring about and control movement or incredible extensions of parts of the body. However, in the mid-1980s he turned his attention to the subject of inverte- brate reproduction, which is perhaps the most significant event in the life of any organism. Although Professor Hodgson has studied a number of aspects of the reproductive biology of invertebrates, especially molluscs, it is his detailed work on invertebrate gamete formation In recognition of his contribution to the field of invertebrate reproduction, Professor Hodgson has been invited to give plenary lectures at international conferences, as well as lectures at numerous international universities The Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Senior Research Award: Professor Alan Hodgson front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 9 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 8 Cilia of a marine mollusc Marine diatoms universities. He has served on a number of scientific and policy committees, has been invited to referee articles for 35 scientific journals, was editor of African Zoology for 8 years and is currently co-editor of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. He is also regularly involved in reviewing various local and international research programmes. Professor Hodgson was awarded the prestigious Gold Medal of the Zoological Society of southern Africa in 2007 and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa in 2008. The 2010 Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Senior Research Award is particularly meaningful to him as the selection for this award requires strong support by the nominee’s peers. 2004, carrying a full teaching load, and managing the Electron Microscope Unit. He has attracted a number of grants including some for equipment, which have enhanced the research capabilities of the University. He has also been very active in local and international scientific societies, serving on the organising committees of several local and two major international conferences, one of which he single-handedly ran at Rhodes in 2001. In addition, he served as President of the Zoological Society of southern Africa (2002- 2003), and President of the International Society for Invertebrate Reproduction and Development (2002-2004). In recognition of his contribution to the field of invertebrate reproduction, Professor Hodgson has been invited to give plenary lectures at international conferences, as well as lectures at numerous international There has never been a better time for students to unravel the many mysteries of animal structure. This is because of the tremendous develop- ment in microscope and imaging technology, coupled with significant advances in techniques that enable us to follow biochemical and molecular processes within cells front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 10 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 9 The Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award: Professor Janice Limson My meeting with Professor Janice Limson takes place in her office, way up in the heights of the Biological Sciences building. A wall of windows looks out over the suburbs to the hills beyond Grahamstown, but the view is not what draws my attention first. As Professor Limson offers me a seat in her well-ordered office, with personal touches that hint at a life beyond its walls, I am struck by the exquisite piece of natural wood which constitutes her desk. It is solid, vibrant and real. And it’s different. No run of the mill desk, this one. As the interview progresses I realise that the desk is a good match for its owner. Professor Limson does not speak easily about herself or her considerable achievements. I get the sense of someone who spends much of her time looking forward, focussing on the job at hand or on planning for the next project or challenge. She was therefore both surprised and delighted to be named recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award in 2010. Although, as her CV reveals, Limson is no stranger to awards and acco- lades, the Research Award was particularly meaningful for her as it represented recognition of her research and contribution on ‘home ground’ by her peers and colleagues. Rhodes University has been academic home to Professor Limson since her undergraduate days. She completed a BSc (Honours) here in 1994 and a PhD in Chemistry under Professor Tebello Nyokong, co-supervised by Professor Santy Daya in 1999. At some point during A young researcher on an upward trajectory The impact of her peer reviewed publications can be measured by the more than 600 citations of her work in the scientific literature Photos: Sophie Smith front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 11 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 10 2010 and elected Chairperson of the Rhodes University School of Biotechnology (RUBiSco) Steering Committee, a role she will take up in 2011 with a view to driving a strong programme towards research commercialisation and innovation. She also currently serves on the boards of three commercial companies within South Africa’s growing biotechnology sector. Limson’s vision for RUBiSco and for biotech- nology at Rhodes, is shared by colleagues in various intersecting fields: To advance as the premier South African hub for biotechnology scholarly endeavours and technology driven research for the benefit of all. And this vision is not at all far-fetched. “Rhodes University is the original home of biotechnology in South Africa. It was launched here as an academic programme twenty one years ago,” explains Limson. Biotechnology is a “tricky interdisciplinary field”, which arises at the interface between chemistry, engineering and these years she had the singular distinction of being Chairperson of both the Chemistry Society and the Reggae Appreciation Society (started by Limson and her sister and still going strong) at the same time. Could this be one of the reasons why she has featured for two years running (2009 and 2010) on the Mail and Guardian’s ‘Top 200 Young South Africans to take out to lunch’ list? After a time in the United States on a post- doctoral fellowship she had no plans to return to Grahamstown permanently, but on a brief holiday was persuaded to put in an application for post-doctoral fellowship with the Neuro- science Research Group. A prestigious Andrew Mellon Lectureship followed and neither Limson nor the Rhodes community have looked back. Limson’s referees for the Research Award describe her as “a dedicated and high achieving academic”, who has established “an excellent research publication track record”. The impact of her peer reviewed publications can be measured by the more than 600 citations of her work in the scientific literature. As another referee commented, her career is “clearly on an upward trajectory”. This trajectory saw her appointed Head of Biotechnology in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology & Biotechnology in 2009, promoted to Associate Professor in the biological sciences. Innovation and product development are the primary drivers of biotechnology research and it therefore requires a shift in mind-set from fundamental science. Biotechnology’s mandate is to create new products which bring about change and it has various applications which benefit human and environmental health as well as impacting on socio-economic growth. For this reason, Biotechnology is regarded as one of the National priority fields and this emphasis is driving a lot of progress. “It’s a good field to be working in right now,” says Limson. “There is a lot of positive reinforcement for what we are doing, both nationally and internationally”. Limson hopes to secure solid funding in order to consolidate, sustain and strengthen the wealth of existing research and academic pursuits in the field at Rhodes. She believes that key roleplayers such as the Institute for Environmental Biotechnology (EBRU), the Biomedical Biotechnology Research Unit (BioBRU), the DST/Mintek Nanotechnology Innovation Centre and biotechnology researchers in Microbiology and Biochemistry, as well as Pharmacy, will all benefit from a more coordinated approach. Limson is aware of both the possibilities and the challenges: “The challenge, always, is to continue to deliver a scholarly programme The challenge, always, is to continue to deliver a scholarly programme rooted in both fundamental and applied teaching principles, but which can meaningfully address environ- mental and socio-economic priorities and align with the government’s priorities in innovation and technology transfer front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 12 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 11 The Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Award: Professor Janice Limson used to detect and measure biological targets. For example, they can be geared towards early detection of diseases such as cancer and malaria, the rapid identification of beneficial compounds in plants, and the monitoring of environmental pollutants such as pesticides or heavy metals in water. Using biosensors she has also examined and identified new pathways by which the human brain protects itself from disease. Her research was given a huge boost by the establishment of the DST/Mintek-sponsored Nanotechnology Innovation Centre at Rhodes which provides access to state of the art technology and allows researchers to view the nanomaterials and their interactions with sensor electrodes on a nanoscale. And in an “electrifying, exciting” recent development, Limson co-convened a ‘Sensors for Africa’ seminar which brought together top scientists in the field from around the world to rooted in both fundamental and applied teaching principles, but which can meaningfully address environmental and socio-economic priorities and align with the government’s priorities in innovation and technology transfer. If we can get it right in South Africa it will be incredible. We need research that is sustainable; that offers benefits for all South African people, not just a few; that grows the scientific base in South Africa and that increases South Africa’s international standing.” Limson hopes that her position as Chairperson will allow her to take up a more strategic role as “all this can only happen if we adopt a strategic approach”. Having said this however, Professor Limson would not want to let go of her own research passion in the field of biosensors. Biosensor research “The research itself is what drives me,” explains Limson. But it is not simply r esearch for the sake of research. It is located very firmly within a real world context, driven by the hope that it will have an impact on disease detection and prevention as well as having a positive socio-economic impact within South Africa. Professor Limson established the BioSENS (Sensors, Energy and Nanomaterials) Research Group in 2003 and continues to lead its work in the design and development of biosensors. These are sensitive instruments which are These interests have guided a woman of intellect and passion into a bur- geoning field where she is making a significant contribution to the con- struction of knowledge, its application to real world problems and the nurturing of the next generation of South African scientists front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 13 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 12 scientists, she has produced the monthly issues over a period of ten years. She is therefore justifiably proud of the awards that the magazine has earned: a National Science & Technology Forum award (2002) for an outstanding contribution to Science, Engineering & Technology in South Africa; a Highway Africa ‘Innovative use of New Media in Africa’ Journalism Award (2003); and a World Summit Award (2003). After a brief hiatus in 2011, the magazine will be relaunched in January 2012 with a broader support base which will hopefully ensure long- term sustainability. Back to the beginning As the interview draws to a close, I am thinking about Pr ofessor Janice Limson’s many and varied talents and I ask what particularly drew her to a career in the sciences. Limson’s immediate response: “My mother, I think.” Her mother’s profession as a nurse meant that medical language was part of Janice’s earliest discourse. “Or was it my father with his perpetual enquiring mind?” Then she is quiet for a moment, clearly sorting through some memories before giving a little chuckle. discuss the challenges of developing rapid, cost-effective and robust sensors which will offer real solutions for African problems. She was gratified by the positive will amongst participants who have now formed a consor- tium to apply for grants and to take the research forward. Scientists at the World Health Or ganisation (WHO) have lent support to the project . It’s clear that Limson’s ability to make connections and draw people together around shared concerns has been key to this new development. Science Communication Another passion for Professor Limson is the accurate and accessible communication of scientific knowledge to the general public. T o this end, in 2001 Limson established ‘Science in Africa,’ an online science magazine, largely in response to her own frustration at the poor quality of science reporting in Africa. She believes that this contributes significantly to the perception that “good science doesn’t happen in Africa”. A further effect is that science discourse is not made accessible to decision-makers on various levels. With characteristic energy and drive, and despite having no particular background in either journalism or computers, Limson got hold of ‘The Idiot’s Guide to Web Design’ and launched the magazine. As editor-in-chief, and with the support of journalists and “Actually, the skeleton probably had a lot to do with it”. When Janice was six years old her grandfather (perhaps detecting an interest already) gave her a little plastic skeleton and Janice was soon obsessed with learning the name of every single bone. She became fascinated with anatomy and with how the human body works. She laughs again: “I was also obsessed with snakes. Freud would have a field day with my childhood interests.” Whatever Freud would say, he could not argue that these interests have guided a woman of intellect and passion into a burgeoning field where she is making a significant contribution to the construction of knowledge, its application to real world problems and the nurturing of the next generation of South African scientists. – Kim Barker It’s clear that Limson’s ability to make connections and draw people together around shared concerns has been key to this new development front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 14 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 13 The Vice-Chancellor’s Book Award seeks to identify a recent book published by a staff member whose scholarly activities advances knowledge and understanding, as well as bringing definite credit to the University by virtue of the contribution it makes to scholarly literature, or the discipline within which it is authored. Is it possible for theatre and its performance to assist in reinventing and questioning static notions of identity in Post-apartheid contexts? Is theatre and playwriting still stuck in the stagnant binary representations of self and other which characterised identity construc- tions under Apartheid? These possibilities are emphasised in Experiments in Freedom (2010) by Anton Krueger, who argues the significance of theatre as a cultural product which can instil and encourage new perspectives on identity. Reviewers, both local and international have affirmed the relevance of Experiments. One such reviewer states that the book is, “[W]ell written....maps an important field of research with intellectual rigour and exemplary fair- mindedness, and negotiates a complicated route through a plethora of contentious artistic manifestoes and critical opinions with sophistication and maturity.” Krueger, in line with the rhizomatic (postmodern) theories of Gille Deleuze and Félix Guattari, argues for, and encourages a “search for identities beyond binaries”. This search is focused on the marginal space of theatre and playwriting in South Africa. Experiments in Freedom analyses play texts as “cultural signs mediating and articulating a semiology of identity”. The book is focused on the politics of identity as articulated in Post- Apartheid play texts (written in English) from 1994-2004. “The issues [Experiments in Freedom] addresses...could not be more relevant or topical...Krueger strikes a pleasing balance between the scholarly and the polemical...His tendentiousness is transparent, bold, even refreshing: it carries the force of his conviction and his experience as a South African and a dramatist in his own right.” The analysis centres on the expressive qualities of textual narration and characterisation within these plays and includes some of South Africa’s most well-known playwrights; Reza De Wet, Athol Fugard, Zakes Mda, Anthony Ackerman, Mike van Graan, Greig Coetzee, Brett Bailey and Mpumelelo Paul Grootboom Book Award: Anton Krueger, Experiments in Freedom Krueger also acknowledges the necessity of re-framing our perceptions on identity, noting that social constructions of identity are still largely viewed through racial parameters The Vice-Chancellor’s Book Award: Anton Krueger, Experiments in Freedom front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 15 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 14 theories gleaned from sociology, philosophy, anthropology, reflecting an inter-disciplinary approach seminal to performance studies research. It is, therefore quite interesting that Krueger holds a PhD in Literature from the University of Pretoria, has himself published numerous plays, poetry and recently a novella Sunnyside Sal. In 2011 he will publish a collection of poetry titled Everyday Anomalies . Krueger is also involved in the creation of theatre as a producer, director and performer. An active researcher, Krueger richly contributes to the scholarly output of Rhodes University. He is a consistent academic researcher and regularly attends conferences and publishes academic papers. Anton Krueger has presented papers at conferences on philosophy, literature and theatre in South Africa, as well as in Australia, Russia, the Netherlands, Finland, China, Argentina, Germany, Wales and Portugal. He has published articles in the South African Theatre Journal, English in Africa, De Arte, Scrutiny2, Current Writing and has reviewed books and drama for The Sunday Independent, the Mail and Guardian, Wordstock and Cue. Experiments in Freedom has been praised for its theoretically inter-disciplinary approach to the play-texts under discussion. As one reviewer observes, “An academic study dedicated to exploring South African drama could easily be viewed as a turgid exercise in as well as brief excursion into the role of Physical Theatre in South Africa. The particularity of the South African social climate with its unstable past and future insecurities could be deemed a perfect fit for this study on identity. Krueger notes that, “South Africans are in the very fortunate position of having their multiple allegiances made visible to them on a daily basis.” The plays under analysis, are specifically involved in processes that attempt to “let go” of previous adherence to rigid identifications. Anton Krueger notes in his conclusion, “Perhaps being permitted to develop paradoxical identities is what it means to be free”. In Experiments in Freedom, Krueger’s giftedness as a scholar refuses to fit neatly into one discipline or theoretical perspective. The question of identity is explored through promoting scholarly jargon, but Anton Krueger’s lucid and sharp interrogation of recent South African play texts should interest far more than the handful of dwindling theatre historians who are still alive and well in South Africa.” Krueger describes Experiments as an “inter- section between performance and literature”. As a lecturer in the Drama Department at Rhodes University he is particularly interested in this intersection as a supervisor of the Creative Writing paper for undergraduates and Post-graduates. Although Krueger questions the validity of “trying to squeeze art into academic research and teaching”, and he acknowledges that the university is one of the few spaces that “accommodates and encourages non-commercial ventures and explorations.” Krueger’s Experiments in Freedom, as the title suggests, frames Post Apartheid identities (within the play text) as experimental processes within transition. As one reviewer notes, “His thorough survey of themes in post apartheid drama provides a multiplicity of approaches to the problematic concept of “freedom” in a South African context”. Drawing from Post-modern theories on identity construction, Krueger argues that performance texts are able to fulfill a transformative function within society. Theatre not only describes or An academic study dedicated to exploring South African drama could easily be viewed as a turgid exercise in promoting scholarly jargon, but Anton Krueger’s lucid and sharp interrogation of recent South African play texts should interest far more than the handful of dwindling theatre historians who are still alive and well in South Africa front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 16 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 15 stories to tell and surely many stories are preferable to any single story." Experiments in Freedom is a well articulated contribution to the field of performance studies. As one reviewer suggests the book deserves a "valuable place in its field [and] should be a compulsory text in South African and international libraries." This carefully crafted book is one which pays tribute to the scholarly ingenuity of Rhodes University. – Sonja Smit reflects identity formations but it can be a site for the reinvention of identities. In the Post- modern vein he argues against the idea that identities are fixed or stable (as they were constructed in Apartheid) and that our inability to form a consensus of a South African identity is a healthy sign. Krueger also acknowledges the necessity of re-framing our perceptions on identity, noting that social constructions of identity are still largely viewed through racial parameters. Another reviewer notes that “In this sense the book is inspiring as it recognises the great possibilities of individuals to redefine themselves and it challenges artists of all kinds to question what they have done with their freedom. Where apartheid gave us a single oppressive narrative, now we have many Krueger’s Experiments in Freedom, as the title suggests, frames Post Apartheid identities (within the play text) as experimental processes within transition The Vice-Chancellor’s Book Award: Anton Krueger, Experiments in Freedom front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 17 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Professor Christopher McQuaid receives the prestigious Gilchrist Award 16 In the office of one of South Africa’s most prestigious marine scientists you’d expect the walls to be filled with the long list of awards and medals behind his name. Instead, Professor Christopher McQuaid’s laboratory is stacked with sample bottles containing mussels, posters of marine animals and mysterious freezers and fridges. I knew before I even spoke to him that this is a man dedicated to his profession. Professor Christopher McQuaid is a marine biologist at Rhodes University and holds the chair of the South African Research Chair Initiative (SARChI) in Marine Ecosystems. He was recently the recipient of the Gilchrist Award, which is only presented every three years to a “distinguished marine scientist”. According to the South African Network for Coastal and Oceanic Research (Sancor) the medal is awarded for outstanding contributions to the improvement of marine and coastal science in South Africa, to stimulate excellence in South African marine science and to focus attention on South Africa’s marine and coastal environments. “The [recipient’s] contribution shall normally, but not exclusively, be significant, published scientific work to the advancement of science in the marine and coastal environment.’ Professor McQuaid regards the Gilchrist medal as a lifetime achievement award. In 30 years he has put out more than 180 publications. He attributes this to hard work. “I do it because I’m interested in it and I do it because it’s my job. I was employed to teach and to do research, so that is what I did. Now I’m getting paid to do research and train postgraduate students, so that is what I do.” Although he is grateful for the acknowledgment he received for his work, he does not fail to recognise and praise his research team. “They give the award to one person who is me, but my work involves students, post doctoral researchers and collaborators. We are a team.” Professor McQuaid has also been the recipient of numerous other awards including Rhodes University’s Vice-Chancellor’s Junior and Senior Distinguished Research Awards. His career in marine biology derives from a series of coincidences. “It’s almost an accident that I am a marine biologist.” His general interest in biology began with ants and then the Himalayan Thars on Table Mountain, but he says that no one would supervise the ant Although he is grateful for the acknowledgment he received for his work, he does not fail to recognise and praise his research team Selected Research Areas front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 18 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 17 Professor Christopher McQuaid native and the invasive species in any particular situation. Professor McQuaid and his research team are examining these interactions between the indigenous and the invasive mussels. The latest discovery in Professor McQuaid’s research is the finding of two genetic lineages of the indigenous Perna perna mussel. The mussels are of the same species, but you could think of them being as being like people with blue or brown eyes, they are the same species, but genetically different. These two lineages overlap in the region between Kenton and Haga Haga on the south coast. The researchers found that the Mytilus reaches its eastern limits in the same area and examined the competition between the invasive mussel and the two lineages of Perna perna. They found that the Perna west (let’s call them blue eyes) doesn’t compete well against the Mytilus, while the Perna east (brown eyes) does. Professor McQuaid says this might be a reason why the Mytilus mussel has not spread farther east along the coast. In the context of invasive species being the greatest threat to biodiversity, Professor McQuaid views this discovery as an example of how hidden biodiversity (the genetic diversity within species) can buffer the ecosystem against invasive species. He regards the research of the invasive mussel as a “very extensive piece of work” and acknowledges the hard work of students for “probably the most comprehensive exam- ination of interaction between invasive and indigenous species.” Dispersal of mussel larvae Another direction of research Professor McQuaid is inter ested in is the dispersal of mussel larvae. Mussels utilise external fertilisation which means the two sexes release sperm and eggs into the sea to produce veliger larvae. At this stage in life the larvae is a free living, planktonic organism that potentially enhances dispersal to new regions far from the adult mussels. Joining the adult population involves the larvae coming out of the plankton and settling on the shore, and settlement is a key process. Studies on mussels indicate that the larvae are transported passively and are affected by a wide range of factors including the seasonality of production, hydrodynamics, water temperature, geography and topography which all have effects at different spatial scales. “The larvae move around in the ocean and you have no idea where they are going to be moved to and you have no idea how many offspring you are going to have next year,” Professor McQuaid says. This makes the link between adult populations and the recruitment of new members into the population fundamentally different from most terrestrial work and there was no funding for the research on Thars, “So I ended up working on rocky shores.” Professor McQuaid has wide interests in the ecology of rocky shores because of the extreme environmental gradients. Most of the creatures are marine animals but when the tide goes down the animals are exposed to air and sun for very long periods. Some of these animals might only get splashed every few weeks in this stressful environment. Interaction between indigenous and invasive mussels Invasive species are one of the biggest threats to biodiversity and coastal ecosystems ar e amongst the most threatened, largely because of the importance of shipping in or accidently transporting species around the world. The Mediterranean mussel ( Mytilus galloprovincialis ) has invaded every continent except Antarctica and is the most successful invasive marine species along the South African coast. Biological invasions create several interactions between native and invasive species including predation, competition or parasitism, and these interactions determine the viability of both the He regards the research of the invasive mussel as a “very extensive piece of work” and acknowledges the hard work of students front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 19 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 18 the shore but you do not know where they come from.” It is important to know the distance the larvae journey to design the marine reserves or to simply manage the natural population. Upwelling Professor McQuaid is also exploring an oceanographic phenomenon called “upwelling”. This involves wind-driven curr ents that bring deeper, cooler and nutrient-rich water towards the sea surface replacing the warmer, usually nutrient-depleted surface water. Deep waters are usually rich in nutrients - the result of decomposition of sinking matter from the surface. The nutrients are consumed by phytoplankton, along with dissolved carbon dioxide and light energy from the sun, to produce organic compounds through photo- synthesis. These upwelling regions therefore result in very high levels of primary production in comparison to other areas of the ocean. Around the world there are major fisheries linked to this phenomenon, so the effect on the pelagic ecosystem is obvious. In contrast the effects of upwelling on coastal organisms are still very poorly understood and there are implications for how these communities are structured. A few case studies have been conducted comparing the coasts of North California with South California and East New Zealand with West New Zealand, but in both cases the sample size was effectively one upwelling coast and one non-upwelling coast. Professor McQuaid believes the first rule of statistics is “let n > 2”, so an accurate comparison should have a sample size of at least two. For example, the coasts of North and South California may differ for any number of reasons apart from the effects of upwelling. He is collaborating with colleagues in Chile and Argentina to do an intercontinental study comparing the west coasts of Africa and South America with their east coasts giving a barely acceptable sample size of two. Southern Ocean Group The Southern Ocean group is a dynamic and pr oductive research group based at Rhodes University’s Department of Zoology and Entomology. It is primarily concerned with the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands. The research group is involved in a five-year program on biological oceanography in collaboration with a physical oceanographic research group at the University of Cape Town. The Prince Edward Islands have an enormous population of land-based predators such as seals, elephant seals and sea birds, including penguins and albatrosses. Marion Island is home to 40% of the world’s wandering albatrosses. Primary production around the islands is high relative to the open ocean, but is still insufficient to meet the energetic situations. If you have a field of sheep you have a rough idea of how many lambs you will have next year, the situation is totally different for something like a mussel. He explains the reason for their research. In many parts of the world, including this country, marine animals are exploited for food and are often over-exploited. This is especially problematic in the case of mussels because they are the main target of exploitation in places such as the Eastern Cape and, critically, they provide habitat for a wide range of other species. Such species are called ‘ecological engineers’ and have a critical role in conserving biodiversity. If you can manage natural mussel populations, this will help to manage biodiversity. “You can set up a marine reserve to protect the [indigenous mussel] population, and they will produce offspring that can recolonise over-exploited areas where mussels have been eliminated. The question is how big do you make the reserves and how far apart do you make them? This depends on how far the offspring travel.” He further explains that it is impossible to follow the larvae. “They are in the water for a month; they are micro- scopic; you cannot see them, tag them or track them. You know where they arrive on Professor McQuaid is also exploring an oceanographic phenomenon called “upwelling” front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 20 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 19 Professor Christopher McQuaid made worse by dramatically declining rainfall at the islands. So the conditions that favour one set of animals that feed at the fronts is detrimental to those feeding closer to the islands and these species have shown long- term population declines over several decades. As Professor McQuaid says, “The situation is not simple.” Challenging ecological theory Professor McQuaid is particularly excited about r esearch he is doing in collaboration with colleagues in Hong Kong and Brunei. The work involves the physiological responses of very high shore animals, such as snails, to global warming and evolution. These animals are marine, but tropical, rarely get wet and are subjected to very hot conditions which are energetically expensive. They do not feed regularly because they can only move when wet. Professor McQuaid and his colleagues are looking at how the physiology of these snails has adapted to allow them to survive. Ecological theory depends on basic laws of physics to predict an increase in heart rate and metabolism as temperature rises, but these animals show the reverse. Above a certain temperature, they shut down their metabolism dramatically, only increasing it again if conditions cool, or become so hot as to be life-threatening. We believe this is because these animals can only feed when wet and temperatures are high during low demands of the land-based predators, especially because breeding and moulting are energetically expensive. One focus of the Southern Ocean Group has been investigating the mechanisms that allow the islands to support these huge populations of predators. The Southern Ocean is not a homogenous water mass, but forms bodies of water with different physical and chemical properties that form concentric rings around the Antarctic continent. Much of the Southern Ocean is a biological desert; storms are so frequent that the water column is rarely stable enough to allow primary production, but these water masses meet at oceanic fronts where biological activity is especially high. For many of the land-based predators, the frontal systems are critical feeding grounds and global warming is causing a contraction of these fronts as warmer water closes in on Antarctica, bringing the feeding grounds closer to the islands. This has resulted in population increases in these animals, but not all the land-based predators feed at the fronts. Others depend on locally generated food that is fuelled by a combination of guano rich freshwater runoff from the islands and stable conditions in the water column. This stability allows the development of phyto- plankton blooms, but is disrupted when the fronts lie closer to the islands so that local primary production declines. This situation is front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 21 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K The Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Senior Research Award 20 problems, it is only the universities that have a real mandate to undertake blue skies or fundamental research. Although SARChI only allows Professor McQuaid to spend 5% of his time on undergraduate teaching, he enjoys the interaction with students and the different perspectives on the world they bring to class. It is clear that they are not the only ones learning. “Everyone sees the world in a different way. I see it a certain way, you see things in a different way, put one and one together and you’ll get three.” His students regard it as a privilege to be under his supervision. “Once you work with him you start to realise how much you would have missed had you been under different supervision. He takes the best out of students and cultivates a desire within you to keep learning,” one says. With such a remarkable career one wonders where Professor McQuaid could possibly go from here, but it seems the research possibilities are endless. His first and immediate objective is to have his SARChI research chair renewed next year. Then he wishes to develop a new thrust with the Southern Ocean Group. “We’ll be able to do different things with a new ship that is arriving soon, because it will be equipped with better research facilities. I am also working closely with colleagues at Rhodes, Cape Town and Pretoria University to develop a stronger Southern Ocean programme.” Professor McQuaid is clearly a scientist who never stops searching, exploring or discovering. His research is not limited to the microscopes and numerous sample bottles within the four walls of his laboratory, but stretches from coast to coast all over the world. The awards and accomplishments reflect the dedication and hard work of a man who wears his passion on his sleeve. – Lara Rall tides so that allowing metabolism to rise with temperature burns up energy to no purpose. This will be critically important for animals that have a life-time constraint on energy acquisition. What Professor McQuaid and his colleagues are not sure about is how these snails achieve this. “Nobody knows what global warming’s effects will be, but it will be complicated. There are predictions about what is going to happen but things are never as simple as the predictions. [The snails] are doing what they are theoretically not able to do, which makes it very exciting.” The philosophy Professor McQuaid believes that to understand natur e one has to recognise and understand patterns. He teaches his students to think critically and encourages them to synthesise and draw together everything they learn, read and see because he considers biology a synthetic discipline. Much of his research has obvious application in solving real world problems, but Professor McQuaid believes strongly in the importance of fundamental research. This is not only because it forms the basis that underpins applied research, but also because it represents the acquisition of knowledge, and has intrinsic value in itself. He believes that good science is a hallmark of civilisation in the same sense as good art. He also believes that, while state and parastatal organisations exist to address applied He teaches his students to think critically and encourages them to synthesise and draw together everything they learn, read and see because he considers biology a synthetic discipline front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 22 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 21 The joy Professor Nelson Torto receives from his job does not come from the status of being the Head of the Chemistry Department at Rhodes University, but the opportunity to positively influence young and enthusiastic minds. Every day Nelson Torto enjoys seeing the expressions on the faces in front of him in class or research group meetings, knowing that by teaching analytical chemistry he is providing students with knowledge that could change society for the better one day. One such student is PhD candidate Samuel Chigome. In 2010, Chigome, under Professor Torto’s supervision, presented his innovation of an electrospun fiber-based solid phase extraction device at an international conference in the United States. The development of this device was well received by the Royal Society of Chemistry’s referees and the editor of the Journal of Analytical Methods invited Professor Torto to write a review for the sister journal, The Analyst, as well as submit artwork for the cover of the Journal of Analytical Methods. Improving analyte selectivity In analytical chemistry the detection of analytes in samples such as blood, urine, water and plant materials can sometimes be pr oblematic because of unwanted substances interfering Professor Torto’s Team, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Journal of Analytical Methods with the chemical constituents of interest. This has necessitated the development and application of new materials in analytical chemistry. Today nanomaterials are known to have excellent properties for analytical chemistry applications due to their large surface area to volume ratio and the availability of a wide variety of chemical and morphological modification methods. Professor Torto says the challenge is to try and bring the levels of the analytes of interest to those amenable to the detection system of choice so as to achieve accurate analysis. In his group, efforts are focused on fabricating electrospun nanofibres with chemistries that will allow for targeting specific analytes. “We attempt to remove the matrix or impart a high degree of analyte selectivity so that the analytes can be detected,” he says. Every day Nelson Torto enjoys seeing the expressions on the faces in front of him in class or research group meetings, knowing that by teaching analytical chemistry he is providing students with knowledge that could change society for the better one day Photo: Sophie Smith front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 23 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 22 Introduction Professor Torto’s group employs the technique of electrospinning to produce nanofibres that can be employed for clean-up of biological (blood, urine, sweat) and environmental samples (endocrine disruptors of inorganic nature, such as metals, and organic nature, such as pesticides). The electrospinning technique uses thousands of volts to draw a polymer solution into fibres. These fabricated fibres have a diameter 100 times smaller than that of a human hair. This is much smaller relative to conventional spherical particles used in conventional solid phase extraction. Cutting out expertise Professor Torto’s second area of research focus, developing colorimetric diagnostic pr obes, aims to employ analytical thinking in order to remove the need for expertise that is normally required at the point of care or other related processes. He sketches the reality in rural areas all around the world. If a person is sick he or she might go to a hospital or clinic in a rural area where there is usually a lack of infrastructure and expertise. In institutions where there is no electricity or a working refrigerator, blood or urine samples that are taken from the patient should be transported immediately to a central place for testing otherwise they will go to waste. There is also the risk of the samples being lost during transportation, storage or analysis when it gets to the main laboratory that might be several hundred kilometres away. A solid phase extraction device consists of a solid material, called a sorbent, that is packed into a small column. The sorbents developed in Professor Torto’s laboratory typically consists of nanofiber material that has diameters of about half the thickness of a human hair. When a sample passes through the sorbent the mixture is separated into desired and undesired components. The unwanted substances pass through and go to waste while the desired analytes of interest are retained in the sorbent. The trapped chemical constituents are then removed from the sorbent by rinsing it with the appropriate eluent. The process relies on the relationship and inter- action between the analyte, chemistry of the sorbent as well as that of the eluting solvent. The clean sample is then taken to an analytical instrument for analysis. At best, Analytical Chemistry research requires faster, more efficient and miniaturised devices for sample preparation that would allow the handling of very small sample volumes, cut the use of environmentally unfriendly organic liquids, reduce time for the whole analytical process and facilitate automation of the analytical process. He aspires to create opportunities for his students and seeks to involve people in analytical chemistry, both nationally and internationally front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 24 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 23 Vice-Chancellor’s Research Awards Professor Torto’s Team Leader and teacher Professor Torto sees himself not only as a leader but also as an equal. He says he believes in empowering colleagues with the principle of ‘as one‘ and working together as a team. He aspir es to create opportunities for his students and seeks to involve people in analytical chemistry, both nationally and internationally. But he says that he does not impose his research interest onto his students. “I do not promote what I do in class because I think it’s a life time choice. When you choose to work in a certain area, in principle, you are cutting a big chunk of your life and dedicating it to that. For you to be recognised by anyone you have had to do a lot of work, and you can’t do that if you do not like the area.” “You meet students from all over the globe, people who you are not related to and you just transform their lives.” He aspires to contribute to the education of his students so that when they graduate they would have increased the pool of opportunities so as to follow their dream careers. “It’s a cascade of benefits that takes place and I think there is nothing as rewarding as that.” He chuckles as he says that a Ferrari would be nice too, but student development is much more satisfying, “because if I am only for myself, what would I be?” – Lara Rall Professor Torto and his research team are trying to come up with diagnostic systems that are based on a change of colour that indicates the presence of a target analyte. The idea is to target set types of reactions by creating a strip that has been functionalised with certain chemistries. When a drop of liquid from the sample is added to the strip (based on electrospun nanofibres), a colour change will take place that can be associated with a certain level of concentration. The most basic example of the principle is the pregnancy test kit available at any pharmacy. “If someone can see and read, they can use the test. The expertise is taken out.” Next year Professor Torto and his research team will be looking into liver toxicity associated with HIV/AIDS. He says that they want to come up with a diagnostic probe that can allow people to drop their blood on a strip and see a colour change that can either be associated with a healthy liver or a liver that is showing signs of stress. “I want us to do something that will benefit society. So this is why we are directing our experience and expertise towards HIV related issues; if we can help, let’s go for it.” He aspires to contribute to the education of his students so that when they graduate they would have increased the pool of opportunities front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 25 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 24 In front of me sits the proud Head of Entomology of Rhodes University, Professor Martin Hill. The stacks of PhD theses and files of research around his office display his commitment to research and teaching, and the maps on the walls tell the story of his travels around the world. The passion and enthusiasm for his work that students respect Professor Martin Hill for is clear in his philosophy: “In academia there are often two schools of thought: you are either a fundamental researcher or you are an applied researcher. We, however, take fundamental research and do not leave it at the lab bench or in files to collect dust, but aim to see the science through to the implementation stage. We have a commitment in South Africa to use the taxpayer’s money wisely and somehow change livelihoods.” Hill’s research has two sections: biological control of invasive plant species and agricultural entomology. The universal philosophy behind his research group is to try and use biological control agents to regulate invasive weeds and natural products to control agricultural pests. The goal is to reduce the amount of herbicides and pesticides the world uses. Invasive alien plants (IAPs) are plants that are introduced into countries and then out- compete the indigenous species. IAPs are costing the South African economy billions of Rands every year and are the single largest threat to the country’s biodiversity. They are a danger for the ecological functioning of natural systems, the productive use of land and also a threat to water security. Water weeds not only drain the country’s water resources but also clog and strangle its waterways and contribute to the destruction of indigenous plants. IAPs intensify the impact of fires and floods and increase soil erosion. They can also divert enormous amounts of water from more productive uses. Invasive aquatic plants, such as the water hyacinth, affect agriculture, fisheries, transport, recreation and water supply. Mosquitoes and other disease-carrying organisms also breed in water weeds making diseases like malaria, schistosomiasis and cholera more common. Biological Control If an IAP’s density is high and recognised as a pr oblem the research team first identifies Undertaking Fundamental Research on Applied Organisms Professor Martin Hill, Department of Zoology and Entomology We, however, take fundamental research and do not leave it at the lab bench or in files to collect dust, but aim to see the science through to the implementation stage Martin Hill at a stand of water hyacinth near Rawsonville in the Western Cape. Tall plants such as this are indicative of eutrophic waters. front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 26 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 25 Professor Martin Hill Water hyacinth at the yacht club, Kisumu, Kenya, Lake Victoria before the introduction of the biological control agents in and, below, three years later after the weevils had taken effect. origin, offers a sustainable and safe option to reduce the population of this, and other weeds, until they no longer pose a threat to communities and the provision of ecosystem goods and services. One of the finer examples of how the science of biological control has been implemented is from Lake Victoria where the introduction of two Neochetina weevils reduced water hya- cinth from some 20 000 ha to below 2 000 ha over a period of five years. The control of water hyacinth on this lake means that people can now fish and extract water, and diseases such as malaria and cholera have also decreased. Hill and his team are continuing to monitor the water hyacinth and the weevil populations in Lake Victoria. The biological control of other floating aquatic weeds such as salvinia, water lettuce, parrot’s feather and red water fern has also been highly successful not only here in South Africa but elsewhere on the continent, and the world. It is vital that the fundamental science carried out at Rhodes University is implementable further north in Africa. At the 17th Entomology Society of Southern Africa Congress Professor Hill said that the greatest challenges for biological control research are export, import and release regulations, and delays in obtaining permission to release agents in South Africa. In conver- sation with Hill he assures that the entomology department is now working more closely with the origin of the weed through herbarium specimens and the literature. The potential biocontrol agents are imported and undergo host-specificity tests in quarantine to ensure that the insect only feeds on the weed. Suitable agents are then released into the field and their establishment and initial effects are monitored. The impacts of biological control on the population dynamics of the target weed species are evaluated and finally the research results are published in the appropriate scientific literature. Hill and his team mainly work on aquatic weeds, especially the water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). This weed originated in Latin America but now has a suppressing hold in Africa mainly because there are no insect or pathogen species controlling it and because it thrives in polluted waterways which provide it with high levels of nitrogen, phos- phorous and other plant nutrients. In seven days water hyacinth can double the area occupied. The plant will continue to grow until it covers a whole lake or river with a thick floating mat of intertwined weed. Biological control, or the introduction of host specific natural enemies from the plant’s region of The potential biocontrol agents are imported and undergo host-specificity tests in quarantine to ensure that the insect only feeds on the weed front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 27 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 26 False codling moth, the most serious pest of citrus in South Africa and the target of biological control using parasitoids, fungi and viruses. biological control. In 1962, Rachel Carson warned the world about the use of insecticides and pesticides. But this fell on deaf ears - the world still spends about USD 50 billion on pesticides. Hill notes that the research is fairly new but gaining momentum. The team is working on using a virus to control a pest in the citrus industry: the false codling moth ( Cryptophlebia leucotreta). The insect damages citrus pre- harvest. Professor Emeritus Don Henry of Rhodes University explained, in the Science in Africa Magazine in 2002, the economic problem this moth can cause. He said that a single detection of one larva in fruit destined for export can result in the rejection of the entire delivery. The moth is also known as a cryptic pest, in that it lays one or a few eggs on the outside of the orange. On hatching the larvae very quickly tunnel into the orange and are then essentially unreachable. There is thus a very small window of opportunity between hatching and burrowing. The Rhodes team is working on a virus known as Cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus (CLGV) to control this pest. When the insect swallows it the virus particles infect the moth’s intestinal cells, eventually spreading throughout the insect and causing morbidity, appetite loss, flaccidity and then death. the Department of Agriculture than in the past and is now engaging better with regulatory authorities. In his lecture he also said that the entomology community should conduct more quantitative post-release evaluation experiments on control agents; that the outcomes of research should be implemented; that it is important to stay up to date with new techniques and to also integrate biological control with other control options such as molecular techniques, chemical ecology, interaction studies and food web approaches. The research team has changed its focus a little. After conducting research on water weeds such as the water hyacinth and red water fern (Azolla filiculoides) and controlling these floating water weeds, Hill and his researchers discovered many submerged aquatic weeds. The challenge is also to control these plants The ultimate challenge is to prevent these plants from entering the country through aquarium or horticultural trade. Agricultural Entomology The agriculture entomology section conducts r esearch on agricultural pests. Instead of insecticides, viruses or fungi are used as a Hill notes that the research is fairly new but gaining momentum front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 28 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 27 School of Journalism and Media Studies stands in front of a class, who is enthusiastic and gets that message across then it gets lost.” Hill is also currently the Vice-President of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa. His goal is to transform the society and attract more young people, especially young black entomologists. “It is a relic. We have a lot of old and retired people. Whilst knowledge and institutional history is important we need to try and get young people involved.” Hill has only words of praise for Rhodes University’s tremendous financial and logistical support. He is also thankful for the R3.5 million his research team receives from the Working for Water programme in partnership with the Department of Environmental Affairs, and the funding received from Citrus Research International. It is clear that Professor Martin Hill is one of the foremost soldiers in the war against invasive alien plants and pests in agriculture -a war that no military training could have prepared him for. His commitment to research and his passion for his work serve as his weapon and his entertaining teaching is preparing young aspiring entomologists to also take up the fight against invasive plants and pests. - Lara Rall The research team is also actively searching for a virus to control one of the world’s most destructive pests of cabbage and other crucifer crops: the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella). The larvae of the moth feed on the leaves of the vegetables and any stage of the plant’s growth is susceptible. The larvae can reach high densities and cause significant defoliation of the plants as well as contamin- ation and malformation of cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. The diamondback moth has also developed widespread resistance to numerous insecticides which make the use of a virus much more effective. Hill says that while this is an enormous problem in China, it is also a pest on home turf. In Grahamstown alone, 100 000 cabbages are sold a week, making the search for a virus of an even greater importance. With this research on viruses and fungi the department hopes to reduce the amount of pesticides the world sprays into the environ- ment and Hill believes they have achieved some successes. Professor Hill’s teaching philosophy is to entertain and to educate. He acknowledges all the tools students and lecturers now have at their disposal. With the internet it is now possible to download information and to do virtual dissections. “We can do everything we want, but if you don’t have somebody who Martin Hill at the Rhodes University biological control mass-rearing facility that employs disabled people to mass-rear and distribute biological control agents for waterweeds throughout South Africa and neighbouring countries. front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 29 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 28 Introduction Drawing on resources and expertise in the Department of English, the Institute for the Study of English in Africa (ISEA) and the National English Literary Museum (NELM), the South African Literature in Focus (SALIF) research area seeks to originate and promote scholarship on South African literary culture. SALIF has evolved out of the historical role the English Department has played in promoting the study of South African literature in English. The research area is led by the Head of the Department of English, Professor Dirk Klopper and supported by staff working in the field of SA literary studies, scholars whose research over the years has contributed to defining the field and identifying key concerns in it. The location of Grahamstown as site of the introduction of Anglophone colonial culture in the Cape points to the location as such of English literary culture in South Africa, suggesting that the research area might consciously reflect upon the Anglophone legacy within which it operates, conceiving of English literary culture dialogically, as one cultural orientation among others in the local trans- cultural context. Concomitantly, it seems necessary to think creatively about the relation between SA literature in English and other regional literatures in English, particularly those literatures that are geographically proximate to South Africa (Botswana and Zimbabwe), but also those with whom SA literary culture has a historically significant relation (Nigeria and Kenya). The relation between SA literature in English and metropolitan literature remains a relation of the provincial to the metropolitan. However, rather than lament this state of affairs, we might, as J.M. Coetzee has proposed, embrace and rehabilitate the notion of the provincial: Provincialism usually carries connotations of the backward, the smug, the philistine. It also carries a stigma of inferiority. I do not see that any of this is necessary. A provincial literature is not necessarily minor .... There are quite other values associated with South African Literature in English in Focus Professor Dirk Klopper, Department of English provincialism that one can cultivate, for example, a sense of cultural and historical continuity at the level of the lives ordinary people lead; a respect for localities, craftsmanship .... (CNA Prize speech, 1980) The aesthetics of the provincial (the local) is appropriately modest. Its scale of values eschews universalizing abstractions and resists extravagant claims to significance. The research area might meaningfully concern itself with what provincialism signifies in the South African literary-cultural context, not as an insular phenomenon but in relation to other regional literatures that share its Anglophone heritage as well as to critical developments in metropolitan literature. The SALIF research area differs from research areas which are led by a fixed body of researchers on a specific project, and conducted as semi-autonomous activities within given departments. Rather, SALIF comprises a loose affiliation of researchers and students working on different aspects of SA literary study through various departmental offerings, structures and activities. The research area has been assimilated into the postgraduate curriculum through guided course readings and thesis supervision. Concentration of staff and student research on a defined body of work has begun to suggest new pedagogical front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 30 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 29 School of Journalism and Media Studies doubling and the manifestation of the uncanny; home, family and nostalgia. The research focus area has enabled the Department of English to give substance to its claim that it pays particular attention to the study of SA literature in English. It has served as catalyst in consolidating curriculum offerings on SA literary study, stimulating research on sharply defined issues within SA literary culture, and expanding postgraduate enrolment. Funding provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has contributed specifically to study bursaries, research visits by local and international scholars, and teaching relief. - Dirk Klopper possibilities, including the articulation of staff research seminars with postgraduate colloquiums and collaborative supervision. The research area seeks to generate a critical mass of work on SA literature, involving permanent staff, research affiliates, postdoctoral fellows, academic visitors and postgraduate students, thereby supplementing core teaching activities with a range of additional opportunities for academic discussion and writing. Staff members working within the SALIF research area are exploring a range of issues, including: voice and the dialogical basis of inter-subjectivity; otherness and the ethic of hospitality; ecologies of self, community and environment; crime fiction and the law in the post-apartheid state. Underpinning these issues is the question of literary epistemology, the kinds of knowledge and understanding delivered by a discourse that employs multiple subject positions within specific historical contexts and localities. Students are working on topics such as trauma, memory and writing; blackness, cultural displacement, and double consciousness; the body and embodied consciousness; repetition, The relation between SA literature in English and metropolitan literature remains a relation of the provincial to the metropolitan Photo: Sophie Smith front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 31 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 30 Introduction Media and Citizenship: Between Maginalisation and Participation Professors Herman Wassermann and Anthea Garman The Media and Citizenship: Between Marginalisation and Participation project, one of the four Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funded research focus areas in the Faculty of Humanities, began life by seeking out and appointing its cadre of researchers and by beginning regular conversations in the School with Next Generation researchers. The project, led by Professors Herman Wasserman and Anthea Garman and based in the School of Journalism and Media Studies, will critically examine the ways in which the South African media realise their potential to contribute to the reconstruction and renegotiation of citizenship. The project seeks to establish through empirical research to what extent South African journalism across a wide variety of outlets and expressions facilitates demo- cratic participation and voice in the public sphere, especially for the most marginalised of citizens. According to Wasserman and Garman, the media are considered to be central to the establishment and rooting of democracy because they provide the information citizens need to perform their roles and duties, and serve as a space where citizens can deliberate to form public opinion and influence policy. However, the link between media and citizenship in post-apartheid South Africa is not self-evident. The relationship between media and citizenship is complicated by the fact that while democratisation has restored the legal and political rights of citizenship denied to the majority under apartheid, the continued exclusions from economic equality and social empowerment have resulted in a widespread experience of marginalisation from policy-making and the public sphere for a majority of South Africans. The project aims to establish how notions of media, citizenship and democracy are articulated in actually-existing social contexts and thus contribute to a better understanding of how media could contribute to the improve- ment of democratic participation. In addition Photo: Sophie Smith front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 32 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 31 and colloquia are planned as part of the project to make the research accessible and to create an interface with policy-makers, theorists and journalists. Professor Wasserman has presented the aims of the project at the annual conference of the South African Communication Association (Sacomm) in Pretoria, and also presented a paper titled “An ethics of listening: thoughts on the disjunctures between media, democracy and citizenship in South Africa” at the third Global Media Ethics Roundtable in Delhi, India. The paper will be published in a book on media ethics in the Global South, to be co-edited by Wasserman. A co-authored paper by Wasserman and Garman has been accepted for presentation at the conference “Pluralism, Inclusion and Citizenship” to be held in Prague, Czech Republic in March 2012. The research leaders believe that coupling the focus on participation in public debate with a focus on the uses of media in everyday life, will add depth to our understanding of how media are used to make meaning around citizenship and democracy. Such understanding may enable media institutions to more effectively articulate the needs of citizens and enhance their experience of democratic participation. to this research aim the Focus Area is being used as a hub within the School of Journalism and Media Studies to generate research conversations among staff who are embarking on or completing higher degrees and beginning research careers. Regular weekly conversations in which staff members discuss the preparation of papers for conferences, the review of journal articles, access to funding and also the discussion of theoretical concepts around citizenship and media are now a feature in the School of Journalism and Media Studies. Many of the existing individual projects of teaching and media production have been found to articulate well with this new focus on media and citizenship and to be enriched both by the theoretical input as well as the practical information on how to operate as media scholars. Because of its base in journalism practice, and leaning on the skills of its research cohort, as well as the expertise of the School staff, the project aims to also have a public face. Photographic exhibitions, public discussions Media are considered to be central to the establishment and rooting of democracy because they provide the information citizens need to perform their roles and duties front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 33 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 32 Introduction The Rhodes University vision is to be an internationally recognised institution that requires the support of excellent library services for its research enterprise. Over the past year, two significant projects have come to fruition that will have long-term benefit for research scholarship at Rhodes University. On 4 November 2010, a milestone in the life and history of the Rhodes University Library was achieved with the official opening by Dr Blade Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education and Training, of the new Library Building with its state-of-the art facilities. Secondly, the goal was reached of arranging user services staff into Faculty Library Liaison Teams. Guided by physical space planning and book collection sizes and taking into account staff and student numbers, four faculty specific service desks linked to research collections began operating in the new Library with two Branch Libraries (Law Faculty and Department of Music & Musicology). The Faculty Liaison Librarian teams liaise proactively with departments, provide information services, actively engage in collection development & management, and present instruction in the use of print and electronic resources. The Rhodes University Library is part of Phase 2 of a prestigious project involving six academic library partners in the South African Research Libraries’ Consortium Project (RLC) (2009- 2012) funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The purpose of the RLC Project is to strengthen and enhance academic library support for research and researchers within each of the partner libraries through a series of initiatives: • The establishment of a Research Commons to pr ovide a comfortable and quiet space for academic staff, established researchers as well as the emerging cadre of high-level researchers who may not otherwise have access to such a space. The intention behind the Research Commons is to create an environment that is supportive and conducive to producing quality research and developing a community of practice among researchers; • The implementation and release in August 2010 of the web-based r esearch portal that uses an advanced discovery tool Primo and the search engine MetaLib in combination with the link resolver SFX which simplifies the discovery and usability of relevant sources for researchers by assisting them to find what is available, not only at Rhodes but also through open source and other repositories. Library Research Highlights front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 34 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 33 collection whilst 30% was allocated to monographs. The University Library subscribes to approximately 63 commercial research databases (total 125 including free databases) that provide access to approximately 36,000 unique electronic titles. The platforms include large aggregator databases such as EBSCOHost; publisher databases e.g. ScienceDirect, Wiley/Blackwell, ACM Digital Library; Citation indexes e.g. Web of Science and Scopus as well as a range of bibliographic databases e.g. Water Resources Worldwide and specialist databases e.g. Thomson Datastream. The use of the online research collection showed significant increase in usage especially after the implementation of the discovery tool PRIMO and the search engine MetaLib in combination with the link resolver SFX eg Oxford Scholar Online, Science Direct and SA e-pubs. The Library maintained its current collection of e-Books at 6,500 individual subscribed titles. Digital Repository for research output In 2006, the Rhodes University Library launched an open access digital r epository called the Rhodes eResearch Repository (ReRR) to archive and provide access to theses and dissertations as well as to encourage academics and researchers to submit publications. During 2010 the ReRR, once again, proved to be a useful tool for gaining access to Rhodes University’s e-research • Librarians need to have specialist knowledge and advanced skills to support the r esearch enterprise. As part of the RLC Project, a series of training opportunities were made available during 2010 to strengthen the Library's capacity in research librarianship. During 2010, nine information specialists attended two 14 day Library Academies (April and October) on research librarianship in South Africa. Following the Library Academy opportunity, two staff members were subsequently selected to participate in early 2011 in a 12 week international programme in the United States that includes internships at leading research libraries. One of the primary roles of the Rhodes University Library is to support the university's research endeavours by means of its research collection and access to a wide range of electronic resources. Through significant institutional funding, the Library maintains a comprehensive collection of electronic information resources accessible via the RUL webpage and supported by good ICT infra- structure. The Library continued to migrate its print journal titles to online platforms thereby improving availability and accessibility of content. In 2010, approximately 70% of the Information Resources grant was used to build the electronic component of the research articles and theses. In this past year, 227 theses and 57 research articles were deposited in the ReRR. A pleasing achievement was that the ReRR has continued to maintain its ranking, as one of only four South African university repositories, in the top 400 repositories in the Ranking Web of World Repositories Ms Gwenda Thomas Director: Library Services Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full paper Shepherd,E Shepherd,E. 2010. “In-service training for academic librarians: a pilot programme for staff”. The Electric Library. 28(4),507-524. front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 35 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 34 Top Researchers Rhodes University acknowledges and congratulates the following high achievers for their accredited research outputs in 2010: Professor Tebello Nyokong Department of Chemistry Professor Denis Hughes Institute for Water Research (IWR) Professor Christopher McQuaid Department of Zoology & Entomology Professor Charlie Shackleton Department of Environmental Science Professor Brett Pletschke Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology Professor Izzy Kanfer Department of Pharmacy Professor Chris Whiteley Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology Professor Martin Villet Department of Zoology & Entomology Professor Russell Kaschula School of Languages Dr Lee-Ann McKinnell Department of Physics & Electronics Mr Bo Bonnevie Information Technology Division Professor Randall Hepburn Department of Zoology & Entomology Professor Tony Booth Department of Icthyology & Fisheries Studies Professor Brad Ripley Department of Botany Professor Alfredo Terzoli Department of Computer Science Professor Perry Kaye Department of Chemistry Professor Chris Mann Institute for the Study of English in Africa (ISEA) Dr Pierre Kempgens Department of Chemistry Professor Jen Snowball Department of Economics & Economic History Professor Gunther Jager Department of Statistics Professor William Froneman Department of Zoology & Entomology Professor Heila Lotz-Sisitka Environmental Learning Research Centre Professor Martin Hill Department of Zoology & Entomology Professor Sarah Radloff Department of Statistics Dr Zeni Tshentu Department of Chemistry Professor Herman Wasserman Department of Journalism Professor Nigel Barker Department of Botany Dr Barry Irwin Department of Computer Science Dr Lisa Saville Young Department of Psychology Professor Dirk Klopper Department of English front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 36 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 35 PhD Graduates Faculty of Humanities Degree of Doctor of Philosophy BERNARD, Penelope Susan, (Anthropology). Messages from the deep: Water divinities, dreams and diviners in Southern Africa. Supervisor: Professor CJ de Wet. Co- supervisor: Professor MG Whisson. HENNING, Riana, (Psychology). A psycho- biological personality description of General Christiaan Rudolph de Wet. Supervisor: Professor R van Niekerk. MURISA, Tendai, (Sociology). An analysis of emerging forms of social organisation and agency in the aftermath of ‘fast track’ land reform in Zimbabwe . Supervisor: Professor FT Hendricks. Faculty of Pharmacy Degree of Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) HENGE-DAWETI, Vatiswa RAMSUNDER, Adrusha Degree of Doctor of Philosophy AU, Wai Ling , (Pharmaceutics). Investigations of the Bioavailability/Bioequivalence of topical corticosteroid formulations containing clobetasol propionate using the human skin blanching assay, tape stripping and microdialysis. Supervisor: Professor I Kanfer. Faculty of Commerce Degree of Doctor of Philosophy BEUKES, Anna, (Economics). The existence of the value premium on the Johannesburg stock exchange from 1972 to 2011 and extrapolation as explanation. Supervisor: Professor AP Faure. PADE KHENE, Caroline Jleje, (Information Systems). The development and implementation of an evaluation framework for rural ICT projects in developing countries: an exploration of the Siyakhula Living Lab, South Africa. Supervisor: Professor DA Sewry. Faculty of Education Degree of Doctor of Philosophy JONES, Barbara Ellen, (Education). A critical analysis of discourses: Constructing portfolio assessment practices in three Eastern Cape schools. Supervisor: Professor CM Boughey. MUKUTE, Mutizwa, (Environmental Education). Exploring and expanding learning processes in sustainable agriculture workplace contexts. Supervisor: Professor H Lotz-Sisitka. VANDELEUR, Sonja Margaret, (Technology Education). Indigenous technology and culture in the technology curriculum: Starting the conversation. A case study . Supervisor: Professor M Schäfer. CHAIBVA, Faith Anesu, (Pharmaceutics). The use of response surface methodology and artificial neural networks for the establishment of a design space for a sustained release salbutamol sulphate formulation. Supervisor: Professor RB Walker. HILL, Peter William, (Pharmacy Administration and Practice). The South African community of pharmacist and type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomised controlled trial of a pharmaceutical care intervention. Supervisor: Professor R Dowse. KHAMANGA, Maswazi Sandile Malungelo, (Pharmaceutics). Formulation and evaluation of captopril loaded polymethacrylate and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose microcapsules . Supervisor: Professor RB Walker. WA KASONGO, Kasongo , (Pharmaceutics). An investigation into the feasibility of incorpor- ating didanosine into innovative solid lipid nanocarriers. Supervisor: Professor RB Walker. Faculty of Science Degree of Doctor of Philosophy CHIDAWANYIKA, Wadzanai Janet Upenyu , (Chemistry). Photophysical studies of d10 Metallophthalocyanines and their interaction with nanoparticles. Supervisor: Professor T Nyokong. front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 37 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 36 CLARK, Vincent Ralph, (Botany). The phytogeography of the Sneeuberg, Nuweveld- berge and Roggeveldberge (Great Escarp- ment): Assessing migration routes and endemism. Supervisor: Professor NP Barker. Co-supervisor: Professor L Mucina. HABARULEMA, John Bosco, (Physics). A contribution to TEC modelling over Southern Africa using GPS data. Supervisor: Dr LA McKinnell. Co-supervisor: Dr BDL Opperman. HESHULA Unathi-Nkosi Lelethu Peter, (Entomology). Induced plant responses of different Lantana camara L. (verbenaceae) varieties to herbivory by Falconia intermedia Distant (Hemiptera: Miridae). Supervisor: Professor MP Hill. JONES, Robert Ryan, (Environmental Science). Risk-based assessment of environ- mental asbestos contamination in the Northern Cape and North West provinces of South Africa. Supervisor: Professor C Shackleton. Co-supervisor: Dr K Whittington-Jones. KAPANGAZIWIRI, Evison, (Hydrology). Regional application of the Pitman monthly rainfall run-off model in Southern Africa incorporating uncertainty . Supervisor: Professor DA Hughes. LUNT, Nicola, (Zoology). The role of small antelope in ecosystem functioning in the Matobo hills, Zimbabwe . Supervisor: Professor RTF Bernard. MMUALEFE, Lesego Cecilia, (Chemistry). Sample preparation for pesticides analysis in water and sediments: A case study of the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Supervisor: Professor N Torto. MUTAMBANENGWE, Cecil Clifford Zvandada, (Biotechnology). The bio-techn- ology of hard coal utilization as a bioprocess substrate. Supervisor: Professor PD Rose. Co-supervisor: Professor BI Pletschke. PRICE, Benjamin Wills, (Entomology). Historical biogeography of the tribe Platy- pleurini Schmidt, 1918 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with a focus on southern Africa. Supervisor: Professor MH Villet. Co-supervisor: Professor NP Barker. SHARP, Gary David, (Mathematical Statistics). Lag length selection for vector error correction models. Supervisor: Professor SE Radloff. SHORT, James Roswell, (Microbiology) An investigation into the replication biology Helicoverpa armigera stunt virus. Supervisor: Professor RA Dorrington. SIBANDA, Patrick, (Physics). Challenges in topside ionospheric modelling over South Africa. Supervisor: Dr LA McKinnell. SUNASSEE, Suthananda Naidu , (Chemistry). Studies in marine quinone chemistry . Supervisor: Professor MT Davies-Coleman. VAN DYK, Jacoba Susanna, (Biochemistry). Characterisation of the cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic system of Bacillus licheniformis SVDI and the isolation and characterisation of a multi-enzyme complex. Supervisor: Professor BI Pleschke. YANG, Mingxian, (Entomology). Studies on mixed-species colonies of honeybees, Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. Supervisor: Professor HR Hepburn. Co-supervisor: Professor SE Radloff. Degree of Doctor of Science WHITFIELD, Alan Kenneth, Ph.D. (Natal). Degree by examination of published works deemed to constitute a distinguished contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the field of estuarine research. Senior Doctorate title: Contributions to the biology and ecology of fishes in South African estuaries. front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 38 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Publications from the Vice-Chancellorate and Administration Books/Chapters/Monographs Badat,S Badat,S. 2010. BLACK MAN, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. Steve Biko Foundation. Johannesburg, South Africa. 1-156. ISBN: 978-1-92022-239-0. Badat,S. 2010. “Global rankings of universities: a perverse and present burden”. Universities into the 21st century - Global Inequalities and Higher Education. Whose interests are we serving? Palgrave Macmillan. New York. 117-141. ISBN: 978-0-23022-351- 6. Badat,S. 2010. “Global university rankings, the world-class university and the global South”. International Social Science Council, World Social Science Report. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper de Klerk,V de Klerk,V and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Measuring the effect of diversity interventions at a South African residential university”. Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 10(2),25- 45. Other Publications Badat,S Badat,S. 2010. “The Challenges of Transformation in Higher Education and Training Institutions in South Africa”. Paper Commissioned by the Development Bank of Southern Africa, April 2010. Newspaper Articles Badat,S Badat,S. “Seeking free higher education”, Daily Dispatch, 17 March 2010. Badat,S. “Free higher education for all is an ideal worth fighting for”, Cape Times, 22 April 2010. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Badat,S Badat,S. 2010. “Higher Education Change in post- 1994 South Africa”, Wolpe Dialogue: Universities in Crisis: Transformation in Higher Education. Department of Sociology, Wits University and the Harold Wolpe Memorial Trust, 25 March 2010. Badat,S. 2010. Discussant for “The Global Auction: The broken promises of education, jobs, and incomes”. Hugh Lauder, University of Bath - Keynote Paper/Address: Economic Globalisation, Skill Formation and the Consequences for Knowledge Workers. EPU Launch Conference, University of Witwatersrand West Campus, 11 November 2010. International Conferences Badat,S Badat,S. 2010. “Towards the Theorized Development of the Teaching and Learning Capabilities of the Next Generation of Academics”, Carnegie Corporation of New York Conference: Developing and Retaining the Next Generation of African Academics: Excellence, Retention, and Sustainability. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, 16 November 2010. 37 front section 2 2/8/12 7:22 PM Page 39 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Index of Departments Institutes, Centres and Units Affiliates Accounting The Department of Accounting continued to develop its research profile in 2010. The highlights for 2010 were: • Professor Stack continued to serve as Extraordinary Professor at the University of Pretoria and acts as supervisor to their staff members pursuing doctoral studies. Professor Stack was also responsible for the course in research methodology and design and the three research based postgraduate courses in the department. He also chaired and provided guidance to a group of tax academics from most of the universities in South Africa who meet to discuss problems relating to assessing and supervising master’s and doctoral theses . • Professor Bunting continued to publish his text book on financial reporting in South Africa. The book is gaining in popularity and is also being bought by certain audit firms. • Professor Stack, Mrs Pretorius and Ms Myers all served on the East Cape regional committee of the Southern African Association of Accountants . • Professor Bunting successfully extended the Honours in Accounting to include a Finance Specialisation . Professor John Williams Head of Department 39 Other Publications Bradley,S Bradley,S. 2010. “Measuring corporate governance”. Accountancy SA. In: Accountancy SA. Julies,R (Ed) Willi Coates. South Africa. October, 21-22. Bradley,S. 2010. “The practice of executive directors hedging their shares”. Accountancy SA. In: Accountancy SA. Julies,R (Ed) Willi Coates. South Africa. September, 32-34. Firer,S Firer,S. 2010. “Accounting for contracts over huge group limited’s own equity instruments: an ethnographic case”. Firer,S (Ed) Nkonki. South Africa. Firer,S. 2010. “Auditor rotation for SME’s - a revolutionery idea”. Firer,S (Ed) Nkonki. South Africa. Firer,S. 2010. “Auditor’s lose 3-2 after extra time”. Firer,S (Ed) Nkonki. South Africa. Firer,S. 2010. “Commenting on the definition of control - IAS 27”. Firer,S (Ed) Nkonki. South Africa. Firer,S. 2010. “For a more trustworthy tune, change who pays the fiddler”. Firer,S (Ed) Nkonki. South Africa. Firer,S. 2010. “How the audit abolition fails SA”. Firer,S (Ed) Nkonki. South Africa. Firer,S. 2010. “How to conduct an independent review”. Firer,S (Ed) Nkonki. South Africa. Firer,S. 2010. “The audit exemption: its role and impact on the quality of accountability of private limited liability companies”. Firer,S (Ed) Nkonki. South Africa. Firer,S. 2010. “The independent review - a new skill set for South African accounting professionals”. Firer,S (Ed) Nkonki. South Africa. Firer,S. 2010. “The Law of accounting standards and financial statements: a critical perspective”. Firer,S (Ed) Nkonki. South Africa. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Bradley,S Bradley,S. “Say on pay resolution”. 2010 SAAA Johannesburg Region Conference. Monash South Africa, Ruimsig, Johannesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Bradley,S. “The practice of executive directors hedging their shares”. 2010 SAAA Johannesburg Region Conference. Monash South Africa, Ruimsig, Johannesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Myers,L Myers,L. ”A critical analysis of first year student experiences when interactive teaching techinques were used in a large class context”. University of KwaZulu Natal University Teaching and Learning Office Conference. University of KwaZulu Natal, Pietermaritzburg. South Africa. September 2010. Myers,L. “Can using interactive teaching techniques be successful in a large class context”. Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association Conference. Tzaneen. South Africa. November 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Accounting 40 Anthropology Associate Professor Rose Boswell served as Head of Department in Anthropology in 2010. She also completed two research projects, one for a postdoctoral project on heritage management funded by the Organisation for Social Science Research in East and Southern Africa (OSSREA) and a second project on Superdiversity in South Africa funded by the Max Planck Institute (MPI), Germany. She conducted fieldwork in Madagascar (March 2010) and Cape Town (January & July 2010) for the above noted projects. In 2010 she also led a multidisciplinary team conducting research on racism discourse and practice in Mauritius for the Mauritius Truth and Justice Commission. She wrote five papers (three Working Papers for the MPI) and two scholarly papers for conferences. She also completed a 300 page research report for OSSREA, which will be published as a book late in 2011. In 2010 she produced the following publications: two journal articles (one SAPSE accredited) and two book chapters (one of which was anonymously peer-reviewed). Rose presented two conference papers at the European Association of Anthropology (EASA) conference in Dublin, Ireland and the Anthropology Southern Africa Association conference in East London, South Africa respectively. Late in 2010 she was also invited to and presented a paper at the SADC Roundtable on Training the African Diplomat. The roundtable was convened by the South African Department of Foreign Affairs and the Africa Institute in Pretoria. Rose also supervised two newly registered PhDs and four MA students in 2010. Professor Robin Palmer was on sabbatical in the first semester of 2010. He worked on papers and a book chapter associated with his on-going research on the Wild Coast as well as a new JRC-funded project, Transnational migration of South Africans from the Eastern Cape to the UK: A comparative study from the perspective of the region of origin at home before proceeding to the US and UK with the intention of attending two international conferences. He read his paper at NEWSA - the North East Workshop on Southern Africa - and was gratified to have it published in an accredited journal soon afterwards. The second conference, on South African migration to the UK, which he was to attend on his way back from the US, was cancelled at short notice due to the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, the Icelandic volcano that led to the closure of many European airports from 14 to 21 April. Professor Palmer presented a paper at the annual conference of the Association for Anthropology in Southern Africa. The last months of the year saw the 41 Rhodes University Research Report: Anthropology 42 publication of a second journal article and a chapter for an edited volume on the Eastern Cape. Professor Chris de Wet read papers at international conferences in New Delhi in February and in The Hague in October, as well as giving seminars at the University of Wageningen and the Institute of Social Studies, University of Rotterdam, The Hague. While at the conference in The Hague, he had discussions with resettlement colleagues from around the world about furthering an initiative of his, to set up an internationally designed, cross-continental training course for resettlement officials. He has been mandated to hold the planning workshop at Rhodes University in 2011. In South Africa, he read papers at the Third Annual Colloquium on Rural Development in Bisho, and at the Annual Conference of the Association of Anthropology in East London. He had chapters published in peer reviewed books. Chris supervised three PhD students and one MA student in 2010. Dr Penny Bernard completed and submitted her PhD in 2010. She has been using most of the year to work on papers arising from the PhD and also applied for NRF funding at the end of 2010. In 2010 Ms Owen presented a paper entitled, “Facebook: Expressing Congolese success transnationally” at the annual American Anthropological Association (AAA) Conference held in New Orleans between 17 and 21 November. Ms Owen also produced a review of Rene Lemarchand’s “Dynamics of Violence” for the Journal of Contemporary African Studies, which is currently in press. During the second half of the year, Ms Owen was on sabbatical leave, firmly ensconced in the writing up of her doctoral dissertation. In May 2010 Ms Silvana Barbali was invited to address the Post Graduate students in the Department of Anthropology, NMMU. The topic of the seminar was entitled “Now What? Doing Fieldwork and Being In the Field”. Her presentation dealt with issues of doing field- work at a post graduate level for the first time. During the 20 - 23rd September 2010, Silvana attended the annual Anthropology Southern Africa Conference held in Chinsta, Eastern Cape. She presented a paper entitled “Islam, Transnationalism and Senegalese Migrants in Port Elizabeth”. Professor Rose Boswell Head of Department Books/Chapters/Monographs Boswell,MJR Boswell,MJR. 2010. “Islands in the global stream: the case of Mauritius and Seychelles”. In: Eyes across the water: navigating the Indian Ocean. Unisa press. Johannesburg. 286-303. ISBN: 978-1-86888-572-5. Palmer,RCG Hamer,NG and Palmer,RCG. 2011. “Transkei’s wild coast: development and frustration at Dwesa- Cwebe reserve”. In: The Fate of the Eastern Cape: History, Politics and Social Policy. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. Durban. First Edition. ISBN: 9781869141844. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Ainslie,A Bennett,J, Ainslie,A and David,J. 2010. “Fenced in: common property struggles in the management of communcal rangelands in central Eastern Cape province, South Africa”. Land Use Policy. 27,340-350. Boswell,MJR Boswell,MJR. 2010. “Challenges to sustaining intangible cultural heritage”. Heritage & Society. 4(1), 119-125. Boswell,MJR and Boswell,B. 2009. “Motherhood deterred: maternity benefits in South Africa”. Agenda. 82,76-85. Palmer,R and Kavhai,M Pade-Khene,C, Palmer,R and Kavhai,M. 2010. “A baseline study of the Dwesa rural community for a Siyakhula information and communication technology for development project: understanding the reality on the ground”. Information Development. 26(4),265-288. Palmer,RCG Palmer,RCG. 2010. “ICT4D and the Siyakhula Living Lab: An Anthropological Contribution to Digital Development”. Anthropology Southern Africa. 33(1&2),19-32. Other Publications Boswell,MJR Boswell,MJR. 2010. “Multiple identities, multiple heritages”. In: Culture and globalization series 4: memory, heritage and identity. Anheier,HK and Isar,R (Eds) SAGE publications. London. 4, 169-176. ISBN: 9780857023902 . De Wet,CJ De Wet,CJ. 2010. “The ambiguities of using betterment restitution as a vehicle for development. An Eastern Cape case study”. In: Land, memory, reconstruction and justice: perspectives on land claims in South Africa. C.Walker, A.Bohlin (Ed) Ohio University Press. Athens, Ohio. 198-214. ISBN: 978-0-8214-1927-4. De Wet,CJ. 2010. “Where are they now? Welfare, development and marginalization in a former Bantustan settlement in the Eastern Cape,post 1994”. In: Reforming Land and Resource use in South Africa: impact on livelihoods. Hebinck,P, Shackleton (Ed) Routledge. London. 294-314. ISBN: 978-0-415-58855-3. Owen,JN Owen,JN. 2010. “Review of Rene Lemarchand’s: Dynamics of violence in Central Africa”. Journal of Contemporary African Studies. In: Journal of contemporary African studies. Southall,R (Ed) Taylor & Francis. Oxford. 29(1), 124. ISBN: 02589001. Palmer,RCG Palmer,RCG and Hamer,NG. 2010. “Transkei’s Wild Coast: development and frustration at Dwesa- Cwebe reserve”. In: The fate of the Eastern Cape. History, politics and social policy. Ruiters,G (Ed) University of Kwazulu-Natal Press. Durban. ISBN: 9781869141844. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Boswell,MJR Boswell,MJR. “Resisting and reclaiming: tensions in the mediation of identity and ethnography in southern Africa”. ASNA (Anthropology Southern Africa Association) fieldwork matters: new ethnography, new perspectives. University of Fort Hare, East London. South Africa. September 2010. De Wet,CJ De Wet,CJ. “An innovative masters degree programme to produce integrated development managers in Southern Africa”. Development association of South Africa. Bisho. South Africa. May 2010. De Wet,CJ. “Development and the Longue Duree: 150 years of intervention and response in an Eastern Cape settlement”. Anthropology Southern Africa. Fort Hare University, East London. South Africa. September 2010. Palmer,RCG Palmer,RCG. “Anthropology at home at last”. Anthropology Southern Africa. Fort Hare University, East London. South Africa. September 2010. International Conferences (In SA) De Wet,CJ De Wet,CJ. “Achieving better resettlement outcomes through capacitating effective and responsible resettlement officers - an opportunity for India-Africa synergy”. African studies association of India in association with the Indian council for cultural relations. Delhi. India. February 2010. Palmer,RCG Palmer,RCG. “ICT4D and the Siyakhula living lab”. North Eastern workshops on Southern Africa. Bishop Booth Conference Centre, Burlington, Vermont. USA. April 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Boswell,MJR Boswell,MJR. “A quest for justice? The Mauritius truth and justice commission”. EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) - Crisis and the imagination. Maynooth University, Dublin. Ireland. August 2010. 496. De Wet,CJ De Wet,CJ. “Recurring rural resettlement in Africa: is international resettlement policy applicable in African mass villagisation projects?” 15th International metropolis conference on justice and migration: Paradoxes of Belonging. World forum convention centre, The Hague. Netherlands. October 2010. Owen,JN Owen,JN. “Facebook: expressing Congolese success transnationally”. American Anthropological Association (AAA). New Orleans. USA. November 2010. Concerts/Exihibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Barbali,S Barbali,S. Guest lecture. “Now what? Doing fieldwork and being in the field”. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Anthropology 43 Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology Staff of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bio- technology had a busy 2010. Dr Jo Dames, current Head of the Department was in the spot light as the Mycoroot product was used on several stadium fields in preparation for the soccer world cup. Mycoroot is a fungal plant growth promotion product which is produced by Dr Dames. Dr Adrienne Edkins and Professor Greg Blatch were successful in their application to the National Equipment Programme, to establish a R4 million Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) Facility. This useful scientific instrument provides a fast, objective and quantitative recording of fluorescent signals from individual cells as well as physical separation of cells of particular interest. This regional FACS facility was commissioned within the Department in August/September 2010. Professor Chris Whiteley and his PhD student, Eden Padayachee, continued with their research collaboration with South China University of Technology jointly sponsored by the National Research Foundation (South Africa) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Whiteley was an invited speaker at a training workshop for Environmental Engineers held by the National Taiwan University in Taipei in November. He presented a paper at the inaugural symposium on Enzyme Biocatalysis. Ms Padayachee was the only student from Africa to be selected to attend the ISN-APSN Neurochemistry Workshop in Bangkok, Thailand in October 2010. Professor Whiteley’s group was very active in their search for new enzymes for the synthesis of fructooligosaccharides. Professor Brett Pletschke and his research group presented their research findings to delegates at the 22nd South African Society for Bio-chemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) Congress held at Ilanga Estate in Bloemfontein in January. Professor Pletschke was elected president of the Society. He gave a number of invited talks on the role of enzyme synergy on the degradation of lignocelluloses for subsequent biotechnological applications (including biofuel production). These talks were presented at the Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University, Japan; Embrapa-Agrienergia, a large biofuel company, in Brazil and at the Catholic University of Brasilia. He was also invited as Lead Speaker to the 51st Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologist of India (AMI) and International Symposium on Cross - Disciplinary Microbiology: Avenues and Challenges, AMI 2010-CMAC meeting which took place in Ranch India in December, along with PhD student Sagaran Abboo. Additionally he was invited to present a talk at the opening ceremony of the Lignocellulase 44 Photo: Stephane Mentjes Biotechnology Consortium, Department of Microbiology, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi. Professor Pletschke is one of the Consortiums founding members. This international Consortium is investigating the feasibility of using lignocelluloses as a suitable second generation biofuel feedstock. Dr Caroline Knox presented her research at the EUROPIC 2010, which was attended by experts in the field of Picornavirus Epidemi- ology and Molecular Biology. The meeting was held at the University of St Andrews, UK during September. While in the UK Dr Knox discussed ongoing and future collaborative research with Professor Tom Wileman (Director, Biomedical Research Centre, University of East Anglia). Dr Aileen Boshoff was invited as a visiting scholar to the Academiz Sinica, Taipei in Taiwan from April to June, where she conducted studies on the E.coli degrado- some. The visit was very successful. Dr Boshoff also attended seminars presented by top scientists, one of which was Dr Bruce Alberts the president of the US National Academy of Sciences. Dr Adrienne Edkins travelled to Switzerland to present her research at the 5th International Meeting on the Hsp90 chaperone machine and conducted a research visit to the University of Glasgow in Scotland. The Rhodes University Bioinformatics (RUBi) Research Laboratory was opened in February 2010, headed by Dr Ozlem Tastan Bishop. She was accompanied by 3 MSc students who transferred from the University of Pretoria, for their second year. The biggest challenge for RUBi was to re-initiate the one year course/research work MSc Bioinformatics Programme which will start in 2011. Dr Tastan Bishop was invited to give a talk at NMMU entitled “Bioinformatics: Protein Structure Analysis for various Biotechnology Applications” in May. Professor Oleg Reva and Professor Fourie Joubert from the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Unit, University of Pretoria, visited RUBi. Janice Limson, Head of Biotechnology, was promoted to Associate Professor in 2010. Her six months’ sabbatical period allowed her opportunities to present her team’s research in biosensors at three international conferences including World Biosensors, in Edinburgh in the UK, International Union of Food Science & Technology, Cape Town and at the International Society of Electrochemistry Annual meeting in Nice, France. A period spent in Dr Estrela’s laboratory at the University of Bath was followed by presentations and initiation of further collaborations at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. She was invited as one of six South African researchers for a DST sponsored workshop at the Brazilian LNLS Synchrotron Radiation facility in Campinas, Brazil, an initiative aimed at accelerating South Africa’s scientific capacity in this area. Closer to home, collaborations with CSIR scientists and the DST/Mintek Nanotechnology Innovation Centre have furthered technology transfer programmes in sensors development. She ended the year as the newly elected Chairperson of the Rhodes University School of Biotechnology, and awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s distinguished research award. Dr Brendan Wilhelmi continued his collaboration with Dr Schalk de Kock of the Laboratory of the National Horse-racing Authority. The research involved the investigation of the metabolism of drugs used illegally in the racing industry. Ms Roxann Morrison completed her master’s thesis based on P450 metabolism of a range of drugs, identifying both phase I and II metabolites. Ms Morrison presented her work at the 2010 SASBMB conference. A collaboration was initiated with Dr Adrienne Edkins, which focused on the metabolism of novel compounds, and their effects on cancer cells. A collaboration with Dr Garth Cambray of Makana Meadery was re-initiated, with two biotechnology master’s students investigating continuous fermentation for the production of ethanol and metabolic by- products of the fermentation process. The Department is expecting to graduate 14 MSc and 7 PhD students in the upcoming graduation ceremonies and continues to have strong research collaborations with other Departments and Institutes within the University such as Chemistry, Zoology and Entomology, Statistics, Pharmacy and EBRU. Strong collaborations also continue on both National and International levels. Dr Jo Dames Head of Department Rhodes University Research Report: Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology 45 Rhodes University Research Report: Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology 46 Books/Chapters/Monographs Short,JR and Dorrington,RA Short,JR and Dorrington,RA. 2010. “Tetraviruses”. In: Insect Virology. Caister Academic Press. Great Birtain. First Edition. 1, 283-305. ISBN: 978-1-904455- 71-4. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Abboo,SA and Pletschke,BI Abboo,SA and Pletschke,BI. 2010. “Effect of phenolic compounds on the rapid direct enzymatic detection of ß -D-galactosidase and ß-D- glucuronidase” . Water SA. 36(1),133-138. Beukes,N and Pletschke,BI Beukes,N and Pletschke,BI. 2010. “Effect of lime pre-treatment on the synergistic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse by hemicellulases”. Bioresource Technology. 101(12),4472-4478. Blatch,GL Külzer,S, Rug,M, Brinkman,K, Cannon,P, Cowman,A, Lingelbach,K, Blatch,GL, Maier,AG and Przyborski,JM. 2010. “Parasite encoded Hsp40 proteins define novel mobile structures in the cytosol of the P.falciparum infected erythrocyte”. Cellular Microbiology. 12,1398-1420. Brand,JM Mabinya,LV, Mafunga,T and Brand,JM. 2010. “Bioconversion of ferulic acid and 4-vinylguaiacol by a white-rot fungus isolated from decaying wood”. African Journal of Biotechnology. 9(13),1955-1958. Dames,JF Goble,TA, Dames,JF, Hill,MP and Moore,SD. 2010. “The effects of farming system, habitat type and bait type on the isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from citrus soils in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa”. Biocontrol. 55,399-412. Edkins,AL Acharya,M, Borland,G, Edkins,AL, MacLellan,LM, Matheson,J, Ozanne,BW and Cushley,W. 2010. “CD23/FceRII molecular multi-tasking”. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 162,12-23. Goble,JL, Adendorff,MR, Stephen,LL and Blatch,GL Goble,JL, Adendorff,MR, De Beer,TAP, Stephen,LL and Blatch,GL. 2010. “The malarial drug target Plasmodium falciparum 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5- phosphate reductoisomerase (PfDXR): development of a 3-D model for identification of novel, structural and functional features and for inhibitor screening”. Protein and Peptide Letters. 17,109-120. Igbinigie,EE, Mutambanengwe,CC and Rose,PD Igbinigie,EE, Mutambanengwe,CC and Rose,PD. 2010. “Phyto-bioconversion of hard coal in the Cynodon dactylon/coal rhizosphere”. Biotechnology Journal. 5(3). Jauka,T, Mutsvunguma,L, Boshoff,A, Edkins,AL and Knox,C Jauka,T, Mutsvunguma,L, Boshoff,A, Edkins,AL and Knox,C. 2010. “Localisation of Theiler’s Murine Encephalomyelitis virus protein 2C to the Golgi apparatus using antibodies generated against a peptide region”. Journal of Virological Methods. 168,162- 169. Kgopa,AH, Bulani,SI, Wilhelmi,BS and Brand,JM Kgopa,AH, Bulani,SI, Wilhelmi,BS and Brand,JM. 2010. “Antioxidant activity of selected plants of the Great Fish River Reserve, Eastern Cape, South Africa”. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 27(2),109-112. Louw,CA, Ludewig,MH and Blatch,GL Louw,CA, Ludewig,MH, Mayer,J and Blatch,GL. 2010. “The Hsp70 chaperones of the Tritryps are characterized by unusual features and novel members”. Parasitology International. 59,497-505. Louw,CA, Ludewig,MH and Blatch,GL. 2010. “Overproduction, purification and characterisation of Tbj1, a novel Type III Hsp40 from Trypanosoma brucei, the African sleeping sickness parasite”. Protein Expression and Purification. 69,168-177. Mohlake,P and Whiteley,CG Mohlake,P and Whiteley,CG. 2010. “Arginine metabolising enzymes as therapeutic tools for Alzheimers disease: Peptidyl arginine deiminase catalyses fibrillogenesis of ß-amyloid peptides ”. Molecular Neurobiology. 41(2/3),149-158. Mukasa-Mugerwa,TT, Dames,J and Rose,PD Mukasa-Mugerwa,TT, Dames,J and Rose,PD. 2010. “The role of a plant fungal consortium in the degradation of bituminous hard coal”. Biodegradation. 22(1),129-141. Padayachee,ER and Whiteley,CG Padayachee,ER and Whiteley,CG. 2010. “Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) as a biomarker for Alzheimers disease”. Journal of Neurochemistry. 115(01- 15),42. Pesce,E-R, Cockburn,I, Goble,JL, Stephens,L and Blatch,GL Pesce,E-R, Cockburn,I, Goble,JL, Stephens,L and Blatch,GL. 2010. “Malaria heat shock proteins: drug targets that chaperone other drug targets”. Infectious Disorders-Drug Targets. 10,147-157. Pletschke,B Sakka,K, Sakka,M, Kimura,T, Pletschke,B and Ratanakhanokchai,K. 2010. “Structure and function of cellulolytic complex “cellulosome””. Research for Tropical Agriculture. 3(2). Pletschke,B and Whitfield,AK Richardson,N, Gordon,AK, Muller,WJ, Pletschke,B and Whitfield,AK. 2010. “The use of liver histo- pathology, lipid peroxidation and acetylcholin- esterase assays as biomarkers of contami-nant induced stress in the Cape stumpnose, ‘Rhabdo- sargus holubi’ (Teleostei: Sparidae), from selected South African estuaries”. Water SA. 36(4),407-416. Ragubeer,N and Limson,JL Ragubeer,N, Beukes,D and Limson,JL. 2010. “Critical assessment of voltammetry for rapid screening of antioxidants in marine algae”. Food Chemistry. 121,227-232. Riddin,TL and Whiteley,CG Riddin,TL, Gericke,M and Whiteley,CG. 2010. “Biological synthesis of platinum nanoparticles: effect of initial metal concentration”. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 46,501-505. Setati,MM, Prinsloo,E, Longshaw,VM and Blatch,GL Setati,MM, Prinsloo,E, Longshaw,VM, Murray,PA, Edgar,DH and Blatch,GL. 2010. “Leukemia inhibitory factor promotes Hsp90 association with STAT3 in mouse embryonic stem cells”. IUBMB Life. 62,61-66. Short,JR, Knox,C and Dorrington,RA Short,JR, Knox,C and Dorrington,RA. 2010. “Subcellular localisation and live cell imaging of the ‘Helicoverpa armigera’ stunt virus replicase in mammalian and ‘Spodoptera frugiperda’ cells”. Journal of General Virology. 91,6-1514. Stephens,L and Blatch,GL Nicastro,KR, Zardi,GI, McQuaid,CD, Stephens,L, Radloff,SE and Blatch,GL. 2010. “The role of gaping behaviour in habitat partitioning between coexisting intertidal mussels”. BMC Ecology. 10(17),1-11. Tastan Bishop,O Vorster,BJ, Tastan Bishop,O, Schluter,U, Coetzer,N and Michaud,D. 2010. “New insights towards phytocystatin-papain interactions”. Aspects of Applied Biology. 96,403-408. Togo,C Tshentu,ZR, Togo,C and Walmsley,RS. 2010. “Polymer-anchored oxovanadium(IV) complex for the oxidation of thioanisole, styrene and ethylbenzene”. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A- Chemical. 318,30-35. Togo,CA and Limson,JL Mashazi,P, Togo,CA, Limson,JL and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Applications of polymerized metal tetra- amino phthalocyanines towards hydrogen peroxide detection”. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 14(3),252-263. Van Dyk,JS and Pletschke,B Van Dyk,JS and Pletschke,B. 2010. “Review on the use of enzymes for the detection of organochlorine, organophosphate and carbamate pesticides in the environment”. Chemosphere. 82(3),291-307. Van Dyk,JS and Pletschke,BI Van Dyk,JS, Sakka,M, Sakka,K and Pletschke,BI. 2010. “Characterisation of the multi-enzyme complex xylanase activity from Bacillus licheniformis SVD1”. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 47(4),174- 177. Van Dyk,JS, Sakka,M, Sakka,K and Pletschke,BI. 2010. “Identification of endoglucanases, xylanases, pectinases and mannanases in the multi-enzyme complex of Bacillus licheniformis SVD1”. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 47(3),112-118. Visser,DF and Pletschke,B Visser,DF, Hennessy,F, Rashamuse,J, Pletschke,B and Brady,D. 2010. “Stabilization of Escherichia coli uridine phosphorylase by evolution and immobilization”. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B:Enzymatic. 68. Walter,CT, Nakayinga,R and Dorrington,RA Walter,CT, Pringle,FM, Nakayinga,R, de Felipe,P, Ryan,MD, Ball,LA and Dorrington,RA. 2010. “Genome organization and translation products of Providence virus: insight into a unique tetravirus”. Journal of General Virology. 91(11),2826-2835. Whiteley,CG Adav,SS, Chun-Te Lin,J, Yang,Z, Whiteley,CG, Lee,DJ, Peng,XF and Zhang,ZP. 2010. “Stereological assessment of extracellular polymeric substances, exo-enzymes, and specific bacterial strains in bioaggregates using fluorescence experiments”. Biotechnology Advances. 28,255-280. Chen,YY, Show,KY, Whiteley,CG, Tay,JH and Lee,DJ. 2010. “Advances in aerobic granule formation and granule stability in the course of storge and reactor operation”. Biotechnology Advances. 28,919-934. Gade,A, Ingle,A, Whiteley,CG and Rai,M. 2010. “Mycogenic metal nanoparticles: progress and applications”. Biotechnology Letters. 32,593-600. Wang,Y, Xu,X, Wen,Z, Li,W, Yang,B and Whiteley,CG. 2010. “Isolation, purification and properties of a novel small heat shock protein from the hyperthermophile Sulfolobus solfataricus”. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 162,476-485. Other Publications Pletschke,B, Cockburn,I, Adebiyi,A and Van Dyk,JS Pletschke,B, Cockburn,I, Adebiyi,A and Van Dyk,JS. 2010. “Rapid enzymatic detection of organochlorine pesticides”. In: WRC Report No: 252/10. WRC, The (Ed) WRC. Pretoria. 1-25. ISBN: 978-1-4312-0040-5. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Abboo,SA and Pletschke,BI Abboo,SA and Pletschke,BI. “The effect of priority polluted phenols in water on the enzyme activities of ß-GAL and ß-GUD”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. P114. 164. Beukes,N and Pletschke,BI Beukes,N and Pletschke,BI. “The effect of alkaline pre-treatment on the degree of synergy with sugarcane bagasse”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) congress 2010. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. P44. 94. Blatch,GL Murindamombe ,G, Blatch,GL and Shonhai,A. “Optimization of large scale heterologous production of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp70 protein”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) congress 2010. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Burger,A, Willmer,T, Whiteley,CG and Boshoff,A Burger,A, Willmer,T, Whiteley,CG and Boshoff,A. “Escherichia coli RNA degradosome: the analysis of heat shock proteins and enolase”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) congress 2010 - Free Your Energy. University of Free State, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Charlton,JL, Gentz,PM and Dorrington,RA Charlton,JL, Gentz,PM and Dorrington,RA. “Understanding the biomolecular interactions involved in dimerisation of the saccharomyces cerevisiae eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) congress 2010. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. 149. Cockburn,IL, Stephens,LL and Blatch,GL Cockburn,IL, Stephens,LL and Blatch,GL. “Recombinant expression and purification of malarial and human Heat Shock Protein 70 (PfHsp70 and human Hsp70) for the screening of potential anti- malarial drugs”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) congress 2010. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Cooper,LC, Prinsloo,E and Blatch,GL Cooper,LC, Prinsloo,E and Blatch,GL. “The role of Hsp90 in Wnt signalling in breast cancer and breast cancer stem cells”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) congress 2010. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Cromhout,ME and Limson,JL Cromhout,ME and Limson,JL. “Assessing bio- molecular interactions of nano-structured materials using QCM-D”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) congress 2010. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Dames,J Goble,TA, Dames,J, Hilll,MP and Moore,SD. “The effects of farming system, haitat type and bait type on the isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from citrus soils in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa”. 6th Citrus research symposium. Champagne Sport Resort, Central Drakensburg. South Africa. August 2010. 173. Rhodes University Research Report: Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology 47 Rhodes University Research Report: Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology 48 De Almeida,L and Pletschke,BI De Almeida,L, Froneman,PW and Pletschke,BI. “The endocrine disrupting effects of sewage effluent from De Beers Marine Namibia Diamond Mining operations on the expression of CYP1a and vitellogenin in the hake, ‘Merluccius capensis’ and ‘M. paradoxus’”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. P15. 65. Dredge,RA and Pletschke,BI Dredge,RA and Pletschke,BI. “Saccharification of sugar beet pulp with hemicellulase synergy with an optimised pre-treatment step”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. P41. 91. Edwards,E and Limson,JL Edwards,E and Limson,JL. “Nanostructured surfaces for application in biological fuel cells”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Goble,JL, Stephens,L and Blatch,GL Goble,JL, Mutorwa,MKM, Stephens,L, Kaye,PT and Blatch,GL. “The Malarial drug target PfDXR: purification, kinetic characterization and inhibition studies”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Jones,SMJ and Pletschke,BI Jones,SMJ and Pletschke,BI. “Cellulase and hemicellulase degrading multi-enzyme complexes from Bacillus spp”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. P32. 82. Kenyon,A, Blatch,GL and Edkins,AL Kenyon,A, Blatch,GL and Edkins,AL. “Expression of heat shock proteins on the plasma membrane of breast cancer cells”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Knox,C Opoku-Debrah,J, Hill,MP, Moore,SD and Knox,C. “Studies on exiting and new isolates of ‘Crypto- phlebia leucotreta’ granulovirus (CrleGV) on FCM populations from a range of geographical regions in South Africa”. 6th Citrus research symposium. Champagne Sports Resort, Central Drakensburg. South Africa. August 2010. 171. Kruid,J and Limson,JL Kruid,J and Limson,JL. “Electrochemical analysis and microbial degradation of para red”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Limson,JL and Flanagan,S Limson,JL and Flanagan,S. “Development of a nano- biocomposite sensor for the electrochemical Detection of Ochratoxin A”. 15th world congress of food science and technology. Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. Ludewig,MH and Blatch,GL Ludewig,MH and Blatch,GL. “The characterization of the amino acids of Trypanosomal Hsp40s importants for a functional interaction with their partner Hsp70”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Matcher,GF and Dorrington,RA Aisling Beckerling ,T, Matcher,GF, Popplewell,WL, Dorrington,RA and Davies-Coleman,MT. “Exploring the potential of unique South African marine biodiversity for drug discovery”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. 60. Mautsa,N, Prinsloo,E and Blatch,GL Mautsa,N, Prinsloo,E and Blatch,GL. “Functional characterisation and structural elucidation of the domains of protein inhibitor of activated STAT3 (PIAS3)”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Meyer,AH and Dames,JF Meyer,AH, Dames,JF and WooldRidge,J. “Mycorrhizal root colonisation and microbial enzyme activity as affected by different soil cultivation practices in an apple orchard soil”. Combined congress. University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. 126. Meyer,AH, Dames,JF and Wooldridge,J. “An assessment of arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM)fungi in apple orchards of the Western Cape: a preliminary investigation”. Combined congress. University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. 127. Mohlake,P and Whiteley,CG Mohlake,P and Whiteley,CG. “Peptidyl arginine deiminase as a therapeutic tool in neurodegener- ative diseases: catalyst in fibrillogenesis”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilange Estate, University of Free State, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. 73. Morrison,R, Naiker,K and Wilhelmi,BS Morrison,R, Naiker,K, de Kock,S and Wilhelmi,BS. “The development of an in vitro system for the production of drug metabolites using liver microsomal enzymes”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. SouthArica. January 2010. Moyo,B, Edkins,AL and Blatch,GL Moyo,B, Edkins,AL and Blatch,GL. “Characterization of inhibitors of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) signalling pathways in breast cancer cells and breast cancer stem cells”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Mutsvunguma,L, Blatch,GL and Knox,C Mutsvunguma,L, Blatch,GL and Knox,C. “Investigating the role of Heat shock protein 40 (Hsp40) in the life cycle of Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV)”. South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB). Convention centre, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Mwila,K and Pletschke,B Mwila,K and Pletschke,B. “Rapid detection of organophosphorus and organochlorine based pesticides and their breakdown products in water using acetylcholinesterase assays”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. P136. Nakayinga,R, Short,JR, Walter,CT and Dorrington,RA Nakayinga,R, Short,JR, Walter,CT and Dorrington,RA. “Subcellular localisation of Providence virus replication proteins in insect cells”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. 108. Pesce,E-R and Blatch,GL Pesce,E-R and Blatch,GL. “Hsp40-Hsp70 partnerships of the malarial parasiste ‘plasmodium falciparum’”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Prinsloo,E and Blatch,GL Prinsloo,E and Blatch,GL. “Chaperoned STAT3: interaction of STAT3 with Hsp90”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Short,JR and Dorrington,RA Short,JR and Dorrington,RA. “Analysis of membrane targeting domains of a positive sense single stranded RNA virus replicase in HeLa cells”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. 33. Stanton,WD and Limson,JL Stanton,WD and Limson,JL. “The voltammetric analysis of Sudan I and its metabolite Aniline after exposure to anaerobic bacteria”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Sterrenberg,JN, Blatch,GL and Edkins,AL Sterrenberg,JN, Blatch,GL and Edkins,AL. “Isolation of breast cancer stem cells: characterisation and applicability to in vitro studies”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Van Dyk,JS and Pletschke,BI Van Dyk,JS, Sakka,K, Sakka,M and Pletschke,BI. “Characterisation of CMCase, xylanase, pectinase and mannanase activity in Bacillus licheniformis SvD1 with specific emphasis on the presence of these enzymes within a multi-enzyme complex”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. P35. 85. International Conferences (In SA) Blatch,GL Molefe,DM, Idahosa,KC, Lee,Y-C, Olomola,T, Rashamuse,TJ, Tukulula,M, Blatch,GL, Klein,R, Lobb,KA and Kaye,PT. “Studies towards the synthesis of HIV-1 protease and integrase inhibitors”. 11th Frank Warren conference. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. South Africa. January 2010. Bodill,T and Blatch,GL Bodill,T, Conibear,AC, Goble,J, Mutorwa,MKM, Stephens,L, Blatch,GL, Lobb,KA and Kaye,PT. “Poster presentation design and development of DOXP-reductoisomerase inhibitors as novel antimalarials”. 11th Frank Warren conference. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. South Africa. January 2010. Dairam,A, Fogel,R and Limson,JL Dairam,A, Fogel,R, Limson,JL and Daya,S. “Identifying metal binding properties of bioactive compounds in Indian dietary spice ingredients garlic, curcumin and chilli”. 15th world congress of food science and technology. Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. Flanagan,S and Limson,JL Flanagan,S and Limson,JL. “Development of a nano-biocomposite sensor for the electrochemical detection of ochratoxin A”. 15th world congress of food science and technology. Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. Padayachee,ER Padayachee,ER. “Neuronal nitric oxide synthase and interaction with beta amyloid peptides as biomarker for Alzheimers disease”. Asia Pacific conference on neuroscience. Phuket Graceland resort and spa, Phuket. Thailand. October 2010. 44. Walter,CT, Nakayinga,R and Dorrington,RA Walter,CT, Pringle,FM, Nakayinga,R de Felipe,P, Ryan,MD, Ball,LA and Dorrington,RA. “Genome organization and expression of the translation products of providence virus: the type member of a new family of small insect RNA viruses”. 43rd meeting of the society for invertebrate pathology. KTU Conference Centre, Trabzon. Turkey. July 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Abboo,SA and Pletschke,BI Abboo,SA and Pletschke,BI. “Enzymatic detection for indicator micro-organisms and the effect of phenolic pollutants in water”. 51st Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI). Birla institute of technology, Ranchi. India. December 2010. 196. Brimecombe,R and Limson,JL Brimecombe,R and Limson,JL. “Nanomaterial modified electrodes for monitoring microbial degradation of analytes in real time”. 61st annual meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry. Palais des Congrés Acropolis, Nice. France. September 2010. Frith,K-A and Limson,JL Frith,K-A and Limson,JL. “Sensitive and selective detection of dopamine at metallophthalocyanine multi-walled carbon nanotube hybrid surfaces in the presence of ascorbic acid”. 20th anniversary world biosensors congress. Scottish conference and exhibition centre, Edinburgh. United Kingdom. May 2010. Jauka,T, Mutsvunguma,L, Boshoff,A, Edkins,AL and Knox,C Jauka,T, Murray,L, Mutsvunguma,L, Ryan,MD, Wileman,T, Boshoff,A, Edkins,AL and Knox,C. “Localisation of Theiler’s Murine Encephalomyelitis virus protein 2C to the Golgi apparatus using antibodies generated against a peptide region”. European study group on the molecular biology of Picornaviruses (EUROPIC) 2010. CBMS, St Andrews. United Kingdom. September 2010. Moyo,B, de la Mare,J-A, Lawson,JC, Beukes,D, Edkins,AL and Blatch,GL Moyo,B, de la Mare,J-A, Lawson,JC, Beukes,D, Edkins,AL and Blatch,GL. “Screening of novel compounds of South Africa marine origin that modulate Hsp90 function”. The 5th international meeting on the Hsp90 chaperone machine. Les Diablerets, Geneva. Switzerland. October 2010. 1. 82. Padayachee,ER, Mohlake,P and Whiteley,CG Padayachee,ER, Mohlake,P and Whiteley,CG. “Arginine metabolizing enzymes as catalysts in fibrillogenesis of amyloid peptides”. 1st International conference on enzymes and biocatalysis. Shanghai Everbright convention and exhibition center. Shanghai. China. April 2010. 87-88. Pesce,E-R and Blatch,GL Pesce,E-R and Blatch,GL. “Biochemical characterisation of the interaction of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp40 co-chaperones with Hsp70 chaperones: partnerships within and beyond the boundaries of the parasite”. The XIIth international congress of parasitology - ICOPA XII. Melbourne convention and exhibition centre, Melbourne. Australia. August 2010. #562. 69. Pletschke,BI Pletschke,BI. “Enzyme synergy for efficient lignocelluloses degradation: fundamentals and application (keynote speaker)”. 51st Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI) and International Symposium on Cross- disciplinary Microbiology: Avenues and Challenges. Rhodes University Research Report: Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology 49 Rhodes University Research Report: Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology 50 Birla institute of Technology, Ranchi. India. December 2010. 5-6. Visser,DF and Pletschke,B Visser,DF, Rashamuse,KJ, Hennessy,F, Gordon,GER, Van Zyl,PJ, Mathiba,K, Bode,ML, Pletschke,B and Brady,D. “High yielding cascade enzymatic synthesis of 5-methyluridine using a novel Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase, from Bacillus halodurans Alk36”. BIOCAT 2010. Hamburg university of technology, Hamburg. Germany. August 2010. Wilhelmi,BS mogrovi ová,D, Tandlich,R, Nádask ,P, Wilhelmi,BS and Cambray,G.“Analytical and Aroma Profiles of Slovak and South African Meads”. 5th Central European Congress on Food. Hotel Tatra, Bratislava. Slovakia. May 2010. 495-499. Patents (Final and Provisional) Dorrington,RA, Vlok,M and Mendes,A Dorrington,RA, Vlok,M and Mendes,A. 2010. A method for producing virus-like particles. PCT. 2010. ZA200905604. PCT/B2010/002007. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Dames,JF Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory practices”. Good laboratory practices workshop. Mulungushi International Conference Center. Lusaka, Zambia. 28 - 29 January 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory practices”. Good laboratory practices workshop. University of Stellenbosch Business School. Belville, Cape Town, South African. 6 - 7 May 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Microbiology practices”. Best microbiology practices workshop. African Royal Beach Hotel. Accra, Ghana. 25 - 26 May 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory practices”. Good laboratory practices workshop. African Royal Beach Hotel. Accra, Ghana. 27 - 28 May 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory practices”. Good laboratory practices workshop. Blue Waters Hotel. Durban, South Africa. 1 - 2 July 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory standards”. ISO 17025 requirements workshop. Cresta Golfview Hotel. Lusaka, Zambia. 17 - 18 August 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory practices”. Good laboratory practices workshop. Cresta Golfview Hotel. Lusaka, Zambia. 19 - 20 August 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Microbiology of water”. Best microbiology practices workshop - water. Blue Waters hotel. Durban, South Africa. 9 - 10 September 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory management practices”. Best laboratory management practices workshop. University of Stellenbosch Business School. Belville, Cape Town, South Africa. 20 - 21 September 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory practices”. Good laboratory practices workshop. Le Saint George Hotel. Port Louis, Mauritius. 11 - 12 October 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory management”. Best laboratory management practices workshop. Le Saint George Hotel. Port Louis, Mauritius. 13 - 14 October 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Microbiology practices”. Best microbiology practices workshop. Holiday Inn Hotel. Harare, Zimbabwe. 8 - 9 November 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory practices”. Good laboratory practices workshop. Holiday Inn Hotel. Harare, Zimbabwe. 10 - 11 November 2010. Dames,JF. Facilitator. “Laboratory practices”. Good laboratory practices workshop. Red Court Hotel. Nairobi, Kenya. 30 December 2009 - 1 January 2010. Padayachee,ER Padayachee,ER. Workshop participant. “International society and Asia-Pacific school of neuroscience”. 10th biennial meeting of Asia-Pacific neurioscience. Mahidol University. Bangkok, Thailand. 11 - 17 October 2010. Whiteley,CG Whiteley,CG. Invited Lecturer. “Enzymology of biofuels, bioenergy and biodiesel”. International training and research program for sustainable energy. National Taiwan University. Taipei, Taichung, Taiwan. 14 - 20 November 2010. Whiteley,CG and Padayachee,ER Whiteley,CG and Padayachee,ER. Symposium. “Research in enzymology: aspects in biochemistry and biotechnology”. Postgraduate research symposium; school bioscience and bioengineering. South China University Technology. Guangzhou, China. 16 - 17 September 2010. International Visits Knox,C Knox,C. University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom. Research visit. 1 - 11 September 2010. Limson,JL Limson,JL. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Guest seminar. 11 May 2010 . Limson,JL. University of Bath, Bath, UK. Impedimetric biosensors. 30 May - 10 June 2010. Limson, JL. Speaker, DST/ LNLS Synchrotron Radiation Workshop. Campisina, Brazil. August 19 - 20, 2010. Padayachee,ER Padayachee,ER. South China University Technology; School Bioscience and Biotechnology, Guangzhou, China. Computer modelling of amyloid peptides with nitric oxide synthase. 13 September - 11 October 2010. Pletschke,BI Pletschke,BI. Mie University, Graduate School of Bioresources, Tsu, Japan. Invited talk. 22 - 26 January 2010. Pletschke,BI. Catholic University of Brasilia and Embrapa-Agrienergia, Brasilia, Brazil. Invited speaker. 1 - 7 November 2010. Pletschke,BI. University of Delhi, South Campus, Delhi, India. Invited talk, opening ceremony of the Lignocellulose biotechnology consortium. 7 - 12 December 2010. Whiteley,CG Whiteley,CG. South China University of Technology; School Bioscience and Bioengineering, Guangzhou, China. Collaborative research, China - South Africa collaborative NRF research programme. 14 - 21 April 2010. Whiteley,CG. Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, India. Develop collaborative research, deliver a lecture entitled “Nanoparticles and biomedical targets: neurodegeneration and malaria”. 29 August - 2 September 2010. Whiteley,CG. South China University of Technology; School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Guangzhou, China. Collaborative research, China - South Africa collaborative NRF research programme. 3 - 19 September 2010. Whiteley,CG. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Collaborative research discussions. 21 - 27 November 2010. Botany 2010 was an excellent year for the department - four MSc and two PhD students submitted their theses for examination, and staff maintained their research productivity. Professor Nigel Barker, the Head of the Department, continued leading biodiversity research focusing on the Great Escarpment mountains. His research group comprising Honours, masters, PhD and post-doctoral researchers, has been responsible for finding and describing new species of plants and animals, as well as identifying regions of high diversity. One of the papers co-authored by him and his students on this topic was awarded the Compton Prize for the best paper published in the South African Journal of Botany. Other ongoing local and international research collaborations on the evolutionary relationships of daisies, grasses and legumes also resulted in publications in high profile journals. Nigel also maintained his second research interest in the genetic diversity of animal taxa, with published work on Cicadas (in collaboration with Professor Martin Villet (Department of Zoology & Entomology), and continued research in coastal and marine invertebrates (in collaboration with Professor McQuaid of the Department of Zoology & Entomology). Professor Brad Ripley continued his work on the ecology and evolution of C4 grasses, which remains his central research focus. This resulted in the publication of several inter- national journal articles and the graduation of an MSc student. This student’s work was recognised with awards from both the Grassland society of South Africa and from the South African Academy of Science and Art. Brad’s collaboration with UK scientists continues with the submission of several funding applications and collaborative projects, and he has been involved with the formation of a Terrestrial Landcover Change Consortium (LCC) with other South African scientists who have developed several proposals to conduct research on the effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems. Dr Craig Peter presented a paper at the 1st International meeting on population ecology of tropical orchids held in the Guanahacabibes National Park, Pinar del Río, Cuba in January. While there he interacted with a number of leading orchid biologists from around the world. In addition Craig’s first PhD student , Gareth Coombs, graduated and has gone on to publish five papers with more in preparation. 2010 also saw Craig being awarded a Y1 rating from the NRF. The highlight of 2010, however, was undoubtedly the fact that Craig was awarded the South African Association of Botanists bronze medal for the best PhD submitted in 2009 for his research on the 51 Photos: Nigel Barker and Vincent Clark Rhodes University Research Report: Botany 52 pollination biology of orchids conducted at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Dr Susi Vetter led an NRF-funded research project on the role of key resources in the Richtersveld. 2010 saw the completion of a PhD thesis (by Gareth Hempson, who was based at Edinburgh University and co- supervised by Susi) as part of this project. Susi also continued to collaborate on a SANPAD-funded research project on the cultural values of biodiversity led by Dr Michelle Cocks (Institute for Social and Economic research, Rhodes University). In November 2010, Susi and Michelle organised a very successful workshop on integrating biocultural values into nature conservation, which involved collaborators and other invited speakers from the Netherlands, as well as several key figures in conservation in South Africa. The workshop served to disseminate research results and to discuss how the findings could inform conservation planning and management. As a consequence of this workshop, Dr Cocks was invited to give a plenary address at the 2011 South African Biodiversity Planning Forum, and a paper on integrating biocultural values into conservation has been submitted to the journal Conservation Biology. Professor Ted Botha was on sabbatical for the second half of the year, and was intensively involved in supervising two PhD students to completion, one of which was in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Fort Hare. He also published 3 papers. The departments’ community engagement was led by Tony Dold, together with Dr Michelle Cocks from the ISER, whose Inkcubeko Nendalo education programme presented 48 lessons to 650 Grade 10 learners and facilitated 16 field excursions for 187 of these learners. In addition a Heritage Day weekend outing for a group of learners was funded by the Albany Branch of the Botanical Society. Professor Nigel Barker Head of Department Books/Chapters/Monographs Dold,AP Shackleton,SE, Cocks,ML, Dold,AP, Kaschula,SAH, Kokwe,G, Mbata,K and von Maltitz,G. 2010. “Non- wood forest products: description, use and management”. In: The dry forests and woodlands of Africa: managing for products and services. Earthscan. London. First Edition. 93-130. ISBN: 978-1- 84971-131-9. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Barker,NP Moore,G, Smith,GF, Figueiredo,E, Demissew,S, Lewis,G, Schrire,BD, Rico,L, Van Wyk,AE and 67 other authors including Barker,NP. 2010. “‘Acacia’, the 2011 nomenclature section in Melbourne, and beyond”. Taxon. 59,1188-1195. Linder,HP, Baeza,M, Barker,NP, Galley,C, Humphreys,AM, Lloyd,K, Orlovich,DA, Pirie,MD, Simon,BK, Walsh,N and Verboom,GA. 2010. “A generic classification of the Danthonioideae (Poaceae)”. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 97,306-364. Price,BW, Barker,NP and Villet,MH. 2010. “A watershed study on genetic diversity: phylogenetic analysis of the ‘Platypleura plumosa’ (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) complex reveals catchment specific lineages”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 54,617-626. Ramdhani,S, Cowling,RM and Barker,NP. 2010. “Phylogeography of ‘Schotia’ (Fabaceae): recent evolutionary processes in an ancient thicket biome lineage”. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 171,626-640. Botha,CEJ Ibraheem,O, Botha,CEJ and Bradley,G. 2010. “In silico analysis of cis-acting regulatory elements in 5' regulatory regions of sucrose transporter gene families in rice (‘Oryza sativa’ Japonica) and ‘Arabidopsis thaliana’”. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 34,268-283. Coombs,G and Peter,CI Coombs,G and Peter,CI. 2010. “The invasive ‘mothcatcher’, (‘Araujia sericifera’ Brot., Asclepiadoideae) co-opts native honeybees as its primary pollinator in South Africa”. Aob Plants. 2010(plq021), Devos,N and Barker,NP Devos,N, Nordenstam,B, Mucina,L and Barker,NP. 2010. “A multi-locus phylogeny of ‘Euryops’ (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) augments support for the “Cape to Cairo” hypothesis of floral migrations in Africa”. Taxon. 59,57-67. Gilbert,ME and Ripley,BS Gilbert,ME and Ripley,BS. 2010. “Resolving the differences in plant burial responses”. Austral Ecology. 35,53-59. Jimoh,MA and Botha,CEJ Jimoh,MA, Botha,CEJ, Edwards,O and Bradley,G. 2010. “Population growth rate and relative virulence of the two South African biotypes of Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia, and bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi, on resistant and non-resistant barley”. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata. 138,1-9. Kaehler,S Ansorge,IJ, Pakhomov,EA, Kaehler,S, Lutjeharms,JRE and Durgadoo,JV. 2010. “Physical and biological coupling in eddies in the lee of the South-West Indian Ridge”. Polar Biology. 33,747- 759. McKenzie,RJ and Barker,NP McKenzie,RJ and Barker,NP. 2010. “Typification of names in nine species of ‘arctotis’ (Asteraceae, Arctotideae) from the Succulent Karoo, South Africa”. Novon. 20,298-302. Ripley,BS Taylor,SH, Hulme,SP, Rees,M, Ripley,BS, Woodward,FI and Osborne,CP. 2010. “Ecophysio- logical traits in C3 and C4 grasses: a phylogene- tically controlled screening experiment”. New Phytologist. 185,780-791. Taylor,SH, Ripley,BS, Woodward,FI and Osborne,CP. 2010. “Drought limitation of photosynthesis differs between C3 and C4 grass species in a comparative experiment”. Plant Cell and Environment. 34,65-75. Ripley,BS, Frole,K and Gilbert,ME Ripley,BS, Frole,K and Gilbert,ME. 2010. “Differences in drought sensitivities and photo- synthetic limitations between co-occurring C3 and C4 (NADP-ME) Panicoid grasses”. Annals of Botany. 105,493-503. Ripley,BS, Martin,T, Abraham,T and Donald,G Ripley,BS, Donald,G, Osborne,CP, Abraham,T and Martin,T. 2010. “Experimental investigation of fire ecology in the C3 and C4 subspecies of ‘Alloter- opsis semialata’”. Journal of Ecology. 98,1196-1203. Saheed,SA and Botha,CEJ Saheed,SA, Jonsson,LMV and Botha,CEJ. 2010. “Russian wheat aphid causes greater reduction in phloem transport capacity of barley leaves than bird cherry-oat aphid”. Acta Botanica Croatica. 69(1),7-18. Teske,PR Teske,PR, Forget,FRG, Cowley,PD, von der Heyden,S and Beheregaray,LB. 2010. “Connectivity between marine reserves and exploited areas in the philopatric reef fish Chrysoblephus laticeps (Teleostei: Sparidae)”. Marine Biology. 157,2029-2042. Other Publications Dold,AP Dold,AP and McKenzie,RJ. 2010. “Battles and giant earthworms. The Kommetjievlakte of the Eastern Cape”. In: Veld and Flora. Voget, C (Ed) Botanical Scoiety of South Africa. Cape Town. 96(3), 136- 137. McKenzie,RJ and Barker,NP McKenzie,RJ, Barker,NP and Helme,N. 2010.“The narrow-leaved Arctotis. In search of the critically endangered daisy Arctotis angustifolia var. angustifolia”. In: Veld & Flora. Voget, C (Ed) Botanical Society of South Africa. Cape Town. 96(1), 30-31. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Dold,AP Cocks,ML and Dold,AP. “‘Uthixo ulihlathi lam’ - God is my forest: use of local belief systems and values in conserving bio-cultural diversity in the Albany thicket, South Africa”. ASSAf-DST-NRF First Annual South African Young Scientists’ Conference. Diep in Die Berg Functions and Conference Centre, Pretoria. South Africa. October 2010. Dold,AP and Barker,NP Martínez-Azorín,M, Crespo,MB, Dold,AP and Barker,NP. “Preliminary data for a taxonomic revision of Albuca L. (Hyacinthaceae)”. 37th Annual conference of the South African Association of Botanists. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2011. International Conferences (In SA) Barker,NP Kok,AD, Parker,DM and Barker,NP. “Small mammals at high altitude: how does bait type influence estimates of species richness?” 4th International Conference of Rodent Biology and Management. CR Swart Auditorium University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. South Africa. April 2010. Kelly,CMR and Barker,NP Connan,M, McQuaid,CD, Bonnevie,BT, Kelly,CMR and Barker,NP. “Does sexual segregation exist in the feeding ecology of the Grey-headed albatross breeding in the Prince Edward Islands?” 1st world seabird conference. Victoria Conference Center, Victoria. Canada. September 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Dold,A Alford,M and Dold,A. “Wood anatomy of Gerrardinaceae and its relevance to the circumscription of Huerteales”. Botany 2010 Conference. Botanical Society of America. Rhode Island, Providence. USA. July 2010. Fearon,JL and Barker,NP Fearon,JL, Barker,NP and Hebert,DG. “An assessment of the genetic diversity of ‘Prestonella’ (Mollusca), and endemic genus from the Great Escarpment of South Africa”. 17th World Congress of Malacology. Royal Phuket City Hotel, Phuket. Thailand. July 2010. 143. Peter,CI Peter,CI. “Estimating rates of cross-pollination in naturally-pollinated fruit of an epidendroid orchid”. 1st International meeting on population ecology of tropical orchids: advanced tools for conservation. Guanahacabibes Peninsula, Pinar del Río. Cuba. January 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Events/Performances Vetter,S Vetter,S and Cocks,ML. Organiser and presenter. Integrating cultural values into conservation. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 1 - 3 November 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Botany 53 Rhodes University Research Report: Botany 54 International Visit Botha,CEJ Botha,CEJ. CSIRO Entomology Floreat Park, Perth, Australia. Discussion and preliminary research on cell damage caused by the lupin aphid. Work with Collaborator on KSC/NRF project. 15 - 30 September 2010. Rhodes Business School Rhodes Business School has set an ambitious goal of being in the top three research business schools in South Africa as measured by its publication ratio. We are mindful though that this is going to take time and the necessary building blocks have to be put in place to address this. Consequently a decision has been made to earmark a staff member with specific responsibility to drive the research agenda and provide a conducive environment for staff and students to achieve this. Following a review of its academic and personal skills programme as well as its research methods course, a structured programme of submission to key milestones and monitoring has been implemented. It is hoped that instilling this culture of discipline will enable students to convert their research into publications. There is currently one PhD student enrolled at Rhodes Business School. Rhodes Business School continues to be grateful to the DVC: Research and Development for making funds available for members of Rhodes Business School staff to attend conferences during the year. Professor Owen Skae Director 55 Rhodes University Research Report: Rhodes Business School 56 Books/Chapters/Monographs Skae,FO Wood,NA and Skae,FO. 2010. “Question bank and solutions” for Corporate Finance: A South African Perspective. Oxford University Press. South Africa. ISBN: 978-0-19-9041008. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Pearse,NJ Pearse,NJ. 2010. “Towards a social capital theory of resistance to change”. Journal of Advances in Management Research. 7(2),163-175. Other Publications Greyling,LM Greyling,LM. “Business unusual - lead or be left behind in the climate change challenge”. In: Vol 21 Issue 4 . Skae,FO Skae,FO. “Observations on leadership for sustainability (Part I)”. In: Vol 21 Issue 05. Skae,FO. “Observations of leadership for sustainability (part II)”. In: Vol 21 Issue 06. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Pearse,NJ Louw,L, Dhaya,J and Pearse,NJ. “The role of experience in the development of social competencies”. 22nd Annual southern Africa institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Greyling,LM Greyling,LM. “Conference proceedings: abstracts for work in progress”. Fourth international business conference. Zambezi Sun (Victoria Falls), Livingstone. Zambia. October 2010. Pearse,NJ Pearse,NJ. “The influence of strategic leadership in an organization: a case study of Ellerine Holdings Limited”. Fourth international business conference. Zambezi Sun (Victoria Falls), Livingstone. Zambia. October 2010. Pearse,NJ.2010. Balancing Strategic Leadership Roles During Church Transitions.Presented at the 6th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance. The College of Management “Edukacja” and The Professional Development Center, “Edukacja”, Wroc law, Poland, 28 - 29 October,2010. Taylor,S and Pearse,NJ Taylor,S and Pearse,NJ. “Creating a context for the development of servant leadership”. The 5th international conference on interdisciplinary social sciences. University of Cambridge, Cambridge. United Kingdom. August 2010. Distinguished Visitors Constant,M Ms M Constant. CEO, Business and Arts South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa. Lecture: ‘Art, business, culture: quantifying a return - simple as 1, 2, 3?’ May 2010. Kew,J Ms J Kew. University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. Lecture: ‘Entrepeneurship in South Africa: Quo Vadis? New economic’. August 2010. Lankester,T Mr T Lankester. CEO: National Arts Festival, Grahamstown. Lecture: Marketing the festival. February 2010. Mbeki,M Mr M Mbeki. Political commentator, Johannesburg, South Africa. Lecture: ‘The architecture of management in Africa: are we getting value for money?’ October 2010. Noah,A Ms A Noah. Managing director: Eskom Distribution, Johannesburg, South Africa. Lecture: ‘Keeping the lights burning: a sustainable business model for Eskom and South Africa’. May 2010. Orr,T Mr T Orr. Manager in the investment banking client covering department, Standard Bank, Johannesburg, South Africa. Lecture: ‘Making sense of China’s rise: opportunities and challenges for South African business: a South African bank’s experience’. April 2010. Taylor,I Mr I Taylor. Regional Director of Exp: the demand activation agency, Lagos, Nigeria. Lecture: ‘BaGhana BaGhana! Black stars to superstars, a model of sustainable sponsorship: a case study of the Ghanaian football team’. September 2010. Chemistry The highlights of the Chemistry Department for 2010 include; increased research capacity through high numbers of postgraduates (registered at Rhodes and those visiting from other Universities) and guest researchers, acquisition of state-of-the-art instrumentation, an increase in collaborations with industry, recognition of staff by various bodies and Universities, enhanced participation in research collaboration and dissemination at national and international conferences. Professor Tebello Nyokong continues to lead by example with at least 44 publications and a provisional patent. She also received Honorary Degrees from the Universities of South Africa and Walter Sisulu. Her year of several accolades was crowned by the Life Achievement Award (Education Category), received in Lesotho. Professor Nyokong also secured funding to purchase an X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) instrument worth R 7 million that will enhance the research capacity of the department in the area of surface chemistry for all nanotechnology pursuits. In particular the recent focus in the area of electrospinning for sensors and sample handling by Professors Torto, Nyokong and Dr Tshentu will benefit significantly. 2010 also saw the emergence of a concerted marine biodiscovery research initiative driven by Professor Davies- Coleman. New collaborations with the Marine Biodiscovery Centre at the University of Aberdeen, a pharmaceutical screening facility at the University of Tromsø in Norway and with natural products groups in Kenya were established. Professor Davies-Coleman and colleagues were able to secure a grant from the National Equipment Programme for a new R2.5 million gene sequencer to support marine biodiscovery. Within the department, Emeritus Professor Perry Kaye continues to mentor Drs Kevin Lobb and Roselyn Klein, and the productivity levels of 2010 are a true reflection of the progress made. Postgraduate student enrolment doubled from the initial 33 in 2004 to 67 in 2010. Collabora- tions with international organizations and local companies such as the Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and SASOL respectively, saw increased student and guest researcher support as well as acquisition of additional instrumentation. The department presented more than 50 papers at international conferences. It hosted 57 Researchers from Belgium and Greece visit the Nanotechnology Innovation Centre which is under the directorship of Professor Tebello Nyokong. From left to right: Prof Georgios Priniotakis, Mr Anastasios Tzerachoglou, Prof Tebello Nyokong, Mr Ioannis Chronis and Dr Philippe Westbroek Books/Chapters/Monographs Nyokong,T Nyokong,T. 2010. “Electronic spectral and electrochemical behaviour of near infrared absorbing metallophthalocyanines”. In: Structure and Bonding: Functional Phthalocyanine Molecular Materials. Springer. Berlin. First Edition. 135, 45-88. ISBN: 978-3-642-04751-0. Nyokong,T and Antunes,E Nyokong,T and Antunes,E. 2010. “Photochemical and photophysical properties of metallophthalocyanines”. In: The Handbook of Porphyrin Science. World Scientific. Singapore. First Edition. 7(34), 247-349. ISBN: 13 978-981-4307-20-8. Torto,N Torto,N, Ogunfowokan,AO, Okoh,EK and Adenuga,AA. 2010. “Biotechnology Development and threat of Climate Change in Africa: The Case of Nigeria”. Cuvillier Verlag gottingen Internationaler wissenchaftlicher Fachverlag. Bonn, Germany. First Edition. 2, 273-292. ISBN: 978-3-86955-403-7. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Akinbulu,IA and Nyokong,T Akinbulu,IA and Nyokong,T. 2010. “The effects of point of substitution on the electrochemical behavior of new manganese phthalocyanines, tetra- substituted with diethylaminoethanethiol”. Inorganic Chimica Acta. 323,3229-3237. Akinbulu,IA and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Fabrication and characterization of single walled carbon nanotubes-iron phthalocyanine nano-composite: surface properties and electron transport dynamics of its self assembled monolayer film”. New Journal of Chemistry. 34,2875-2886. Akinbulu,IA and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Syntheses and investigation of the effects of position and nature of substituent on the spectral, electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties of new cobalt phthalocyanine complexes”. Polyhedron. 29,1257- 1270. Akinbulu,IA, Khene,S and Nyokong,T Akinbulu,IA, Khene,S and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Surface properties of self-assembled monolayer films of tetra-substituted cobalt, iron and manganese alkylthio phthalocyanine complexes”. Electrochimica Acta. 55,7085-7093. Akinbulu,IA, Khene,S and Nyokong,T. 2010. “The effects of point of substitution on the formation of manganese phthalocyanine based molecular materials: surface characterization and electrocatalysis”. Thin Solid Films. 519,911-918. Akpe,V and Nyokong,T Akpe,V, Brismar,H, Nyokong,T and Osadebe,PO. 2010. “Photophysical and photochemical parameters of octakis (benzylthio) phthalocyaninato zinc, aluminium and tin: Red shift index concept in solvent effect on the ground state absorption of zinc phthalocyanine derivatives”. Journal of Molecular Structure. 984,1-14. Britton,J, Antunes,E and Nyokong,T Britton,J, Antunes,E and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Fluorescence quenching and energy transfer in conjugates of quantum dots with zinc and indium tetraamino phthalocyanines”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry. 210,1-7. Brown,ME, Cosser,RC, Davies-Coleman,MT, Kaye,PT, Klein,R, Lamprecht,E, Lobb,K, Nyokong,T, Sewry,JD, Tshentu,Z, Van der Zeyde,T and Watkins,GM Brown,ME, Cosser,RC, Davies-Coleman,MT, Kaye,PT, Klein,R, Lamprecht,E, Lobb,K, Nyokong,T, Sewry,JD, Tshentu,Z, Van der Zeyde,T and Watkins,GM. 2010. “Introducing chemistry students to the “Real World” of chemistry”. Journal of Chemical Education. 87,500-503. Canlica,M and Nyokong,T Canlica,M and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Synthesis and photophysical properties of 1,1’-binaphthol substituted phthalocyanines”. Inorganic Chimica Acta. 363,3384-3389. Chauke,V and Nyokong,T Chauke,V and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of new tantalum (V) alkythio phthalocyanines”. Inorganic Chimica Acta. 363,3662-3669. Chauke,V, Matemadombo,F and Nyokong,T Chauke,V, Matemadombo,F and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Remarkable sensitivity for detection of bisphenol A on a gold electrode modified with nickel tetraamino phthalocyanine containing Ni-O-Ni bridges”. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 178,180- 186. Chidawanyika,W and Nyokong,T Chidawanyika,W and Nyokong,T. 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Chemistry 58 several guest researchers and students from various countries but also had the opportunity to send its postgraduate students to Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, and Uruguay. Professor Nelson Torto Head of Department “Characterization of amine-functionalized single- walled carbon nanotube-low symmetry phthalocyanine conjugates”. Carbon. 48,2831-2838. Chidawanyika,W, Litwinski,C, Antunes,E and Nyokong,T Chidawanyika,W, Litwinski,C, Antunes,E and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Photophysical study of a covalently linked quantum dot-low symmetry phthalocyanine conjugate”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry. 212,26-35. Chigome,N, Darko,G and Torto,N Chigome,N, Darko,G, Buttner,U and Torto,N. 2010. “Semi-micro solid phase extraction with electrospun polystyrene fiber disks”. Analytical Methods. 2(6),623-626. Chigome,S Abiona,A, Ajao,J, Chigome,S, Bosca Kana Kana,J, Osinkolu,G and Maaza,M. 2010. “Synthesis and characterisation of cobalt chloride/poly (ethylene oxide) electrospun hybrid nanofibers”. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 55(2),235-241. Ajao,J, Abiona,A, Chigome,S, Bosca Kana Kana,J and Maaza,M. 2010. “Preparation and characterisation of electrospun poly (2,5- dicyclohexylphenylene-1,4-ethynylene) (C24H30)n/Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) hybrid nanofibers”. Journal of Materials Science. 45(3),713- 718. Ajao,J, Abiona,A, Chigome,S, Fasasi,AY, Osinkolu,GA and Maaza,M. 2010. “Electro- magnetic field-induced aligned electrospun poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO) nanofibers”. Journal of Materials Science. 45(9),2324-2329. Chigome,S and Torto,N Abiona,A, Chigome,S, Ajao,J, Fasasi,GOA, Torto,N, Maaza,M and Osinkolu,G. 2010. “Synthesis and substrate-aided alignment of porphyrinated poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) electrospun nanofibers”. International Journal of Polymeric Materials. 59,10- 818. Chigome,S, Abiona,A, Ajao,J, Bosca Kana Kana,J, Guerbous,L, Torto,N and Maaza,M. 2010. “Synthesis and characterisation of electrospun poly (ethylene oxide)/ europium doped yttrium orthovanadate (PEO/YVO4 :Eu3+) hybrid nanofibers”. International Journal of Polymeric Materials. 59(11),863-872 Chigome,S, Darko,G and Torto,N Chigome,S, Darko,G, Buttner,U and Torto,N. 2010. “Semi-micro solid phase extraction with electospun polystyrene fiber disks”. Analytical Methods. 2(6),623- 626. Coates,M, Antunes,E and Nyokong,T Coates,M, Antunes,E and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Electrochemical, spectroscopic and microscopic studies of new manganese phthalocyanine complexes: in solution and as self-assembled monolayers on gold”. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 14,568-581. Conibear,AC, Lobb,KA and Kaye,PT Conibear,AC, Lobb,KA and Kaye,PT. 2010. “31P NMR kinetic study of the tandem cleavage of phosphonate esters by bromotrimethylsilane”. Tetrahedron. 66,8446-8449. Davies-Coleman,MT Davies-Coleman,MT. 2010. “Natural Product Research in South Africa. End of an era on land or the beginning of an endless opportunity in the sea?”. South African Journal of Chemistry. 63,105- 113. Grkovic,T, Pearce,AN, Munro,MHG, Blunt,JW, Davies-Coleman,MT and Copp,BR. 2010. “Isolation and characterization of diastereomers of discorhabdins H and K and assignment of absolute configuration to discorhabdins D, N, Q, S, T and U”. Journal of Natural Products. 73,1686-1693. Erdogmus,A and Nyokong,T Erdogmus,A and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Novel soluble fluoro functionalized zinc phthalocyanines, synthesis, characterization and photophysicochemical properties”. Dyes and Pigments. 86,174-181. Erdogmus,A and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Synthesis of zinc phthalocyanine derivatives with improved photophysicochemical properties in aqueous media”. Journal of Molecular Structure. 977,26-38. Erdogmus,A, Akinbulu,IA and Nyokong,T Erdogmus,A, Akinbulu,IA and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Synthesis and electrochemical properties new cobalt and manganese phthalocyanine complexes tetra-substituted with 3,4-(methylendioxy)- phenoxy”. Polyhedron. 29,2352-2363. Erdogmus,A, Moeno,S, Litwinski,C and Nyokong,T Erdogmus,A, Moeno,S, Litwinski,C and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Photophysical properties of newly synthesized fluorinated zinc phthalocyanines in the presence CdTe quantum dots and the accompanying energy transfer processes”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry. 210,200-208. George,RC and Nyokong,T George,RC, Egharevba,GO and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Spectroscopic studies of nanostructures of negatively charged free base porphyrin and positively charged tin porphyrins”. Polyhedron. 29,1469-1474. Gxoyiya,BSB and Kaye,PT Gxoyiya,BSB, Kaye,PT and Kenyon,C. 2010. “Benzimidazole-derived ATP Analogues as Potential Glutamine Synthetase Inhibitors”. Synthetic Communications. 40(17),2578-2587. Idowu,M and Nyokong,T Idowu,M, Loewenstein,T, Hastall,A, Nyokong,T and Schlettwein,D. 2010. “Photoelectrochemical characterization of electrodeposited ZnO thin films sensitized by octacarboxy metallophalocyanine derivatives”. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 14(2),142-149. Idowu,M and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Spectroscopic behaviour of cationic metallophthalocyanines in the presence of anionic quantum dots”. Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 75,411-416. Kempgens,P Kempgens,P. 2010. “The theory of DQF-COSY NMR experiments I. Amplitude modulation of the signal”. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A. 36A,341-346. Kempgens,P. 2010. “The theory of COSY NMR experiments revisited: application to an AX spin system of quadrupolar nuclei”. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A. 36A(Part A),170-177. Kempgens,P. 2010. “The theory of DQF-COSY NMR experiments II. Phase modulation of the signal. A simple relationship between the coefficients needed to calculate the COSY and DQF-COSY NMR spectra of an AX spin system of quadrupolar nuclei”. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A. 36A(Part A),394-399. Khene,S, Lobb,KA and Nyokong,T Khene,S, Lobb,KA and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Interaction between nickel hydroxy phthalocyanine derivatives with p-chlorophenol: linking electrochemistry experiments with theory”. Electrochimica Acta. 56,706-716. Rhodes University Research Report: Chemistry 59 Rhodes University Research Report: Chemistry 60 Mashazi,P and Nyokong,T Mashazi,P and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Electrocatalytic studies of the covalently immobilized metal tetra- amino phthalocyanines onto derivatized screen- printed gold electrodes”. Microchimica Acta. 171,321-332. Mashazi,P, Togo,CA, Limson,JL and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Applications of polymerized metal tetra- amino phthalocyanines towards hydrogen peroxide detection”. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 14(3),252-263. Mashazi,P, Antunes,E and Nyokong,T Mashazi,P, Antunes,E and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Probing electrochemical and electrocatalytic properties of cobalt(II) and manganese(III) octakis (hexylthio) phthalocyanine as self-assembled monolayers”. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 14,932-947. Masilela,N and Nyokong,T Masilela,N and Nyokong,T. 2010. “The synthesis and photophysical properties of water soluble tetrasulfonated, octacarboxylated and quaternised 2,(3)-tetra-(2 pyridiloxy) Ga phthalocyanines”. Dyes and Pigments. 84,242-248. Masilela,N and Nyokong,T. 2010. “The synthesis and photophysical properties of novel cationic tetra pyridiloxy substituted aluminium, silicon and titanium phthalocyanines in water”. Journal of Luminescence. 130,1787-1793. Masilela,N, Nombona,N and Nyokong,T Masilela,N, Nombona,N, Loewenstein,T, Nyokong,T and Schlettwein,D. 2010. “Symmetrically and unsymmetrically substituted carboxy phthalo- cyanines as sensitizers for nanoporous ZnO films”. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 14,985- 992. Moeno,S and Nyokong,T Moeno,S and Nyokong,T. 2010. “An investigation of the behaviour of quaternized peripherally tetra mercaptopyridine substituted metallophthalo- cyanines in the presence of quantum dots”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry. 215,196-204. Moeno,S, Antunes,E, Khene,S, Litwinski,C and Nyokong,T Moeno,S, Antunes,E, Khene,S, Litwinski,C and Nyokong,T. 2010. “The effect of substituents on the photoinduced energy transfer between CdTe quantum dots and mercapto substitututed zinc phthalocyanine derivatives”. Dalton Transactions. 39(14),3460-3471. Mugadza,T and Nyokong,T Mugadza ,T and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Electrocatalytic oxidation of amitrole and diuron on iron (II) tetraaminophthalocyanine-single walled carbon nanotube dendrimer”. Electrochimica Acta. 55,2606- 2613. Mugadza,T and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Synthesis, characterization and the electrocatalytic behaviour of nickel (II) tetraamino-phthalocyanine chemically linked to single walled carbon nanotubes”. Electrochimica Acta. 55,6049-6057. Mugadza,T and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Covalent linking of ethylene diamine functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes to cobalt (II) tetracarboxyl- phthalocyanines for use in electrocatalysis”. Synthetic Metals. 160,2089-2098. Mugadza,T and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Facile electrocatalytic oxidation of diuron on polymerized nickel hydroxo tetraamino phthalocyanine modified glassy carbon electrodes”. Talanta. 81,1373-1379. Nombona,N, Antunes,E and Nyokong,T Nombona,N, Antunes,E and Nyokong,T. 2010. “The synthesis and fluorescence behaviour of phthalocyanines unsymmetrically substituted with naphthol and carboxy groups”. Dyes and Pigments. 86,68-73. Nyokong,T Agboola,BO, Ozoemena,KI, Nyokong,T, Fukuda,T and Kobayashi,N. 2010. “Tuning the physico- electrochemical properties of novel cobalt (II) octa [(3,5-biscarboxylate)-phenoxy] phthalocyanine complex using phenylamine-functionalised SWCNTs”. Carbon. 48,763-773. Bedioui,F, Quinton,D, Griveau,S and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Designing Molecular Materials and Strategies for the Electrochemical Detection of Nitric Oxide, Superoxide and Peroxynitrite in Biological Systems”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12,9976-9989. Dumoulin,F, Durmus,M, Ahsen,V and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Synthetic pathways to water-soluble phthalocyanines and close analogs”. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 254,2792-2847. Erdogmus,A, Durmus,M, Ugur,AL, Avciata,O, Avciata,U and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Synthesis, photophysic, photochemistry and fluorescence quenching studies on highly soluble substituted oxotitanium (IV) phthalocyanine complexes”. Synthetic Metals. 160,1868-1876. Mamuru,SA, Ozoemena,KI, Fukuda,T, Kobayashi,N and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Studies on the hetero- geneous electron transport and oxygen reduction reaction at metal (Co, Fe) octabutylsulphonyl- phthalocyanines supported on multiwalled carbon nanotube modified graphite electrode”. Electrochimica Acta. 55(22),6367-6375. Tekin,S, Kürüm,U, Durmus,M, Yaglioglu,HG, Nyokong,T and Elmali,A. 2010. “Optical limiting properties of zinc phthalocyanines in solution and solid PMMA composite films”. Optics Communications. 283,4749-4753. Yüksek,M, Elmali,A, Durmus,M, Yaglioglu,HG, Unver,H and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Good optical limiting performance of indium and gallium phthalocyanines in a solution and co-polymer host”. Journal of Optics A-Pure and Applied Optics. 12,15208-15216. Zagal,JH, Griveau,S, Silva,JF, Nyokong,T and Bedioui,F. 2010. “Metallophthalocyanine-based molecular materials as catalysts for electrochemical reactions”. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 254,2755-2791. Ogunbayo,T and Nyokong,T Ogunbayo,T and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Photophysical and photochemical properties of Ni(II), Pd(II) and Pt(II) aryloxo and alkylthio derivatised phthalo- cyanine”. Journal of Molecular Structure. 973,96- 103. Olomola,T, Klein,R, Lobb,KA and Kaye,PT Olomola,T, Klein,R, Lobb,KA, Sayed,Y and Kaye,PT. 2010. “Towards the synthesis of coumarin derivatives as potential dual-action eIV-1 protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors”. Tetrahedron Letters. 51,6325-6328. Popplewell,WL, Marais,EA and Davies- Coleman,MT Popplewell,WL, Marais,EA, Brand,L, Harvey,BH and Davies-Coleman,MT. 2010. “Euphorbias of South Africa: two new phorbol esters from Euphorbia bothae”. South African Journal of Chemistry. 63,175-179. Rashamuse,TJ, Klein,R and Kaye,PT Rashamuse,TJ, Klein,R and Kaye,PT. 2010. “Synthesis of Baylis-Hillman-derived Phosphonated -(Benzylaminomethyl) coumarins”. Synthetic Communications. 40,3683-3690. Siswana,MP, Geraldo,DA and Nyokong,T Siswana,MP, Ozoemena,KI, Geraldo,DA and Nyokong,T. 2010. “Nanostructured nickel (II) phthalocyanine-MWCNT as viable nanocomposite platform for electrocatalytic detection of asulam pesticide at neutral pH conditions”. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 14,1351-1358. Torto,N Akinlua,A and Torto,N. 2010. “Geochemical characterization of offshore western Niger Delta source rock”. Petroleum Science and Technology. 28,236-247. Mwatseteza,JF and Torto,N. 2010. “Profiling volatile compounds from Mucuna beans by solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-high resolution time of flight mass spectrometry”. Food Chemistry. 119(1),386-390. Truscott,BJ, Kaye,PT and Klein,R Truscott,BJ, Kaye,PT and Klein,R. 2010. “Expeditious synthesis of N-substituted N- mesitylimidazolium salts as NHC precursors”. Tetrahedron Letters. 51,5041-5043. Tshentu,ZR and Walmsley,RS Tshentu,ZR, Togo,C and Walmsley,RS. 2010. “Polymer-anchored oxovanadium(IV) complex for the oxidation of thioanisole, styrene and ethylbenzene”. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A- Chemical. 318,30-35. Tshentu,ZR and Walmsley,RS. 2010. “Imidazole- based vanadium complexes as haloperoxidase models for oxidation reactions”. South African Journal of Chemistry. 63,95-104. Tshentu,ZR, Walmsley,RS, Fernandes,MA and Frost,CL. 2010. “Synthesis, characterization and anti-diabetic effect of bis[(1-R-imidazolinyl) phenolato]oxovanadium(IV) complexes”. Inorganic Chimica Acta. 363,2215-2221. Tukulula,M, Klein,R and Kaye,P T Tukulula,M, Klein,R and Kaye,P T. 2010. “Indolizine Studies. Part 5. Indolizine-2-carboxamides as Potential HIV-1 protease inhibitors”. Synthetic Communications. 40(13),2018-2028. Other Publications Davies-Coleman,MT Davies-Coleman,JA, Davies-Coleman,MT and Parker-Nance,S. 2010. “Slugging it out with chemistry”. In: Africa geographic. November, 33-35. Torto,N and Tshentu,Z Torto,N and Tshentu,Z. 2010. “Reassessing the role of analytical chemistry”. In: Chemistry international. Meyers,F and Brouwer,C (Eds) Chemistry International. Boston, United States of America. 32(5), 8- 13. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Abel,S, Davies-Coleman,MT and Sewry,JD Abel,S, Davies-Coleman,MT, Sewry,JD and Hlengwa,A. “Implementation and evaluation of a service-learning component in a second year organic chemistry course”. Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE) 2010 Conference. North West University, Pinetown. South Africa. January 2010. Aisling Beckerling,T, Popplewell,WL and Davies- Coleman,MT Aisling Beckerling ,T, Matcher,GF, Popplewell,WL, Dorrington,RA and Davies-Coleman,MT. “Exploring the potential of unique South African marine biodiversity for drug discovery”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. 60. Canlica,M, Nyokong,T, Flanagan,S and Limson,JL Canlica,M, Nyokong,T, Flanagan,S and Limson,JL. “The Synthesis, Characterization and Photophysical Properties of Balltype Phthalocyanines for use as Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) of cancer development of a nano-biocomposite sensor for the electrochemical detection of Ochratoxin A”. 15th world congress of food science and technology. Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. Mutorwa,MKM and Kaye,PT Goble,JL, Mutorwa,MKM, Stephens,L, Kaye,PT and Blatch,GL. “The Malarial drug target PfDXR: purification, kinetic characterization and inhibition studies”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SASBMB) 2010 congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. Sewry,JD Sewry,JD. “Community engagement in chemistry at Rhodes university”. ISTE International conference on mathematics, science and technology education. Mopani Camp, Kruger National Park. South Africa. January 2010. Adams,V and Sewry,JD. “The challenges of communicating chemistry concepts to learners in Grahamstown schools”. Southern African association of science and technology centres (SAASTEC) 13th conference. Arcelor Mittal science centre and school of excellence, Vredenburg / Saldana (Western Cape). South Africa. November 2010. Tshentu,ZR and Walmsley,RS Tshentu,ZR and Walmsley,RS. “Polymer supported vanadium catalysts for oxidation reactions”. Conference of the catalysis society of South Africa (CATSA). Bain’s Game Lodge, Bloemfontein. South Africa. November 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Abel,S and Brown,ME Abel,S, Bourne,SA and Brown,ME. “Dehydration/ resolvation studies of Metal Organic Framework compounds involving some First Row Transition Metal(II) cations and 1, 2, 4, 5-Benzenetetracar- boxylic Acid”. 39th international conference of coordination chemistry. Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide. South Africa. July 2010. Antunes,E Beukes,DR, Antunes,E, Afolayan,AF, Mann,MGA, Whibley,CE, Hendrick,DT and Bolton,JJ. “Cytotoxic halogenated monoterpenes from South African Plocamium spp.”. 13th International Symposium in Marine Natural Products. Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort and Spa, Phuket. Thailand. October 2010. Batlokwa,S, Tshentu,Z and Torto,N Batlokwa,S, Chimuka,L, Tshentu,Z, Cukrowska,E and Torto,N. “An ion imprinted polymer for the selective removal of mercury(ii) ions in aqueous media”. Analitika 2010, International Conference on Analytical Sciences. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. December 2010. Chigome,S and Torto,N Chigome,S and Torto,N. “Electrospun polystyrene copolymer fibers as sorbents for solid phase extraction”. Analitika 2010, International Conference on Analytical Sciences. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. December 2010. Conibear,AC, Mutorwa,MKM, Lobb,KA and Kaye,PT Rhodes University Research Report: Chemistry 61 Rhodes University Research Report: Chemistry 62 Bodill,T, Conibear,AC, Goble,J, Mutorwa,MKM, Stephens,L, Blatch,GL, Lobb,KA and Kaye,PT. “Poster presentation design and development of DOXP-reductoisomerase inhibitors as novel antimalarials”. 11th Frank Warren conference. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. South Africa. January 2010. Darko,G, Tancu,Y and Torto,N Darko,G, Tancu,Y and Torto,N. “Pre-concentration of heavy metal ions in aqueous environments using electrospun polystyrene nanofibers incorporated with diazole ligand”. Analitika 2010, International Conference on Analytical Sciences. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. December 2010. Kaye,PT Kaye,PT.“Theoretical perspectives on the Baylis- Hillman reaction”. 11th Frank Warren conference. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. South Africa. January 2010. Kleyi,P, Tshentu,Z and Torto,N Kleyi,P, Tshentu,Z and Torto,N. “Pre-concentration of lead(ii) in aqueous solutions using dithizone functionalized electrospun polystyrene nanofibres”. Analitika 2010, International Conference on Analytical Sciences. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. December 2010. Mokgadi,J and Torto,N Mokgadi,J and Torto,N. “Pressurized hot water extraction with subsequent degradation studies of alkaloids in goldenseal”. Analitika 2010, International Conference on Analytical Science. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. December 2010. Molefe,DM, Idahosa,KC, Lee,Y-C, Olomola,T, Rashamuse,TJ, Tukulula,M, Klein,R, Lobb,KA and Kaye,PT Molefe,DM, Idahosa,KC, Lee,Y-C, Olomola,T, Rashamuse,TJ, Tukulula,M, Blatch,GL, Klein,R, Lobb,KA and Kaye,PT. “Studies towards the synthesis of HIV-1 protease and integrase inhibitors”. 11th Frank Warren conference. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. South Africa. January 2010. Pule,BO, Mmualefe,L and Torto,N Pule,BO, Mmualefe,L and Torto,N. “QuEChERS: Fast, Simple Extraction and Cleanup of PAHs Residue Samples”. Analitika 2010, International Conference on Analytical Sciences. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. December 2010. Torto,N, Chigome,S, Darko,G, Lancaster,N and Tshentu,Z Torto,N, Chigome,S, Darko,G, Lancaster,N and Tshentu,Z. “Electrospun based sorbents for SPE”. Analitika 2010, International Conference on Analytical Sciences. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. December 2010. Tshentu,ZR, Okewole,AI, Magwa,N and Watkins,GM Tshentu,ZR, Okewole,AI, Magwa,N and Watkins,GM. “Separation of base metals in a highly acidic sulfate/chloride medium”. Analitika 2010, International Conference on Analytical Sciences. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. December 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Abel,S, Bourne,SA, Brown,ME, Hodgson,I, Lamprecht,E, Lobb,KA, Young,R, and Watkins,GM Abel,S, Bourne,SA, Brown,ME, Hodgson,I, Lamprecht,E, Lobb,KA, Young,R, and Watkins,GM. “Dehydration/resolvation studies of Metal Organic Framework compounds involving some First Row Transition Metal(II) cations and 1, 2, 4, 5-Benzene- tetracarboxylic Acid.” 39th International Conference of Coordination Chemistry, Adelaide, July, 2010. Adendorff,MR, Young,RM and Davies- Coleman,MT Adendorff,MR, Young,RM, van Zyl,R and Davies- Coleman,MT. “The marine isonitrile/heme interaction revisited”. The 9th international marine biotechnology conference. Qingdao Huanghai hotel, Qingdao. China. October 2010. Chigome,S and Torto,N Chigome,S and Torto,N. “Semi-micro solid phase extraction with electrospun polystyrene fiber disks”. The 1st International Conference on Electrospinning. The Langham, Melbourne. Australia. January 2010. Chigome,S and Torto,N. “Miniaturisation of sample preparation devices through electrospun fibers”. 2010 Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Bioanalytical sensors. Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire. USA. June 2010. Nyokong,T Nyokong,T. “Design of phthalocyanines for medical applications”. 11th Eurasia conference on chemical sciences (EuAsC2S-11). King Hussein bin Talal convention center at the Dead Sea (KHBTCC), Jordan. Asia. October 2010. Maduray,K, Karsten,A, Odhav,B and Nyokong,T. “The photodynamic effect of Aluminium and Zinc Tetrasulfophthalocyanines on melanoma cancer cells”. The XII international conference on laser applications in life sciences. University of Oulu, Oulu. Finland. June 2010. Nyokong,T and Antunes,E Quinton,D, Antunes,E, Cabet,E, Griveau,S and Bedioui,F and Nyokong,T. “Mn Phthalocyanine molecular electrode formed by electrochemical grafting and azide-alkyl click chemistry for the biomimetic activation of molecular oxygen”. 61st annual meeting of the international society of electrochemistry. Palais des Congrés Acropolis, Nice. France. September 2010. Nyokong,T and Chidawanyika,W Chidawanyika,W and Nyokong,T. “Covalently linked low-symmetry phthalocyanine-quantum dot interactions”. Challenges in physical chemistry and nanoscience (ISACS2). InterContinental Budapest hotel, Budapest. Hungary. July 2010. Nyokong,T and Khene,S Khene,S and Nyokong,T. “The electrocatalytic activity of nickel tetraamino phthalocyanine derivatives linked to singled walled carbon nanotubes”. 61st annual meeting of the international society of electrochemistry. Palais des Congrés Acropolis, Nice. France. September 2010. Shimizu,S, Kobayashi,N, Miura,A, Nyokong,T, Khene,S, and Zhu,H. “Syntheses and properties of novel subnaphthalocyanines”. Sixth international conference on porphyrins and phthalocyanines (ICPP-6). Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa, New Mexico. USA. July 2010. Nyokong,T, Antunes,E, Britton,J and Moeno,S Antunes,E, Britton,J, Moeno,S and Nyokong,T. “The behaviour of quantum dots in the presence of phthalocyanines”. Sixth international conference on porphyrins and phthalocyanines (ICPP-6). Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa, New Mexico. USA. July 2010. Nyokong,T, Coates,M and Antunes,E Coates,M, Antunes,E, Cabet,E, Griveau,S, Bedioui,F and Nyokong,T. “Covalent modification of carbon electrode surfaces by electrochemical grafting and Azide-Alkyne click chemistry”. 61st annual meeting of the international society of electrochemistry. Palais des Congrés Acropolis, Nice. France. September 2010. Nyokong,T, Moeno,S and Litwinski,C Litwinski,C, Moeno,S and Nyokong,T. “Photoinduced energy transfer between quantum dots and water-soluble phthalocyanines”. Challenges in physical chemistry and nanoscience (ISACS2). InterContinental Budapest hotel, Budapest. Hungary. July 2010. Torto,N and Darko,G Torto,N and Darko,G. “Semi-micro solid phase extraction with electrospun polystyrene fiber disk”. Electrospinning 2010. The Langham, Melbourne. Australia. January 2010. Torto,N, Chigome,S, Darko,G and Tshentu,Z Torto,N, Chigome,S, Darko,G and Tshentu,Z. “Semi-micro SPE based on electrospun fibers”. Analysdargana. Uppsala. Sweden. June 2010. Torto,N, Chigome,S, Darko,G, Rammika,M, Lancaster,N and Tshentu,Z Torto,N, Chigome,S, Darko,G, Rammika,M, Lancaster,N and Tshentu,Z. “From micro-particle to electrospun nanofiber sorbents for SPE”. ExTech 2010 - 12th international symposium on exraction technologies. Novotel Centrum, Poznan. Poland. September 2010. Tshentu,ZR and Walmsley,RS Tshentu,ZR and Walmsley,RS. “Polymer supported vanadium catalysts for oxidation reactions”. International conference on coordination chemistry (ICCC39). Conference Centre, Adelaide. Australia. September 2010. Patents (Final and Provisional) Nyokong,T, Zugle,R, Darko,G, Litwinski,C and Torto,N Nyokong ,T, Zugle,R, Darko,G, Litwinski,C and Torto,N. 2010. Electrospun polystyrene fibers functionalized with lutetium tetraphenoxy phthalocyanine. South Africa. 2010. P949605ZP00. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Events/Performances Chidawanyika,W Chidawanyika,W. Oral Presentation. “Photodynamic therapy”. Lasers in chemistry seminar. University of Pretoria. Pretoria, South Africa. 3 - 5 May 2010. D’Souza,S D’Souza,S. Oral Presentation. “Improving phthalocyanines for use in photodynamic therapy”. Lasers in chemistry seminar. University of Pretoria. Pretoria, South Africa. 3 - 5 May 2010. Davies-Coleman,MT Davies-Coleman,MT. Public schools lecture. “Drugs from the sea”. Visiting speaker for invited top A level students. Kings College. Taunton, United Kingdom. 4 November 2010. Davies-Coleman,MT. Public schools lecture. “Drugs from the sea”. Visiting speaker for invited top A level students, outreach programme. Bristol University. Bristol, United Kingdom. 5 November 2010. Forteath,S Forteath,S. Oral Presentation. “Dye sensitised solar cells”. SA/German workshop. Continuing Education Centre (CEC), Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 7 - 8 September 2010. Forteath,S. Oral Presentation. “Development of phthalocyanine sensitised nanoporous ZnO solar cells”. Nanatechnology innovation centre (NIC) - sensors workshop. University of the Western Cape. Cape Town, South Africa. 23 - 24 November 2010. Mashazi,P Mashazi,P. Oral Presentation. “Electrochemical impedimetric immunosensor for the detection of measles-specific immunoglobulin G antibodies”. Nanatechnology innovation centre (NIC) - sensors workshop. University of the Western Cape. Cape Town, South Africa. 23 - 24 November 2010. Masilela,N Masilela,N. Oral Presentation. “Phthalocyanines as light absorbers for dye sensitized solar cells”. SA/German workshop. Continuing Education Centre (CEC), Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 7 - 8 September 2010. Mbambisa,G Mbambisa,G. Oral Presentation. “Photophysical studies of Tin Tetrabenzcorrole (SnTBC) dimer”. Lasers in chemistry seminar. University of Pretoria. Pretoria, South Africa. 3 - 5 May 2010. Nyokong,T Nyokong,T. Opening Lecture. “Photodynamic therapy - treatment of cancer using light”. 2010 Science festival. Grahamstown foundation. Grahamstown, South Africa. 26 March 2010. Nyokong,T. Keynote Speaker. “UNESCO workshop for women in science in South Africa”. UNESCO workshop for women in science in South Africa. Emperors Palace. Johannesburg, South Africa. 28 - 30 March 2010. Nyokong,T. Degree awarded. “Acceptance speech”. Degree awarded - Honorary Doctoral Degree of Science. Walter Sisulu University. East London, South Africa. 3 May 2010. Nyokong,T. Degree awarded/Presentation. “Medical applications of phthalocyanines”. Awarded UNISA degree - Doctor of Philosophy (Honorus Causa). University of South Africa. Pretoria, South Africa. 11 May 2010. Nyokong,T. “Welcoming address”. German/SA workshop. Continuing Education Centre (CEC), Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 7 - 8 September 2010. Nyokong,T. Award. “Acceptance Speech”. Awarded Vodacom - Lesotho Hall of Fame, Lifetime Achievement Award (Education Category). Maseru Sun Cabanas. Maseru, Lesotho. 18 September 2010. Nyokong,T. Presentation. “NIC Biosensors (Research) Overview”. Nanatechnology innovation centre (NIC) - sensors workshop. University of the Western Cape. Cape Town, South Africa. 23 - 24 November 2010. Nyokong,T and Ogunbayo,T Nyokong,T and Ogunbayo,T. Oral Presentation. “Laser flash photolytic investigation of photophysical and photocatalytic properties of palladium and platinum phthalocyanines”. 3rd African laser centre student workshop. Zevenwacht Wine Estate. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 23 - 26 September 2010. Nyokong,T, D’Souza,S, Antunes,E and Litwinski,C Nyokong,T, D’Souza,S, Antunes,E and Litwinski,C. Oral Presentation. “Photophysical behaviour of low symmetry zinc phthalocyanines linked to mercaptopropionic-capped CdTe quantum dots”. 3rd African saser centre student workshop. Zevenwacht Wine Estate. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 23 - 26 September 2010. International Visit Antunes,E Antunes,E. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. SA/Japan research collaboration. 16 November - 3 December 2010. Coates,M Coates,M. Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, Paris, France. SA/France research collaboration. 1 September - 29 October 2010. Davies-Coleman,MT Davies-Coleman,MT. Professor Marcel Jaspers, Marine Biodiscovery Centre, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom. Invited to official opening of centre, research collaboration. 15 - 25 June 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Chemistry 63 Rhodes University Research Report: Chemistry 64 Davies-Coleman,MT. Dr Pat Colin, Coral Reef Foundation, Koror, Palau. Research visit. 6 - 13 October 2010. Davies-Coleman,MT. Professor Dudley Shallcross, Department of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom. Research collaboration. 4 - 11 November 2010. Davies-Coleman,MT. Professor Grace Thoithi, Department of Chemistry, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya. Teaching and research collaboration, lecture. 1 - 2 December 2010. Davies-Coleman,MT. Dr Josiah Ouma, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya. Discussions around future research collaboration, lecture. 3 - 7 December 2010. Forteath,S Forteath,S. Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany. SA/Germany research collaboration. 1 June - 29 August 2010. Litwinski,C Litwinski,C. Fudan University, Shanghai, China. SA/China research collaboration. 24 October - 7 November 2010. Masilela,N Masilela,N. University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. SA/Canada research collaboration. 8 March - 29 August 2010. Nombona,N Nombona,N. University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. SA/Switzerland research collaboration. 29 January - 14 March 2010. Distinguished Visitors Abegaz,BM Professor BM Abegaz. University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana. The 2010 Barker Lecture “Africa’s Contributions to science and higher eduation - insignificant or unrealized?” July 2010. Alo,B B Alo. University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. Research visit. February - January 2010. Alo,BI Professor BI Alo. University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. Lecture: Chemicals, environment and health - what nexus? February 2010. Bedioui,F Dr F Bedioui. Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, Paris, France. SA/France research collaboration. October - November 2010. De Vrieze,S S De Vrieze. University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. Procotex project - research agreement between Ghent and Rhodes University. July - September 2010. Ermilov,E Dr E Ermilov. Charité - Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany. Research visit and German/SA workshop. September 2010. Falgenhauer,J Ms J Falgenhauer. Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany. Exchange student/SA/Germany research collaboration and workshop. August - October 2010. Harrison,T Mr T Harrison. Department of chemistry outreach programme, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom. Teaching collaboration with Prof M Davies-Coleman. April 2010. Knolker,H-J Professor H-J Knolker. Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany. Lecture: Application of transition metal chemistry to the total synthesis of alkaloids. September 2010. Mack,J J Mack. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. SA/Japan research collaboration. May - June 2010. Dr J Mack. Tohoku University, Tohoku, Japan. Lecture: Magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy and TDDFT calculations. June 2010. O’Brien,P O’Brien,P. University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom. Lecture: How small is important entering and defining the nano world. March 2010. Schlettwein,D and Rudolph,M D Schlettwein and Rudolph,M. Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany. SA/Germany research collaboration and workshop. August - September 2010. Shallcross,D Professor D Shallcross. Department of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom. Research collaboration with Professor M Davies- Coleman. April 2010. Professor D Shallcross. Department of chemistry, Bristol, United Kingdom. Research collaboration with Professor M Davies-Coleman. November 2010. Shimizu,T Dr T Shimizu. Tohoku University, Tohoku, Japan. Presentation: en route to novel aromatic nacrocyclic molecules: syntheses, structures and properties. October 2010. Soji,S Dr S Soji. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. SA/Japan research collaboration. October 2010. Strauch,K Ms K Strauch. Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany. Exchange student / SA/Germany research collaboration and workshop. August - November 2010. Turner,C Professor C Turner. Lund University, Lund, Sweden. Lecture: Sustainable refining of agricultural and forestry resources. February 2010. Van Otterlo,W Professor W Van Otterlo. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Lecture: The synthetic magic of metal-mediated metathesis and isomerisation reactions. February 2010. Wu,X Mr X Wu. Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Exchange student: SA/China research collaboration. November - December 2010. Computer Science Much of the research conducted in the Department of Computer Science falls under the auspices of the Telkom Centre of Excellence in Distributed Multimedia, which has been hosted by the Department since 1997. The Centre is a good example of triple helix at work, where academia, industry and government (through the Department of Trade and Industry, DTI) come together to pool resources and improve the competiveness of the industry, via the preparation of highly skilled practitioners and the co-development of appropriate technology. The Centre operates under the management of a joint academic /industry steering committee, and has high level representation from the partner industries and from the DTI through the National Research Foundation. In 2010 the Centre closed another successful three year cycle, concluding the development of a distributed media platform. The Centre has produced convincing results, especially in terms of converged telecommunications and their application to the field of develop- mental ICTs. The combination of Next Generation Network technologies and development has generated great interest in 2010, and we expect the trend to continue in the following cycle. The end- points for experimentation are often located in a real-life test-bed network, which was started over ten years ago and was kept up- to-date by continuous technology upgrades. The test-bed includes a wide range of network transport technologies -interconnected by an Ethernet fabric supporting IP. A number of research and development groups, distinct but synergetic, fed into the realization of the distributed media-service platform. Convergence Professor Alfredo Terzoli and Mr Mosiuoa Tsietsi This group carries the core activity of the Centre of Excellence, working at the development of the actual distributed media- service platform. This was done through the investigation of available architectures to specialize appropriately, and the creation of suitable toolkits for the fast creation and deployment of services, to exercise the platform and inform its construction. Security and Networks Dr Barry Irwin The Security and Networks Research Group 65 Rhodes University Research Report: Computer Science 66 (SNRG) efforts are concentrated in the areas of Information Security and Computer Networks. Members of the group are involved in a variety of projects, including a selection of visualization techniques for security metrics, network traffic classification and monitoring, intrusion detection and hardware acceleration of security centric tasks using commodity graphics cards. Mobility Dr Hannah Thinyane This group, started in 2010, concentrates on the device side of the “mobile equation”. (The Convergence group concentrates more on the infrastructure side.) Work on mobility grew fast, benefitting from strong expertise in the department on mobile devices and Human Computer Interaction. Distributed Audio Engineering Professor Richard Foss Over the past 3 years, the Audio Engineering group has been involved in the concept- ualization and implementation of a connection management and control protocol known as XFN (Cross Fire Network). This protocol is aimed at allowing for comprehensive control over the routing of audio within large sound installations such as stadiums, studios, convention centres, law courts, and live concerts. The project has involved embedded firmware programming of nodes for amplifiers and other professional audio devices, the construction and programming of special purpose routers, and the creation of graphical control software. Parallel and Distributed Computing Dr Karen Bradshaw and Professor George Wells This group has a long history in the department, going back to the origins of the paradigm in the 1980’s when transputers were the main focus. More recently, the group’s research efforts have focused on various aspects of Linda, a coordination language for parallel/ distributed programming, grid computing and incorporating parallel constructs into the Python language, with the aim of making concurrent programming more readily accessible to non-computer scientists. ICT4D Professor Alfredo Terzoli and Dr Hannah Thinyane This group concentrates on a long-term, multidisciplinary effort to introduce meaningful ICT in the Dwesa region, a deep rural area in the Eastern Cape. Technological solutions are tested in the field in rather harsh conditions. This research effort, connected closely to the other research pursuits in the department, situates itself in the growing area of ICT for Development. The field test site is being structured as a living lab (Siyakhula Living Lab), a vehicle which permits the use of a new research method- ology, whereby the services needed by a community are co-created with the community. An important spin-off of this activity was the starting, in 2010, of a project, ESTIMA, for the construction of a software factory, Reed House Systems (, and funded by SAFIPA. Collaborations within Rhodes University: - The department of Information Systems (Professors David Sewry and Greg Foster) - The department of Journalism of Rhodes University (Professor Guy Berger) - The department of Anthropology of Rhodes University (Professor Robin Palmer) - The department of African Languages and the department of Education (Dr Lorenzo Dalvit and Professor Russell Kaschula. Collaborations in South Africa - University of Fort Hare / Telkom Centre of Excellence in ICT for Development (Dr Mamello Thinyane) - University of Cape Town CoE (Professor Neco Ventura) - University of the Western Cape and UCT (Dr. Bill Tucker) - CSIR Meraka (Professors Fisseha Mekuria and Marlien Herselman) - University of Stellenbosch (Professor Toit Mouton). Collaborations in the rest of Africa - University of Namibia (Dr. James Mbale and Ms Kauna Mufeti) - Polytechnic of Namibia (Professor Muyingi) - National University of Lesotho (Dr. Lerato Lerato). Collaborations in the rest of the world - Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany (Dr. Thomas Magedanz) - Bristol University, England (Dr. Alan Chalmers) - Utah State University, USA (Professor Dyke Stiles) - Dalhousie University, Canada (Professor Denis Riordan) - University of Pisa, Italy (Professors Fabrizio Luccio, Giorgio Gallo and Maurizio Bonuccelli) - Queensland University of Technology, Australia (Professor John Gough) - University of South Australia (Dr. Ben Turnbull) - Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany (Professor Robert Tolksdorf) - University of California Davis, USA (Dr. Raju Pandey). Collaborations with Industry - Telkom (Mr David Browne) - Comverse (Ms Shirley Jans) - Tellabs (Mr Kurt Misteli) - StorTech (Mr Zappi von Plato) - Easttel (Mr Bevan Booy) - Bright Ideas 39 (Mr Bradley Klinkradt) Collaborations with Civil Society - The rural community in Dwesa, through the Siyakhula Living Lab (Ms Teressa Mqikela) - The Centre for Social Development, through the BingBee deployment at the Raglan Road Multipurpose Centre (Ms Cathy Gush) - A group of township schools in the Grahamstown, through the eYethu project (Ms Ingrid Sieborger) Collaborations with other bodies - COFISA – Cooperation Framework on Innovation Systems between Finland and South Africa (Mr Mmboneni Muofhe) - SAFIPA - South Africa Finnish Partnership on ICTs and Innovation. (Ms Kristiina Lahde). Professor George Wells Head of Department Rhodes University Research Report: Computer Science 67 Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Thinyane,H Thinyane,H. 2010. “Are digital natives a worldwide phenomenon? An investigation into South African first year university students’ use and experience with technology”. Computers and Education. 55,406- 414. Tsietsi,M, Terzoli,A and Wells,GC Tsietsi,M, Terzoli,A and Wells,GC. 2010. “Using JAIN SLEE as an interaction and policy manager for enabler-based services in next generation networks”. International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications. 56(2),117-124. Other Publications Bradshaw,KL Srinivas,SC, Wrench,WM, Bradshaw,KL and Karekezi,C. 2010. “Using the National Science Festival in South Africa to raise awareness of the prevention of chronic diseases”. In: International pharmacy journal. Srinivas,SC, Wrench,W, Bradshaw,K and Karekezi, C (Eds) 26(1), 41-44. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Berkland,R and Bangay,S Berkland,R and Bangay,S. “Identifying annotations for adventure game generation from fiction text”. Proceedings of SAICSIT 2010 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientist and Technologists. Forever Resort, Bela Bela. South Africa. October 2010. 19-28. Chibaya,C Chibaya,C and Magadza,A. “Good stuff for wrong audience: computer skills for science versus the NCV information technology and computer science programme”. 40th annual conference of the southern African computer lecturers’ association (SACLA 2010). Zebra Country Lodge, Pretoria. South Africa. June 2010. Foss,R Igumbor,OP and Foss,R. “Control protocol translation for device interoperability in the context Rhodes University Research Report: Computer Science 68 of ethernet AVB”. Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference. Spier, Cape Town. South Africa. September 2010. 471-472. Irwin,BVW Irwin,BVW. “Conficker: 697 days later”. Zacon II: South African security conference. University of Johannesberg, Johannesberg. South Africa. October 2010. Luyt,LM and Bradshaw,KL Luyt,LM and Bradshaw,KL. “Creating an extensible grid management interface”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 479- 480. Wright,M and Terzoli,A Shange-ishiwa,N, Wright,M and Terzoli,A. “Adding location-based services support to the mobicents service delivery platform”. Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference. Spier, Cape Town. South Africa. September 2010. 59-64. International Conferences (In SA) Bangay,S and de Bruyn,D Bangay,S, de Bruyn,D and Glass,K. “Minimum spanning trees for valley and ridge characterization in digital elevation maps”. The 7th international conference on computer graphics, virtual reality, visualisation and interaction in Africa (AFRIGRAPH 2010). Ricketty Bridge Estate, Franschhoek. South Africa. June 2010. 73-82. Cowie,B and Irwin,BVW Cowie,B and Irwin,BVW. “A baseline numeric analysis of network telescope data for network incident discovery”. Southern Africa Telecommuni- cations Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellen- bosch. South Africa. September 2010. 1. 147-152. Cowie,B and Irwin,BVW. “Data classification for artificial intelligence construct training to aid in network incident identification using network telescope data”. Proceedings of SAICSIT 2010 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientist and Technologists. Forever Resorts, Bela-Bela. South Africa. October 2010. 356-360. Fouodji-Tasse,G and Bradshaw,KL Fouodji-Tasse,G and Bradshaw,KL.“Ubiquitous cloud computing”. Southern Africa Telecommuni- cations Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 469-470. Irwin,BVW Irwin,BVW. “Cleaning up Africa in the 21st century”. ITWeb security summit. Sandon Convention Center, Johannesberg. South Africa. May 2010. Irwin,BVW, Sieborger,I and Wells,D Irwin,BVW, Sieborger,I and Wells,D. “Bandwidth management and monitoring for community networks”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 1. 165-170. Maema,M and Terzoli,A Maema,M, Terzoli,A and Dalvit,L. “HIV testing site locator: applying current computing trends to voice applications”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier, Cape Town. South Africa. September 2010. 53-57. Meer,HS Meer,HS. “Fig leaf security”. Zacon II: South African security conference. University of Johannesberg, Johannesberg. South Africa. October 2010. Mudimba,BC and Wentworth,P Mudimba,BC and Wentworth,P. “Building a delivery platform for literacy research and development”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 367-372. Mufeti,T, Thinyane,H and Terzoli,A Mufeti,T, Thinyane,H, Terzoli,A and Foster,GG. “The SANTED virtual classroom project: a case study”. IST Africa 2010. Durban International Convention Centre, Durban. South Africa. May 2010. 1-18. Musvibe,R and Terzoli,A Musvibe,R and Terzoli,A. “Towards a customised video on demand service for the mobicents platform”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 373-378. Nottingham,AT and Irwin,BVW Nottingham,AT and Irwin,BVW. “Conceptual design of a CUDA based packet classifier”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 1. 385-390. Nottingham,AT and Irwin,BVW. “Parallel packet classification using GPU co-processors”. Proceedings of SAICSIT 2010 Annual Research Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientist and Technologists. Forever Resorts, Bela-Bela. South Africa. October 2010. 231-241. Otten,F and Foss,R Otten,F and Foss,R. “Ensuring QoS in professional audio networks which use IEEE 1394b”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 119-124. Sahd,C and Thinyane,H Sahd,C and Thinyane,H. “Bluetooth audio and video streaming on the Java ME platform”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Wine Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 397-402. Shibeshi,Z, Terzoli,A and Bradshaw,KL Shibeshi,Z, Terzoli,A and Bradshaw,KL. “Streaming session transfer between registered user agents”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 1. 249-254. Sieborger,I and Terzoli,A Sieborger,I and Terzoli,A. “WiMAX for rural South Africa: the experience of the Siyakhula living lab”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 1. 125-130. Terzoli,A Dalvit,L, Murray,SR and Terzoli,A. “The impact of language on the performance of black students of computer science at Rhodes University”. The Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Conference (SAARMSTE 2010). University of Kwa- Zulu Natal, Pinetown. KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa. January 2010. Dalvit,L, Murray,S and Terzoli,A. “The impact of language on the academic performance of Black students of Computer Science at Rhodes University”. Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Conference (SAARMSTE 2010). University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa. January 2010. 1. 192-203. Thinyane,H, Terzoli,A and Wright,M Thinyane,H, Mufeti,K, Terzoli,A and Wright,M. “Google docs and Skype for a low bandwidth virtual classroom for developing countries”. IST Africa 2010. Durban International Convention Centre, Durban. South Africa. 1 - 7 May 2010. Tristram,WB and Bradshaw,KL Tristram,WB and Bradshaw,KL. “Investigating the performance and code characteristics of three parallel programming models for C++”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 1. 421-426. Tsietsi,M, Terzoli,A and Wells,GC Tsietsi,M, Terzoli,A and Wells,GC. “Towards service capability interaction management in 3GPP IMS networks”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier Estate, Stellenbosch. South Africa. September 2010. 445-450. Wentworth,P Wentworth,P. “BingBee ‘RaglanRoad: a field trial with unattended educational kiosks’”. IST Africa 2010. International Conference Centre, Durban. South Africa. 1 - 8 May 2010. Wertlen,R, Sieborger,I, Tsietsi,M, Shibeshi,Z and Terzoli,A Wertlen,R, Sieborger,I, Tsietsi,M, Shibeshi,Z and Terzoli,A. “Research tested networks: practical tools for service delivery?” 4th International IDIA Development Informatics Conference. Cape Town International Conference Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. November 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Barnett,RJ and Irwin,BVW Barnett,RJ and Irwin,BVW. “Performance effects of concurrent virtual machine execution in VMware workstation 6”. Advanced techniques in computing sciences and software engineering. 2010. 329-333. Bradshaw,K Srinivas,SC, Wrench,W, Bradshaw,K and Dukhi,N. “Diabetes Mellitus: Preliminary health promotion activity based on service-learning principles at a South African National Science Festival”. ICIUM. Biobliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria. Egypt. April 2010. Chigwamba,N and Foss,R Chigwamba,N, Foss,R, Gurdan,R and Klinkradt,B. “Parameter relationships in high speed audio networks”. Audio Engineering Society 129th convention. Moscone convention center, San Francisco. United States of America. October 2010. Foulkes,P and Foss,R Foulkes,P and Foss,R. “Network neutral control over quality of service networks”. Audio Engineering Society 128th convention. Hotel Novotel, London. England. May 2010. Igumbor,O and Foss,R Igumbor,O and Foss,R. “A proxy approach for interoperability and common control of networked digital audio devices”. Audio Engineering Society 128th convention. Hotel Novotel, London. England. May 2010. Luyt,LM and Bradshaw,KL Luyt,LM and Bradshaw,KL. “Autonomous robotic programming framework”. IASTED International conference on robotic applications. Le Meridien Hotel, Boston. United States of America. November 2010. 1. 393-400. Meer,HS Meer,HS. “Cyberwar: why your threat model is probably wrong”. NATO cooperative cyber defence centre of excellence conference on cyber conflict. NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre, Tallinn. Estonia. June 2010. Meer,HS. “Memory corruption attacks: The (almost) complete history”. Blackhat USA conference. Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. United States of America. July 2010. Shibeshi,Z, Terzoli,A and Bradshaw,KL Shibeshi,Z, Terzoli,A and Bradshaw,KL. “Using an RTSP proxy to implement the IPTV media function via a streaming server”. International congress on ultra modern telecommunications and control systems. Korsten Hotel, Moscow. Russia. October 2010. 1. Thinyane,H and Hansen,S Thinyane,H, Hansen,S, Foster,G and Wilson,L. “Using mobile phones for rapid reporting of zoonotic diseases in rural South Africa”. Global Telehealth - Selected papers from Global Telehealth 2010. Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle. Australia. November 2010. 179-189. Tsietsi,M, Musvibe,R, Terzoli,A and Wells,GC Tsietsi,M, Musvibe,R, Terzoli,A and Wells,GC. “Towards IPTV service discovery and selection in an IMS environment”. 2nd International congress for ultra modern telecommunications and control systems (ICUMT). Korston Hotel Moscow, Moscow. Russia. October 2010. 195-201. Wells,GC Wells,GC. “Extending Java’s communication mechanisms for multicore processors”. 8th International conference on the principles and practice of programming in Java (PPPJ 2010). Vienna University of Technology, Vienna. Austria. September 2010. 692. 1-6. Wentworth,P Wentworth,P. “Can computational thinking reduce marginalization in the future internet?”. ITU- Kaleidoscope: beyond the internet? Innovations for future networks and services. Sinhgad Technical Education Society, Narhe Campus, Pune. India. December 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Events/Performances Foss,R Foss,R. Chairman. “Audio network control protocols workshop”. Audio engineering society 128th convention. Hotel Novotel. London, England. 21 May 2010. Foss ,R. Panelist. “Audio network control protocols workshop”. Audio engineering society 129th convention. Moscone Convention Center. San Francisco, United States of America. 5 November 2010. Mudimba,BC Mudimba,BC. Workshop demonstration. “Reading association of South Africa 2010 conference”. FundaWethu software system for teaching reading to multilingual foundation phase children. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Campus. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 18 September 2010. Terzoli,A Terzoli,A. “Partnerships for research and innovation: the case of the Computer Science departments at Universities of Rhodes and Fort Hare”. HESA conference on research and innovation. Pretoria, South Africa. 11 - 12 March 2010. Terzoli,A. Invited presentation. “The Siyakhula living lab”. COFISA closing conference. Benoni, South Africa. 17 March - 18 February 2010. Terzoli,A. Invited panellist. “Accelerated growth in local mobile content development”. ICC 2010: Rhodes University Research Report: Computer Science 69 Rhodes University Research Report: Computer Science 70 Business forum 2. Cape Town, South Africa. 23 - 24 May 2010. Terzoli,A. “A novel approach to ICT to rural development: the case of the Siyakhula Living Lab”. Eastern Cape ICT Summit. Port Elizabeth. 17 August 2010. Terzoli,A. “The virtual classroom: building links among Southern Africa Universities”. SANTED closing conference. Magaliesburg. 15 - 17 September 2010. Terzoli,A. “ICT for rural development: the Siyakhula Living Lab and the ReedHouse Systems software house”. ICT Africa Summit. Cape Town. 6 - 8 December 2010. Distinguished Visitors le Roux,C-L Ms C-L le Roux. University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. Collaboration, Dwesa and BingBee site visit. August 2010. Nagl,M Professor M Nagl. RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany. Lecture: “An integrative approach for software architectures”. October 2010. Nash,J Ms J Nash. University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. Seminar: ‘Computer literacy at University of Cape Town’. May - June 2010. Riordan,D Professor D Riordan. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. Course presentation. March - April 2010. Slaviero,M Mr M Slaviero. Sensepost, Pretoria, South Africa. Seminar: ‘The security gap’. August 2010. Tucker,W Dr W Tucker. University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. Workshop: ‘A socially aware approach to software engineering’. June - July 2010. van Biljon,W Mr W van Biljon. Benguela, Cape Town, South Africa. Seminar on on “Cloud computing: introduction and challenges”. April - May 2010. Drama The research outputs for the Drama Department in 2010 reflect the wide range of theatre and performance research activities of the staff. We are very pleased also to reflect on the wide range of types of research outputs in the form of performances, workshops, as well as more formally recognised academic outputs of journal publications, conference papers delivered and books published by the staff. Professor Gordon’s creative output in the first semester before departing on leave to Hong Kong reflected the work of a maturing artist producing critically acclaimed work on the national theatre stage. His performances of Go, Amanogawa and The Cycle from The Unspeakable Story were very well received nationally. The work of other company members, Alan Parker and Nicola Elliot, were also critically recognised as being of very high quality and excitingly innovative. Professor Buckland’s professional theatre performances included a collaboration with theatre artists from Greece, The Netherlands and Johannesburg to make a site specific work; Meet Market for the Infecting the City Festival in Cape Town. He also toured a collection of three one man plays to Johannesburg, Cape Town and Hilton as well as several schools’ festivals around the country. In July he collaborated with Ubom! Eastern Cape Drama Company in the creation of a new work; Breed which featured on the National Arts Festival Fringe and won a Standard Bank Silver Ovation award and was invited to play at the Mzansi Fela Festival in the State Theatre in Pretoria in December. Professor Buckland travelled to Belfast to present a series of workshops with the Colonnades Theatre Laboratory from New York who were engaged in the creation of a new work seeded by the spirit and methods of Truth In Translation (2006 - 2010) which Buckland had also been instrumental in creating. He was also invited to present workshops with the Magnet Theatre Company in Cape Town and the Remix Dance Company housed at the Baxter Centre who are engaged in integrated dance with abled and other-abled performers. Ms Praeg’s professional performance outputs included choreography on So loop ’n Volstruis, which was performed at the KKNK, and a highly acclaimed performance in Amanogawa at the National Arts Festival. These creative endeavours were matched by formal academic results of two publications; one a reflection on pedagogy and physical theatre and the other on performance. Ms Praeg was also instrumental in bringing several distinguished visitors to the department including physical theatre experts from the UK, the United States and Norway. 71 Dr Krueger brought distinction to the department by publishing no less than three books, thirteen Journal publications, and six professional performances including short films and theatre works nationally and internationally. Dr Krueger also presented a paper at the International Federation of Theatre Research in Munich. Ms Gehring contributed to the Department’s output through a highly acclaimed production at the National Arts festival, Hex, as well as a paper presented at the International Federation of Theatre Research in Munich. As usual the output of the two associated projects, the First Physical Theatre Company and the Ubom! Eastern Cape Drama Company were significant and continued to impact on the performance landscape of the country. The First Physical Theatre Company created 14 new physical theatre and dance works which were performed in venues around the country. In addition, the company compiled three significant educational resource items including two films and an archive providing teachers and learners with valuable insights into the creating and training of physical theatre. Members of the company led workshops and creative residencies in locations varying from Cape Town to Durban to Bathurst and Grahamstown. The company received training input from several international experts in Butoh, Viewpoints Improvisational training, American post-modern dance and dance archiving. Ubom! Eastern Cape Drama Company presented seven major new works to a range of audiences from young children to school goers to festival public, and Scifest participants. In total their performances and workshops reached an audience of over thirty thousand people. Productions included The Adventures Of Little Nobody, a play for young audiences; Hush, an hiv/aids intervention; Breed; a cutting edge new drama; Red Earth, a collaboration with performers from Eluxholweni street children shelter; The Square Root of Dreaming, for the Sci fest; Sink or Swim, an environmental educational work on climate change; and finally the Grahamstown Christmas show uhantsie no Grietjie. The company provided workshops in theatre skills to five Schools Festivals around the country reaching three thousand pupils as well as individual school interactions throughout the Eastern Cape. Ubom runs a very successful and long running theatre project with the correctional services in Grahamstown as well as the Makana Drama Development Festival. Awards and Nominations The First Physical Theatre Company’s festival production, Amanogawa received a Standard Bank Ovation Award at the National Arts Festival. Professor Buckland’s work, first created in 1990, Between the Teeth, was nominated in the category Best Cutting Edge Production along with Butcher Brothers and Wombtide, which both feature Drama department alumni. Professor Buckland’s season of one man plays; One Man. Three shows. One hundred Characters was nominated for a Fleur du Cap award for best performance in a one man play. Ubom’s Breed won a Standard Bank Silver Ovation Award at the National Arts Festival. Handspring Awards for Puppetry: Ubom! was nominated for three awards at the OUT THE BOX festival and newly established Handspring Puppet Company’s awards. Ubom was Winner of Best Puppet Manipulation award and were nominated for the Best Design & the Best Production awards. It is remarkable that Ubom were the only African company to be nominated in the Best Production category. Professor Andrew Buckland Head of Department Rhodes University Research Report: Drama 72 Books/Chapters/Monographs Krueger,AR Krueger,AR. 2010. “Celebrations of the spirit of tragedy: the theatre of Brett Bailey”. In: Positions: contemporary artists in South Africa. Steidl/Jacana. Gottingen, Germany/Johannesburg, South Africa. First Edition. 227-250. ISBN: 978-1-77009-889-3. Krueger,AR. 2010. “Experiments in freedom: explorations of identity in new South African drama”. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP) . Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. First Edition. 1-264. ISBN: 1-4438-1425- 3. Krueger,AR. 2010. “Sunnyside Sal”. Deep South. Grahamstown. First Edition. 1(1), 1-120. ISBN: 978-0- 958-4915-6-3. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Antrobus,R Antrobus,R and Snowball,JD. 2010. “Physical Theatre consumption and the advent of the Festivore: a case study of audience attendance at the South African National Arts Festival”. South African Theatre Journal. 24,326-343. Gordon,GE Gordon,GE. 2010. “Shifting between bodies and words: writing and performing the Butoh dance: amanogawa”. South African Theatre Journal. 24,16- 28. Krueger,AR Krueger,AR. 2010. “The truth about Kabous (short story)”. A Look Away. 12. Krueger,AR. 2010. “The dishwasher woman (short story)”. A Look Away. 14(1),42-45. Krueger,AR. 2010. “Fashionably ethnic: individuality and heritage in Greig Coetzee’s ‘Happy natives’”. Current Writing. 22(1),43-58. Krueger,AR. 2010. “Sitting, standing, lying down (short physical theatre text)”. Incwadi: Journal of South African Poetry and Photography. Autumn, Krueger,AR. 2010. “‘The canadian’s nephew’ & ‘Crash landing’ (two poems)”. Incwadi: Journal of South African Poetry and Photography. Spring, Krueger,AR. 2010. “Keeping it in the family: incest, repression and fear of the hybrid in Reza de Wet’s english plays”. Literator. 31(2),44-61. Krueger,AR. 2010. “‘24 Notes’, ‘Schrekliche schonheit’, ‘Notes on Jade McCutcheon’s lecture’ (three poems)”. Litnet Akademies. Krueger,AR. 2010. “Killed (short story)”. New Contrast: South African Literary Journal. 38(2),41- 46. Krueger,AR. 2010. “Amatorizm manifestosu (Manifesto of amateurism)”. Sicak Nal. 3,14-15. Krueger,AR and Pillay,P. 2010. “The bring and braai (short story)”. A Look Away. 15(2),45-47. Other Publications Krueger,AR Krueger,AR. 2010. “What is a puppet? A review of Handspring Puppet company”. De Arte. 81(1), 72- 74. Krueger,AR. 2010. “Identity and failure: Anton Krueger speaks to Ashraf Jamal about his two recently launched books”. Scrutiny2. 15((2) September), 54-63. Krueger,AR. 2010. “Arrivals and departures”. In: Novel-script project 2010. Moolman, K (Ed) Twist. Durban. 39-50. Praeg,J Praeg,J. 2010. “Body of questions: book of changes: event-texts from the Butoh work ‘Amanogawa’”. South African Theatre Journal. Coetzee, MH (Ed) Centre for Theatre and Performance Studies. University of Stellenbosch. South Africa. 24. ISBN: 1013-7548. Preag,J Preag,J. 2010. “Intimate revolts-some approaches towards pedagogy and performer training in physical theatre: in conversation with First Physical Theatre Company’s artistic director: Gary Gordon”. South African Theatre Journal. Coetzee, MH (Ed) Centre for Theatre and Performance Studies. University of Stellenbosch. South Africa. 24. ISBN: 1013-7548. International Conferences (Outside SA) Gehring,H Gehring,H. “The influence of the collage on Brett Bailey’s production ‘Terminal’”. The international federation for theatre research. Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich. Germany. July 2010. Krueger,AR Krueger,AR. “Woyzeck on the highveld: Handspring Puppet Company’s revisioning of European modernism”. International Federation of Theatre Research 2010 conference ‘Cultures of modernity’. Ludwig Maximillian Universität, Munich. Germany. July 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Events/Performances Buckland,AF Buckland,AF. Co-author/performer. “Meet market”. Infecting the city. Church Square. Cape Town, South Africa. 13 - 20 February 2010. Buckland,AF. Workshop leader. “Ensemble performance workshop”. Collonnades theatre laboratory. Belfast, Northern Ireland. 3 - 10 April 2010. Buckland,AF. Director. “Morountodun”. Drama department production. Rhodes Theatre. Grahamstown, South Africa. 19 - 24 April 2010. Buckland,AF. Workshop leader. “Ensemble performance workshop”. Ensemble for integrated performance. Remix theatre - Baxter theatre complex. Cape Town, South Africa. 3 May 2010. Buckland,AF. Performer/Creator. “The ugly noo noo, between the teeth, mistero buffo”. Andrew Buckland; one man, three shows, one hundred characters. Baxter Theatre. Cape Town, South Africa. 3 - 22 May 2010. Buckland,AF. Workshop leader. “Ensemble performance workshop”. Ensemble performance. Magnet theatre. Cape Town, South Africa. 7 May 2010. Buckland,AF. Performer/Creator. “Breed”. National arts festival. Fringe. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 June - 4 July 2010. Buckland,AF. Performer/Creator. “Breed”. Free State schools’ festival. University of Free State. Bloemfontein, South Africa. 13 - 14 August 2010. Buckland,AF. Performer/Creator. “Ugly noo noo, between the teeth, mistero buffo”. Andrew Buckland; one man, three shows, one hundred characters. University of Free State. Bloemfontein, South Africa. 14 - 15 August 2010. Buckland,AF. Performer/Creator. “Ugly noo noo, between the teeth, mistero buffo”. Andrew Buckland; one man, three shows, one hundred characters. Hilton festival. Hilton, South Africa. 17 - 19 September 2010. Buckland,AF. Performer/Creator. “Breed”. Hilton festival. Hilton, South Africa. 18 - 19 September 2010. Buckland,AF. Performer/Creator. “Ugly noo noo, between the teeth, mistero buffo”. Andrew Rhodes University Research Report: Drama 73 Rhodes University Research Report: Drama 74 Buckland; one man, three shows, one hundred characters. Market theatre. Johannesburg, South Africa. 30 November - 19 December 2010. Buckland,AF. Performer/Creator. “Breed”. Mzansi fela festival. State theatre. Pretoria, South Africa. 7 - 8 December 2010. Buckland,AF. Workshop leader. “The performer /creator in contemporary theatre”. Doen Foundation writing course. Market theatre. Johannesburg, South Africa. 9 December 2010. Gehring,H Gehring ,H. Director . “Hex”. National arts festival. PJ Olivier. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 June - 4 July 2010. Gehring,H. Facilitator . “NAC’s script reading festival”. National arts festival. Masonic Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 June - 4 July 2010. Gordon,GE Gordon,GE. Choreographer/performer. “Go”. FNB dance umbrella gala. University of Johannesburg theatre complex. Johannesburg, South Africa. 4 - 5 March 2010. Gordon,GE. Choreographer/performer. “Go”. Fizz theatre. Box theatre. Grahamstown, South Africa. 12 - 13 March 2010. Gordon,GE. Choreographer. “So loop ’n volstruis”. ABSA KKNK. SANW-Videolokaal. Oudtshoorn, South Africa. 5 - 7 April 2010. Gordon,GE. Choreographer. “So loop ’n volstruis”. Eastern Cape schools’ festival. Guy Butler theatre. Grahamstown, South Africa. 21 April 2010. Gordon,GE. Performer. “Amanogawa”. National arts festival fringe. Centenary Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 - 27 June 2010. Gordon,GE. Choreographer. “The cycle: from the unspeakbale story”. Intimate spaces. Box Theatre. Grahamstown, South Africa. 12 August 2010. Krueger,AR Krueger,AR. Writer/Producer. “Shaggy”. National arts festival fringe. Drill Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 - 27 June 2010. Krueger,AR. Writer/Director. “Tuesday (short Film)”. Durban international film festival. Durban, South Africa. 26 July - 1 August 2010. Krueger,AR. Writer. “Do what you can (text for physical theatre/dance piece)”. First Physical Youth Company end of year concert. The Box, Rhodes theatre. Grahamstown, South Africa. 7 November 2010. Krueger,AR. Writer/Director. “Tuesday”. Panorama de cine Sudafricano. Buenos Aries, Argentina. 12 - 13 November 2010. Krueger,AR. Writer. “The poisoned mango”. Isigcawu theatre festival. Ekhaya Multi Arts Centre. Durban, South Africa. 26 - 28 November 2010. Krueger,AR. Writer. “The poisened mango”. Musho festival. Catalina Theatre. Durban, South Africa. 15 January 2011. Praeg,J Praeg,J. Choreographer. “Volstruis paleis”. KKNK 2010. SANW Videolokaal. Oudtshoorn, South Africa. 5 - 8 April 2010. Praeg,J. Performer. “Amanogawa”. National arts festival. Centerary Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 - 27 June 2010. Praeg,J. Choreographer. “Night flower”. Intimate spaces. The Box Theatre. Grahamstown, South Africa. 12 August 2010. Praeg,J. Choreographer. “Momentum”. Theatre in motion. The Box Theatre. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 - 22 October 2010. Distinguished Visitors Allen,J Mr J Allen. Tulane University, New Orleans, United States. Workshops with postgraduates. September 2010. Ferrugia,K Ms K Ferrugia. Faculty of Education Dance studies the Royal Academy of Dance, London, United Kingdom. Lectures and dance residency. September 2010. Fourie,C Mr C Fourie. Freelance playwright, Cape Town, South Africa. Workshop on writing for television. August 2010. Lundblad,C Ms C Lundblad. Frauke Butoh performing company, Gothenburg, Sweden. Research and choreographic residency with Masters students and First Physical theatre company. May - July 2010. Mazarakis,A A Mazarakis. Independent choreographer, Johannesburg, South Africa. Choreographic residency. November 2010. Snyman,B B Snyman. DSG high school, Grahamstown, South Africa. Lecture. July 2010. Economics The Department of Economics has sustained a very productive research profile. The report of outputs reflects a good spread of contributions from most members of the department. Very prominent themes this year, particularly regarding publications in accredited journals, have been Resource, Agricultural and Cultural Economics, as well as International Trade and Trade Policy. Under “Other Publications” a prominent feature has been the regular contributions to the economic media, particularly Professor Gavin Keeton’s regular column in “Business Day”. Over and above her listed publications in the area of Trade Policy, Ms Niki Cattaneo continued her regular cooperation with TRALAC and the DTI, from which flowed the proposal for a new honours course elective by Professors Gavin Fraser and Jen Snowball. A proposed research focus area in Environmental Economics, particularly Water Studies was submitted for possible funding. Postgraduate output maintained a very healthy trajectory, with a total of twenty masters and PhD students graduating. Graduates in Economics Honours totalled 60. The Department benefitted from the presence and academic contribution of Post-doctoral fellow Dr Abel Ezeoha, whose expertise lies mainly in financial markets. As such he helped shape many of the research topics of new masters students and also assisted in supervision. Dr XP Guma, the Deputy Governor of the South African Reserve Bank and Visiting Professor in Economics, held a seminar on the current economic trends and outlook during his lecturing visit in October. The keynote address at the annual postgraduate conference was delivered by Mr Neren Rau, CEO of the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A very encouraging trend since a few years ago is joint publications of staff and students and a practice of co-supervision which is enhancing research in the department. Professor Hugo Nel Head of Department 75 Rhodes University Research Report: Economics 76 Books/Chapters/Monographs Cattaneo,NS Cattaneo,NS. 2009. “Regional trade agreements and South-South FDI: potential benefits and challenges for SACU-MERCOSUR investment relations”. In: Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa. Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa (Tralac). Stellenbosch. First Edition. 09(0), 206-249. ISBN: 978-0-9814221-5-2. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Botha,F Botha,F. 2010. “The impact of educational attain- ment on household poverty in South Africa”. Acta Academica. 42(4),122-147. Fraser,GCG Fraser,GCG. 2010. “How the leopard has changed its spots: past dynamics and future opportunities”. Agrekon. 49(1),1-16. Baiyegunhi,LJS, Chikwendu,DO and Fraser,GCG. 2010. “Resource use efficiency in sole sorghum production in three villages of Kaduna State Nigeria”. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 5(3), Baiyegunhi,LJS, Fraser,GCG and Darroch,MAG. 2010. “Credit constraint and household welfare in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa”. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 5(16), Dlamini,TS and Fraser,GCG. 2010. “Foreign direct investment in the agriculture sector of South Africa: Do GDP and exports determine locational inflows?”. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics. 34(2),57-68. Mbatha,CN, Antrobus,GG and Van Rooyen,JC Mbatha,CN, Antrobus,GG and Van Rooyen,JC. 2010. “Land price premiums in South Africa’s land redistribution process: a Case study of Nothern Kwazulu-Natal Sugarcane farms”. Agrekon. 49(2),235-254. Mutambara,TE Mutambara,TE. 2010. “Zimbabwe’s trade: impli- cations for industrial development in the Southern African Development Community free trade area”. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econo- metrics. 34(1),27-52. Snowball,JD Antrobus,R and Snowball,JD. 2010. “Physical Theatre consumption and the advent of the Festivore: a case study of audience attendance at the South African National Arts Festival”. South African Theatre Journal. 24,326-343. Poor,PJ and Snowball,JD. 2010. “The valuation of campus built heritage from the student perspective: comparative analysis of Rhodes University in South Africa and St. Mary’s College of Maryland in the United States”. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 11,145- 154. Snowball,JD and Mostert,M. 2010. “Introducing a learning management system in a large first year class: impact on lecturers and students”. South African Journal of Higher Education. 24(5),818-831. Snowball,JD and Antrobus,GG Snowball,JD and Antrobus,GG. 2009. “The experiences of fringe producers at the South African National Arts Festival: production, profits and non- market benefits”. South African Theatre Journal. 23,53-67. Snowball,JD and Courtney,S Snowball,JD and Courtney,S. 2010. “Cultural heritage routes in South Africa: effective tools for heritage conservation and local economic development?”. Development Southern Africa. 27(4),565-575. Other Publications Cattaneo,NS Cattaneo,NS. 2010. “Regional trade agreements and South-South FDI: potential benefits and challenges for SACU-MERCOSUR investment relations”. In: Tralac Working Paper 01/2010. Cattaneo, NS (Ed) Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa (Tralac). Stellenbosch. May(01/2010). Fryer,DCA and Hepburn,AB Fryer,DCA and Hepburn,AB. 2010. “It’s jobs, stupid! Social exclucion, education, and the informal sector in Grahamstown, Fort Beaufort and Duncan Village”. Institute of Social and Economic Research. Fryer,DCA and Hepburn, AB (Eds). Keeton,GR Keeton,GR. 2010. “Increased savings a shield from foreign inflows”. In: Business Day. 22 November 2010. Bruce, P (Ed) BDFM Publishers. Johannesburg. Keeton,GR. 2010. “Problems of dealing with an overvalued rand exchange rate”. In: Daily Dispatch. Hennop, J (Ed) Avusa Media. East London. Keeton,GR. 2010. “SA needs a different recipe for its savings cake”. In: Business Day. 6 December 2010. Bruce, P (Ed) BDFM Publishers. Johannesburg. Keeton,GR. 2010. “Why SA needs substantial inflows of foreign capital”. In: Business Day. 9 November 2010. Bruce, P (Ed) BDFM Publishers. Johannesburg. Keeton,GR and Kassami,J Keeton,GR and Kassami,J. 2010. “Curse and Blessing”. In: Financial Mail. 12 November 2010. Mthombothi, B (Ed) BDFM Publishers. Johannesburg. Keeton,GR and White,G Keeton,GR and White,G. 2010. “Nationalising the mines will be an expensive business”. In: Business Day. 20 September 2010. Bruce, P (Ed) BDFM Publishers. Johannesburg. Mutambara,TE Mutambara,TE. 2010. “Examining South-South trade flowa and market access conditions: a case study of the India, Brazil and South Africa development initiative”. Mutambara, TE (Ed) TIPS. South Africa. Mutambara,TE. 2010. “Sub-Saharan regional integration - an alternative to North-South trade?” Mutambara,TE and Hess, R (Eds) TIPS. South Africa. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Cattaneo,NS Cattaneo,NS. “A review of methodological approaches to the analysis of the impact of trade liberalisation on growth and poverty: implications for the debate on the direction of trade policy in South Africa”. South African Institute of International Affairs 2nd Public Forum on Promoting Dialogue on Trade Reform in South Africa. Southern Sun Cape Sun Hotel, Cape Town. South Africa. October 2010. Dlamini,TS and Fraser,GCG Dlamini,TS and Fraser,GCG. “Economics of meat production from springbuck in the Eastern Cape Karoo”. 48th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa. Westin Grand, Cape Town. South Africa. September 2010. Ezeoha,AE Ezeoha,AE. “Financial leverage decisions in an era of corporate earnings down-turn and financial market instability - the Nigerian experience”. Value 2010 - Recognising Value in Africa. Birchwood Hotel, Johannesburg. South Africa. August 2010. Fryer,DCA Fryer,DCA. “Ethics, ‘globalisation’ and economics imperialism”. Economics and Ethics. Saint Augustine College and the Konrad Adenaus Stiftung, Halfway House. South Africa. September 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Aziakpono,M, Bholla,Z and Snowball,JD Aziakpono,M, Bholla,Z and Snowball,JD. “How ready is the East African Community for a monetary union? New evidence from an interest rate pass- through analysis”. 2010 Global Development Finance Conference. UCT Business School, Cape Town. South Africa. November 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Ezeoha,AE Ezeoha,AE. “To what extent does banking system development drive foreign direct investment in the sub-saharan africa?”. Determinants and effects of trade and foreign direst investment in sub-saharan Africa. Busua Beach Resort, Accra. Ghana. October 2010. Snowball,JD Mostert,M and Snowball,JD. “Where angels fear to tread: online peer-assessment in a large first- year class”. The 17th association for learning technology conference. University of Nottingham, Nottingham. England, UK. September 2010. 40-49. Poor,PJ and Snowball,JD. “Does university or college marketing involving historic buildings attract a diverse student population?” The 16th Inter- national Conference on Cultural Economics. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen. Denmark. June 2010. Snowball,JD and Courtney,S Snowball,JD and Courtney,S. “Cultural heritage routes in South Africa: effective tools for heritage conservation and local economic development?” The 16th International Conference on Cultural Economics. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen. Denmark. June 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Economics 77 Education Education is a broad field and research in the Education Department is varied. The most active research in 2010 is clustered in three areas where strong research capacity has been built up. These include: environmental education, sustainability and change processes, clustered around the Chair of Environmental Education and Sustainability; mathematics teaching and learning, clustered around the newly established Chair of Mathematics Education; and English language and literacy, which is the focus of an active group of scholars in the Department. The Department has a strong commitment to the development of research capacity in South and Southern Africa. This has resulted in a strong postgraduate programme that draws students from across the region, as is evidenced in the number of conference presentations and research publications that are co-authored by students and staff. Research in mathematical education was broadened and strengthened in 2010 with the inception of a new Chair in Numeracy to focus on the early teaching and learning of mathematics. In addition, an extensive Foundation Phase Research Project was initiated to further expand our research emphasis on education in the early years of schooling. Dr Bruce Brown Head of Department 78 Books/Chapters/Monographs Lotz-Sisitka,H Lotz-Sisitka,H and Le Grange,L. 2010. “Climate change education in a context of risk and vulnerability”. In: Climate Change and Philosophy. Continuum International Publishing Group. London. First Edition. 145-161. ISBN: HB970-0-8264-4065-5. Lotz-Sisitka,H. 2010. “Epistemological access as an open question in education”. In: Retrieving Teaching: Critical issues in curriculum, pedagogy and learning. JUTA & Co Ltd. Claremont,7708. First Edition. 105-116. ISBN: 978-0-70217-780-4. Robertson,S-A Robertson,S-A. 2010. “Letleretlere Sharp English Form 2 Learner’s Book”. Panpac Education (a member of Marshall Cavendish Publishing Group). Singapore. First Edition. 1(1), 1-280. ISBN: 978-99912-0- 934-0. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Atebe,HU and Schafer,M Atebe,HU and Schafer,M. 2010. “Research evidence on geometric thinking level hierarchies and their relationships with students mathematical performance”. Journal of The Science Teachers Association of Nigeria. 45(1 and 2),75-84. Baxen,J Reed,J and Baxen,J. 2010. “Understanding HIV/AIDS prevention programmes through the use of process evaluation” Journal of Education. 50, 115-138. Francis,J and Sisitka, L Squillante,LJ, Ricci,G, Francis,J and Sisitka,L. 2010. “Innovations in capacity building: certification of marine protected area professionals”. Coastal Management. 38(3),272-290. Lotz-Sisitka,H Lotz-Sisitka,H. 2010. “Changing social imaginaries, multiplicities and ‘one sole world’: reading Scandinavian environmental and sustainability education research papers with Badiou and Taylor at hand”. Environmental Education Research. 16(1),133-143. Lotz-Sisitka,H. 2010. “Education for sustainable development and retention: unravelling a research agenda”. International Review of Education. 56, 1573-0638 . Lotz-Sisitka,HB, Ellery,K, Olvitt,L, Schudel,IJ and O'Donoghue,R Lotz-Sisitka,HB, Ellery,K, Olvitt,L, Schudel,IJ and O’Donoghue,R. 2010. “Cultivating a scholarly community of practice”. Acta Academica. 1,130- 150. Lotz-Sisitka,HB, O’Donoghue,R, and Wilmot,PD Lotz-Sisitka,HB, O’Donoghue,R, O’Donoghue,R and Wilmot,PD. 2010. “The Makana Regional Centre of Expertise: experiments in social learning”. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development. 4(1), 73-92. Masara, C Masara,C. 2010. “Social learning processes and nuture-culture relations of commercial beekeeping practises as small and medium enterprise development in Zimbabwe” Southern African Journal of Environmental Education. 27, 9-20. Olvitt, L Olvitt,L. 2010. “Ethics-oriented learning in Environmental Education workplaces: An activity theory approach” Southern African Journal of Environmental Education. 27, 71-90. Samson,DA Samson,DA. 2010. “Pythagorean triples, a fractional approach”. Learning and Teaching Mathematics. 8,46-49. Samson,DA. 2010. “Sum to infinity, an open ended investigation”. Learning and Teaching Mathematics. 8,67-71. Van Der Merwe, M Van Der Merwe,M. 2010. “The use of learning support materials in rurals schools of Maputaland, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.” Southern African Journal of Environmental Education. 27, 21-37. Other Publications Lotz-Sisitka,H, O’Donoghue,R, and Davies,S Lotz-Sisitka,H, O’Donoghue,R, and Davies,S. 2010. “Learning with story and metaphor”. In: EQUALS: Newsletter for Beyond Access: gender, Education and Development. Unterhaulter,E and Aikman,S (Eds) School of Educational Foundations and Policy Studies. London. 24, 4-5. ISBN: 1745--7505. Murray,SR Murray,SR. 2010. “Debate about mother tongue education”. In: Grocott’s Mail. Lang, S (Ed) Grocott’s Mail. Grahamstown. (15 Jan 2010). Hoadley,U, Murray,SR, Drew,S and Setati,M. 2010. In: Comparing the learning bases: an evaluation of foundation phase curricula in South Africa, Canada (British Columbia), Singapore and Kenya. Hoadley,U. (Ed) Umalusi: Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training. Pretoria. 1-77. ISBN: 062047880-2. Murray,SR, Amner,RJ and Gush,C. 2010. “Ukufunda - weekly literacy page”. In: Grocott’s Mail. Lang,S. (Ed) Grocott’s Mail. Grahamstown. Weekly. Schudel,IJ Schudel,IJ. 2010. “Schools and sustainability evaluation report: towards a deeper understanding of environmental education in context.” In: Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa. East London. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Murray,SR Murray,SR. “The Matthew effect: why extended reading is so important in literacy development”. English Teachers’ Conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. April 2010. Murray,SR. “‘A balanced approach to literacy’: What does this concept mean?”. 5th National Conference of the Reading Association of South Africa (RASA). Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth. South Africa. October 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Atebe,HU and Schafer,M Atebe,HU and Schafer,M. “Terminological primacy in high school learners geometric conceptualization”. Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Conference (SAARMSTE) 2010. Edgewood campus, University KwaZulu-Natal, Pinetown. South Africa. January 2010. Vol 1. 119-129. Dalvit,L and Murray,SR Dalvit,L, Murray,S and Terzoli,A. “The impact of language on the academic performance of Black students of Computer Science at Rhodes University”. Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Conference (SAARMSTE) 2010. Edgewood campus, University KwaZulu-Natal, Pinetown. South Africa. January 2010. 1. 192-203. Rhodes University Research Report: Education 79 Rhodes University Research Report: Education 80 Lotz-Sisitka,H Lotz-Sisitka,H, Bolten,H, Wedekind,V, Moll,I, Carrim,N and Taylor,N. “Long - term research partnerships: building communities of rigorous research practice towards further development of policy for education and training in South Africa”. Kenton Conference 2011A new era: Re-imaging educational research in South Africa. Golden Gate Hotel, Golden Gate, Clarens. South Africa. October 2010. Samson,DA and Schafer,M Samson,DA and Schafer,M. “Beyond constructivism, enactivism as a theoretical lens in the context of figural pattern generalisation”. Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Conference (SAARMSTE) 2010. Edgewood campus, University KwaZulu-Natal, Pinetown. South Africa. January 2010. Vol 1. 63-74. Schafer,M Linneweber Lammerskitten,H and Schafer,M. “Motivating mathematical exploration through the use of video clips, a collaborative research and development project between Switzerland and South Africa”. Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Conference (SAARMSTE) 2010. Edgewood campus, University KwaZulu-Natal, Pinetown. South Africa. January 2010. Vol 2. 161-164. International Conferences (Outside SA) Brown,B Brown,B. “Mathematical literacy: education for living, or for examination”. 3rd African Regional Congress of the International Commision on Mathematical Instruction (AFRICME). University of Botswana, Gaborone. Botswana. May 2010. Dalvit,L Montevecchi,M and Dalvit,L. “Definitions of Ubuntu and reconciliation according to students in two South African schools”. African Languages Society (ALASA). University of Botswana, Gaborone. Botswana. July 2010. Gunzo,F and Dalvit,L Gunzo,F and Dalvit,L. “Populating and ontology for HIV and AIDS Education at Rhodes University”. Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Conference (SAARMSTE) 2010. Edgewood campus, University KwaZulu-Natal, Pinetown. South Africa. January 2010. Knott-Craig,I and Van der Mescht,H Knott-Craig,I and Van der Mescht,H. “An investigation of student leadership in an independent school in the Eastern Cape: Do alternative forms of leadership (such as servant leadership) emerge through community building”. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. IATED, Madrid. Spain. January 2010. Knott-Craig,I, Van der Mescht,H and Maritz,M. “An investigation of student leadership in an independant school in the Eastern Cape: do alternative forms of leadership (such as servant leadership) emerge through community building?” International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI). Convention Centre - Melia Castilla, Madrid. Spain. November 2010. Lotz-Sisitka,H Lotz-Sisitka,H. “Environmental and sustainabilty education and educational quality and relevance research network”. 28th Conference of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa. Copperbelt University, Kitwe. Zambia. September 2010. Lotz-Sisitka,H. “Can political ecology and sustainability ‘issues of the time’ revitalise universities in Africa? A contribution to the Global Universities Network for Innovation (GUNI) programme to review Universities and Sustainability Internationally”. 28th Conference of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa. Copperbelt University, Kitwe. Zambia. September 2010. 28. Lotz-Sisitka,H. “Higher education and sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa”. 5th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: A follow-up of the events of the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education 2009. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona. Spain. November 2010. Lotz-Sisitka,H. “Presenting the regional maps: what has been achieved at this stage”. 5th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: A follow-up of the events of the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education 2009. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona. Spain. November 2010. Masara,C Masara,C. “The role of nature-culture relationships in social learning processes of commercial beekeeping practices in Zimbabwe”. 28th Conference of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa. Copperbelt Univeristy, Kitwe. Zambia. September 2010. Ngcoza,KM, Irwin,P and Southwood,S Ngcoza,KM, Irwin,P and Southwood,S. “Professional development networks: Towards capacity and knowledge building”. Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Conference (SAARMSTE) 2010. Edgewood campus, University KwaZulu-Natal, Pinetown. South Africa. January 2010. Samson,DA Samson,DA. “Enactivism and figural apprehension in the context of pattern generalisation”. MERGA 33. John Curtin College of the Arts, Fremantle. Australia. July 2010. Vol 2. 501-508. Schafer,M Schafer,M. “Developing mathematics registers in indigenous languages”. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung and Gesellschaft fur Didaktik der Mathematik. LMU, Munchen. Germany. May 2010. 99. Schafer,M. “Mathematics registers in indigenous languages, experiences from South Africa”. MERGA33. John Curtin College of the Arts, Fremantle. Australia. July 2010. Vol 2. 509-514. Schudel,IJ Schudel,IJ. “Using a depth ontology for exploring sustainability education practices in a teacher professional development programme”. International Association of Critical Realism. Department of Sociology, University of Padua, Padua. Italy. July 2010. Togo,M Togo,M. “University social responsibilty. The role of community engagement in South African universities”. 28th Conference of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa. Copperbelt University, Kitwe. Zambia. September 2010. Van Der Merwe,M Van der Merwe,M. “The use of learning support material in rural schools of Maputaland, KwaZulu Natal”. 28th Conference of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa. Copperbelt Univeristy, Kitwe. Zambia. September 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Events/Performances Ellery,K and Eybers,O Ellery,K and Eybers,O. Presentation. “Extended Studies Programmes at Rhodes University”. Workshop Presentation. Central University of Technology. Bloemfontein, South Africa. 4 - 5 November 2010. Lotz-Sisitka,H Lotz-Sisitka,H. Panel discussions. 2nd International Climate Change Education Workshop. The University of Zambia. Lusaka, Zambia. 15 - 16 February 2010. Lotz-Sisitka,H. Presenter. “Genre of Journal writing and translation from dissertations, with some case studies perhaps”. Editors’ workshop. University of Johannesburg. Johannesburg, South Africa. 23 February 2010. Lotz-Sisitka,H. Presenter. “Case Study: Sustainable Development Practices”. SAQA Strategic Planning Workshop. Roodevallei Conference and Meetings Hotel. Gauteng, South Africa. 10 March 2010. Lotz-Sisitka,H. Presenter. “Development and the African University: An intellectual and social history of African Universities”. MESE: First Mainstreaming Environmental and Sustainability in Ethiopian Universities Workshop. UNECA, Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 6 - 7 May 2010. Lotz-Sisitka,H. Presenter. “The ESD Innovations course, Overview and Potential Outputs”. MESE: First Mainstreaming Environmental and Sustainability in Ethiopian Universities Workshop. UNECA, Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 6 - 7 May 2010. Lotz-Sisitka,H. Panel discussion. “What is the role of science in society?” ACCESS: 2010 Earth System Symposia and Launch 2010. University of the Western Cape. Cape Town, South Africa. 23 - 24 August 2010. Lotz-Sisitka,H. Presenter. “Purpose, Forms of Reasoning and Participation in Higher Education”. The Aims of Higher Education. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 27 - 29 October 2010. Murray,SR Murray,SR. Discussant. “Merits of additive bilingualism”. Language colloquium organised by the Department of Basic Education. Department of Basic Education. Pretoria, South Africa. 28 October 2010. Schafer,M Schafer,M. Plenary panellist. “16th National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education in South Africa”. Professional development in mathematics. Durban, South Africa. 31 March 2010. Schafer,M. Keynote address. “SAMF and AMESA National Mathematics Week”. Mathematics education research in the Eastern Cape, some insights. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 4 August 2010. Schafer,M. Keynote address. “Diamond jubilee mathematics Conference”. Proficiency in Geometry teaching. St Peters Preparatory School. Johannesburg, South Africa. 2 October 2010. Schafer,M. Keynote address. “Zenex Foundation Book Launch of Understanding Concepts in Mathematics and Science a Multilingual Learning and Teaching Resource Book in English, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Afrikaans, Volume 2”. Understanding concepts in mathematics and science, a language perspective. Johannesburg, South Africa. 27 October 2010. Schafer,M. Keynote address. “Launch of the Malawi SAARMSTE Chapter”. Developing mathematics registers in indigenous languages, experiences from South Africa. University of Malawi. Zomba, Malawi. 12 November 2010. Schudel,IJ Schudel,IJ. Participant. International Association of Critical Realism - Pre conference workshop. Department of Sociology, University of Padua. Padua, Italy. 16 - 18 July 2010. Wilmot,PD Wilmot,PD. Participant. ISASA Heads, Bursars and Governors’ Conference. Sandton Convention Centre. Johannesburg, South Africa. 11 - 12 September 2010. Wilmot,PD. Participant. HERS-SA Academy 2010. University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business. Cape Town, South Africa. 12 - 18 September 2010. Wilmot,PD. Facilitator. The use of portfolios for developing reflective practice in the Primary Teachers’ Diploma by Distance Learning. National In-service Training College. Lusaka, Zambia. 27 - 29 October 2010. International Visit Wilmot,PD Wilmot,PD. Education Faculty, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK. Visiting Scholar. 3 June - 4 July 2010. Distinguished Visitors Dr Heidi Bolton, Director: Research, South African Qualifications Authority, Pretoria, South Africa. October 2010. Professor Peter Blaze Corcoran, Director: Centre for Environmental and Sustainability Education, Florida. October 2010. Professor Hillary Janks, Applied English Language Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. October 2010. Dr Akpezi Ogbuigwe, Head, Environmental Education and Training, Division of Environmental Policy Implementation (UNEP). October 2010. Dr Jenneth Parker, Bristol University, United Kingdom. October 2010. Professor George Philander, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. July 2010. Professor Arjen Wals, UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development, Education & Competence Studies, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. October 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Education 81 English The Department of English continues to make a significant contribution to research at Rhodes University. In the 2010 report period, it produced one joint-authored book, two monographs, two book chapters, and ten journal publications; delivered six papers at academic gatherings; and supervised fourteen master’s dissertations and seven doctoral theses. Of course, research productivity involves more than a numerical count of publications, papers and supervisions. It comprises the pursuit of knowledge exchange in all aspects of academic activity, from well-informed undergraduate teaching to cogent post- graduate guidance, from staff meetings on curriculum design to open seminars on literary-critical readings. The Department seeks to synergise these aspects of academic activity towards the creation of an environment that provides supportive undergraduate study, fosters stimulating postgraduate inquiry, and produces incisive staff scholarship. Professor Dirk Klopper Head of Department 82 Photo: Sophie Smith Books/Chapters/Monographs Attree,L Attree,L. 2010. “Blood on the page: interviews with African authors writing about HIV/AIDS”. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Newcastle. First Edition. ISBN: 978-1-44382-0-77-6. Klopper,DC Klopper,DC. 2010. “An unsettled habitation: narratives of South African landscape”. In: The lie of the land: representations of the South African landscape. Iziko Museums. Cape Town. First Edition. ISBN: 978-1-874817-43-7. Klopper,DC and Cornwell,DGN Klopper,DC, Cornwell,DGN and MacKenzie,C. 2010. “The Columbia guide to South African literature in english since 1945”. Columbia University Press. New York. First Edition. 1-251. ISBN: 978-0- 231130-46-2. Naidu,S Naidu,S. 2010. “Life-writing: the migrating selves of Meena Alexander”. In: Indian writers: transnationalisms and diasporas. Peter Lang. Oxford. First Edition. 87-96. ISBN: 978-1-433106-31-6. Naidu,S. 2010. “Realising human rights for all: Navi Pillay”. Arcadia Books. London. First Edition. 1-172. ISBN: 978-1-906413-45-3. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Klopper,DC Klopper,DC. 2010. “Boer, bushman and baboon: human and animal in nineteenth century and early twentieth century South African writings”. Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies. 10(11),3-18. Marais,MJ Marais,MJ. 2010. “Bodies that belong: race and space in Elleke Boehmer’s nile baby”. English Studies in Africa. 53(1),45-52. Mbao,W Mbao,W. 2010. “Inscribing whiteness and staging belonging in contemporary autobiographies and life-writing forms”. English in Africa. 37(1),63-75. Schmidt,J Schmidt,J. 2010. “Paling by comparison: decon- structing hegemonic whiteness in Elleke Boehmer’s bloodlines”. English in Africa. 37(1),93-102. Schmidt,J and West,M. 2010. “Whiteness studies in South African literature: a bibliography”. English in Africa. 37(1),103-114. Springer,M Springer,M. 2010. “Endgame and the meaning of meaninglessness”. Journal of Literary Studies. 26(1),179-190. Van Wyk Smith,M Van Wyk Smith,M. 2010. “In all of us two continents contend: re-examining the legacy of Guy Butler”. English Academy Review. 27(2),101-118. Walters,P Saunders,M, McDonald,PD, Thurman,C, Mackenzie,C, Driver,D, Coetzee,JM, Walters,P, Mann,C and van der Vlies,A. 2010. “Tributes to the National English Literary Museum”. English Studies in Africa. 53(2),113-116. Walters,P. 2010. “Review of Olive Schreiner’s words in ‘Season’ (ed. Stephen Gray)”. English in Africa. 37(2), 155-158. Wylie,DA Wylie,DA. 2010. “The death of the animal in South African history”. Historia. 55(2),283-291. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Klopper,DC Klopper,DC. “The place of nostalgia: Jacobs’ ‘For the smell of the sea’ and Wicomb’s ‘Home sweet home’”. The cape and the cosmopolitan: reading Zoe Wicomb. University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch. South Africa. April 2010. Marais,S Marais,S. “‘You left. Remember?’: ‘roots’ versus ‘routes’ in Zoe Wicomb’s ‘The Ooe that got away’”. The cape and the cosmopolitan: reading Zoe Wicomb. University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch. South Africa. April 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Cornwell,DGN Cornwell,DGN. “Coetzee’s Elizabeth Costello and the inevitability of realism”. Annual conference of the postcolonial and British commonwealth studies association. University of South Georgia, Savannah. United States. February 2010. Marais,MJ Marais,MJ. “The trauma of reading”. Vulnerability: a symposium. University of Otago, Dunedin. New Zealand. November 2010. Schmidt,J Schmidt,J. “Exposing glances, ‘model (white) girl’. Good looks: beautiful vulnerability, race, and the gaze in two post-apartheid novels by Lauren Beukes”. Vulnerability: a symposium. University of Otago, Dunedin. New Zealand. November 2010. Seddon,D Seddon,D. “Tar is a holy place: natural difference and the colonization of nature in Toni Morrison’s “Tar baby”. Nature, culture and gender, the fourth christina conference on gender studies. University of Helsinki, Helsinki. Finland. May 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: English 83 English Language and Linguistics The course-work element of our Honours course was developed further this year - part of ongoing revision and consolidation - with the addition of two new modules: Language and Mind and Biolinguistics: Introduction to Minimalist Syntax (offered by Dr de Vos) and The Investigation of Interpersonal Meaning, offered by Professor Adendorff. These two, as with those already offered at the Honours level, function as potential research areas for students in their Honours year, and, importantly, beyond it. Of the three PhD students registered in the Department, one, Sally Hunt, submitted her work for examination at the end of 2010- The Discoursal Construction of Female Physical Identity in Selected Works in Children’s Fiction. Two further doctoral students have since enrolled. At the Masters level, Leigh Crymble submitted her thesis Textual Representations of Migrants and the Process of Migration in Selected South African Media: A Combined Critical Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics Study in December. Especially noteworthy was the high praise which Christine Marshall received for her Master’s thesis titled The Role of APPRAISAL in the National Research Foundation (NRF) Rating System: Evaluation and Instruction in Peer Reviewer Reports. Christine’s journal article on the role of appraisal in the NRF rating system has been widely used by the Research Office to better inform prospective rating applicants. Christine Marshall was awarded a prestigious international doctoral scholarship to study in Hong Kong, but she was tragically killed in a car accident in June 2010. This scholarship would have enabled her to continue her research in Systemic Functional Linguistics. Though this is apparently belied by the limited number of entries in this year’s research report, staff were active on the research front. Two publications appeared in high quality peer-reviewed journals, and a host of others are currently in press. In addition staff members made 8 conference presentations (2 at international meetings in Toronto and New Brunswick). Of note is the fact that four conference papers were delivered by Honours students, three of whom are writing work for publication. The efforts of the Department to develop young researchers are starting to bear fruit. Professor Adendorff was elected to the Board of the Dictionary of South African English as well as to the national (PANSAB- 84 Photo: Sophie Smith Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Aziakpolo,P and Bekker,I Aziakpolo,P and Bekker,I. 2010. “The attitudes of isiXhosa-speaking students toward language of learning and teaching issues at Rhodes University, South Africa: General trends”. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. 28(1),39- 60. De Vos,MA De Vos,MA. 2009. “Comparing Afrikaans morpho- syntactic variation in a South African underdeveloped context”. Journal of Macrolinguistics. 3,25-45. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Bruce,L Bruce,L. “Searching for the CURE: non-post palatal CURE in general South African English”. LSSA 2010. UNISA, Pretoria. South Africa. September 2010. De Vos,MA De Vos,MA. “Spec-head vs head-spec”. Linguistics society of Southern Africa 2010. UNISA, Pretoria. South Africa. September 2010. Dobeson,C Dobeson,C. “/r/ Sandhi in general South African English”. LSSA 2010. UNISA, Pretoria. South Africa. September 2010. Dorrington,N Dorrington,N. “Uptalk in South African English”. LSSA 2010. UNISA, Pretoria. South Africa. September 2010. O’Grady O’Grady. “An investigation of /l/ in General South African English”. LSSA 2010. UNISA, Pretoria. South Africa. September 2010. Simango,SR Simango,SR. “Negation in ciNsenga”. Annual conference of the linguistic society of Southern Africa. UNISA, Pretoria. South Africa. September 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Simango,SR Simango,SR. “The semantics of locative clitics and locative applicatives i ciCewa”. 41st Annual Conference on African Linguistics. University of Toronto, Toronto. Canada. May 2010. Simango,SR. “When English meets isiXhosa in the clause: an exploration into the grammar of codeswitching”. 41st Annual Conference on African Linguistics. University of Toronto, Toronto. Canada. May 2010. Concerts, Exhibitions, Workshops, Events, Performances Simango,SR Simango,SR. Paper presentation. “Tense and aspect in African languages”. Afranaph project development workshop. Rutgers University. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. 10 - 11 December 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: English Language and Linguistics 85 affiliated) English Language Board. He and Professor Simango are members of the Academy of Science of South Africa. Dr de Vos and Professor Simango serve on the executive board of the Linguistic Society of Southern Africa and Professor Simango is on the editorial board of Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies and The Open Applied Linguistics Journal. Professor Ralph Adendorff Head of Department Environmental Science The Department of Environmental Science produced research outputs across a wide range of research areas covering environment and society. Outputs were extremely pleasing on a per capita basis bearing in mind that this is a small Department with 4 staff members. We produced: • 14 peer reviewed SAPSE accredited journal papers, • 7 chapters in books, and • 15 papers presented at conferences. A total of 61 authors contributed to the 14 peer reviewed journal publications (including those authors whose name appeared in several publications), with 47 different individuals involved from many institutions from all over the world. This is testimony to the collaborative and multidisciplinary nature of the work in which staff in Environmental Science are involved. The contribution of about 10 postgraduate students to the peer reviewed journal publications is testimony to the high quality of postgraduate research in the Department. During the first half of the year, Professor Charlie Shackleton was on sabbatical in Bangalore, India, where he undertook research in collaboration with two agencies, the Department of Crop Physiology at Bangalore Agricultural University, and ATREE (Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environ-ment). During this period he was involved in editing two books and a special edition of the journal Environmental Conservation that was devoted to Community Based Natural Resource Management. He wrote furiously during his sabbatical period, finishing material that was unfinished prior to the period of leave, and he produced new material that will appear over the next year or two. The value of a sabbatical such as this in producing new work, building foreign links and reflecting on important issues of the day cannot be adequately emphasized. Dr Sheona Shackleton attended the 2nd International Conference on Climate, Sustainability and Development in Semi-arid Regions that was held in Fortaleza, from 16 - 20 Aug 2010. The conference provided a forum for sharing and comparing findings from research and practice on means for improving wellbeing and reducing vulnerability of peoples in arid and semi-arid regions worldwide. Together with leading scholars from Africa and North America, Dr Shackleton has championed a large and multidisciplinary collaborative research programme funded by the IDRC, addressing important questions of human adaptation to climate change. The focus of this work is on rural areas where the 86 Books, Chapters, Monographs Gambiza,J Gambiza,J, Chidumayo,E, Prins,H, Fritz,H and Nyathi,P. 2010. “Livestock and wildlife”. In: The dry forests and woodlands of Africa: managing for products and services. Earthscan. London. First Edition. 179-204. ISBN: 978-1-84971-131-9. Shackleton,CM and Shackleton,SE Shackleton,CM and Shackleton,SE. 2010. “Poverty mitigation and local economic development through use of natural resources: examples from South Africa”. In: Sustainable utilisation of energy and biodiversity resources for wealth creation and development. NAM S&T and Scitech Publications. India. First Edition. 25-43. ISBN: 978-81-8371-312-2. Shackleton,CM, Shackleton,SE, Gambiza,J, Nel,E, Rowntree,KM, Urquhart,P, Fabricius,C and Ainslie,A. 2010. “Livelihoods and vulnerability in the arid and semi-arid lands of Southern Africa”. Nova Science Publishers. New York. First Edition. ISBN: 978-1-60876- 940-7. Shackleton,SE Shackleton,SE. 2010. “Over-regulation and complex bureaucratic procedure: a disincentive for compliance? The case of kiaat, a valuable carving wood in Bushbuckridge, South Africa”. In: Wild product governance: finding policies that work for non-timber forest products. Earthscan. London. First Edition. 199-204. ISBN: 978-1-84407-500-3. Shackleton,SE and Gumbo,D. 2010. “Contribution of non-wood forest products to livelihoods and poverty alleviation”. In: The dry forests and woodlands of Africa: managing for products and services. Earthscan. London. First Edition. 63-92. ISBN: 978-1-84971-131-9. Shackleton,SE and Kaschula,SAH Shackleton,SE, Cocks,ML, Dold,AP, Kaschula,SAH, Kokwe,G, Mbata,K and von Maltitz,G. 2010. “Non- wood forest products: description, use and management”. In: The dry forests and woodlands of Africa: managing for products and services. Earthscan. London. First Edition. 93-130. ISBN: 978-1- 84971-131-9. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Cundill,G Cundill,G. 2010. “Monitoring social learning processes in adaptive comanagement: three case studies from South Africa”. Ecology and Society. 15(3),1-19. Reed,MS, Evely,AC, Cundill,G, Fazey,I, Glass,J, Laing,A, Newig,J, Parrish,B, Prell,C, Raymond,C and Stringer,LC. 2010. “What is social learning?”. Ecology and Society. 14(4), Cundill,G and Fabricius,F Cundill,G and Fabricius,F. 2010. “Monitoring the governance dimension of natural resources management”. Ecology and Society. 15(1), Ellery,W Humphries,MS, Kindness,A, Ellery,W, Hughes,JC and Benitez-Nelson,CR. 2010. “137Cs and 210Pb derived sediment accumulation rates and their role in the long-term development of the Mkuze River floodplain, South Africa”. Geomorphology. 119,88- 96. Ellery,WN Humphries,MS, Kindness,A, Ellery,WN and Hughes,JC. 2010. “Sediment geochemistry, mineral precipitation and clay neoformation on the Mkuze River floodplain”. Geoderma. 157,15-26. McCarthy,TS, Ellery,WN, Backwell,L, Marren,P, de Klerk,B, Tooth,S, Brandt,D and Woodborne,S. 2010. “The character, origin and paleoenvironmental significance of the Wonderkrater spring mound, South Africa”. Journal of African Earth Sciences. 58,115-126. Grenfell,SE and Ellery,WN Grenfell,SE, Ellery,WN, Grenfell,MC, Ramsay,LF and Flugel,TJ. 2010. “Sedimentary facies and geomorphic evolution of a blocked-valley lake: Lake Futululu, northern Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa”. Sedimentology. 57,1159-1174. McConnachie,M and Shackleton,CM McConnachie,M and Shackleton,CM. 2010. “Public green space inequality in small towns in South Africa”. Habitat International. 34,244-248. Shackleton,CM Shackleton,CM, Paumgarten,F, Mthembu,T, Ernst,L, Pasquini,M and Pichop,G. 2010. “Production of and trade in African indigenous vegetables in the urban and peri-urban areas of Durban, South Africa”. Development Southern Africa. 27(3),291- 308. Shackleton,CM, Willis,TJ, Brown,K and Polunin,NVC. 2010. “Reflecting on the next Rhodes University Research Report: Environmental Science 87 impacts of climate change and HIV/AIDS are likely to be particularly severe. Strategies and practices to strengthen livelihoods, food security, human health and resilience will be examined in this research programme. The IDRC funding has attracted postgraduate students from southern African and North America, and promises to lead to innovation in reducing human vulnerability in the face of HIV/AIDS and climate change. The Wetland Management Series has finally seen the light of day, which brings to an end a period of research and commitment to the production of a series of publications on wetland management and rehabilitation. The research was funded by the Water Research Commission and culminated in the production of 11 handbooks and tools, with Professor Fred Ellery playing a significant role in the production of the series. The material is being used nationally and internationally to foster wise wetland management and rehabilitation. Professor Fred Ellery was honoured by the International Mire Conservation Group for his contribution through research and teaching to conservation of mires and wetlands. A fairly small number of postgraduate students graduated in 2010. Nevertheless, it is particularly pleasing to note that about half of the papers delivered at Conferences during 2010 were delivered by postgraduate students, who travelled widely to attend conferences of interest to them. Professor Fred Ellery Head of Department Rhodes University Research Report: Environmental Science 88 generation of models for community based natural resources management”. Environmental Conservation. 37(1),1-4. Sinchembe,M and Ellery,WN Sinchembe,M and Ellery,WN. 2010. “Human impacts on hydrological health and the provision of ecosystem services: a case study of the eMthonjeni-Fairview Spring wetland, Grahamstown, South Africa”. African Journal of Aquatic Science. 35(3),227-239. Steele,MZ and Shackleton,CM Steele,MZ and Shackleton,CM. 2010. “Using local experts as benchmarks for household local ecological knowledge: scoring in South African savannas”. Journal of Environmental Management. 91,1641-1646. Ward,CD, Parker,CM and Shackleton,CM Ward,CD, Parker,CM and Shackleton,CM. 2010. “The use and appreciation of botanical gardens as urban green spaces in South Africa”. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 9,49-55. Other Publications Shackleton,CM and Gambiza,J Shackleton,CM and Gambiza,J. 2010. “Tackling invasive species: the story of a shrub in South Africa”. In: Current conservation. Shackleton,CM and Gambiza, J (Eds) Current Conservation. Not known. 26-28. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Curran,P Curran,P. “The research and development of a voluntary carbon standard for the subtropical thicket biome”. Annual thicket forum. Assegai Trails, Eastern Cape. South Africa. October 2010. Curran,P and Shackleton,CM Curran,P and Shackleton,CM. “Investing in carbon, who will and why: an analysis of manufacturing businesses in the Eastern Cape”. 41st Annual geography students conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. August 2010. Ellery,W Bobbins,KL, Rowntree,KM and Ellery,W. “Developing a conceptual framework to assess form-process relationships on semi-arid alluvial fans in the Baviaanskloof valley, South Africa”. Biennial Conference of the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Kota,Z Kota,Z. “Last child in the woods? A tentative response to Louv’s ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’ from the Eastern Cape”. ISER research colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. November 2010. Shackleton,SE Kelly,K and Shackleton,SE. “HIV/AIDS, climate change and the environment”. Political economy of HIV and AIDS. Not known, East London. South Africa. March 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Shackleton,CM Kull,CA and Shackleton,CM. “Adapting to new societies: the adoption of introduced Australian acacias”. Australian acacias as invasive species. Stellenbosch, Cape Town. South Africa. October 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) McConnachie,M McConnachie,M, Cowling,RM and Knight,K. “A pragmatic methodology for bridging the gap between science and management”. Bridging conservation and development in Latin America and Africa. Not known, Florida. United States of America. January 2010. McConnachie,M, Cowling,RM, Knight,K, Marais,C and Difford,M. “Challenges and opportunities for state run restoration: lessons learnt from South Africa’s ‘working for water’ project”. Association for tropical biodiversity and conservation. Sanur, Bali. Indonesia. June 2010. Powell,M Marais,C, Cowling,RM, Powell,M and Mills,A. “Establishing the platform for a carbon sequestration market in South Africa: the working for woodlands subtropical thicket restoration programme”. XIII World forestry congress. Not known, Buenos Aires. Argentina. October 2010. 1-12. Shackleton,SE Shackleton,SE. “Linking livelihood and ecosystem vulnerability in southern Africa: consequences for ecosystem management and development”. Bridging conservation and development in Latin America and Africa. University of Florida, Gainsville. United States of America. January 2010. Shackleton,SE. “A conceptual framework for integrating climate change adaptation into higher education learning and research that strengthens capacity to respond to climate change at multiple levels”. Climate, sustainability and development in semi-arid lands. Conference centre, Fortaleza. Brazil. August 2010. Shackleton,SE and Shackleton,CM Shackleton,SE and Shackleton,CM. “Linking livelihood and ecosystem vulnerability in southern Africa: consequences for ecosystem management and development”. 2010 Congress of the Latin American studies association. Not known, Toronto. Canada. October 2010. Thondlana,G Thondlana,G. “Dryland conservation areas, indigenous people, livelihoods and resource values in South Africa: the case of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park”. Global South workshop. Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. Switzerland. October 2010. Concerts, Exhibitions, Workshops, Events, Performances Shackleton,CM Shackleton,CM. “Private land conservancies as conservation instruments in South Africa”. Nature Conservation Foundation. Mysore, India. 2010. Shackleton,CM. “The impacts of HIV/AIDS on natural resource use and management in southern Africa”. Bangalore Agricultural University. Bangalore, India. 2010. Shackleton,CM. “The contribution of non-timber forest products to rural livelihoods and poverty prevention in southern Africa”. Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment. Bangalore, India. 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Fine Art The Fine Art Department experienced a record year in terms of research publications and outputs. Quality research, both academic and practice as research, was conducted covering a full range of activities. Staff had scholarly chapters published in fifteen books, many of which were published inter- nationally. Dr Ashraf Jamal contributed 10 chapters to this total and Professor Brenda Schmahmann contributed three chapters. Fourteen journal articles were also published in addition to eighteen other non-accredited submissions including exhibition catalogues. Conference participation and outputs totalled 12 with Fine Art postgraduate students contributing through representation at the South African Visual Art Historians (SAVAH) Postgraduate Symposium in Johannesburg. Practice as research outputs were also notable with participation in 33 exhibitions. Notably Ms Rat Western was a Main Program exhibitor with a solo exhibition installation, Dead Media, on the National Arts Festival. Ms Christine Dixie exhibited her innovative exhibition, The Binding, both in Johannesburg and at the National Arts Festival. The entire installation was subsequently purchased for the perma- nent collection of the Smithsonian Institute of America and will be exhibited at the African Art Museum in Washington DC. Both Ms Dixie and Professor Dominic Thorburn had artworks on the major South African retrospective exhibition, 1910-2010: From Pierneef to Gugulective, at the Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town. International visits saw Associate Professor Ruth Simbao making several visits abroad to research contemporary Chinese Art; and her destinations included Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Brussels, and Sydney. Ms Nomusa Makhubu visited the Omooba Yemisi Adedoyin Shyllon Art Foundation (OYASAF) in Lagos, Nigeria as part of her PhD research on West African film. The Fine Art Department hosted nine dis- tinguished visitors including Dr John Leo, from the University of Rhode Island, who was a Hugh le May Visiting Fellow. Rhodes also awarded an Honorary Doctorate to the interna- tionally acclaimed artist Marlene Dumas who enjoyed an active visit. Further 2010 research highlights were the Fine Art Department initiating and hosting a national colloquium on the theme ‘Colour’, and the papers were published in Art South Africa. Professor Dominic Thorburn Head of Department 89 RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 2 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Books/Chapters/Monographs Jamal,AA Moorthy,S and Jamal,AA. 2010. “New conjunctures in maritime imaginaries”. In: Indian ocean studies: cultural, social, and political perspectives. Routledge. New York and London. First Edition. 1-31. ISBN: 978-0- 415803-90-8. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Telling and Selling on the Indian Ocean Rim”. In: Indian Ocean Studies: cultural, social, and political perspectives. Routledge. New York and London. First Edition. 403-417. ISBN: 978-0- 415803-90-8. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Africa’s appendix: distortion, forgery and superfluity on a southern littoral”. In: Eyes across the water: navigating the Indian Ocean. Unisa Press and Penguin India. Pretoria. First Edition. 155-169. ISBN: 978-1-868885-72-5. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Black bag”. In: Indian ocean studies: cultural, social, and political perspectives. Routledge. New York and London. First Edition. 397-402. ISBN: 978-0-415803-90-8. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Chimurenga: communal yard for sick heads”. In: Positions: contemporary artists in South Africa. Jacana Media. Cape Town and Johannesburg. First Edition. ISBN: 978-1-770098-89-3. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Jane Alexander: hunger artist”. In: Counter currents: experiments in sustainability in the Cape Town region. J acana Media and African Centre for Cities, UCT. Cape Town & Singapore. First Edition. 46-55. ISBN: 978-1-770097-95-7. Jamal,AA. 2010. “On the side of the angels: art and the contemporary”. In: Spier contemporary: 2010. Africa Centre. Cape Town. First Edition. ISBN: 978- 0-620460-56-9. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Take it or leave it”. In: Wayne Barker: super boring. SMAC Art Publishing. Stellenbosch. First Edition. ISBN: 978-0-620467-18-6. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Telling and selling on the Indian ocean rim”. In: Indian ocean studies: cultural, social, and political perspectives. Routledge. New York and London. First Edition. 403-417. ISBN: 978-0- 415803-90-8. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Terror and the city”. In: African cities reader. Chimurenga and African Centre for Cities. Cape Town. First Edition. 120-136. ISBN: 0981427287. Meistre,BA Meistre,BA and Belluigi,DZ. 2010. “After image: using metaphoric storytelling in the evaluation of a fine art photography course”. In: Teaching creativity: creativity in teaching. Libri Publishing. United Kingdom. First Edition. 155-170. ISBN: 978-1- 907471-17-9. Schmahmann,B Schmahmann,B. 2010. “Cast in a different light: women and the Artist’s Studio theme in George Segal’s sculpture”. In: The studio reader: on the space of artists. University of Chicago Press. Chicago and London. First Edition. 220-236. ISBN: 978-0-226389- 61-5. Schmahmann,B. 2010. “Staging masculinities: visual imagery in Peter Gabriel’s ‘Sledgehammer’ video”. In: Peter Gabriel: from genesis to growing up. Ashgate. Aldershot, United Kingdom. First Edition. 57-69. ISBN: 978-0-754665-21-2. Schmahmann,B and Miller,K. 2010. “Women’s cooperatives and self-help artists”. In: Berg encyclopedia of world dress and fashion: Africa. Berg. Oxford and New York. First Edition. 1, 533-539. ISBN: 978-1-847883-90-2. Simbao,R Simbao,R. 2010. “Dress in Zambia”. In: Berg encyclopedia of world dress and fasion. Berg Publications. London. First Edition. 1, 546-552. ISBN: 978-1-847881-04-5. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper De Jager,MS De Jager,MS. 2010. “Aberrant light and colour (After the rainbow)”. Art South Africa. 9(1),104-106. Hipper,M Hipper,M. 2010. “A shifting discolour: chromic grey”. Art South Africa. 9(1),85-87. Jamal,AA Jamal,AA. 2010. “Michael MacGarry”. Art South Africa. 9(1),119. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Colours of wakefulness: speculations on the South African palette”. Art South Africa. 9(1),83-84. Jamal,AA. 2010. “The bow project: searching for the grail of sound”. Art South Africa. 9(2), 77-78. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Hipper redacted”. Critical Arts. 24 (3),303-485. Jamal,AA. 2010. “Bullet through the church: South African literature in english and the future anterior”. English Studies in Africa. 53(1),11-20. Partridge,M Partridge,M. 2010. “The digital taboo: the de- saturation of the common place”. Art South Africa. 9(1),88. Schmahmann,B Schmahmann,B. 2010. “A framework for recuperation: HIV/AIDS and the Keiskamma altarpiece”. African Arts. 43(3),34-51. Schmahmann,B. 2010. “Mapula embroidery: empowering women in the Winterveld”. Surface Design. 34(4),44-47. Simbao,R Simbao,R. 2010. “Dialectics of dance and dress: the performative negotiation of soli girl initiates (Moye) in Zambia”. African Arts. 64-85. Simbao,R. 2010. “Spier Contemporary 2010”. Art South Africa. 8(4),60-64. Simbao,R. 2010. “One day, all of this will be yours: James Webb at Blank projects”. Artthrob. January 2010, Other Publications Jamal,AA Jamal,AA. 2010. “Identity and failure”. Scrutiny2. 15(2), 54-63. Jamal,AA. 2010. “...)us(...”. In: US. Malcomess, B (Ed) Hansa Print in association with Goethe Institute. Cape Town. ISBN: 978-0-620489-76-8. Schmahmann,B Schmahmann,B. 2010. Review of “Mmakgabo Mmapula Mmankgato Helen Sebidi”. DE ARTE. 82, 89-92. Simbao,R Simbao,R. 2010. “Anton Karstel’s Pumpkin hut”. In: Anton Karstel. Lamprecht,A (Ed) SMAC Gallery. Stellenbosch. Simbao,R. 2010. “Cosmolocalism: the audacity of place”. In: Centre for contemporary art: Lagos. Silva,B and Bryd, AB (Eds) CCA. Lagos. September 2010(10), 7. Simbao,R. 2010. “Mary Sibande”. In: Mary Sibande: long live the dead queen. Simbao,R (Ed) Gallery MOMO. Johannesburg. Simbao,R. 2010. “Symptoms of (art) history: diagnosing our current past, and Danish translation- -(Kunst) historiske symptomer: diagnosticering af vores nuvaerende fortid (exhibition catalogue)”. In: The good old days. Butcher,C (Ed) Arhus Kunstbygning. Denmark. 8-11. ISBN: 978-87-92025-09-8. Rhodes University Research Report: Fine Art 90 RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 3 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Lerato,B Lerato,B. “Featuring simplicity: the notion of simplicity in contemporary art”. Dialogues: South African visual arts historians postgraduate symposium (SAVAH). University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Lochner,E Lochner,E. “The making of South African art: The community arts project (CAP) and the search for local relevance in artistic practice”. Dialogues: South African visual arts historians postgraduate symposium (SAVAH). University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Makhubu,NM Makhubu,NM. “Disentangling strands of magic realism”. Dialogues: South African visual art historians postgraduate symposium (SAVAH). University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. South Africa. October 2010. 90-95. Makun,D Makun,D. “International passport: portrait of the Nigerian diaspora”. Dialogues: South African visual arts historians postgraduate symposium (SAVAH). University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Nsele,Z Nsele,Z. “Moving through the city”. Dialogues: South African visual arts historians postgraduate symposium (SAVAH). University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Partridge,M Partridge,M. “The borders of descriptive safety: refiguring epistemologies in contemporary South African art history”. Dialogues: South African visual arts historians postgraduate symposium (SAVAH). University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Samwanda,B Samwanda,B. “Public sculpture controversy in Zimbabwe: the case of Adam Madebe’s looking into the future”. Dialogues: South African visual arts historians postgraduate symposium (SAVAH). University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Simbao,R Simbao,R. “The ‘unword’: silence that speaks volumes”. 1910-2010: From Pierneef to Gugulective. Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town. South Africa. September 2010. Thorburn,D Thorburn,D. “Colloquium introduction”. Colour colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. March 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Makhubu,NM Makhubu,NM. “Notions of the foreign in Pieter Hugo’s Nollywood”. Association for cultural studies (ACS) crossroads conference. Lingnan University, Hong Kong. China. June 2010. Simbao,R Simbao,R. “The ‘local’ afropolitan: new geographies in contemporary African art”. Proximo futuro/next future. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon. Portugal. June 2010. Thorburn,D Thorburn,D. “Print as public interlocutor”. Impact 6th international printmaking conference. University of the West of England, Bristol. United Kingdom. December 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Events/Performances Armstrong,B Armstrong,B. Artist. “Hippocampus”. MFA exhibition. Rehearsal Room, Settlers Monument. Grahamstown, South Africa. 27 February - 3 March 2010. Bereng,L Bereng,L. Curator. “Featuring simplicity as an irrational fear”. Curated exhibition at Michael Stevenson gallery. Michael Stevenson Gallery. Cape Town, South Africa. 9 September - 16 October 2010. De Jager,MS De Jager,MS. Artist. “Untitled installation”. On colour. Albany History Museum. Grahamstown, South Africa. 27 March - 17 April 2010. De Jager,MS. Artwork donated. “Suitcase (transport)”. Carinus Art Centre banquet and art auction. Johann Carinus Art Centre. Grahamstown, South Africa. 21 May 2010. De Jager,MS. Artwork donated. “Suitcase (settlers)”. Student HIV/AIDS resistance campaign (SHARC) mixed media exhibition and auction. Nuns Chapel, St Peters Campus, Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 August 2010. De Jager,MS. Artist. “Winburg 1901”. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum biennial exhibition and award 2010. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 9 December 2009 - 6 February 2010. Dixie,CB Dixie,CB. Artist. “Albany Gold I and II”. 1910-2010: From Pierneef to Gugulective. Iziko South African National Gallery. Cape Town, South Africa. 15 April - 3 October 2010. Dixie,CB. Solo Exhibition. “The Binding”. A.O.P. Gallery. Johannesburg, South Africa. 8 - 29 May 2010. Dixie,CB. Solo Exhibition. “The great Kei river and Moni’s kop from the North”. The lie of the land: representations of South African landscape. Iziko Michaelis Collection. Cape Town, South Africa. 10 June - 11 September 2010. Dixie,CB. Artist. “The Binding”. National Arts Festival. Alumni Gallery, Albany Museum. Grahamstown, South Africa. 18 June - 2 July 2010. Dixie,CB. Artist. “Bloodspoor”. Transformations: women’s art from the late nineteenth century to 2010. Johannesburg Art Gallery. Johannesburg, South Africa. 1 August - 31 January 2010. Hipper,M Hipper,M. Solo Exhibition. ‘Doppelganger/ Double’. Erdmann Contemorary Gallery. Cape Town, South Africa. 1 - 30 September 2010. Makhubu,NM Makhubu,NM. Artist. “Trading lies: second impression”. No more bad girls? Kunsthalle Exnergasse. Vienna, Austria. 6 May - 11 June 2010. Makhubu,NM. Artist. “Exhibition: DreamSweepers”. Art Space. Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa. 17 July - 7 August 2010. Meistre,BA Meistre,BA. Exhibition. “The stranger who licked salt back into our eyes”. Design Indaba, 25th anniversary of ABSA Atelier Awards. Cape Town International Convention Centre. Cape Town, South Africa. 26 - 28 February 2010. Meistre,BA. Artist. “Malaise”. On colour. Albany History Museum. Grahamstown, South Africa. 27 - 28 March 2010. Meistre,BA. Artist. “Insight”. Photography and video from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum permanent collection. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 17 April - 16 May 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Fine Art 91 RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 4 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Fine Art 92 Meistre,BA. Artist. “Land”. Diversity and Unity. Centre for the Exposition of World Arts, Chowmahalla Palace. Hyderabad, India. 23 July - 7 August 2010. Poole,T Poole,T. Artist. Last one standing. Artspace. Johannesburg, South Africa. 27 February - 27 March 2010. Poole,T. Artist. Johannesburg Art Fair. Sandton Convention Centre. Johannesburg, South Africa. 26 - 28 March 2010. Poole,T. Artist. On colour. Albany History Museum. Grahamstown, South Africa. 27 March - 17 April 2010. Poole,T. Artist. Juncture: new painting from South Africa. Artspace Berlin. Berlin, Germany. 25 September - 23 October 2010. Poole,T. Artist. “Paintings”. Johannesburg Theatre. Johannesburg, South Africa. 1 - 31 December 2010. Thorburn,D Thorburn,D. Artist. “United Colours”. On colour. Albany History Museum. Grahamstown, South Africa. 27 March - 12 April 2010. Thorburn,D. Artist. “Sunday Afternoon Thoughts of Monet and Magnus”. 1910-2010: from Pierneef to Gugulective, Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, 2010. South African National Gallery. Cape Town, South Africa. 15 April - 3 October 2010. Walters,J Walters,J. Artist. “After Baines”. MFA Graduate exhibition. Alumni Gallery. Grahamstown, South Africa. 24 November - 10 December 2010. Western,NA Western,NA. Artist. “2012”. ArtSpace. Johannesburg, South Africa. 31 March - 21 April 2010. Western,NA. Artist/Director. “Cape Town screening: waiting”. City breath: festival of video poetry and performance. Labia Cinema. Cape Town, South Africa. 28 - 30 May 2010. Western,NA. Artist. “Dead Media”. National arts festival. Albany Natural Science Museum. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 June - 4 July 2010. Western,NA. Public Art Workshop Co-ordinator. “2010 Reasons to live in a small town public art project”. Visual arts network of South Africa. School of Journalism, Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 24 - 27 June 2010. Western,NA. Artist/Director. “Grahamstown screening: waiting”. City breath: festival of video poetry and performance. Settler’s Monument. Grahamstown, South Africa. 1 - 3 July 2010. Western,NA. Sound Design and Video Artist. “Triptych”. Theatre in motion. Rhodes University Theatre. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 - 23 October 2010. Western,NA. Artist/Director. “Johannesburg screening: waiting”. City breath: festival of video poetry and performance. The Bioscope, Main Street Life. Johannesburg, South Africa. 6 - 7 November 2010. International Visit Simbao,R Simbao,R. Europalia China art festival, Brussels, Belgium. Research on the Europalia China art festival 2010. 2 - 10 January 2010. Simbao,R. Hong Kong International Art Fair, Hong Kong, China. Research on contemporary Chinese art at the Hong Kong international art fair. 26 May - 1 June 2010. Simbao,R. White Rabbit Gallery. Museum of Contemporary Art. Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Research on contemporary Chinese art in the White Rabbit Collection, and research on the Sydney Biennale. 2 - 10 June 2010. Simbao,R. Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, China. Research on contemporary Chinese art. Discussions about future staff/student exchanges. 11 - 16 June 2010. Simbao,R. China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Today Art Museum. Dashanzi Art District, Beijing, China. Research on Xu Bing and Hua Jiming. 17 - 22 October 2010. Simbao,R. Shanghai Art Museum. Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, China. Research on the Shanghai biennale. 23 October - 1 November 2010. Distinguished Visitors Dardagan Britz,R Ms R Dardagan Britz. Spier contemporary finalist, Grahamstown, South Africa. Performance: ‘My life as a suitcase’. September 2010. Dumas,M Dr M Dumas. Professional artist, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Receive honorary doctorate and discuss future collaboration. April 2010. Hillebrand,M Dr M Hillebrand. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Museum of Art, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Lecture for China Week: the Qin dynasty in Port Elizabeth. September 2010. Hobbs,S Mr S Hobbs. UrbaNet (art collaborative with Marcus Neustetter), Johannesburg, South Africa. Lecture: ‘Fear and loathing: a review of Michael MacGarry’s endgame’. July 2010. Leo,J Professor J Leo. University of Rhode Island, Kingston Rhode Island, USA. Hugh le May fellowship. June - September 2010. MacGarry,M Mr M MacGarry. 2010 Standard Bank young artist, Johannesburg, South Africa. Lecture. August 2010. O’Toole,S Mr S O’Toole and Mr O’Toole,S. Art South Africa journal, Cape Town, South Africa. Lecture. September 2010. Smith,K Ms K Smith. Stellenbosch University and serialworks, Stellenbosch and Cape Town, South Africa. Lecture: ‘Dada South’. April 2010. Victor,D D Victor. University of Pretoria, Pretoria/Tshwane, South Africa. Visiting artist lecturer. October 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 5 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Geography Rhodes Geography saw the arrival of two new staff members in 2010, namely Professor Ian Meiklejohn and Dr Josh Kirshner. This was much to the relief of the long serving staff members, Professors Rowntree and Fox and Ms Gillian McGregor. The year also saw the installation of our new Environmental Tracing Laboratory and the hosting of two conferences by the Geography Department. Professor Ian Meiklejohn joined the Department of Geography in January 2010 after 15 years of service at the University of Pretoria. The first two months of his time at Rhodes were spent in the Antarctic as part of the South African Antarctic Programme summer relief voyage. Dr Joshua Kirshner recently completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Johannesburg and was appointed as lecturer in Geography at Rhodes in July 2010. Kirshner holds a PhD in city and regional planning from Cornell University and an MA in urban planning from the University of California Los Angeles. Since starting at Rhodes, he has worked on developing teaching curricula focusing on the study of cities and urban change in southern Africa, local and regional planning in South Africa, and interactions between the environment and development in Africa and Latin America. Professor Rowntree’s research in 2010 has continued to focus on the identification of sediment source areas, transfer processes and sediment sinks at a range of scales. A major component of this research has been studies of the relationship between catchment scale sediment dynamics and land management changes in the Sneeuberg area of the Karoo. Professor Ian Foster from Northampton University and other UK colleagues have collaborated to use environmental magnetism and gamma spectrometry to trace and date sediment in small farm dams. The Baviaans Kloof is developing as a second research node through collaboration with the PRESENCE network managed through the Dutch group Living Lands. PRESENCE brings together research students and their supervisors, catchment managers and farmers to support best management practices aimed at restoring living landscapes in South Africa. Research support has also been provided by the Department of Water Affairs through their East Cape Restoration Programme (ECRP). Professor Rowntree was also invited to join a team of researchers from the Universities 93 RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 6 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Geography 94 Books/Chapters/Monographs Kirshner,JD Kirshner,JD. 2011. “Migrants and citizens: hygiene panic and urban space in Santa Cruz”. In: Remapping Bolivia: Territory, Rights, and Resources in a Plurinational State. School for Advanced Research Press. Santa Fe, New Mexico. First Edition. 1-25. ISBN: 1111. (In Press). Meiklejohn,KI Meiklejohn,KI. 2011. “Marion island’s disappearing ice cap”. In: Observations on Environmental Change in South Africa. SAEON. Cape Town. First Edition. 57-62. ISBN: 978-1-920338-24-4. Hall,K and Meiklejohn,KI. 2011. “Developments in quaternary science: glaciation in southern Africa and in the sub-Antarctic”. In: Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology. Developments in Quaternary Science. Vol. 15. Elsevier. Amsterdam. First Edition. 1081- 1085 ISBN: 978-0-444-53447-7. Nel,E and Rowntree,KM Shackleton,CM, Shackleton,SE, Gambiza,J, Nel,E, Rowntree,KM, Urquhart,P, Fabricius,C and Ainslie,A. 2010. “Livelihoods and vulnerability in the arid and semi-arid lands of Southern Africa”. Nova Science Publishers. New York. First Edition. ISBN: 978-1-60876- 940-7. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Foster,IDL and Rowntree,KM Boardman,J, Foster,IDL, Rowntree,KM, Mighall,T and Gates,J. 2010. “Environmental stress and landscape recovery in a semi-arid area, The Karoo, South Africa”. Scottish Geographical Journal. 126(2),64- 75. Kirshner,JD Kirshner,JD. 2010. “Migration, informalization and public space in Santa Cruz, Bolivia”. Bolivian Studies Journal. 15-17,150-190. Kirshner, JD. 2010. “Migrants’ voices: Negotiating autonomy in Santa Cruz, Bolivia”. Latin American Perspectives 37(4): 108-124. Kirshner, JD. (In Press). “We are Gauteng people”: Challenging the politics of xenophobia in Khutsong, South Africa. Antipode (revised paper accepted June 2011). Lewis,CA Lewis,CA. 2010. “Late Quaternary environmental of the Free State and Cape Town to develop methods for assessing environmental flow requirements for dryland rivers through a project funded by the Water Research Commission. In 2010 the focus of the research was the Mokolo River in Limpopo Province. The Nordic Africa Days conference was held in Turku, Finland at the end of September and this provided Professor Rowntree with an opportunity to keep in touch with colleagues at the Finland Futures Research Centre. Professors Fox and Rowntree also represented the University at the SANORD Symposium at the University of Johannesburg in December. Professor Fox took three months sabbatical leave in 2010 to further his research interests in the development of role playing simulations that model resource consumption, HIV/AIDS diffusion, rural and urban development, climate change, water management and the Millen- nium Development Goals. He was invited to run the African Catchment Game simulation at the Ecole Polytechnique Francais’ Graduate School of Engineering, Sceaux, France from September 21- 23. He also worked in collabor- ation with partner institutions: Högskolan Väst (University West), Trollhättan, Sweden and Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku, Finland. Professor Fox’s second recent interest has been examining the diffusion and impact of Open Access Research Repositories through case studies of Rhodes University and Linköping University, Sweden Professor Fox also presented two papers at the Nordic Africa Days conference ‘Time Space Africa: Reconnecting the Continent’ held at Finland’s Swedish medium University, Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland, September 30 - 1 October. He also presented a research seminar at Uppsala University’s Geography Department on October 29th. Gillian McGregor continued with the development of a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) textbook for South Africa teachers as an e-resource, with limited editions of hard copies. Physical geography has been given a significant boost through the extension of our laboratory facilities to include an Environmental Tracing Laboratory, established in the Geography Department in 2010. ‘Land denudation or land degradation?’ was the conference theme at the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists’ (SAAG) biennial held from 3-5th September. Fifty- seven delegates, both national and international, gathered in Grahamstown to address this pressing issue. 2010 has been an active and productive year for the Geography Department at Rhodes. We have benefited especially from our two new staff members who are actively engaged in research and from our postgraduate students who have together helped to create an exciting intellectual atmosphere in the Department. Professor Roddy Fox Head of Department RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 7 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K phases in the Eastern Cape and adjacent Plettenberg Bay-Knysna region and Little Karoo, South Africa”. Proceedings of The Geologists Association. 122,187-200. Meiklejohn,KI Hall,K, Meiklejohn,KI and Bumby,A. 2010. “Marion Island volcanism and glaciation”. Antarctic Science. 23,155-163. Hall,K, Meiklejohn,KI, Sumner,P and Arocena,J. 2010. “Light penetration into Clarens sandstone and implications for deterioration of San rock art”. Geoarchaeology - An International Journal. 25,122- 136. Hedding,DW, Meiklejohn,KI, le Roux,JJ, Loubser,M and Davis,JK. 2010. “Some observations on the formation of an active pronival rampart at Grunehogna Peaks, Western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica”. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 21,355-361. Prinsloo,LC, Colomban,P, Brink,JD and Meiklejohn,KI. 2010. “A raman spectroscopic study of the igneous rocks on Marion Island: a possible terrestrial analogue for the geology on Mars”. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 42,626-632. Viera,G, Bockheim,J, Guglielman,M, Balks,M, Abramov,AA, Boelhouwers,J, Cannone,N, Ganzert,L, Gilichinsky,DA, Goryachkin,S, Lopez- Martinez,J, Meiklejohn,KI, Raffi,R, Ramos,M, Schaefer,C, Serrano,E, Simas,F, Sletten,R and Wagner,D. 2010. “Thermal state of permafrost and active-layer monitoring in the antarctic: advances during the international polar year 2007 -2009”. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 21,182-197. Palmer,B and McGregor,GK Palmer,B, Hill,T, McGregor,GK and Paterson,A. 2010. “An assessment of coastal development and land use change using the DPSIR framework: case studies from the Eastern Cape, South Africa”. Coastal Management. 158-174. Palmer,B and McGregor,G Palmer,B, McGregor,G, Hill,T and Paterson,A. 2010. “A spatial assessment of coastal development and land use change in the Eastern Cape, South Africa”. South African Geographical Journal. 92(2),117-128. Other Publications Foster,IDL and Rowntree,KM Foster,IDL and Rowntree,KM. 2010. Field Guide to Pre-Conference Excursion. SAAG Biennial Conference, September 2010. 104 pp. Foster,IDL and Rowntree,KM (Eds) Department of Geography. Grahamstown. Kirshner,JD Kirshner,JD and Phokela,C. 2010. “We engaged with foreigners, and they supported us: Countering xenophobia in Khutsong”. In: South African Labour Bulletin. Forest,K (Ed). Johannesburg. 34(5), 32-34. Kirshner,JD and Phokela,C. 2010. “Khutsong and xenophobic violence: Exploring the case of the dog that didn’t bark”. In: South African Civil Society and Xenophobia. Everatt,D (Ed) The Atlantic Philanthropies. Johannesburg. Rowntree,KM and Birkholz,SA Rowntree,KM, Birkholz,SA, Burt,JC and Farolfi,S. 2010. A Stakeholder driven process to develop a Catchment Management Plan for the Kat River Valley. WRC report No 1496/1/10 Water Research Commission Pretoria. Rowntree,KM and Birkholz, SA (Eds) Water Research Commission. Pretoria. 277 pp. ISBN: 978-1-77005-974-0 277. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Bobbins,KL and Rowntree,KM Bobbins,KL, Rowntree,KM and Ellery,W. “Developing a conceptual framework to assess form-process relationships on semi-arid alluvial fans in the Baviaanskloof valley, South Africa”. Biennial Conference of the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Foster,IDL and Rowntree,KM Foster,IDL, Rowntree,KM, Boardman,J and Mighall,T. “Changing sediment yield and sediment dynamics in the Karoo uplands, South Africa: Post- European impacts”. Biennial Conference of the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Mighall,T, Foster,IDL, Rowntree,KM, Boardman,J, Sanchez,NS and Cortizas,AM. “Landscape degradation in the Karoo: palaeoenvironmental evidence from Misty Hills and Compassberg”. Biennial Conference of the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Kirshner,JD Kirshner,JD. “Regional autonomy and migrant political participation in Eastern Bolivia”. Sociology Department Seminar series at Rhodes University. Sociology Department, Rhodes University. South Africa. October 2010. Mabeka,P and Meiklejohn,KI Mabeka,P, Meiklejohn,KI and Griffin,N. “Developing a palaeoclimatic record of Marion Island using diatoms extracted from sediment cores”. Southern African Association of Geomorphologists Biennial Conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Meiklejohn,KI Meiklejohn,KI and Lee,J. “An autochthonous blockfield on Vesleskarvet, Western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: origin, rock hardness and lichen colonisation”. Southern African Association of Geomorphologists Biennial Conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Scoch,A, Meiklejohn,KI and Bumby,A. “Structural control in the high Drakensberg”. 42nd Student Geography Conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. Melly,B and McGregor,G Melly,B, McGregor,G and Plon,S. “The zoogeography of the cetaceans in Algoa Bay, South Africa”. The African Marine Mammal Symposium. Kleinbaai, South Africa. May 2010. Mzobe,P and Rowntree,KM Mzobe,P and Rowntree,KM. “An investigation of sediment linkages in a small catchment in the Mount Fletcher southern Drakensberg region, South Africa”. Biennial Conference of the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Smith-Adao,L and Rowntree,KM Smith-Adao,L, Rowntree,KM and Nel,J. “Valley floor changes along the Baviaanskloof River, Eastern Cape, South Africa”. Biennial Conference of the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Kirshner,JD Kirshner,JD. “The politics of inclusion in Khutsong: countering xenophobia at the local level”. South African Sociological Association (SASA) Annual Congress. University of Fort Hare, East London. South Africa. July 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Geography 95 RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 8 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Geography 96 Rowntree,KM and Fox,RC Rowntree,KM and Fox,RC. “Two exchange programmes with one small department: Linnaeus- Palme 2003-2010, CIMO North-South-South 2007- 2009”. SANORD Symposium: Sustaining Higher Education through Southern African-Nordic Institutional Partnerships. University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. South Africa. December 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Fox,RC and Assmo,PA Fox,RC and Assmo,PA. “Connecting with Africa through the Linnaeus-Palme Exchange Programme”. Nordic Africa Days 2010 ‘Time-Space Africa: Reconnecting the Continent’. Âbo Akademi, Turku. Finland. September 2010. McGregor,G Kirk-Spriggs,AH, Wiegmann,B and McGregor,G. “Systematics and biogeography of ‘afrotropical quasimodo’ flies (Curtonotidae)”. 7th International Congress of Dipterology. Ramada-Herradura International Conference Center, San Jose. Costa Rica. August 2010. 126. Melly,B and McGregor,G Melly,B, McGregor,G and Plon,S. “The zoogeography of the cetaceans in Algoa Bay, South Africa”. The European Cetacean Society (ECS) annual conference. Meeresmuseum, Stralsund. Germany. March 2010. Rowntree,KM and Fox,RC Rowntree,KM and Fox,RC. “Simulating space and place in Africa through geographical game play”. Nordic Africa Days 2010, Time Space Africa: reconnecting the Continent. Abo University, Turku. Finland. September 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Foster,IDL, Rowntree,KM and van der Waal,BW Foster,IDL, Rowntree,KM and van der Waal,BW. Workshop convenors. “Theory and application of sediment tracing”. Theory and application of sediment tracing. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 30 August 2010. Kirshner,JD Kirshner,JD. participant. “Community-based field research in Khutsong”. South African Civil Society and Xenophobia Workshop. Gauteng City Region Observatory and University of Johannesburg. Johannesburg, South Africa. 6 February 2010. Distinguished Visitors Assmo,PA Professor PA Assmo. Högskolan Vöst, Trollhöttan, Sweden. Research collaboration, lectures to Geography Honours and Geography 201 students. March - October 2010. Boelhouwers,J Professor J Boelhouwers. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Lecture Collaboration. March - April 2010. Foster,IDL Professor IDL Foster. Northampton University, Northampton, England. Research collaboration, sediment tracing workshop, conference organization, lectures to Geography Honours students. August - September 2010. Fraser,A Dr A Fraser. National University of Ireland, Mainooth, Ireland. Guest lectures in the course Geography 301 Environment and Development in Africa. September 2010. Kaskinen,J Dr J Kaskinen. Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Turku. Finland. Joint research proposal. February 2010. Lemon,A Dr A Lemon. Mansfield College, Oxford University, Oxford, England. Lectures to Geography Honours students, keynote address at Geography Students Conference. August - September 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 9 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Geology 2010 was a constructive year for the Department of Geology, where research outputs and activity levels which had grown significantly over the preceding few years were maintained and new prospects initiated. The Department was able to maintain its recent levels of research output in the face of temporary losses including the end of the post-doctoral term of Dr Alexandre Cabral, our Xstrata Economic Geology postdoctoral fellow, and the early retirement of Professor. John Moore. The research output included 11 articles published in international journals, 24 conference presentations (including a number by our newly fortified postgraduate contingent), 3 distinguished research visitors to the Department, and 9 international visits by Departmental staff and research postgraduate students to overseas institutions to conduct, promote and disseminate original research. In 2010, the Department maintained its balance of international and domestic research. Ms Sciscio conducted laboratory- based analytical work early in the year in the Netherlands, and Dr Tsikos continued and expanded his ongoing international collaborations with colleagues in Europe and the UK towards research on South African- based geological and palaeoclimatic problems. Dr Bordy continued her field and research collaborations with colleagues from the Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary as well as her activities in characterizing aspects of Karoo sedimentology, particlarly studies of early vertebrate burrows. Dr Steve Prevec’s research on magmatic ores in southwestern China commenced in mid-year, and new research and analytical work was initiated with colleagues from the Museum of Natural History in Berlin, Germany, and with colleagues in Sudbury and Hamilton, Canada. In 2010, the Department maintained its balance of international and domestic research. Ms Sciscio conducted laboratory- based analytical work early in the year in the Netherlands, and Dr Tsikos continued and expanded his ongoing international collaborations with colleagues in Europe and the UK towards research on South African- based geological and palaeoclimatic problems. Dr Bordy continued her field and research collaborations with colleagues from the Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary as well as her activities in characterizing aspects of Karoo sedimentology, particlarly studies of early vertebrate burrows. Dr Steve Prevec’s research on magmatic ores in southwestern China commenced in mid-year, and new research and analytical work was 97 RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 10 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Geology 98 Books/Chapters/Monographs Moore,A Moore,A and Cotterill,F. 2010. “Victoria Falls: Mosi- oa-Tunya - the smoke that thunders”. In: Geomorphological landscapes of the world. Springer. Berlin. First Edition. 143-154. ISBN: 978-90-481-3054-2. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Scoon,RN and Mitchell,AA Scoon,RN and Mitchell,AA. 2010. “The principal geological features of the overwacht platiniferous dunite pipe, Eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex”. South African Journal of Geology. 113(2),155-168. Bordy,EM Bordy,EM, Knoll,F and Bumby,A. 2010. “New data on the palaeontology and sedimentology of the Lower Jurassic Lisbon Formation (Karoo Super- group), Ellisras Basin, South Africa”. Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie- Abhandlungen. 258(0),145-155. Bordy,EM, Sztano,O, Rubidge,B and Bumby,A. 2010. “Early Triassic vertebrate burrows from the Katberg Formation of the south-western Karoo Basin, South Africa”. Lethaia. 0(0),1-13. Bordy,EM, Segwabe,T and Makuke,B Bordy,EM, Segwabe,T and Makuke,B. 2010. “Sedimentology of the Upper Triassic - Lower Jurassic - Mosolotsane Formation (Karoo Super- group), Kalahari Karoo Basin, Botswana”. Journal of African Earth Sciences. 58(0),127-140. Büttner,SH and Costin,G Büttner,SH and Costin,G. 2010. “Post-kinematic recovery of fractured cordierite in the lower amphi- bolite facies: the significance of intra-crystal cation diffusion for retrograde partial mineral breakdown”. Mineralogy and Petrology. 100,105-125. Marsh,JS Marsh,JS. 2010. “The geochemistry and evolution of Palaeogene phonolites, central Namibia”. Lithos. 117,149-160. Bryan,SE, Ukstins-Peate,I, Peate,DW, Self,S, Jerram,DA, Mawby,MR, Marsh,JS and Miller,JA. 2010. “The largest volcanic eruptions on Earth”. Earth-Science Reviews. 102,207-229. Moore,JM Moore,JM. 2010. “Comparative study of the Onganja copper mine, Namibia: a link between Neoproterozoic mesothermal Cu(-Au) mineralization in Namibia and Zambia”. South African Journal of Geology. 113(4),445-460. Prevec,R Prevec,R, Gastaldo,RA, Neveling,J, Reid,SB and Looy,CV. 2010. “An autochthonous glossopterid flora with latest Permian palynomorphs and its depositional seeting in the Dicynodon Assemblage Zone of the southern Karoo Basin, South Africa”. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 292,391-408. Prevec,SA Smith,J, Thorp,J-L, Prevec,SA, Hall,S and Späth,A. 2010. “Pre-colonial herding strategies in the Shashe-Limpopo Basin, southern Africa, based on strontium isotope analysis of domestic fauna”. Journal of African Archaeology. 8(1),1-16. Skinner,EMW Mitchell,RH, Skinner,EMW and Scott Smith,BH. 2009. “Tuffisitic kimberlites from Wesselton Mine, South Africa: Mineralogical charcteristics relevant to their formation”. Lithos. 112 S,452-464. Tsikos,H and Moore,JM Tsikos,H, Matthews,A, Erel,Y and Moore,JM. 2010. “Iron isotopes constrain biogeochemical redox cycling of iron and manganese in a Palaeoproterozoic stratified basin”. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 298,125-134. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Bordy,EM, Buchanan,G and Krummeck,W Bordy,EM, Buchanan,G and Krummeck,W. “Recent sedimentological and palaeontological discoveries in the Lower to Mid-Triassic Tarkastad Subgroup (Beaufort Group, Karoo Supergroup), Transkei, Eastern Cape, South Africa”. 6th Biennial Conference of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa. Conference Center, Howick. South Africa. August 2010. 9. Büttner,SH and Costin,G Büttner,SH and Costin,G. “Post-seismic cordierite breakdown controlled by deformation-related cation diffusion”. Second Igneous and Metamorphic initiated with colleagues from the Museum of Natural History in Berlin, Germany, and with colleagues in Sudbury and Hamilton, Canada. Other ongoing research included Dr Büttner’s research on deformation, tectonism and pseudotachylite development in Namaqualand and Professor. Marsh’s work on Karoo intrusive magmatism, and Dr Costin’s work on mantle xenoliths from South Africa and deep-crustal rocks from Romania. Dr Rose Prevec’s final year of post-doctoral fellowship-based research with collaborators in the U.S.A. and Sweden continued, and research activity from our Associates, Professor. Hugh Eales, Mr Mike Skinner, Dr Andy Moore, and Dr Roger Scoon, continue to stimulate new research outputs and prospects. The Department has maintained its high recent levels of postgraduate research activity, and with new analytical equipment and research projects anticipated, as well as new staffing imminent, we look forward to the next few years with anticipation. Dr Stephen Prevec Head of Department RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 11 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Studies Group conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. Costin,G Costin,G. “Cr-rich phases in eclogitic rocks (Leresti, South Carpathians, Romania): mineralogy and metamorphic evolution”. Second Igneous and metamorphic Study Group conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. De Klerk,WJ De Klerk,WJ. “The status of the ornithopod dinosaur Heterodontosaurus tucki in the light of new discoveries from southern exposures of the upper Elliot Formation in the Dordrecht area of the Eastern Cape, South Africa”. 16th Biennial Conference of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa - PSSA’10. Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa. August 2010. 24-25. Norton,LA, Tafforeau,P, Rubidge,B and De Klerk,WJ. “Study of tapinocephalid dinocephalian dentition using synchrotron microtomography”. Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Conference of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa. Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa. August 2010. 68-69. Rubidge,B, Erwin,DH, Ramezani,J, Bowring,SA and De Klerk,WJ. “The first radiometric dates for the Beaufort Group, Karoo Supergroup of South Africa”. 16th Biennial Conference of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa - PSSA’10. Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve, Howick, KZN. South Africa. January 2010. 82-83. Eales,HV Eales,HV. “The chromium paradox of the Bushveld Complex”. 2nd annual meeting of the Igneous and Metamorphic Study Group of the Geological Society of South Africa. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. Krummeck,W and Bordy,EM Krummeck,W and Bordy,EM. “Large burrows of uncertain origin in the Triassic Katberg and Burgersdorp formations, southeastern main Karoo Basin, South Africa”. 6th Biennial Conference of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa. Conference Center, Howick. South Africa. August 2010. 52-54. Linkermann,S and Prevec,SA Linkermann,S, Prevec,SA, Barnes,S-J and Alapieti,T. “Emplacement of the 2.44 Ga ultramafic layered Kemi Intrusion, Finland: PGE geochemical and Sm-Nd isotopic implications”. Second annual meeting igneous and metamorphic study group. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. Linkermann,S, Bordy,EM and Prevec,R Linkermann,S, Bordy,EM and Prevec,R. “New macrofloral assemblages from the Middle to Upper Permian of the southern main Karoo Basin, South Africa”. 16th Biennial Conference of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa. Conference Center, Howick. South Africa. August 2010. 58-59. Marsh,JS Marsh,JS. “Karoo andesites”. Second igneous and metamorphic studies group conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. Prevec,SA Prevec,SA. “The enigmatic origins of the Contact Sublayer, Sudbury Igneous Complex”. Igneous and metamorphic studies group 2nd annual meeting. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. Sciscio,L and Tsikos,H Sciscio,L, Roberts,D and Tsikos,H. “Palaeotemperature and vegetation reconstruction of Neogene deposits near Cape Town using biogeochemical and palynological tools”. 16th Biennial Conference of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa. Conference Center, Howick. South Africa. August 2010. 95. Sciscio,L, Roberts,D, Tsikos,H, Schouten,S and Sinninghe Damste,J. “Palaeotemperature and vegetation reconstruction of Neogene deposits at Langebaanweg and Noordhoek, South Africa, using biogeochemical and palynological tools”. Changing Landscapes and Biotas of the Cape West Coast (West Coast Fossil Park). Breakwater Lodge, Langebaanweg. South Africa. November 2010. Tsikos,H and Büttner,SH Tsikos,H and Büttner,SH. “Ongeluk Sills intersecting the lower part of the Hotazel Formation, Transvaal Supergroup, Northern Cape Province”. Igneous and Metamorphic Studies Group Annual Conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Schafer,M Linneweber Lammerskitten,H and Schafer,M. “Motivating mathematical exploration through the use of video clips, a collaborative research and development project between Switzerland and South Africa”. Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Conference (SAARMSTE) 2010. Edgewood campus, University KwaZulu-Natal, Pinetown. South Africa. January 2010. Vol 2. 161-164. International Conferences (Outside SA) Bordy,EM Bordy,EM. “Are we ready to close the open nomenclature descriptions of large non-marine burrows?” 4th International Workshop on Ichnotaxonomy. RAS, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Russia. June 2010. Bordy,EM, Sztano,O and Mindszenty,A. “Fluvial base level variations in the Lower Triassic Katberg Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa”. 18th International Sedimentological Congress. ICC, Mendoza. Argentina. September 2010. Büttner,SH and Costin,G Büttner,SH and Costin,G. “Partial cordierite breakdown during post-seismic recovery: the significance of plastic deformation for cation diffusion and metamorphic equilibrium”. European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna. International Congress Centre, Vienna. Austria. May 2010. 12. EGU2010-3065. Linkermann,S and Prevec,SA Linkermann,S, Prevec,SA and Alapieti,TT. “Sm-Nd isotopic and PGE geochemical implications for the origins of chromite mineralisation, Kemi Intrusion, Finland”. 11th International Platinum Symposium. Laurentian University, Sudbury. Canada. June 2010. Marsh,JS Geissman,JW, Ferre,EC, Maes,SM and Marsh,JS. “Palaeomagnetism of gabbroic sills forming the floor of the early Jurassic Karoo large igneous province, South Africa”. 2010 Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Conference Centre, San Francisco. USA. December 2010. GP33C-0963. Lehman,BA, Ferre,EC, Maes,SM, Geissman,JW, Marsh,JW, Mare,L and Marsh,JS. “Normal and anomalous AMS fabrics in gabbroic sills: examples from the Karoo large Igneous Province”. Fall meeting american geophysical union. Conference Centre, San Fransisco. USA. December 2010. GP41A- 1033. Moulin,M, Fluteau,F, Courtillot,V, Marsh,JS, Delpech,G, Quidelleur,X and Gerard,M. “Magnetostratigraphy and dating of the Lesotho lava pile (karoo traps): an attempt to constrain the Rhodes University Research Report: Geology 99 RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 12 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Geology 100 timing of the eruptive sequence in relation with the end-Pliensbachian extinction event”. European union of geosciences. Conference centre, Vienna. Austria. April 2010. Moulin,M, Fluteau,F, Courtillot,V, Marsh,JS, Delpech,G, Quidelleur,X and Gerard,M. “Is there a causal relationship between the timing of the emplacement of large igneous provinces and their destructive consequences? Constraints from the Lesotho eruptive sequence (Karoo traps)”. 2010 Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union. Conference Centre, San Fransisco. USA. December 2010. V13E-2399. Skinner,EMW Skinner,EMW. “Developments in kimberlite emplacement theory”. The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Diamonds-source to use. 1 - 3 March, 2010, Gaborone, Botswana. Gaborone International Convention Centre, Gaborone. Botswana. March 2010. 1 - 14. International Visit Prevec,SA Prevec,SA. Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada. As a “Visiting Professor”, Dr Prevec undertook research on Sudbury geology involving field- and office-based studies with colleagues in exploration industry, government survey, and university. 20 July - 1 September 2010. Prevec,SA. McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. Radioisotopic lab and analytical work, participation in research seminars, 1 formal, 1 informal presentation of research, as “Visiting Professor”. 1 - 8 September 2010. Prevec,SA. McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Department visit and research presentation given to Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 28 - 29 September 2010. Prevec,SA. Colby College, Waterville ME, United States of America. Department visit and public research presentation given to Department of Geology. 30 September - 4 October 2010. Prevec,SA. Museum of Natural History at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Research collaboration and project proposal development, and public research presentation. 7 - 20 October 2010. Prevec,SA. Freiberg University, Freiberg, Germany. Visit with department staff, Head of Department / Dean of Faculty to discuss prospects of teaching/research collaboration. 19 October 2010. Prevec,SA. Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada. 2 public research talks given (to 2 different organisations), plus research field work and sampling with colleagues. 1 - 6 November 2010. Distinguished Visitors Frei,D Dr D Frei. Geological Survey of Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmark. Lecture, research collaboration with S.Büttner. April 2010. Hecht,L Dr L Hecht. Institute of Mineralogy, Museum of Natural History at the Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Research collaboration with S.Prevec, research presentation. January 2010. Labandeira,C Professor C Labandeira. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Evolution of Terrestial Ecosystems program, Washington DC, USA. Research collaboration and data collection with R.Prevec. May 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 13 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K History Professor Gary Baines delivered papers at three international conferences, in Wales, the Netherlands and Australia, in the second half of 2010. He continues to publish widely in the field of history and memory in South Africa, with a particular focus on the country’s border war in the 1980s. Two important anniversaries occurred in 2010 -the fiftieth anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre, and the centenary of South African Union. Professor Baines and Professor Paul Maylam presented work to commemorate Sharpeville. Professor Maylam also delivered two papers to mark the centenary of Union. Dr Alan Kirkaldy continued his research in the field of mission history, publishing an article. Dr Enocent Msindo’s work on ethnicity in Zimbabwe brought a chapter in a book published in Leiden, while he continued to prepare his own book on the subject for publication. Ms Carla Tsampiras and Ms Vashna Jagarnath both made good progress with their PhD theses, which will be submitted in 2011, while Carla spent a productive period of sabbatical leave at the University of Utrecht. Professor Paul Maylam Head of Department 101 RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 14 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: History 102 Books/Chapters/Monographs Baines,G Baines,G. 2010. “Confessing complicity and embracing victimhood: negotiating the meaning of the Border war in post-Apartheid South Africa”. In: The new order of war. Rodopi. Amsterdam/New York. First Edition. 64, 181-200. ISBN: 978-9-042029-41-5. Msindo,E Msindo,E. 2010. “Social and political responses to colonialism on the margins: community, chieftaincy and ethnicity in Bulilima-Mangwe, Zimbabwe, 1890-1930”. In: Grappling with the beast: indigenous southern African responses to colonialism, 1840-1930. Brill Publishers. Leiden. First Edition. 6, 115-156. ISBN: 978-9-004178-77-9. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Baines,G Baines,G. 2010. “South Africa: remembering Sharpeville”. History Today. 60(3),34-35. Baines,G. 2010. “Jouer selon les regles de la FIFA et heritage de la coupe du monde de Football 2010 a Port Elizabeth (Playing by FIFA’s rules: the politics and potential legacy of Port Elizabeth’s hosting 2010 World Cup matches)”. Politique Africaine. 118 (June), 23-42. Kirkaldy,A Kirkaldy,A. 2010. “Klaas Koen: identity and belonging in the Berlin mission society during the late nineteenth century”. Historia. 55(2),99-120. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Baines,G Baines,G. “Lionising De le Rey: Afrikaner identity politics and performative nostalgia in post-apartheid South Africa”. Afrikaners after apartheid: experiences and experiments. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. February 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Baines,G Baines,G. “Accessing information in South Africa’s department of defence archives”. Nordic Africa documentation project workshop. Pretoria, South Africa. November 2010. 87-94. International Conferences (Outside SA) Baines,G Baines,G. “Commemorating Solomon Mahlangu: a South African struggle martyr”. Recycling myths, inventing nations. University of Aberystwyth, Newtown. Wales. July 2010. Baines,G. “Vietnam analogies and metaphors with respect to southern Africa’s armed conflicts”. Whose Vietnam? University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Netherlands. October 2010. Baines,G. “Memoir writing as narrative therapy: a South African war veteran’s story”. War stories: the war memoir in history and literature. University of Newcastle, Newcastle. Australia. November 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Maylam,P Maylam,P. Presenter. “A tragic turning-point: remembering Sharpeville fifty years on”. Paper given to the faculty of humanities to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 23 March 2010. Maylam,P. Presenter. “2010: the forgotten centenary: reflections on the hundred years of the South African union”. National arts festival thinkfest. Settlers Monument. Grahamstown, South Africa. 25 June 2010. Maylam,P. Presenter. “South Africa’s forgotten centenary: watersheds, missed opportunities and failed governance, 1910-2010”. History department seminar series. Stellenbosch University. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 31 August 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 15 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Human Kinetics and Ergonomics In 2010 the Human Kinetics and Ergonomics Department published 8 papers, most of them conference papers following invitations to different conferences. Four accredited journal publications have been issued in national journals in 2010. The relatively low output compared to previous years is due to an increase in undergraduate and postgraduate student numbers and due to the focus of the department on organising an international conference in Grahamstown in 2011 (Human Factors in Organisational Design and Management, ODAM 2011) where 16 peer reviwed papers from the department will be presented. Professor Matthias Göbel Head of Department 103 RRR 2011 - Depts F - H 2/8/12 1:35 PM Page 16 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Human Kinetics and Ergonomics 104 Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Cannon,MJ and Christie,CJ Cannon,MJ and Christie,CJ. 2010. “Impact of clothing and protective gear on physiological, perceptual and performance responses during simulated rugby activity”. South African Journal of Sports Medicine. 22(3), p 72. Christie,CJ Christie,CJ. 2010. “Improving the energy and fluid balance of workers involved in harvesting tasks”. Occupational Ergonomics. 9(3),p 119-126. Jackson,LM and Christie,CJ Jackson,LM and Christie,CJ. 2010. “A comparison of perceived versus actual cardiovascular disease risk in black urban males and females”. South African Journal of Sports Medicine. 22(3), p 71. Sheppard,B and Christie,CJ Sheppard,B and Christie,CJ. 2010. “A comparison of intermittent and continuous cycling training on the cardiovascular health of post-menopausal women”. South African Journal of Sports Medicine. 22(3), p 71. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences (Outside SA) Gobel,M and Zschernack,S Gobel,M and Zschernack,S. “The Impact on the Human factor on productivity in advanced production systems. In: W.Karwowski (ed.)”. 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Hilton Miami, Miami, Florida. USA. July 2010. 1033.pdf. p 1-11. Goebel,M Goebel,M. “Wie entstehen innovative Benutzungsschnittstellen? Kann man Fortschritt in der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion systematisch entwickeln? In M.Grandt & A.Brauch (eds.),”. Innovative Interaktionstechnologien für Mensch-Maschine- Schnittstellen. TU Berlin, Bonn. Germany. October 2010. p 215-230. Kelly,JE and Christie,CJ Kelly,JE and Christie,CJ. “Post-menopausal cardiovascular health: a Review”. Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport. Sheraton Hotel, Port Douglas. Australia. November 2010. 154, p 80. Zschernack,S Zschernack,S and Stack,J. “The effect of glove fit on task performance. In W Karwowski (ed.)”. 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Hilton Miamia, Miami, Florida. USA. July 2010. 0396.pdf, p-1-10. RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Ichthyology and Fisheries Science Professor Tony Booth continued with his research on the impacts of alien fishes within the Great Fish and Sundays rivers, and his coelacanth research programme in Sodwana Bay. He hosted two interns from Princeton University. Professor Peter Britz and former PhD student Serge Raemaekers’ research on the extent and impact of the abalone poaching problem produced a review of the South African abalone fishery in the Ocean and Coastal Management Journal with recommendations on options to restore the fishery. Britz led a European Union project to provide support to the Botswana Department of Wildlife and National Parks to draft a fishery management plan for the Okavango Delta. Professor Kaiser continued to expand the research programme on aquatic animal health through new projects to study fish haematology, and by collaborating with the University of Makerere (Uganda) through student supervision. Collaboration was established with the University of Vienna (Austria) by hosting a veterinary student in South Africa to conduct research on abalone health. Discussions have been initiated with veterinarians from the University of Pretoria (Ondestepoort) around the establishment of courses in fish health for veterinary students. Professor Warwick Sauer and Dr Warren Potts continued with the research program in Angola. Their results have shown that some species of fish important to the economy of Angola may be shifting southwards into Namibian waters, possibly as a result of climate change. This southward shift in distribution has significant implications for fisheries management in both Namibia and Angola. Dr Cliff Jones, Professor Britz and Mr Martin Davies have continued their work with SAB Ltd on the recovery of water and nutrients from industrial effluent for re-use in aqua- culture, agriculture or the brewery. The programme is now also funded by the Water Reserch Commisssion (WRC). Dr Jones has started a new programme on the effect of stocking density on farmed abalone growth and health. Dr Jones’ and Professor Britz’ abalone nutrition and diet development research programmes (i.e. weaning and probiotic diet development) continued in collaboration with industry partners in the Western Cape, and their kob nutrition programme continued using the department laboratories in Port Alfred. 105 RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 2 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Bernatzeder,A and Hecht,T Bernatzeder,A, Cowley,PD and Hecht,T. 2010. “Do juveniles of the estuarine-dependent dusky kob, ‘Argyrosomus japonicus’, exhibit optimum growth indices at reduced salinities?” Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 90(3),111-115. Booth,AJ Henninger,TO, Froneman,PW, Booth,AJ and Hodgson,AN. 2010. “Growth and longevity of ‘Exosphaeroma hylocoetes’ (Isopoda) under varying conditions of salinity and temperature”. African Zoology. 45(1),41-51. Booth,AJ and Khumalo,N Booth,AJ and Khumalo,N. 2009. “Age, growth, mortality and reproduction of ‘Marcusenius pongolensis’, ‘Oreochromis mossambicus’ and ‘Schilbe intermedius’ in an oligotrophic impoundment in Swaziland”. African Journal of Ecology. 48(2),481- 489. Booth,AJ and Traas,GRL Booth,AJ, Traas,GRL and Weyl,OLF. 2010. “Adult African sharptooth catfish, ‘Clarias gariepinus’, population dynamics in a small invaded warm- temperate impoundment”. African Zoology. 45(2),299- 308. Chakona,A Chakona,A. 2010. “Threatened unique fish fauna of the Breeded River needs your help”. Sabi Student Newsletter. 2(1),1-2. Ellender,BR, Winker,H and Booth,AJ Ellender,BR, Weyl,OLF, Winker,H and Booth,AJ. 2010. “Quantifying the annual fish harvest from South Africa’s largest reservoir”. Water SA. 36,45- 51. Ellender,BR, Winker,H, Stelzhammer,H and Traas,GRL Ellender,BR, Weyl,OLF, Winker,H, Stelzhammer,H and Traas,GRL. 2010. “Estimating angling effort and participation in a multi-user, inland fishery in South Africa”. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 17,19- 27. Ende,SSW and Hecht,T Ende,SSW and Hecht,T. 2010. “Ontogeny of the feeding apparatus of hatchery-reared white margined sole, ‘Dagetichthys marginatus’ (Soleidae): implications for cultivation”. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 27,112-117. Forget,FRG and Cowley,PD Teske,PR, Forget,FRG, Cowley,PD, von der heyden,S and Beheregaray,LB. 2010. “Connectivity between marine reserves and exploited areas in the philopatric reef fish Chrysoblephus laticeps (Teleostei: Sparidae)”. Marine Biology. 157,2029-2042. Green,AJ, Jones,CLW and Britz,PJ Green,AJ, Jones,CLW and Britz,PJ. 2010. “Effect of dietary lipid level on growth and feed utilization in cultured South African abalone ‘Haliotis midae’ L. fed diets with a constant protein-to-energy ratio”. Aquaculture Research. 1-8. Kruger,M and Strydom,NA Kruger,M and Strydom,NA. 2010. “Spatial and termporal variability in the larval fish assemblage of a warm termperate South African estuary, with notes on the effects of artificial channeling”. African Zoology. 45(2),195-212. Magellan,K and Kaiser,H Magellan,K and Kaiser,H. 2010. “Male aggression and mating opportunity in a poeciliid fish”. African Zoology. 45(1),18-23. Magellan,K and Kaiser,H. 2010. “The function of aggression in the swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri: resource defence?” Journal of Ethology. 28,239- 244. Magellan,K, Richardson,TJ, Filmalter,JD, Forget,FRG, Midgley,C and Kaiser,H Magellan,K, Richardson,TJ, Filmalter,JD, Forget,FRG, Midgley,C and Kaiser,H. 2010. “Competitor density influences resource defence in a Poeciliid fish”. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2010,1-4. Naylor,MA, Kaiser,H and Jones,CLW Naylor,MA, Kaiser,H and Jones,CLW. 2010. “Water quality in a serial-use raceway and its effects on the growth of South African abalone, Haliotis midae Linnaeus, 1758”. Aquaculture Research. 1-13. Potts,WM and Sauer,WHH Potts,WM, Sauer,WHH, Henriques,R, Sequsseque,S, Santos,CV and Shaw,PW. 2010. “The biology, life history and management needs of a large sciaenid fish, Argyrosomus coronus, in Angola”. African Journal of Marine Science. 32(2),247-258. Potts,WM, Richardson,TJ and Sauer,WHH Potts,WM, Inácio,LA, Santos,CV, Richardson,TJ and Sauer,WHH. 2010. “Aspects of the biology and Rhodes University Research Report: Ichthyology and Fisheries Science 106 Professor. Kaiser and Dr Jones have also started a program focussed on the development of abalone gonad and the effect that it has on farm production, with the same group of farmers. Professor Warwick Sauer Head of Department RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 3 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K fisheries of an economically important sparid Dentex macrophthalmus (Bloch 1791) in the Namibe province, Angola”. African Journal of Marine Science. 32(3),601-611. Richardson,N Richardson,N, Gordon,AK, Muller,WJ, Pletschke,B and Whitfield,AK. 2010. “The use of liver histopathology, lipid peroxidation and acetylcholinesterase assays as biomarkers of contaminant induced stress in the Cape stumpnose, ‘Rhabdosargus holubi’ (Teleostei: Sparidae), from selected South African estuaries”. Water SA. 36(4),407-416. Stonier,T and Sauer,WHH Shaw,PW, Hendrickson,L, McKeown,N, Stonier,T, Naud,M-J and Sauer,WHH. 2010. “Discrete spawning aggregations of loliginid squid do not represent genetically distinct populations”. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 408,117-127. Winker,H, Booth,AJ and Ellender,BR Winker,H, Weyl,OLF, Booth,AJ and Ellender,BR. 2010. “Validating and corroborating the growth zone deposition rates in astericus otoliths of common carp ‘Cyprinus carpio’ L. from South Africa’s largest impoundment”. Journal of Fish Biology. 77,2210- 2228. Winker,H, Ellender,BR and Booth,AJ Winker,H, Ellender,BR, Weyl,OLF and Booth,AJ. 2010. “Validation of growth zone deposition in otoliths of two large endemic cyprinids in Lake Gariep, South Africa”. African Zoology. 45(1),133- 138. Woolley,L, Jones,CLW and Britz,PJ Woolley,L, Jones,CLW and Britz,PJ. 2010. “Effect of dietary protein and lipid on growth and nitrogenous waste production of cultured dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus”. African Journal of Marine Science. 32(3),625-631. Other Publications Booth,AJ, Winker,H and Ellender,BR Weyl,OLF, Booth,AJ, Winker,H and Ellender,BR. 2010. “Task 4: Surrogate species and monitoring of freshwater fished in the Addo Elephant National Park”. In: Freshwater Fish Research Project Report. 1-47. Booth,AJ, Winker,H, Ellender,BR and Traas,GRL Weyl,OLF, Booth,AJ, Winker,H, Ellender,BR and Traas,GRL. 2010. “Task 5: Management recommendations for fishes in the Sundays River system, Addo Elephant National Park”. In: Sundays River Freshwater Fish Research Project Report. 1- 56. Booth,AJ, Winker,H, Traas,GRL, McCafferty,JR and Wartenberg,R Weyl,OLF, Booth,AJ, Winker,H, Traas,GRL, McCafferty,JR, Wartenberg,R and Peel,R. 2010. “Assessment of the fishery potential for alien species on Darlington Dam”. In: Sundays River Freshwater Fish Research Project Report. 1-58. Hecht,T and Jones,CLW Hecht,T and Jones,CLW. 2009. “Use of wild fish and other aquatic organisms as feed in aquaculture - a review of practices and implications in Africa and the Near East”. In: Fish as feed inputs for aquaculture: practices, sustainability and implications. Hasan,MR and Halwart (Ed) FAO. Rome. 518, 129-157. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Bennett,RH and Childs,AR Bennett,RH, Childs,AR and Cowley,PD. “Acoustic Telemetry: an innovative means to study fish movement behaviour”. Scifest Africa 2010. 1820 Settlers National Monument, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. McCafferty,JR and Booth,AJ McCafferty,JR, Weyl,OLF, Wartenberg,R, Peel,R and Booth,AJ. “Can invasive populations of barbel ‘Claria gariepinus’ be viably harvested in the Eastern Cape?” Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists Conference. Augrabies Falls National Park, Augrabies. South Africa. January 2010. Ramoejane,M Ramoejane,M, Swartz,E and Weyl,OLF. “The genetics integrity of ‘Labeo’ species (Cyprinidae) in South Africa in relation to inter-basin water transfer schemes”. Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists Conference. Augrabies Falls National Park, Augrabies. South Africa. January 2010. Ramoejane,M, Swartz,E and Weyl,OLF. “The genetic integrity of ‘Labeo’ species (Cyprinidae) in South Africa in relation to inter-basin water transfer schemes”. 2010. 141. International Conferences (In SA) Ellender,BR and Winker,H Ellender,BR, Weyl,OLF and Winker,H. “Fishery dynamics and utilisation trends in South Africa’s largest impoundment”. Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists Conference. Augrabies Falls National Park, Augrabies Falls National Park. South Africa. January 2010. McCafferty,JR McCafferty,JR, Weyl,OLF and Swartz,E. “Why should the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries consider recreational angling in its long term plans for inland fisheries?” 14th Yellowfish Working Group conference. Willem Pretorius Resort, Willem Pretorius Resort. South Africa. January 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Britz,PJ, Sauer,WHH and Macrovina,M Britz,PJ, Sauer,WHH, Raemaekers,S and Macrovina,M. “Governance challenges facing African fisheries”. International Institute for Economics Fisheries and Trade IIFET 2010 Symposium. Conference Centre, Montpellier. France. July 2010. Rouhani,Q Rouhani,Q. “Regional training of state veterinarians in fish health management”. Regional Training Seminar for World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) point on aquatic diseases in Africa. Swakopmund Hotel, Swakopmund. Namibia. June 2010. Distinguished Visitors Bastiaansen,P Dr P Bastiaansen. O.I.E (World Animal Health Organisation), Gaborone, Botswana. Visit to Rhodes to discuss DIFS becoming an OIE Collaborating Centre in Fish Health. October 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Ichthyology and Fisheries Science 107 RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 4 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Information Systems Staff and a total of 44 post-graduate honours (33), masters (9) and doctoral (2) students engaged in a variety of research projects during the year. Areas of research at the honours, masters and doctoral level included: Human Computer Interaction, Veterinary Informatics, Mobile Computing, Virtual Partnerships, Enterprise Architecture, ICT Education, eGovernment, Sustainable ICT, Health Informatics, Application Development Techniques, eCommerce, Cloud Computing, eLearning and ICT for Development. In addition, some of these research activities benefitted from a rich collaborative association with the Department of Computer Science at Rhodes University. Members of staff and post-graduate students participated in a number of local and international conferences notably: Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association (South Africa), Global Telehealth Conference 2010 (Australia), Regional Impact of Information Society Technologies in Africa 2010 (South Africa), and 15th International Business Information Management Association (Egypt). Journal articles were written by staff and published in international journals including Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, Information Development Journal, and IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet. Dr Caroline Khene contributed a chapter in ICTs for Global Development and Sustainability entitled “The Siyakhula Living Lab: A Holistic Approach to Rural Development through ICT in Rural South Africa”, while Professor Greg Foster contributed towards an article to the book series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics entitled “Using Mobile Phones for Rapid Reporting of Zoonotic Diseases in Rural South Africa”. Mr Chris Upfold is leading the research initiative for the Department’s contribution to the Commerce Curriculum Project which focuses on alternative teaching and learning strategies using ICT’s. Ms Brenda Mallinson’s on-going appointment as a Research Associate bolstered the area of eLearning, whilst Professor Malcolm Sainsbury, Visiting Professor, spent valuable time in the Department working and collaborating with staff and students in the area of Information Systems Management. In February 2010, the Department, in conjunction with the Department of Computer Science, again hosted a most successful Eastern Cape ICT Research Rumble attended 108 RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 5 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Books/Chapters/Monographs Foster,G Thinyane,H, Hansen,S, Foster,G and Wilson,L. 2010. “Using Mobile Phones for Rapid Reporting of Zoonotic Diseases in Rural South Africa”. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. IOS Press, Netherlands, First Edition 179-189, ISBN: 978-1-60750- 658-4 Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Mallinson,B and Nyawo,N Mallinson,B and Nyawo,N. 2009. “A proposed theoretical model for evaluating e-learning systems”. Iadis International Journal on Www/Internet. 7(2), Pade-Khene,C Pade-Khene,C, Palmer,R and Kavhai,M. 2010. “A baseline study of the Dwesa rural community for a Siyakhula information and communication technology for development project: understanding the reality on the ground”. Information Development. 26(4),265-288. Upfold,C and Liu,H Upfold,C and Liu,H. 2010. “Radio frequency identification (RFID) adoption in the South African retail sector: an investigation of perceptions held by members of the retail sector regarding the adoption constraints”. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation. 13(1), Other Publications Mallinson,B Mallinson,B. 2010. “Digital literacy in the content of extended studies programmes”. In: Beyond the university gates: provision of extended curriculum programmes in South Africa. Hutchings,C and Garraway,J (Eds) Cape Peninsular University of Technology. South Africa. First Edition. 40-58. SBN: 978-0-620-46968-5. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Magadza,A Chibaya,C and Magadza,A. “Good stuff for wrong audience: computer skills for science versus the NCV information technology and computer science programme”. 40th annual conference of the southern African computer lecturers’ association (SACLA 2010). Zebra Country Lodge, Pretoria. South Africa. June 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Mufeti,T and Foster,G Mufeti,T, Thinyane,H, Terzoli,A and Foster,G. “The SANTED virtual classroom project: a case study”. IST Africa 2010. Durban International Convention Centre, Durban. South Africa. May 2010. 1-18. International Conferences (Outside SA) Foster,G Thinyane,H, Hansen,S, Foster,G and Wilson,L. “Using mobile phones for rapid reporting of zoonotic diseases in rural South Africa”. 15th International Conference of the International Society for Tele- medicine and eHealth (Global Telehealth 2010). Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle. Australia. November 2010. 179-189. Sewry,D and Benyon,RV Johnston,R, Sewry,D and Benyon,RV. “A model for the development of ICT service agreements”. Proceedings of the 15th international business information management association. Sheraton Cairo Hotel, Cairo. Egypt. November 2010. Distinguished Visitors Sainsbury,M Professor M Sainsbury. OwlIT, Johannesburg, South Africa. Lecture. September 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Information Systems 109 by 95 post-graduate students from Walter Sisulu University, Fort Hare University, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and Rhodes University. Finally, in an attempt to boost research capacity within the department, staff and senior post- graduate students attended a research capacity building workshop organised by the Commerce Faculty’s Research and Development Committee at the end of October 2010. Professor Greg Foster Head of Department RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 6 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Journalism and Media Studies Members of the School of Journalism and Media Studies produced research on a range of themes, including media and democracy, press freedom, media ethics, tabloid journalism, media policy, citizen journalism and journalism education. In addition to the publication of research in books, book chapters and journal articles, the School also played host to influential international and local conferences. The School hosted the second World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC2), which positioned the School at the centre of journalism education research globally. Several staff members presented papers at the conference, which was attended by 393 delegates from 54 countries, including 23 African countries. This is more than double the number of delegates at the previous conference which was held in Singapore. Of the total delegates, 170 were African. Separately, at the annual Highway Africa conference which coincided with the WJEC2, 260 delegates were registered. The event also saw the launch of a draft model syllabus for a course in Reporting Africa compiled by Professor Fackson Banda and others, and supported by UNESCO. Prominent guest speakers included Advocate Pansy Tlakula, African Union’s Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, and Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu. The School hosted a colloquium on press freedom in South Africa, in response to the proposed Media Tribunal and Protection of Information Bill. Papers from the colloquium are to be published in a special issue of Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies. This journal is edited by Professor Herman Wasserman and is hosted in the School of Journalism and Media Studies as of 2010. Professors Jane Duncan, Larry Strelitz, Lynette Steenveld and Anthea Garman were awarded a Sanpad grant for a study “Youth Identity, Media Use and Consumption, and the Public Sphere in South Africa”. The research is being done in collaboration with Dr Adam Haupt, Dr Tanja Bosch and Dr Musa Ndlovu from the University of Cape Town and Wadim Schreiner of Media Tenor. The Dutch partners are Dr Nico Drok and Professor Irene Costera Meier from School of Media, Windesheim. Sephis awarded Professor Anthea Garman, Dr Anil Persaud, Radhika Borde and Dr Mario Rufer a grant for the project “Troubling memories: a history of identities from India, Africa and Latin America” as part of their 110 RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 7 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Books/Chapters/Monographs Banda,F Banda,F. 2010. “Citizen journalism and democracy in Africa: an exploratory study”. In: Highway Africa. Grahamstown. First Edition. 1-81. ISBN: 978-0-868104- 61-4. Banda,F. 2010. “Epilogue: media reforms in Africa - a theoretical commentary”. In: Media policy in a changing Southern Africa: critical reflections on media reforms in the global age. Unisa Press. Pretoria. First Edition. 279-285. ISBN: SBN 978-1-86888-569-5. Berger,G Berger,G. 2010. “Challenges and perspectives of digital migration for African media”. In: Challenges and perspectives of digital migration for African media. Panos Institute of West Africa. Dakar. First Edition. 1-97. ISBN: 978-0-86104-62-1. Berger,G. 2010. “Foreword”. In: The Citizen in Communication Re-visiting traditional, new and community media practices in South Africa. Juta. Claremont. First Edition. 3-5. ISBN: 978-0-70217-778-1. Brand,RC Brand,RC. 2010. “South Africa. Media Law”. In: International encyclopaedia of laws: media law. Kluwer Law International. Alphen aan den Rijn. First Edition. 1-130. ISBN: 978-90-411-3258-1. Duncan,J Duncan,J. 2010. “Thabo Mbeki and dissent”. In: Mbeki and after: reflections on the legacy of Thabo Mbeki. Wits University Press. Johannesburg. First Edition. 1-12627. ISBN: 978-1-86814-502-7. Duncan,J. 2010. “The bounds of the expressible: Zapiro and political cartooning”. In: Positions: contemporary artists in South Africa. Jacana Media and Goethe Institute. Johannesburg. First Edition. ISBN: 978-1-77009-889-3. Duncan,J, Bussiek,H, Lloyd,L and Minnie,J. 2010. “Public broadcasting in Africa: South Africa”. In: Open Society Network Institute. Johannesburg. First Edition. 0(0), 1-272. ISBN: 978-1-920355. Duncan,J and Glenn,I. 2010. “Turning points in South African television policy and practice since 1990”. In: Media policy in a changing Southern Africa: critical reflections on media reforms in the global age. Unisa Press. Pretoria. First Edition. 39-72. ISBN: 978186888-569-5. Garman,AC Garman,AC. 2010. “Book review: ‘There was this goat’ by Antjie Krog, Kopano Ratele and Nosisi Mpolweni”. 11(1-2), 190-193. Wasserman,H Wasserman, H. 2010. Tabloid journalism in South Africa: True Story! Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-22211-4. Ward, SJA and Wasserman,H. (eds.) 2010. Media Ethics Beyond Borders. New York: Routledge ISBN 9780813343587. Wasserman,H. 2010. The Search for Global Journalism Ethics. In: Meyers,C. (Ed.) Philosophical Approaches to Journalism Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 69-83 ISBN 978-0-195370-79-9. Wasserman,H and De Beer,AS. 2010. Glimpses through the windowpane: A South African perspective on universal media ethics. In: Fortner,RS and Fackler,PM (eds.) Ethics and Evil in the Public Sphere: Media, Universal Values & Global Development. Festschrift for Clifford Christians. Creskill,NJ: Hampton Press Pp. 133-151 ISBN 978-1- 57273-939-O. Wasserman,H. 2010. Identification in transformation: an overview of media discourses. In: Olorunnisola,A and Tomaselli,KG (eds.) The Political Economy of Transformation of the South African Media. Creskill,NJ: Hampton Press. ISBN 978-1-57273-991-8. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Berger,G Berger,G. 2010. “Image revisions: South Africa, Africa, and the 2010 World Cup”. Ecquid Novi- African Journalism Studies. 31(2),174-190. Berger,G. 2010. “Problematizing “media development” as a bandwagon gets rolling”. International Communication Gazette. 72(7),547- 567. Berger,G. 2010. “Journalism teachers building a global community”. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator. 65(2),158-167. Berger,G. 2010. “The struggle for press self- regulation in contemporary South Africa: charting a course between an industry charade and a government doormat”. Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research. 36(3),289-308. Brand,RC Brand,RC. 2010. “The business of business news: South Africa’s financial press and the political process”. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies. 31(1),24-41. Rhodes University Research Report: Journalism and Media Studies 111 South-South exchange programme for developing research. A range of papers and guest lectures were presented by members of the School. These include a presentation by Professor Jane Duncan to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Communications on “Public participation and accountability of public broadcasters”, and a keynote address by Professor Wasserman at the workshop ‘Mobile phones: the new talking drums of everyday Africa?’ at the African Studies Centre, University of Leiden, Netherlands. Professor Lynette Steenveld was an invited speaker at the ESRC Seminar Series “Widening Ethnic Diversity in Journalism: Towards Solutions” at the University of Sheffield, England, and Professor Wasserman was an invited speaker at the conference “New Media/Alternative Politics: Communication Technologies and Political Change in the Middle East and Africa” held at the University of Cambridge, England as well as at the Centre d’Etudes Comparées en Communication Politique et Publique, Université Paris 12, in Paris, France. Paul Hills was a Humphreys and Fulbright Fellow at the University of Maryland in Baltimore USA, doing research on community media. Among the books and book chapters published was Professor Wasserman’s monograph, Tabloid journalism in South Africa: True Story! with Indiana University Press, which was republished by UCT Press and the co-edited volume Media Ethics Beyond. Professor Herman Wasserman Deputy Head of School RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 8 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Journalism and Media Studies 112 Mare,A and Brand,RC Mare,A and Brand,RC. 2010. “Business journalism ethics in Africa: a comparison of newsrooms in South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe”. African Communication Research. 3(3), &task=view&id=1052&Itemid=28 Prinsloo,J Prinsloo,J. 2010. “Negotiating transgender identities on a South African web site”. Gender It. Prinsloo,J. 2010. “South African girls’ imagined TV heroines”. Televizion. 23(E),38-39. Prinsloo,J. 2010. “Journalism education in South Africa: shifts and dilemmas”. Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research. 36(2),185-199. Steenveld,LN and Strelitz,L Steenveld,LN and Strelitz,L. 2010. “Trash or popular journalism? The case of South Africa’s Daily Sun”. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. 11(5),531- 548. Wasserman,H Wasserman,H. 2010. “Freedom’s just another word? Perspectives on the media freedom and responsibility in South Africa and Namibia”. International Communication Gazette. 72(7),567- 588. Wasserman,H. 2010. “Political journalism in South Africa as a developing democracy, understanding media freedom and responsibility in the relationship between government and the media”. Communi- catio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research. 36(2),240-251. Wasserman,H. 2010. ‘We’re not like that’ Denial of racism in the Afrikaans Press. Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research. 36(1):20-36 Ward,SJA and Wasserman,H. 2010. “Towards an open ethics: implications of new media platforms for global ethics discourse”. Journal of Mass Media Ethics. 25(4),275-292. Other Publications Amner,RJ Murray,SR, Amner,RJ and Gush,C. 2010. “Ukufunda - weekly literacy page”. In: Grocott’s Mail. Lang,S. (Ed) Grocott’s Mail. Grahamstown. Weekly. Amner,RJ. 2010. “A tale of two investigations”. Rhodes Journalism Review. 30. Amner,RJ. 2010. “Fit for purpose - educating journalism students for democracy and development”. Rhodes Journalism Review. 30. Berger,G Berger,G. 2010. “Social organising of African journalism educators”. Rhodes Journalism Review. 30,11. Berger,G. 2010. “J-teachers getting their international act together”. Rhodes Journalism Review. 30,3-4. Berger,G. 2010. In: Study on the Socioeconomic Dimension of the unauthorized use of signals’, Part III: study on the social and economic effects of the proposed treaty on the protection of broadcasting organizations. Picard, RG- Alberto (Ed) World Intellectual Property Organisation. Geneva. 1-75. Brand,RC Brand,RC. 2010. “Focus on FAME: an RJR special feature”. Rhodes Journalism Review. 30. Brand,RC. 2010. “Clean up our newsrooms, fast”. In: The Media. October 2010. Krost-Maunder,P. (Ed) Wag the Dog. Johannesburg. Dugmore,H Dugmore, H 2010. “Citizen Journalism or Citizen Stuff?”. The Media. July 2010 Krost-Maunder,P. (Ed) Johannesburg. Dugmore,H “Mobile phones and Citizen Journalists: How the news is coming to Grahamtown”. Rhodes Journalism Review. Garman,A (Ed) School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University. Grahamstown. 62. Duncan,J Duncan,J. 2010. “A stalinist attack on the media”. In: The Star. Williams,M. (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Johannesburg. Duncan,J. 2010. “Ban on marches recalls sinister past”. In: Cape Argus. Abardar,G. (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Cape Town. Duncan,J. 2010. “Beware the need to own the media”. In: The Star. Williams,M. (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Johannesburg. Duncan,J. 2010. “Jacob Zuma’s national security complex”. In: The Times online. Hartley,R. (Ed) Avusa publishing. Johannesburg. Duncan,J. 2010. “Killing the whistleblower”. In: Daily News. Dunn,A. (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Durban. Duncan,J. 2010. “Media freedom is your freedom (or is it?)”. In: Pambazuka News. Manji,F. (Ed) Fahamu. Cape Town. Duncan,J. 2010. “Media needs to win over the public”. In: Cape Argus. Abardar,G. (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Cape Town. Duncan,J. 2010. “Militarisation of police dangerous”. In: Daily Dispatch. Mkhabela,M. (Ed) Avusa publishing. East London. Duncan,J. 2010. “No development without freedom of thought”. In: Cape Times. Dasnois,A (Ed) Independent newspapers. Cape Town. Duncan,J. 2010. “On protest hotspots and analytical blindspots”. In: Pambazuka News. Manji,F. (Ed) Fahamu. Cape Town. Duncan,J. 2010. “Power and principle: the ANC alliance and the media appeals tribunal”. In: Amandla magazine. Alternative Information Development Centre. Cape Town. (16), 13-16. Duncan,J. 2010. “Spitting in the faces of the poor”. In: The media. Krost-Maunder,P. (Ed) Wag the Dog. Johannesburg. Duncan,J. 2010. “When you silence one, you silence all”. In: Cape Argus. Abardar,G. (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Cape Town. Garman,AC Garman,AC. 2010. “When 140 years of small-town newspapering meets journalism education”. In: Rhodes journalism review. Garman,AC (Ed) School of Journalism and Media Studies. Grahamstown. 30, 58-60. Mavhungu,J Bloom ,K and Mavhungu,J. 2010. In: Successful “New Media” business models: case studies of independent commercial print media in South Africa. Berold,R (Ed) International Journal on Media Management. St Gallen, Switzerland. 1-40. Van Noort,E and Mavhungu,J. 2010. In: A qualitative study of sustainable and profitable mobile news services in South Africa. Mdlongwa,F (Ed) Sol Plaatje Institute for Media Leadership. Grahamstown. 1-26. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Amner,RJ Amner,RJ. “Broken links: ‘Democratic deficit’ and RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 9 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K the practice of investigative journalism and public journalism in SA”. Annual conference of the Southern African communication association (Sacomm). University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Amner,RJ. “‘Audiokids: Developing South African audiobooks to help bridge oral/media culture and print culture’”. Reading association of Southern Africa 5th annual conference. NMMU, Port Elizabeth. South Africa. October 2010. Amner,RJ. “Notes on a collaborative curriculum”. Rhodes university centre for higher education research teaching and learning (CHERTL) curriculum colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. November 2010. Berger,G Berger,G. “A way to justify borrowing from international experiences”. The big media debate: a public open debate on the proposed media appeals tribunal and protection of information bill. Unisa, Pretoria. South Africa. January 2010. Berger,G. “The worst thing about best practice in media self-regulation: pitfalls of selective borrowings and ad hoc transplants”. Media, democracy and transformation since 1994: an assessment. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. October 2010. Duncan,J Duncan,J. “The ANC’s media freedom doublespeak”. Colloquium on media freedom and regulation. Wits university, Johannesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Duncan,J. “The ANC’s poverty of strategy on media accountability”. Colloquium on media, democracy and transformation since 1994. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. October 2010. Duncan,J. “Forward to the past: political mobilisation and repression under Jacob Zuma”. A decade of dissent: reflections on popular resistance in South Africa: 2000-2010. University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. Souh Africa. November 2010. Garman,AC Garman,AC. “South Africa’s ‘bifurcated’ public sphere: a danger to democracy and to media freedom”. Colloquium on media, democracy and transformation since 1994: an assessment. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. October 2010. Prinsloo,J Prinsloo,J. “Transgender identities on the Internet - a South African study”. South African communi- cation association. University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. Souh Africa. September 2010. Steenveld,LN Steenveld,LN. “The future trajectory of media in South Africa: challenges and opportunities Key Note address”. IPSA spring symposium 2010: Muslims and the media in South Africa: beyond headlines, hype and conspiracy. International Peace Varsity South Africa, Cape Town. South Africa. October 2010. Wasserman,H Wasserman,H. “Zooming in to the local and out to the global: towards critical-culture global journalism studies in South Africa”. South African communication association. University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. Souh Africa. October 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Amner,RJ Amner,RJ. “Finding common ground: student learning and identity formation on a praxis-based ‘alternative journalism’ course”. World journalism educators’ conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. July 2010. Berger,G Berger,G. “Social organising of African journalism educators: is linking to external resources the key?” 2nd World journalism education congress. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. Berger,G. “Six myths of digital migration”. 5th Annual digital broadcasting switchover forum 2010. Johannesburg. South Africa. April 2010. Berger,G. “Where radio fits into the digital puzzle”. 5th Annual digital broadcasting switchover forum 2010. Johannesburg. RSA. April 2010. Boshoff,P Boshoff,P. “‘There’s no curriculum!’, Student perceptions and expectations of Journalism and Media Studies at Rhodes University”. World journalism education congress. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South AFrica. July 2010. Dugmore,H Dugmore,H. “What do ‘Citizen Journalists’ need to know, and when do they need to know it? Dilemmas in creating training experiences and establishing Communities of Practice for Citizen Journalists as part of the Iindaba Ziyafika (‘the news is coming’) project in Grahamstown, South Africa”. 2nd World journalism education congress. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. January 2010. Garman,AC Garman,AC. “Media power and journalistic autonomy: using Bourdieu’s field theory to better understand questions of power and agency in journalism”. World journalism education congress. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. July 2010. Prinsloo,J Prinsloo,J. “Gender constructions in programmes made for children on South African television”. Takalani sesame symposium. Johannesburg. South Africa. January 2010. Prinsloo,J, Moletsane,R and McLean,N Prinsloo,J, Moletsane,R and McLean,N. “The Internet and sexual identities’ exploring transgender and lesbian use of the Internet in South Africa”. EroTICs: Exploratory Research on Sexuality and the Internet. Barcelona. Spain. June 2010. Steenveld,LN Steenveld,LN. “Citizen journalism in Grahamstown: Iindaba Ziafika and the difficulties of instituting citizen journalism in a poor South African country town”. World journalism educator’s conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. June 2010. Wasserman,H Wasserman,H. “Global Journalism 2.0”. World journalism education conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. June 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Amner,RJ Amner,RJ. “Paper bridges: a critical examination of the Daily Dispatch’s Community Dialogues”. Annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Sheraton Hotel, Denver, Colorado. USA. August 2010. Berger,G Berger,G. “WIPO and broadcast signal protection. Presentation to session: copyright for broadcasters: are reforms needed?” 7th Asia media summit. Beijing Hotel, Beijing. China. January 2010. Berger,G. “Sustainable media business models in the digital age”. Africa media leadership conference 2010. Afrika Hotel, Dar es Salaam. Tanzania. January 2010. Berger,G. “Role of media in the development process”. Presentation to Africa media leaders forum. Hilton Hotel, Yaounde. Cameroon. November 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Journalism and Media Studies 113 RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 10 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Journalism and Media Studies 114 Berger,G. “How Africa has been shaped by media imagery”. Pan African media conference, convened by Nation Media Group and Africa Media Initiative. Nairobi. Kenya. March 2010. Berger,G. “What Africa tells us about access to information”. UNESCO conference - Freedom of information: the right to know. University of Queensland, Brisbane. Australia. May 2010. Berger,G. “2nd WJEC in Africa. Enriching journalism education by bridging an international chasm”. The future of journalism education, 20th anniversary conference of the European Journalism Training Association. UNESCO, Paris. France. May 2010. Berger,G. “Empowering citizen journalists: a South African case study”. Association for education in journalism and mass communication annual conference. Denver. USA. August 2010. Berger,G. “African value - the 2nd WJEC”. Association for education in journalism and mass communication annual conference. Denver. USA. August 2010. Berger,G. “Content is King ..., but will it be so tomorrow?” 18th Annual general meeting of the Southern African broadcasting association. Hotel, Luanda. Angola. September 2010. Berger,G. “‘Broad Market’ journalism training IS dead: welcome journalism training for specific media clients”. Africa media leadership conference 2010. Afrika Hotel, Dar es Salaam. Tanzania . September 2010. Berger,G. “Looking for logics in the challenges to press independence in post-apartheid South Africa”. ‘Media, politics and the public’, organised by the Axess programme on journalism and democracy. Stockholm. Sweden. October 2010. Berger,G. “Convergence of broadcasting, internet, and telecom in South Africa: today and tomorrow”. Convergence of broadcasting, internet and telecom: international experience and China’s path. 8th Asia media forum 2010. Convened by Asia media research centre conference. Grand Jianguo Hotel, Beijing. China. November 2010. Dugmore,H Dugmore,H. “Media and Multi-platforms: mobile telephony and media access in Africa”. Open Society Foundation Media Coordinators Conference. New York, United States of America, January 2010. Dugmore,H. “Cell phone news and online newspapers -- a transition to personalized, inexpensive news and information on mobile phones: some South African experiments”. 14th Annual Symposium of Online Journalism. University of Texas (Austin), Texas United States of America. April 2010. Dugmore,H. “Some South African perspectives on digital technology and its impact on the journalism of today and tomorrow”. The Walkley Foundation Annual Media Conference. Sydney, Australia, August 2010. Dugmore,H. “Using crowd-sourcing and social networks in hyper local news in South Africa”. World Editors Forum 2010. Hamburg, Germany, October 2010. Hills,PR Hills,PR. “‘THE WIRE’ and repair of the journalistic paradigm”. Eastern communications association. Hyatt Hotel, Baltimore. United States of America. April 2010. Kyazze,S Kyazze,S. “Which Community? Grocott’s Mail and its Grahamstown Publics”. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2010. University of Braga, Braga. Portugal. July 2010. Wasserman,H Wasserman,H. “The meanings of social responsibility: African perspectives on global ethics”. Global media ethics roundtable. Zayed University, Dubai. United Arab Emirates. March 2010. Wasserman,H. “Global Journalism 2.0”. International association for media and communication research. IAMCR conference, Braga. Portugal. July 2010. Wasserman,H. “Roles, responsibilities and relationships: perspectives on political communication in South Africa and Namibia”. International association for media and communication research. IAMCR conference, Braga. Portugal. July 2010. Wasserman,H. “Of glasses half full: exploratory notes towards the role of new media technologies in democratic politics in South Africa”. New Media|Alternative Politics: Communication Technologies and Political Change in the Middle East and Africa. Centre for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Cambridge. United Kingdom. October 2010. Voltmer,K and Wasserman,H. “Contested freedom. Re-defining the boundaries of media freedom and media responsibility in four new democracies”. European communication research association. ECREA conference, Hamburg. Germany. October 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Brand,RC Brand,RC. Facilitator. “Highway africa economics journalism workshop: training the trainers”. Highway africa economics journalism workshop: training the trainers. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 4 - 9 July 2010. Duncan,J Duncan,J. Presentation.“The arts, freedom of expression and censorship in South Africa”. Grahamstown festival. Grahamstown, South Africa. 23 June 2010. Duncan,J. Presentation. “Public participation and accountability of public broadcasters”. Principles and practices of public broadcasting: workshop for members of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Communications. Wits university. Johannesburg, South Africa. 16 July 2010. Duncan,J. Presentation. “Media freedom in South Africa: is it under threat?” Elangeni Hotel. Durban, South Africa. 9 September 2010. Duncan,J. Presentation. “Public broadcasting and accountability”. Media Monitoring Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa. 16 September 2010. Duncan,J. Presentation. “Spectre of censorship - the media appeals tribunal”. Spectre of censorship - the media appeals tribunal. Rhodes university. Grahamstown, South Africa. 21 September 2010. Hills,PR Hills,PR. participant. “Disaster management in post Katrina New Orleans”. Disaster planning workshop. Tulane University. New Orleans, United States of America. 30 January - 5 February 2010. Hills,PR. Trainer. “Digital media workshop”. Hubert H Humphrey enrichment program. Phillip Merril College of Journalism. College Park, United States of America. 28 February - 5 March 2010. Hills,PR. participant. “Global development and social justice”. Global development and social justice enhancement workshop. Emory University. Atlanta, United States of America. 14 - 19 March 2010. Kyazze,S Kyazze,S. Trainer . “Writing & editing workshop”. Vlundilela summer school, 2010. Rhodes Journalism. Grahamstown, South Africa. 27 January - 2 February 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 11 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Kyazze,S. Trainer/Mentor. “Reporting, writing and editing workshop for young black students from around South Africa”. Future Journalism Programme (Spring School, 2010). Rhodes Journalism School. Grahamstown, South Africa. 30 August - 3 September 2010. Wasserman,H Wasserman,H. Media Educators Publication Workshop. World journalism education conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. June 2010. International Visit Berger,G G Berger. DAAD, German academic exchange service programme held at University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa. Invited presenter in DAAD guest lecturer series. Title of lecture: Noble savagery: racial ideology and reportage of the 2010 World Cup. May 2010. G Berger. Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi, India. Lead presenter at UNESCO experts workshop on mapping journalism education institutes in South Asia. Presented lecture: From mapping to movement in African journalism education. July 2010. Hills,PR Hills,PR. Externado University, ref Juan Carlos Segura, anthropologist, Bogota, Colombia. Research into Colombian indigenous media. 7 - 22 January 2010. Hills,PR. University of Maryland, College Park, United States of America. Research into community media. 1 January - 30 July 2010. Hills,PR. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, United States of America. PhD studies in journalism research. 1 January - 30 July 2010. Hills,PR. University of Maryland, College Park, United States of America. Presentation series: ‘Working in Africa’ international journalism, undergraduate programme. January - August 2010. Hills,PR. International institute of education, Hubert H Humphrey fellowship, Washington, USA. Fulbright fellowship. January - August 2010. Hills,PR. Columbia University, New York, United States of America. Research, collaboration, presentation. January - August 2010. Hills,PR. Takoma voice, Takoma Park, United States of America. ‘Researching Takoma voice: prospects for a sustainable future’. 19 October - 1 November 2009. Steenveld,LN Professor LN Steenveld. School of journalism and media studies Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. Presentation to UK seminar series, “Widening ethnic diversity in news media workforce”. Title of presentation: media diversity in South Africa: pedagogical challenges to journalism education. August 2010. Wasserman,H Professor H Wasserman. Media ethics colloquium, St Louis, Missouri, United States of America. Invited fellow of media ethics colloquium ‘Who will watch the watchdog in the Twitter Age?’ (in absentia). April 2010. Professor H Wasserman. African studies centre, University of Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands. Keynote address at workshop on mobile phones: the new talking drums of everyday Africa? December 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Journalism and Media Studies 115 RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 4:06 PM Page 12 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Law Law Faculty staff maintained a steady research output in 2010. Staff delivered 14 papers at conferences, 4 of them at international conferences, produced 10 chapters in books and 7 journal articles. Staff attended 3 workshops, and 3 staff conducted international research visits. In February 2010 Professor Glover was appointed as the managing editor of the South African Law Journal, South Africa’s premier law journal and Ms Kruuse was appointed to the editorial staff of that journal. Dr Kruger was appointed as the technical editor of Speculum Juris (a joint publication of University of Fort Hare and Rhodes University). The Law Faculty undertook a number of research initiatives during the year to promote research activity and output. Research colloquia and seminars provided the opportunity for staff to present their current research to each other and to obtain feedback. The Faculty also hosted research colloquia for post-graduate students. In the September vacation the Law Faculty hosted ‘The East Cape Bench and Social Justice’ Conference which set out to celebrate the progressive jurisprudence of the Eastern Cape Bench of the past 16 years, and also to honour the Honourable Judges Somyalo (former Judge President) and Jones who retired from active service in April 2010. There were over 100 delegates from all over South Africa, including judges, law practitioners, law academics and students. There were four subject sessions informed by this court’s work, namely Administrative Law, Enforcement of judgements and costs orders, Social security law, and Land reform. Twenty prestigious invited discussants and speakers addressed the conference in these four areas. Judge Clive Plasket (Eastern Cape Bench), the programme convenor, gave the keynote address, Judge Lex Mpati (Rhodes alumnus and President of the Supreme Court of Appeal) addressed the gala dinner, and Judge Craig Howie (former President of the Supreme Court of Appeal) provided the closing address. It is envisaged that the papers will be published in the 2011(1) edition of the journal Speculum Juris (a joint Rhodes University / University of Fort Hare publication). Professor Jonathan Campbell Dean of the Faculty of Law 116 The Honourable Justice Clive Plasket RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 13 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Books/Chapters/Monographs Glover,G Glover,G. 2010. Editor of “Law and Transformative justice in post-apartheid South Africa”. Spekboom Publishers. Louis Trichardt, South Africa. First Edition. ISBN: 978-0-620-4667-6. Glover,G and Kerr,AJ Glover,G and Kerr,AJ. 2010. “Sale”. In: The Law of South Africa. LexisNexis. Durban, South Africa. Second Edition. 24, 3-106. ISBN: 978-0-409-04727-1. Goolam,N Goolam,N. 2010. Editor of “Introduction to legal pluralism”. LexisNexis. Durban, South Africa. Third Edition. Juma,L Juma,L. 2010. “From ‘Repungnancy’ to the ‘Bill of Rights’: African Customary Law and Human Rights in Lesotho and South Africa”’. In: Law and transformative justice in post-apartheid South Africa. Spekboom Publishers. Louis Trichardt, South Africa. First Edition. 459-490. ISBN: 978-0-620-4667-6. Juma,L. 2010. “Kileleshwa: a tale of love, betrayal and corruption in Kenya”. Langaa RPCIG. Cameroon. First Edition. 1-313. ISBN: 9956-616-35-4. Kruuse,H Kruuse,H. 2011. “A South African response to ethics in legal education”. In: The ethics project in legal Education. Routledge. Oxon. First Edition. 102-118. ISBN: 978-0-415-54651-5. Kruuse,H. 2010. “Mental illness, physical disability, and the influence of alcohol and drugs on capacity”. In: The law of persons in South Africa. Oxford University Press. South Africa. First Edition. 159-178. ISBN: 978-0- 19-598581-8. Mqeke,RB Mqeke,RB. 2010. “The constitutional court’s pronouncements on land invasions: the president of the Republic of South Africa v Modderklip Boerdery (Pty) Ltd (Agri SA and Others, Amici Curiae)”. In: Law and transformative justice in post- apartheid South Africa. Spekboom Publishers. Louis Trichardt, South Africa. First Edition. 245-260. ISBN: 978- 0-620-4667-6. Niesing,L Niesing,L. 2010. “Factual causation”. In: The law of delict in South Africa. Oxford University Press. Cape Town, South Africa. First Edition. 66-81. ISBN: 978-0-19 598578-8. Niesing,L. 2010. “Fault”. In: The Law of Delict in South Africa. Oxford University Press. Cape Town, South Africa. First Edition. 98-134. ISBN: 978-0-19 598578-8. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Campbell,J Campbell,J. 2010. “The in duplum Rule: relief for consumers of excessively priced small credit legitimised by the National Credit Act”. SA Mercantile Law Journal. 22(1),1-11. Juma,L Juma,L. 2010. “Private militaries in Africa: where is the debate?” Lesotho Law Journal. 183-191. Kruger,R Kruger ,R. 2010. “The South African Constitutional Court and the rule of law: the Masethla Judgement, a cause for concern?” Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal. 13(3), 507 . Kruuse,H Kruuse,H. 2010. “‘Here’s to you, Mrs Robinson’: peculiarities and paragraph 29 determining the treatment of domestic partnerships”. South African Journal on Human Rights. 25(2),380-391. Kruuse,H. 2009. “Drawing lines in the sand: AM v RM 2010 2 SA 223 (ECP)”. Speculum Juris. 23(2),127- 143. Mqeke,RB Mqeke,RB. 2010. “The use of customary practices to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in some rural areas of South Africa”. Lesotho Law Journal. 222- 240. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Campbell,J Campbell,J. “The In Duplum Rule: relief for consumers of excessively priced small credit legitimised by the national credit act”. International Conference on Over-Indebtedness and Credit Regulation. University of Pretoria, Pretoria. South Africa. August 2010. Juma,L Juma,L. “The shifting notions of what law is or is not in contemporary African legal thought”. Universities of the Western and Eastern Cape Seventh Annual Law Conference. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth. South Africa. January 2010. Kruger,R Kruger,R. “The buck stops here: costs order in litigation against the state”. The Eastern Cape Bench and Social Justice Conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Mqeke,RB Mqeke,RB. “The impact of land reform on African land tenure practices in the Eastern Cape”. The Eastern Cape Bench and Social Justice conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Mqeke,RB. “Purposive interpretation in labour tenancy disputes - too little, too late”. Annual property law conference. University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch. South Africa. October 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Kruger,R Kruger,R. “A question of interpretation: a comparative study of “unenumerated” rights recognition”. 4th S.P. Sathe Memorical Conference. ILS Law College, Pune. India. February 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Juma,L Juma,L. “The role of the African Union in addressing the use and misuse of private military and security companies in Africa”. Privatization of Security: Implication for Africa Conference. Hilton Hotel, Adis Ababa. Ethiopia. March 2010. Mangezi,M Mangezi,M. “Enhancing student learning through assessment in clinical legal education”. International Journal of Clinical Legal Education. Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne. United Kingdom. July 2010. Ramlall,S Ramlall,S. “Corporate Social Responsibility in Post- Apartheid South Africa”. 9th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility. Zagreb School of Economics, Zagreb. Croatia. June 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Law 117 RRR 2011 - Depts I - L 2/8/12 2:09 PM Page 14 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Law 118 Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops/ Performances/Events Goolam,NMI Goolam,NMI. Guest lecturer. “Understanding Islam, Islamic Law and freedom of expression in Islam”. UCT Summer School. Leslie Building, University of Cape Town. Cape Town, South Africa. 15 - 17 January 2010. Juma,L Juma,L. Participant. “Research design validation workshop on “African Solutions for Peace and Security”. Organised by the African Union (AU) in collaboration with Institute for Peace and Security Studies. Addis Ababa Univeristy. Hawassa, Ethiopia. 14 - 16 December 2010. Juma,L. “Privatisation, human rights and the African conflict: reflections on the Draft International Convention on regulation, oversight and monitoring of private military and security companies”. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. October 2010. Juma,L. “International humanitarian law and human rights: competition or complementarity”. University of Pretoria. Pretoria, South Africa. November 2010. Juma,L. “A viable tool or mere scrap of paper: The prohibition of mercenary activities and regulation of certain activities in country of armed conflict Act No 27 of 2006”. University of Pretoria. Pretoria, South Africa. November 2010. Niesing,L Niesing,L. Participant. Medico-legal workshop on the role of the Medical Protection Society (MPS), with Graham Howorth of MPS as main speaker. Wits Medical School. Johannesburg, South Africa. 23 September 2010. Van Coller,H Van Coller,H. “Gelden bestuursrechtelijke normen voor geloofsgemeenschappen (kerken)?, een Zuidafrikaans perspectief op de verhouding kerk- staat/vrijheid van godsdienst (Are administrative law principles applicable to religious organisations? A South African perspective on State/Church relations and freedom of religion)”. Vrije Universiteit. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. March 2010. Van Coller,H. “Bestuursrecht en kerkgennotschappen (Administrative law and religious communities)”. Vrije Universiteit. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2010. International Visit Ramlall,S Ramlall,S. Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. PhD research. 19 June - 31 July 2010. Van Coller,H Van Coller,H. Vrjie Universiteit(VU) Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. PhD research. 1 January - 31 March 2010. Goolam,N Goolam,N. Research Centre for Islamic History, Arts and Culture (IRCICA), Istanbul, Turkey. PhD research. 14 - 20 December 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Management The Department of Management continued to build on its previous research achievements. As in the past, the existing national and international inter-institutional research and teaching collaborations, as well as senior research associates and visiting professors facilitated and contributed to achieving the 2010 research output. In an endeavour to further its research culture, the Department of Management is pleased with the following achievements: • Eight journal articles were submitted for review with two publications. • A total of 23 conference papers were delivered, inclusive of national and international conferences. Conference papers were delivered by Mr Stan Zindiye, Mr Mark Maritz, Mr Theus Louw, Mr Johan Hefer, Mr Trevor Amos, Ms Amina Motala, Professors Lynette Louw, Claude-Helen Mayer and Terence Jackson. • The second edition of a textbook entitled Strategic Management: Developing sustainability in Southern Africa, co-edited by Professor Lynette Louw, has been well received. Both Professor Lynette Louw and Mr Trevor Amos each contributed a chapter to this edition. • Professors Lynette Louw and Claude-Helen Mayer presented a workshop on Conflict Management at the Higher Education Resource Services South Africa (HERS- SA) Academy in Cape Town during September 2010. • International visits by staff members of the Department took place during the year. This included Mr Theus Louw and Professor Lynette Louw who lectured in Shanghai, China and at the University of Applied Science in Osnabrueck, Germany. Mr Theus Louw lectured at Baden- Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mosbach, Bad Mergentheim, Germany and Mr Hans-Peter Bakker lectured at Utrecht University, Netherlands. • International guests were hosted from: the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) in Hamburg, Germany; University of Applied Sciences in Osnabrueck, Germany; Utrecht University in the Netherlands; and Middlesex University in the United Kingdom. • Mr Trevor Amos also reviewed papers for the journals Management Dynamics; Journal of the Southern Africa Institute of Management Scientists; South African Journal of Economic and Management 119 RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 2 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Books/Chapters/Monographs Amos,TL Amos,TL. 2010. “Strategic Leadership”. In: Strategic management: developing sustainability in southern Africa. Oxford University Press. South Africa. Second Edition. 439-476. ISBN: 978-019-5989-182. Louw,L Louw,L. 2010. “Introduction - The nature of strategic management”. In: Strategic management: developing sustainability in southern Africa. Oxford University Press. Cape Town. Second Edition. 3- 44. ISBN: 978-0-19-5989182. Louw,L and Venter,P (Eds). 2010. “Strategic management: developing sustainability in southern Africa”. Oxford University Press. South Africa. Second Edition. 560 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-5989182. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Mayer,CH Mayer,CH and Boness, C.M. (2010). Managing conflicts in small scale enterprises in the Tanzanian Tourist Industry. Asia Pacific Journal of Business and Management, 1(2): 31-48. journal/edition12/Journal_part4.pdf Mayer,CH (2010). Managerial Worlds. Konstruktionen kultureller Differenz und Gleichheit in S’dafrika. Interculture Journal, 9(11): 27-41. mayer_2010_11.pdf Other Publications Louw,L and Mayer,CH Louw,L and Mayer,CH. 2010. “Report on managerial life orientation: values orientations, organisational culture and commitment and job satisfaction in a selected Water Board in the Eastern Cape”. Unpublished report. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Amos,TL, Wilmot,C, Williams,B and Guest,J Amos,TL, Wilmot,C, Williams,B and Guest,J. “The Rhodes University Research Report: Management 120 Sciences; International Journal of Cross Cultural Management; and the South African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. • Professor Lynette Louw served as a reviewer for the journals: Southern African Business Review; Management Dynamics; and the Journal of Economic and Financial Services. She was appointed to the editorial review board of the Eurasian Business Review, a Journal of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society. Professor Louw was also appointed to the Editorial Advisory Board of the Tunku Abdul Rahman College International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2010 (TIC2010). The theme of the conference was ‘Emerging Trends in Higher Education Learning and Teaching’, held in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Papers were reviewed for the following conferences: Southern Africa Institute for Management Scientists (SAIMS) 2010 Conference, 14th Biennial Eastern Academy of Management (EAM) International Conference and Tunku Abdul Rahman College International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2010 (TIC2010). • The Department of Management proudly hosted the 22nd Annual Southern Africa Institute for Management Scientists (SAIMS) 2010 conference September 12 – 15. The conference chair, Professor Lynette Louw together with the organising committee, Messrs Trevor Amos, Johan Hefer, Mark Maritz and Theus Louw are pleased to announce that the conference was successful and hosted 171 delegates - including masters and Phd students from Sub-Saharan African countries. Professor Lynette Louw Head of Department RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 3 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K factors that influence the retention of academics at a tertiary education institution: an exploratory study”. 22nd Annual southern African institute of management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978-0-868104-65-2. Campbell,K, Lufele,H, Wayde,H, Steele,L and Amos,TL Campbell,K, Lufele,H, Wayde,H, Steele,L and Amos,TL. “The relationship between principal leadership, staff enagement and pupil engagement: an case-study of a public school(WIP)”. 22nd Annual southern African institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Aflred. South Africa. September, 12-15. 2010. ISBN 978-0-868104-65-2. Hefer,J Hefer,J. “Eskom’s financial position 1996 to 2009: a high level review”. 22nd Annual southern African institute for management scientists conference SAIMS 2010. Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September 2010. ISBN 978-0-868104-65-2. Louw,L and Dhaya,J Louw,L, Dhaya,J and Pearse,NJ. “The role of experience in the development of social compe- tencies”. 22nd Annual southern Africa institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978-0-868104-65-2. Louw,L and Chipumuro,J Louw,L, Chipumuro,J and Van Niekerk,R. “The influence of emotional intelligence of leaders on leadership effectiveness”. 22nd Annual southern Africa institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978- 0-868104-65-2. Louw,MJ, Pringle,B and Louw,L Louw,MJ, Pringle,B and Louw,L. “Strategic planning in selected municipalities in the Eastern Cape”. 22nd Annual southern Africa institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach , Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978-0-868104-65-2. Mabuza,L, Moosa,F, Ndlovu,T, Waddington,A and Maritz,M Mabuza,L, Moosa,F, Ndlovu,T, Waddington,A and Maritz,M. “A business report on branding for a firm in the container handling industry”. 22nd Annual southern African institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978- 0-868104-65-2. Maritz,M and Amos,TL Maritz,M and Amos,TL. “An investigation into the relationship between leadership and employee engagement in a South African university”. 22nd Annual southern African institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978-0-868104-65-2. Mayer,CH, Louw,L and Louw,MJ Mayer,CH, Louw,L and Louw,MJ. “Sense of coherence and organisational commitment: a case study in a selected South African parastal”. 22nd Annual southern Africa institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978-0-868104-65-2. Midgley,PN, Louw,MJ and Louw,L Midgley,PN, Louw,MJ and Louw,L. “The role of the online game ‘Urgent evoke’ in developing social entrepreneurial compentencies: a case study of post-graduate management students”. 22nd Annual southern Africa institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978- 0-868104-65-2. Motala,A, Patel,K, Kaliika,M and Amos,TL Motala,A, Patel,K, Kaliika,M, Jacobs,C and Amos,TL. “The leadership development of students at an institution of higher learning”. 22nd Annual southern Africa institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South African. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978- 0-868104-65-2. Page,C, Amos,TL and Louw,MJ Page,C, Amos,TL and Louw,MJ. “The relationship between leadership, employee engagement, and customer satisfaction within a motor-vehicle dealership network in the Eastern Cape”. 22nd Annual southern Africa institute for management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpelweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978-0-868104-65-2. Zindiye,S and Mpofu,BD Zindiye,S and Mpofu,BD. “Consumer perceptions of private label brands: an Eastern Cape university- aged analysis”. The 22nd annual South African institute of management scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15 2010. ISBN 978-0-868104-65-2 . Zindiye,S and Sibanda,Z Zindiye,S and Sibanda,Z. “Angel networks as a business start up financing option in South Africa”. 22nd Annual southern Africa institute for managment scientists conference (SAIMS). Mpekweni Beach Resort, Port Alfred. South Africa. September, 12-15, 2010. ISBN 978-0-868104-65-2. International Conferences (In SA) Louw,MJ Farrington,SM, Venter,DJL, Neethling,A and Louw,MJ. “The entrepreneurial attributes of undergraduate business students at selected tertiary institutions in South Africa”. Third annual international conference on entrepreneurship. Wits Business School, Johannesburg. South Africa. October 2010. Mayer,CH Mayer,CH and Boness,C. “Managing conflicts in small scale enterprises in the Tanzanian tourist industry”. Leadership and management studies in sub-Sahara Africa. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. South Africa. November,22 -24 2010. ISSN: 11773294. International Conferences (Outside SA) Chipumuro,J and Louw,L Chipumuro,J, Kwaramba,H.M, Lovett,J and Louw,L. “Community tourism Ddvelopment and emotional intelligence: the case of Kwam eMakana”. Regional conference on tourism research (RCTR). University Sains Malaysia Conference Hall, Penang. Malaysia. December 2010. 32-48. Jackson,T and Louw,L Jackson,T, Louw,L and Zhao,S. “China in Sub- Saharan Africa: HRM implications”. 11th International human resource management conference. Aston Business School, Birmingham. England. June 2010. Maritz,M Knott-Craig,I, Van der Mescht,H and Maritz,M. “An investigation of student leadership in an independant school in the Eastern Cape: do alternative forms of leadership (such as servant leadership) emerge through community building?” International conference of education, research and innovation (ICERI). Convention Centre - Melia Castilla, Madrid. Spain. November 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Management 121 RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 4 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Mayer,CH Mayer,CH. “Ressourcen als grundlage gesunder personalfuhrung in wirtschaftsorganisationen in Sudafrika. Einblicke in die kommunikation Sudafrikanischer manager”. Symposium fur Salutogenese. Zentrum fuer Salutogenese, Bad Gandersheim. Germany. April 30 – May 2, 2010. Mayer,CH and Boness,C. “Managing cross-cultural conflicts in ecciesiastical organizations in Tanzania. A qualitative study”. Qualitative research in management and organisation conference. Anderson School of Management, Albuquergue. New Mexico. April, 6-8 2010. Mayer,CH and Louw,L Mayer,CH, Louw,L and Boness,C. “Constructing managerial identities: ethnographic insights in the South African water service sector. Work, Organisations and Ethnography”. The 5th annual joint university of Liverpool management school and Keele university institute for public policy and management symposuim on current developments in ethnographic research in the social and management sciences. Queen Mary Cruise Liner, London. England. September, 1-3, 2010. Motala,A and Louw,L Motala,A and Louw,L. “The corporate social responsibility of selected private game reserves in the Eastern Cape Province,South Africa”. Conference on corporate governance, innovation, social and environmental responsibility (GIRA). Lisborn University Institute, Lisbon. Portugal. September 2010. Zindiye,S and Roberts-Lombard,M Zindiye,S and Roberts-Lombard,M. A case for human resource development amongst the employees of SMEs in a developing economy. 3rd International Faculty of Management Conference. 12-14 May 2010, Amanzingwe Lodge, Broederstroom, Johannesburg. ISBN: 978-0-86970-678-7. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Louw,L and Mayer,CH Louw,L and Mayer,CH. Present a workshop. “Conflict management”. HERS-SA Academy. University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business. Cape Town, South Africa. 17 September 2010. International Visit Louw,L Louw,L. Shanghai Institute for Foreign Trade, Shanghai, China. Cultural management . 22 March - 1 April 2010. Louw,L. University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrueck, Germany. Cultural management. 8 - 12 November 2010. Louw,L and Louw,MJ Louw,L and Louw,MJ. Nanjing University Business School, Nanjing, China. Collaborative research project on Chinese management in Africa. 2 April 2010. Louw,MJ Louw,MJ. Shanghai Institute for foreign trade, Shanghai, China. Strategic management. 22 March - 1 April 2010. Louw,MJ. Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mosbach, Mosbach, Germany. Contem- porary leadership challenges. 16 - 26 May 2010. Distinguished Visitors Buijs,A Professor A Buijs. Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands. MOU collaboration. Staff exchange and research. October 2010. Frey,A and Bauer,U Professor A Frey and Mr Bauer,U. University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrueck, Germany. MOU collaboration. Staff and student exchange and research. August - September 2010. Jackson,T Professor T Jackson. Middlesex University Business School, Hendon, London, United Kingdom. Visiting Professor in the department of management. Research collaboration. November 2010. Mayer,CH Professor CH Mayer. University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany. Department of management senior research associate. September - December 2010. Van der Meer,P Mr P Van der Meer. Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands. Lectured entrepreneurship course on post graduate diploma in enterprise management programme. August - September 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Management 122 RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 5 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Mathematics The areas of current research interest in the Department are: • Fuzzy set theory • Functional analysis, including measure theory and martingales • Geometric control, particularly invariant optimal control problems on matrix Lie groups (of low dimension), primarily in aspects regarding controllability, geometry of extremals, stability, and integrability • Neural networks and applications • Computational relativity, and in particular the calculation of gravitational waves from black hole interactions. Members of the Department published eight research papers; made presentations at five overseas conferences, and at two conferences in South Africa; made nine international visits; and hosted one international visitor. Professor Nigel Bishop Head of Department 123 Photo: Sophie Smith RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 6 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Bishop,NT Reisswig,C, Bishop,NT, Pollney,D and Szilagyi,B. 2010. “Characteristic extraction in numerical relativity: binary black hole merger waveforms at null infinity”. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 27,1- 28. Burton,M Chaibva,FA, Burton,M and Walker,RB. 2010. “Optimization of salbutamol sulphate dissolution from sustained release matrix formulations using an artificial neural network”. Pharmaceutics. 2(2), Murali,V Makamba,BB and Murali,V. 2010. “Preferential normal fuzzy subgroups”. Information Sciences. 180(24),5125-5129. Ngcibi,SL, Murali,V and Makamba,BB. 2010. “Fuzzy subgroups of rank two abelian p-group”. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems. 7(2),149-153. Ogundare,BS, Ngcibi,S and Murali,V. 2010. “Boundedness and stability properties of solutions to certain second-order differential equation”. Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes. 5(2),79-92. Murali,V and Talwanga,M Murali,V and Talwanga,M. 2010. “Mõbius functions on finite fuzzy sets”. Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 5(1),41-50. Remsing,CC Remsing,CC. 2010. “Optimal control and Hamilton- Poisson formalism”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 59(1),11-17. van der Walt,PJ and Bishop,NT van der Walt,PJ and Bishop,NT. 2010. “Observational cosmology using characteristic numerical relativity”. Physical Review D. 82,1-14. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences (In SA) Bishop,NT Bishop,NT. “Initial data for characteristic extraction and matching”. Conference of the South African gravity society. Salt Rock Hotel, Durban. South Africa. September 2010. Bishop,NT. “The gravitational radiation from a binary black hole merger”. South African mathematical society annual conference. University of Pretoria, Pretoria. South Africa. November 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Bishop,NT Bishop,NT. “Characteristic extraction, and steps towards cauchy-characteristic matching”. 19th International conference on general relativity and gravitation. Convention Centre, Mexico City. Mexico. July 2010. Murali,V Murali,V. “Principle of inclusion-exclusion for finite fuzzy sets”. International congress of mathematicians (ICM). HICC-- HiTec City, Hyderabad. India. August 2010. 487-488. Remsing,CC Remsing,CC. “Control and integrability on SO(3)”. The 2010 international conference of applied and engineering mathematics (ICAEM). Imperial College, London. United Kingdom. July 2010. 1705-1710. Remsing,CC. “Integrability and optimal control”. The 19th international symposium on mathematical theory of networks and systems (MTNS). Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest. Hungary. July 2010. 1749- 1754. van der Walt,PJ van der Walt,PJ. “Observational cosmology using characteristic numerical relativity”. 19th International conference on general relativity and gravitation. Convention Centre, Mexico City. Mexico. July 2010. International Visit Bishop,NT Bishop,NT. Max Planck insitute for gravitational physics, Berlin, Germany. Numerical relativity. 4 - 20 January 2010. Bishop,NT. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States of America. Numerical relativity. 27 June - 3 July 2010. Bishop,NT. Max Planck institute for gravitational physics, Berlin, Germany. Numerical relativity. 6 - 9 December 2010. Bishop,NT. Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Numerical relativity. 9 - 20 December 2010. Murali,V Murali,V. Cylab, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, United States of America. Discussion and research project of cyber security. 16 May - 14 June 2010. Murali,V. Madras University, Vivekananda College, Chennai, India. Research in fuzzy algebra and combinatorics. 27 August - 2 September 2010. Remsing,CC Remsing,CC. West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania. External examiner identification (R.M. Tudoran, West University of Timisoara, Romania). 15 July 2010. Remsing,CC. University of Rouen, Rouen, France. Research collaboration and external examiner identification (P. Jouan, University of Rouen, France). 23 - 24 August 2010. Remsing,CC. University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom. Research collaboration and external examiner identification (W. Holderbaum, University of Reading, United Kingdom). 31 August - 1 September 2010. Distinguished Visitors Sarvate,D Professor D Sarvate. College of Charleston, Charleston, SC 29424, United States of America. Lecture, workshop, research and collaboration (Hugh-Kelley fellowship). May - August 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Mathematics 124 RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 7 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Music and Musicology and the International Library of African Music (ILAM) During 2010 the Department of Music and Musicology continued to maintain an active profile in the academic and musical life of the University and Grahamstown, as well as regionally, nationally and internationally. Academic staff delivered research papers at international and national conferences; these were followed, in some instances, with publications in conference proceedings. Other publications emanating from this Department include peer-reviewed articles and other professional writing. In the latter category Dr Brukman, in his capacity as contributory editor, compiled numerous reviews for Cue, the daily newspaper for the National Arts Festival. In the realm of creative output - musical processes and products - Professor Duby and Dr Ramanna, as composers, made sterling contributions to the discipline, while in the field of musical performance local and national contributions were made by Professor Duby, Dr Ramanna, Ms Foxcroft and Mr Munoz. Among Mr Munoz’ wide-ranging performance experiences was a concert tour, with master classes, conducted throughout Zimbabwe. Two members of staff, Professor Duby and Dr Brukman, were invited to fulfil the role of external examiners in musical assessment (performance and/or music history and theory) at several universities nationally. In addition, Professor Duby, Dr Ramanna and Dr Brukman completed the task of external examining postgraduate theses and/or composition portfolios for several South African universities. Dr Brukman and Dr Radloff were invited to act as adjudicators for the Eastern Cape Youth Music Competition (East London) and Dr Brukman adjudicated at the Eastern Cape Eisteddfod (Grahamstown) and the South African Society for Music Teachers Music Competition (Port Elizabeth). Professor Duby accepted a prestigious invitation to join the adjudication panel for the SAMRO Overseas Scholarships Competition. Dr Ramanna contributed as editor of the accredited peer-reviewed journal SAMUS (volume 29, 2010) and will continue in this role, with the assistance of Dr Brukman as co- editor, for volumes 30 and 31. The research/creative output participation of the following students deserves mention: • Mr Gareth Walwyn, PhD candidate in the Department, accepted an invitation from Professor Roberto Bonati to present some of his original compositions at Parma University, Parma, Italy. • MMus student, Ms Lotta Matambo and a third year BMus student, Ms Yemurai 125 RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 8 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Music and Musicology and the International Library of African Music 126 Matibe, formed a vocal ensemble Shirilaulu which performed locally, at the National Arts Festival and at the Hogsback Arts Festival. They also undertook a successful concert tour of Zimbabwe, and have accepted a request to repeat this venture in 2011. • Ms Mia Pistorius, a third year BMus student, participated (August 2010) in two international events: International Piano Masterclass held in Varna, Bulgaria where she received coaching from Joseph Bannewitz and Adam Wodnicki, and the International Concert Working Week held in Goslar, Germany where she received instruction from Arie Vardi. Mia was also a featured soloist with the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra, playing the Saint- Saëns Second Piano Concerto, in September 2010. • Theresa Dwyer, a first year BMus student, on the basis of outstanding UNISA Grade 8 practical examination results, participated in the UNISA South African Music Scholarship Competition 2010. Theresa also received a SAMRO bursary in 2010. In October 2010 Theresa enlisted the assistance of Kingswood College music teacher, Dario Broccardo, to facilitate student-inspired performances of Camille Saint-Saëns' Carnival of the Animals. Dr Jeffrey Brukman Head of Department International Library for African Music (ILAM) African Music, the journal associated with ILAM, was re-accredited by the DHET in 2009 and as of 2010 appears on the official list of accredited journals. Professor Thram (Editor) completed Volume 8 of African Music with volume 8/4 (2010). This marks four consecutive years of this journal being published. The 2011 issue will be the first issue of Volume 9. African Music enjoys wide circulation via university libraries throughout the world, as well as individual subscribers with the international community of scholars responding very positively to this journal’s resuscitation. It is the only scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to research of African Music. Also significant is the fact that it is published in Africa, by ILAM, not by a publishing house in the USA or UK as is the case with most academic journals. The Red Location Music History Project: With a grant from the National Heritage Council that carried over from 2009 into 2010, Professor Thram coordinated the mounting of a “Jazz Heritage Concert” staged at Centenary Hall in New Brighton, Port Elizabeth on 27 March 2010. The concert was recorded on audio and video by ILAM. From the concert footage, ILAM produced a documentary DVD of the “Jazz Heritage Concert” as a major tangible creative output of the project. Oral history interviews with jazz musicians from the Eastern Cape continue, as does building of an archive at ILAM of all data, including video and audio recordings of interviews, photographs and newspaper clippings acquired from participants and digital copies of Jazz recordings digitized from the private collections of participants. A final report on the project was lodged with the National Heritage Council in October 2010. A handover ceremony for the DVD is being planned to take place at the Red Location Museum early in 2011. Travelling Museum Exhibit - For Future Generations - Hugh Tracey and the International Library of African Music: In 2010, ILAM developed a professional level museum exhibit and published a 104 page highly illustrated exhibit catalogue (Professor Thram editor), containing a collection of scholarly articles and images from the ILAM photo archive, entitled For Future Generations - Hugh Tracey and the International Library of African Music. The exhibit premiered at the Origins Centre Museum at the University of the Witwatersrand, 14 October 2010. A major portion of the costs to mount the exhibit, which serves as the community outreach component of the 2008-09 ILAM cataloguing and digitizing project, formed part of the Rand Merchant Bank Expressions Programme grant to ILAM for cataloguing and digitizing the Hugh Tracey collection. ILAM Music Heritage Project SA: ILAM was awarded a grant from the National Arts Council to fund the development of music education textbooks that utilize African music recordings from the ILAM archive. The textbooks are being designed to meet the national arts and culture curriculum mandates RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 9 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K MUSIC AND MUSICOLOGY Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Duby,M Duby,M. 2010. “Staging Roberto Bonati’s The Blanket of the Dark: A Twenty-first Century Vision of ‘The Scottish Play’. Shakespeare in South Africa: 22 (peer-reviewed).” Shakespeare in Southern Africa. 22, 29-38. Other Publications Brukman,JJ Brukman,JJ. 2010. “A bravura performance indeed”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(14), 6. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “A polished performance from Young Artist Award Winner”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(8), 5. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “A tight, fun frothy affair”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(9), 5. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “Capturing every musical thought”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(13), 4. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “Could we get it right next time please?” In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(6), 6. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “Courageous presentation of a mammoth task”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(11), 6. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “Display of dedication to composer’s vision”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(3), 4. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “How to get a well-deserved ovation”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(7), 5. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “Must-sees and crowd pleasers”. In: Cue. Peter Frost, Gillian Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(1), 5. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “SA composers paint new sound worlds”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(13), 3. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “Sheer joy as pianist creates musical poetry”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(4), 4. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “South American flamboyance”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(13), 2. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “Strung out on fresh faces”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(11), 4. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “Talking opera”. In: Cue. Frost, P. and Rennie (Ed) CueMedia. Grahamstown. 24(5), 3. Brukman,JJ. 2010. “The South African Society for Music Teachers in the twenty-first century: relevant or irrelevant?”. In: The South African Music Teacher. Thom-Wium, M (Ed) The South African Society for Music Teachers. Bloemfontein. 145, 20-23. Duby,M Duby,M. 2010. “‘In the heart of the country’ (Six compositions commissioned by SAMRO Endowment for the National Arts)”. Duby, M (Ed) SAMRO. Johannesburg. (In Press). Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences (In SA) Brukman,JJ Brukman,JJ. “Cromwell Everson’s Klutaimnestra”. Echoes of Empires: Musical Encounters after Hegemony. Department of Music, Konservatorium, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. July 2010 . Duby,M Duby,M. “Interfacing creativity and improvisation: Musical performance, theory, and the individual”. South African Association of Jazz Educators. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. South Africa. March 2010. Foxcroft,CJ Foxcroft,CJ. “Emotion in performance: the neglected dimension”. 2010 Stellenbosch International Piano Symposium. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch. South Africa. March 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Heunis,D Heunis,D. “The multi-cultural South African choir”. CDIME 10: Proceedings of the Tenth CDIME10: Cultural Diversity in Music Education. Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney, Sydney. Australia. January 2010. 52-57. Rhodes University Research Report: Music and Musicology 127 for grades 7-9 and 10-12. The Project, coordinated by Professor Thram has engaged two music education specialists to develop the content of each textbook and a graphic designer and illustrator to complete the necessary design for each book. The books will be published by ILAM in 2011 Professor Diane Thram Director of ILAM RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 10 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Music and Musicology 128 Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Duby,M Duby,M. Performer. Trio concert with Michael Baird (Netherlands) and Rick van Heerden (Grahamstown). Beethoven Room. Grahamstown, South Africa. February 2010. Duby,M. Performer. Tim Kliphuis workshop with Joburg Youth Orchestra. Civic Theatre. Roodepoort, South Africa. March 2010. Duby,M. Performer. ClassicFM concert. Classic FM. Johannesburg, South Africa. March 2010. Duby,M. Performer/composer. Meeting of the Spirits (Wits Arts and Literature Experience Festival). Wits University. Johannesburg, South Africa. April 2010. Duby,M. Performer/composer. Feedback unplugged. Nassau Centre. Cape Town, South Africa. May 2010. Duby,M. Performer. “In the clouds” with Steve Newman, Greg Georgiades, and Ashish Joshi. PJ’s. Grahamstown, South Africa. July 2010. Duby,M. Performer/composer. “Grahamstown Standard Bank National Youth Jazz Festival 2010”. Appearances with Barney Rachabane, Darius Brubeck, Feya Faku, Malcolm Braff, Samuel Blaser, et al.. DSG Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. July 2010. Duby,M. Performer. Concert with Karen Devroop, Mageshen Naidoo et al.. Centre for Jazz and Popular Music, UKZN. Durban, South Africa. October 2010. Foxcroft,CJ Foxcroft,CJ. Event. “Emotion in performance: the neglected dimension”. Rhodes University Humanities Faculty: Seminar Series. Humanities Faculty. Grahamstown, South Africa. March 2010. Foxcroft,CJ. Concert/ Fundraising. “Delightfully romantic piano”. Solo performance with Tinus Botha and RU student pianists. Drill Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. April 2010. Foxcroft,CJ. Chamber performance. “Chamber music by Poulenc”. Grahamstown Music Society. Drill Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. May 2010. Foxcroft,CJ. Concert. Solo recital. Moederkerk. Humansdorp, South Africa. 23 May 2010. Matambo,L Matambo,L. Singer. “Shirilaulu Vocal Duo”. “100 Tongues” concerts at the National Arts Festival. Beethoven Room. Grahamstown, South Africa. 20 - 21 June 2010. Matambo,L. Singer. “Shirilaulu Vocal Duo”. “100 Tongues” concert (reprise) at the Beethoven Room. Beethoven Room. Grahamstown, South Africa. 22 September 2010. Matambo,L. Singer. “Shirilaulu Vocal Duo”. “100 Tongues” concert at the Hogsback Spring Festival. Nutwoods Park. Hogsback, South Africa. 26 September 2010. Matambo,L. Singer. “Shirilaulu Vocal Duo”. “100 Tongues” tour in Zimbabwe (Harare and Bulawayo). Harare International School and Bulawayo Performing Arts Academy. Harare and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. 5 - 7 December 2010. Munoz,JL Munoz,JL. Conductor and Soloist. GMS Baroque Concert. St. Andrew’s Drill Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. 18 February 2010. Munoz,JL. Coach/Performance. Franschhoek chamber music workshop and festival. Franschhoek High School. Franschhoek, South Africa. 4 - 11 April 2010. Munoz,JL. Orchestra Conductor. Carmina Burana. Guy Butler Auditorium. Grahamstown, South Africa. 13 May 2010. Munoz,JL. Orchestra Conductor. Carmina Burana. Guy Butler Auditorium. Grahamstown, South Africa. 14 May 2010. Munoz,JL. Performance. Juan, Mariel & friends concert series . St. Andrew’s Drill Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. 25 July - 25 January 2010. Munoz,JL. Performance. Juan, Mariel & Friends concert series. NMMU South Campus Auditorium. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 27 July 2010. Munoz,JL. Performance. Juan, Mariel & friends concert series. St. Andrew’s Drill Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. 17 August 2010. Munoz,JL. String Quartet Performance. Classic FM Soiree-Evening Of Tangos. Summer Place/Hyde Park. Johannesburg, South Africa. 5 September 2010. Munoz,JL. Performance. Juan, Mariel & friends concert series. St. Andrew’s Drill Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. 16 September 2010. Munoz,JL. Conducting ECPO. Nationalistic Flair. Feather Market Centre. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 19 September 2010. Munoz,JL. String Quartet Performance. SASOP International Congress. East London ICC. East London, South Africa. 16 October 2010. Munoz,JL. Performance. Juan, Mariel & friends concert series. St. Andrew’s Drill Hall. Grahamstown, South Africa. 23 October 2010. Ramanna,N Ramanna,N. composed and performed music for film. “Le Boeuf Sur Le Toit (The Bull on the Roof) featured film directed by Jyoti Mistry”. 31st Durban International Film Festival; (Monday, 26 July; 20H00. NU Metro Suncoast B. Durban, South Africa. January 2010. International Visit Munoz,JL Munoz,JL. Peter House Girls & Boys School, Marondera, Zimbabwe. Master Classes and Orchestra Workshop. 9 - 11 June 2010. Munoz,JL. Chisipite Senior School, Harare, Zimbabwe. Orchestra Workshop. 12 June 2010. Munoz,JL. Harare International School Theatre (HIS), Harare, Zimbabwe. Performance. 13 June 2010. Munoz,JL. Robert Sibson Hall-Zimbabwe Academy of Music, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Performance. 15 June 2010. Munoz,JL. Victoria Falls Hotel, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Performance. 18 June 2010. Distinguished Visitors Foxcroft,CJ Ms CJ Foxcroft. University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 2010 Stellenbosch International Piano Symposium: Guest Faculty Member. March 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 11 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K THE INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF AFRICAN MUSIC Books/Chapters/Monographs Thram,DJ Thram,DJ. 2010 For future generations: an introduction. International Library of African Music. Grahamstown, RSA. First Edition. 6 pp. Other Publications Thram,DJ Thram,DJ. 2010. “From the editor”. African Music. In: AFRICAN MUSIC. 8(4), 4-6. Thram,DJ. 2010. “Documentary DVD”. In: Jazz heritage concert. Thram,D and Madiba, E (Eds) ILAM. Grahamstown. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences (Outside SA) Thram,DJ Thram,DJ. “Current activities of ILAM: exhibition creation, repatriation implementation”. Ethnomusioclogy symposium. Univeristy of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam. Tanzania. July 2010. Thram,DJ. “After digitization, what next? Suggested guidelines for sale, reproduction and repatriation of digital heritage”. First international conference on African digital libraries and archives (ICADLA 1). United Nations Conference Center, Addis Ababa. Ethiopa. July 2010. 1-5. Thram,DJ. “Research archives section: guidelines for research archives practice”. International association of sound and audio visual archives. Hilton Hotel Conference Center, Philadelphia. United States of America. August 2010. Thram,DJ. “Repatriation of digital heritage: the ILAM music heritage project South Africa”. Society for ethnomusicology. University of California, Los Angelos, Los Angeles, California. United States of America. November 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Thram,DJ Thram,DJ. Concert producer. “Jazz heritage concert: 3 generations of New Brighton musicians”. Jazz heritage concert. Centenary Hall. New Brighton, South Africa. 27 March 2010. Thram,DJ. Content developer-exhibit catalogue editor. “For future generations: Hugh Tracey and the International Library of African Music”. Exhibit opening. Temporary Gallery, Origins Centre Museum, WITS University. Johannesburg, South Africa. 14 November - 8 January 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: The International Library of African Music 129 RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 12 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Pharmacy Research activities in the Faculty of Pharmacy continue to flourish, resulting in research outputs from staff and postgraduate students that have had an impact both nationally and internationally. Staff and postgraduate students published 21 journal articles in accredited journals and 6 book chapters and/or books in 2010. In addition, at least forty research outputs and articles were published during the year, reflecting a thriving research culture in the Faculty of Pharmacy and a productive 2010. The professional visibility of the Faculty was also evident with the publication of several articles in professional and related journals. Large numbers of staff and postgraduate students in the Faculty attended various local conferences including the South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists (SAAHIP) and the South African Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Several staff and postgraduates made their mark internationally, presenting papers at interna- tional conferences in the USA, Turkey, Slovakia, Portugal, Switzerland, Thailand, India and Egypt. A major highlight of the year included the conferring of two Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD), five Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and two MSc degrees at the Graduation ceremony in April of 2010. Professors Walker (3), Kanfer (1) and Dowse (1) supervised the PhD degrees and Professors Walker and Daya the MSc degrees. Professor Wilson assisted with the supervision of the PharmD candidates. This is the highest total number of doctoral level degrees awarded at a single graduation ceremony in the history of the Faculty of Pharmacy. A second highlight of the year was the election of Professor Kanfer as a Fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) in recognition of his contribution to the Pharmaceutical Sciences internationally. Professor Kanfer is arguably the top Pharmaceutical Scientist in South Africa and we are extremely proud of his achievement. He was also elected as Chair of the Bioequivalence Focus Group of the AAPS. A third highlight was the award of the best academic presentation to Professor Dowse at the SAAHIP conference and the best poster award to Ms Lancaster who is a PharmD candidate at the same meeting. The Faculty of Pharmacy hosted a number of international visitors including Professor Verbeeck from the Catholiqué University of Louvain, Dr Patterson from North Dakota State University at Fargo, Professor Glass from James Cook University in Australia and 130 RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 13 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Books/Chapters/Monographs Kanfer,I Kanfer,I. 2010. InformaHealth. New York, USA. First Edition. 309 pp.201. Kanfer,I. 2010. InformaHealthcare. New York, London. First Edition. 275 pp.204. Kanfer,I. 2010. “Introduction”. In: Generic Drug Product Development: International Regulatory Requirements for Bioequivalence. InformaHealth. New York, USA. First Edition. 201, 1-16. ISBN: 978-0- 849377-85-3. Kanfer,I, Nii-Okai Tettey-Amlalo,R and Au,WL Kanfer,I, Nii-Okai Tettey-Amlalo,R, Au,WL and Hughes-Formella,B. 2010.“Assessment of Topical Dosage Forms Intended for Local or Regional Activity”. In: Generic Drug Product Development: Speciality Dosage Forms. InformaHealthcare. New York, USA. First Edition. 204, 54-103. ISBN: 978-0-849377- 86-0. Kanfer,I, Skinner,MF and Walker,RB Kanfer,I, Skinner,MF and Walker,RB. 2010. “South Africa”. In: Generic Drug Product Development International Regulatory Requirements for Bioequivalence. InformaHealthcare. New York, United States of America. First Edition. 201, 182-210. ISBN: 978- 0-849377-85-3. Tandlich,R Tandlich,R. 2009. “Application of liquid membranes in wastewater treatment”. In: Liquid membranes: principles and applications in chemical separations and wastewater treatment. Elsevier. Netherlands. First Edition. 1(8), 357-400. ISBN: 978-0-444-53218-3. Zuma,BM and Tandlich,R Zuma,BM and Tandlich,R. 2010. “Public Health Implications of Greywater Generation in South Africa: Testing a Greywater Treatment Model”. In: South African Health Review 2010. Health Systems Trust. Durban, South Africa. First Edition. 1(13), 123-126. ISBN: 978-1-919839-69-1. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Au,WL, Skinner,MF and Kanfer,I Au,WL, Skinner,MF and Kanfer,I. 2010. “Comparison of tape stripping with the human skin blanching assay for the bioequivalence assessment of topical clobetasol propionate formulations”. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 13(1), /JPPS/index. Beukes,D Ragubeer,N, Beukes,D and Limson,JL. 2010. “Critical assessment of voltammetry for rapid screening of antioxidants in marine algae”. Food Chemistry. 121,227-232. Chaibva,FA and Walker,RB Chaibva,FA, Burton,M and Walker,RB. 2010. “Optimization of salbutamol sulphate dissolution from sustained release matrix formulations using an artificial neural network”. Pharmaceutics. 2(2), Chaibva,FA and Walker,RB. 2010. “Analytical methods for the quantitative determination of oxytocin”. International Journal of Medical and Biological Frontiers. 16(9-10),1067-1082. Chaibva,FA, Khamanga,SMM and Walker,RB Chaibva,FA, Khamanga,SMM and Walker,RB. 2010. “Swelling, erosion and drug release characteristics of salbutamol sulphate from hydroxypropyl methylc- ellulose-based matrix tablets”. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. 36(12),1497-1510. Dowse,R, Lecoko,L and Ehlers,MS Dowse,R, Lecoko,L and Ehlers,MS. 2010. “Applicability of the REALM health literacy test to an English second-language South African population”. Pharmacy World and Science. 32(4),464- 471. Dowse,R, Ramela,T and Barford,K-L Dowse,R, Ramela,T, Barford,K-L and Browne,SH. 2010. “Developing visuals for communicating antiretroviral side effect information to a low-literate target population”. African Journal of Aids Research. 9(3),213-224. Jobson,MR Jobson,MR and Steinman,H. 2010. “Multiple organ failure - death of consumer protection?” South African Medical Journal. 100(8),494-497. Kanfer,I Kanfer,I. 2010. “Workshop report. Challenges in dissolution testing: equivalence and surrogates”. Dissolution Technologies. August,41-50. Kanfer,I. 2010. “Strategies for the bioequivalence assessment of topical dermatological dosage forms”. Journal of Bioequivalence Bioavailability. 2(5),102-110. Muller,AC and Kanfer,I Muller,AC and Kanfer,I. 2010. “An efficient HPLC Rhodes University Research Report: Pharmacy 131 Professor Brown and Dr Kertland from the University of Toronto. Once again the Faculty of Pharmacy held a successful Annual Research Day at which most of our 42 Masters, Doctoral and Doctor of Pharmacy postgraduates in the Faculty presented their research data. Professor Rod Walker Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 14 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Pharmacy 132 method for the quantitative determination of atazanavir in human plasma suitable for bioequivalence and pharmacokinetic studies in healthy human subjects”. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 53,113-118. Munsamy,JI and Kertland,H Munsamy,JI, Kertland,H and Parrish,A. 2010. “Validation of a dosing regimen for fixed-dose, weight adjusted, subcutaneous unfractionated heparin for the acute treatment of venous thrombo- embolism in a population from a resource- constrained environment”. South African Medical Journal. 100(7),432-434. Patnala,S and Kanfer,I Patnala,S and Kanfer,I. 2010. “HPLC analysis of mesembrine-type alkaloids in sceletium plant material used as an African traditional medicine”. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 13(4), Srinivas,SC Ruud,KW, Srinivas,SC and Toverud,EL. 2010. “Addresing gaps in pharmacovigilance practices in the antiretroviral therapy program in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa”. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy. 6,345-353. Ruud,KW, Toverud,E-L, Radloff,SE and Srinivas,SC. 2010. “Antiretroviral treatment and follow-up of HIV- infected patients by health care providers in South African public primary health care”. Journal of The Association of Nurses in Aids Care. 21(5),417-428. Srinivas,SC, Dukhi,N and Wrench,W Srinivas,SC, Dukhi,N and Wrench,W. 2009. “Obesity: increased risk of chronic non- communicable diseases in South Africa and India”. Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2(3),1-7. Verbeeck,RK Fortin,A, Verbeeck,RK and Jansen,FH. 2010. “Comparative oral bioavailability of non-fixed and fixed combinations of artesunate and amodiaquine in healthy Indian male volunteers”. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 267-275. Walker,RB Moghaddam,AB, Mohammadi,A, Mohammadi,S, Rayeji,D, Dinarvand,R, Baghi,M and Walker,RB. 2010. “The determination of acetaminophen using a carbon nanotube: graphite-based electrode”. Microchimica Acta. 171(3&4),377-384. Mohammadi,A, Esmaeili,F, Dirnavand,R, Atyabi,F and Walker,RB. 2010. “Simultaneous determination of irinotecan hydrochloride and its related compounds by high performance liquid chromatography using ultraviolet detection”. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 22(5),3966-3972. Mohammadi,A, Rezanour,N, Ansari,M and Walker,RB. 2010. “Development of a stability- indicating high performance liquid chromatographic method for the analysis of Topirmate and dissolution rate testing in topirmate tables”. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 22(5),3856-3866. Yusuff,KB Yusuff,KB, Tayo,F and Aina,BA. 2010. “Pharmacists’ participation in the documentation of medication history in a developing setting: An exploratory assessment with new criteria”. Pharmacy Practice. 8(2),139-145. Other Publications Jobson,MR Jobson,MR. “Dextropropoxyphene: is there still a therapeutic role? - No”. South African Family Practice. Jobson,MR. 2010. “(Not) the product of the year”. In: Thought Leader Blog. Jobson, MR (Ed) Mail&Guardian. South Africa. Jobson,MR. 2010. “(Not) the product of the year (Re-published)”. In: Health-e News Agency. Jobson, MR (Ed) Health-e News. South Africa. Jobson,MR. 2010. “Simply Slim “defies” the MCC”. In: Thought Leader Blog. Jobson, MR (Ed) Mail&Guardian. South Africa. Jobson,MR. 2010. “Simply Slim, sibutramine and synephrine”. In: Thought Leader Blog. Jobson, MR (Ed) Mail&Guardian. South Africa. Lancaster,R Lancaster,R. 2010. “Lamotrigine in pregnancy”. South African Pharmaceutical Journal. In: South African Pharmaceutical Journal. Osman, L (Ed) MedPharm Publications. South Africa. 7(8), 66-67. ISBN: 1015-1362. Srinivas,SC and Wrench,WM Srinivas,SC, Wrench,WM, Bradshaw,KL and Karekezi,C. 2010. “Experiences of using National Science Festival in South Africa to create awareness on prevention of chronic diseases”. International Pharmacy Journal. In: International Pharmacy Journal. Srinivas,SC, Wrench,W, Bradshaw,K and Karekezi, C (Eds) NA. NA. 26(1), 41-44. Tandlich,R Tandlich,R and Whittington-Jones,K. 2010. “Coastal & Environmental Services, May 2010: sanitation assessment for the Kenmare Moma Titanium Mining Project, Mozambique”. In: Coastal & Environmental Services, May 2010: Sanitation assessment for the Kenmare Moma Titanium Mining Project, Mozambique. Tandlich, R and Whittington-Jones (Ed) Coastal and Environmental Services. Grahamstown, South Africa. 1(1), 1-59. Tandlich,R and Luyt,CD Tandlich,R, Luyt,CD and Muller,WJ. 2010. “Project No. K8/806: Progress report as 2nd deliverable. Project report submitted as a deliverable to the Water Research Commission in April 2010”. Tandlich R, Luyt CD (Ed) Water Research Commission. Pretoria, South Africa. 1(1), 1-52. Walker,RB Walker,RB. 2010. “Editorial: Portland, Beer, World Cup Soccer and Vuvezelas”. In: Controlled Release Society Newsletter. Perrie,Y, Michiak-Kohn,B, Giannos,S and Walker, RB (Eds) Controlled Release Society. St Paul, Minnesota, United States of America. 27(4), 2. Crist,B and Walker,RB. 2010. “Back to the basics: dissolution testing 3. The rotating paddle method (Apparatus 2)”. In: Controlled Release Society Newsletter. Perrie,Y, Michiak-Kohn,B, Giannos,S and Walker, RB (Eds) Controlled Release Society. St Paul, Minnesota, United States of America. 27(4), 17-19. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Afolayan,AF and Beukes,DR Afolayan,AF and Beukes,DR. “Synthesis of Halogenated Fosmidomycin Analogues as potential antimalarial agents”. 31st Annual Conference of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of South Africa. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. Barford,K-L and Dowse,R Barford,K-L, Dowse,R and Browne,SH. “A randomised control trial to evaluate illustrated patient information materials for HIV/AIDS patients”. 24th Annual Conference of the South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists. Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensberg. South Africa. March 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 15 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Chiwakata,MT and Beukes,DR Chiwakata,MT and Beukes,DR. “Geographical Variation of Secondary Metabolites from Plocamium corallorhiza”. 31st Annual Conference of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of South Africa. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. Dagnolo,B and Walker,RB Dagnolo,B and Walker,RB. “Development and validation of an HPLC method for the determination of sildenafil citrate in pharmaceutical dosage forms”. 31st Annual Congress of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. Dowse,R, Ramela,T and Barford,K-L Dowse,R, Ramela,T, Barford,K-L and Browne S. “Visuals for communicating antiretroviral side effect information to low-literate patients”. 24th Annual Conference of the South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists. Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensberg. South Africa. March 2010. Fauzee,AF and Walker,RB Fauzee,AF and Walker,RB. “Scale-up of clobetasol 17-propionate cream formulations: A case for multivariate optimization and product homogeneity”. 31st Annual Congress of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. Hwengwere,E Hwengwere,E. “The Registration of Generic Medicines in South Africa: The use of Foreign Reference Products”. 31st Annual Conference of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of South Africa. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. Irwin,YL and Wrench,WM Irwin,YL and Wrench,WM. “Directions for Medicines Use: What do Patients attending the Transnet Phelophepa Health train in Grahamstown Remember?” SAAHIP (South African association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists). Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensberg. South Africa. March 2010. 44. Jhundoo,HD and Walker,RB Jhundoo,HD and Walker,RB. “Investigating the suitability of solid lipid microspheres for the delivery of ketoconazole”. 31st Annual Congress of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. Jooste,NC Jooste,NC and Henge-Daweti,V. “Case study of tuberculosis meningitis in paediatric patient”. The 53rd AGM and 24th Annual Conference of the South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists. Chapmpagne Sports Resort, Champagne Castle. South Africa. March 2010. Khamanga,SMM and Walker,RB Khamanga,SMM and Walker,RB. “The application of canonical and Lagrange criterion in drug release studies”. 31st Annual Congress of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. King’ori,LD and Walker,RB King’ori,LD and Walker,RB. “Development and assessment of oral solid fixed dose combination”. 31st Annual Congress of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. Lancaster,R Lancaster,R. “Lamotrigine in pregnancy”. The 53rd AGM and 24th Annual Conference of the South African Association and Institutional Pharmacists. Chapmpagne Sports Resort, Champagne Castle. South Africa. March 2010. Luyt,CD and Tandlich,R Luyt,CD and Tandlich,R. “The H2S test, a simple monitoring technique used to identify potential contamination of water to decrease diarrheal outbreaks in South Africa”. 31st Annual Conference of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of South Africa. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus. South Africa. September 2010. Magnus,L and Walker,RB Magnus,L and Walker,RB. “Development and validation of a stability indicating HPLC method for the quantitation of famciclovir in pharmaceutical dosage forms”. 31st Annual Congress of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. Munedzimwe,T and Beukes,DR Munedzimwe,T and Beukes,DR. “Geographical and Seasonal variation of metabolites from South African Sargassum spp”. 31st Annual Conference of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of South Africa. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. Mupfumira,R Mupfumira,R. “Effects of Using Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines During Pregnancy on Pregnancy Outcomes”. 24th Annual Conference South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists. Champagne Sports Resort, Winterton. South Africa. March 2010. Riddin,JO Riddin,JO. “Corticosteroid-induced psychiatric effects in a schizophrenic patient”. The 53rd AGM and 24th Annual Conference of the South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists. Chapmpagne Sports Resort, Champagne Castle. South Africa. March 2010. Tandlich,R Tandlich,R. “Aqueous phase concentration and temperature as variables controlling the volatilisation of methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE)”. 6th Public Health Association of South Africa Conference. East London International Convention Centre, East London. South Africa. November 2010. 110. 109. WA Kasongo,K and Walker,RB WA Kasongo,K, Jansch,M, Muller,RH and Walker,RB. “In vitro differential protein adsorption patterns of didanosine-loaded NLC for potential delivery to the brain”. 31st Annual Congress of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus, Polokwane. South Africa. September 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Beukes,DR, Afolayan,AF and Mann,MGA Beukes,DR, Antunes,E, Afolayan,AF, Mann,MGA, Whibley,CE, Hendrick,DT and Bolton,JJ. “Cytotoxic halogenated monoterpenes from South African Plocamium spp”. 13th International Symposium in Marine Natural Products. Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort and Spa, Phuket. Thailand. October 2010. Daya,S Dairam,A, Fogel,R, Limson,JL and Daya,S. “Identifying metal binding properties of bioactive compounds in Indian dietary spice ingredients garlic, curcumin and chilli”. 15th world congress of food science and technology. Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Allan,L and Oltmann,C Allan,L and Oltmann,C. “A genealogical analysis of the pharmacy dispensing fee discourse in South Africa”. 16th International Social Pharmacy Conference. University of Lisbon, Lisbon. Portugal. August 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Pharmacy 133 RRR 2011 - Depts M - P 2/8/12 2:53 PM Page 16 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Pharmacy 134 Allan,L and Oltmann,C. “The influence of interest groups on health policy: The case of the South African pharmacy dispensing fee”. The 1st Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. Montreux Music and Convention Centre. Montreux. Switzerland. 16 - 19 November 2010. Barford,K-L and Dowse,R Barford,K-L, Dowse,R and Browne,SH. “Illustrated patient information materials to facilitate medication literacy in low-literate South African HIV/AIDS patients”. IHA’s 9th Annual Health Literacy Conference. Hyatt Regency, Irvine. USA. May 2010. Dowse,R and Barford,K-L Dowse,R, Barford,K-L and Browne,SH. “Patient- centred illustrated medicines information materials for low-literate HIV/AIDS patients”. 16th International Social Pharmacy Workshop. University of Lisbon, Lisbon. Portugal. August 2010. Dowse,R, Lecoko,L and Ehlers,MS Dowse,R, Lecoko,L and Ehlers,MS. “Exploring health literacy in a Xhosa-speaking South African population: Is the REALM an appropriate assessment tool?” IHA’s 9th Annual Health Literacy Conference. Hyatt Regency, Irvine. USA. May 2010. Dukhi,N and Srinivas,SC Dukhi,N and Srinivas,SC. “Assessment of the health promotion status on diet and physical activity in Grahamstown government schools”. ICIUM. Bibliotheca Alexandria, Alexandria. Egypt. April 2010. Kanfer,I Kanfer,I. “Application of Dermal Microdialysis for the Determination of Bioavailability/Bioequivalence of Topical Drug Products Not Intended for Systemic Circulation”. International Conference & Exhibition, Bioequivalence & Bioavailability 2010 Pharmaceutical R&D Summit. Marriot Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad. India. March 2010. Kanfer,I. “Current Strategies for the Bioequivalence Assessment of Topical Dermatological Dosage Forms”. International Conference & Exhibition, Bioequivalence & Bioavailability 2010 Pharmaceutical R&D Summit. Marriot Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad. India. March 2010. Kanfer,I. “Medicinal Plants of South Africa: Phyto- chemistry, Medicinal Claims & Commercial Exploi- tation”. 9th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals. National Center for Natural Products Research, School of Pharmacy, The University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi. USA. April 2010. Kanfer,I, Au,WL and Skinner,M Kanfer,I, Au,WL and Skinner,M. “Application of Dermal Microdialysis for the Assessment of the Bioavailability of Clobetasol Propionate following Topical Appplication to the Skin of Human Subjects”. American Association for Pharmaceutical Scientists Conference Annual Meeting and Exposition. New Orleans Conference Center, New Orleans. USA. November 2010. Khamanga,SMM and Walker,RB Khamanga,SMM and Walker,RB. “Compatibility studies with captopril and excipients used in solid dosage forms”. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting and Exposition and PSWC 2010 Congress for Students and Postdoctoral Fellows. Ernest N Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisana. United States of America. November 2010. Srinivas,SC, Wrench,W and Dukhi,N Srinivas,SC, Wrench,W, Bradshaw,K and Dukhi,N. “Diabetes Mellitus: Preliminary health promotion activity based on service-learning principles at a South African National Science Festival”. ICIUM. Biobliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria. Egypt. April 2010. Tandlich,R Tandlich,R. “Headspace GC/FID technique for the measurement of Henry’s law constants of MTBE”. Contaminated Sites Bratislavia 2010 Conference Proceedings Volume 1: Scientific Articles. Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur, Bratislava. Slovakia. June 2010. 124-130. mogrovi ová,D, Tandlich,R, Nádask ,P, Wilhelmi,BS and Cambray,G. “Analytical and Aroma Profiles of Slovak and South African Meads”. 5th Central European Congress on Food. Hotel Tatra, Bratislava. Slovakia. May 2010. 495-499. Wa Kasongo,K and Walker,RB Jansch,M, Wa Kasongo,K, Muller,RH and Walker,RB. “Didanosine-loaded NLC for potential delivery of the drug to the brain”. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting and Exposition and PSWC 2010 Congress for Students and Postdoctoral Fellows. Ernest N Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisana. United States of America. November 2010. Wa Kasongo,K, Muller,RH and Walker,RB. “Investigation of solid lipid nanocarriers as potential vehicles for the oral delivery of didanosine to paediatric patients”. The 37th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society. Portland Convention Centre, Portland. Oregon. July 2010. Walker,RB, Khamanga,SMM and Wa Kasongo,K Walker,RB, Khamanga,SMM and Wa Kasongo,K. “The potential of particulate delivery systems to enhance the treatment of chronic and infectious diseases in paediatric patients in the developing world”. The 15th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium. Kervansaray Hotel, Lara, Antalya. Turkey. September 2010. 237. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops/ Performances/Events Oltmann,C Oltmann,C. Facilitator. “Tutor-intern-training workshop for tutors and interns in the East London region”. Tutor-intern-training workshop on behalf of the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC). East London Health Resource Centre. East London, South Africa. 16 April 2010. Distinguished Visitors Brown,T Professor T Brown. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Workshop and collaboration with Doctor of Pharmacy candidates. March 2010. Glass,BD Professor BD Glass. James Cook University, Townsville, Australia. Collaboration and research. February 2010. Kertland,H Dr H Kertland. St Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Canada. Collaboration with Doctor of Pharmacy candidates. March 2010. Patterson,B Dr B Patterson. North Dakota State University at Fargo, Fargo, United States of America. Collaboration and precepting Doctor of Pharmacy candidates. October - December 2010. Smith,P Mr P Smith. Private Consultant, Johannesburg, South Africa. Lecturing. August 2010. Verbeeck,RK Professor RK Verbeeck. Catholique Universitat Louvain, Brussels, Belgium. Lecture, research, colla- borate with Doctor of Pharmacy candidates. August 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Philosophy Staff and graduate students of the Philosophy Department were once again active in research, publishing six articles in accredited journals or book collections. They continued their active engagement with the philosophical community at home and abroad, with 26 presentations made at conferences in South Africa. We are particularly proud of our graduate students’ record of publications and conference participation; the department’s programme of seminars and reading groups is working well to prepare our students to write and present academic papers for the wider philosophical community. Among the staff, Professor Pedro Tabensky made his mark in journalism and as a public intellectual, writing opinion pieces in various newspapers and hosting two extremely successful round tables on ‘Critical Issues in Higher Education’ - one on ‘The Aims of Higher Education’; the other on ‘Academic Freedom’. Engagement with the South African context was strong this year, with Dr Samantha Vice publishing a paper on the experience of being white in South Africa, and Professor Ward Jones continuing his exploration of the social role of philosophers by publishing a paper on philosophers and poverty. The department was pleased to host a number of distinguished visitors from other South African philosophy departments, and from abroad, including visitors from Australia, America, England and the Netherlands. Professor Tom Martin Head of Department 135 Photo: Sophie SmithProfessor Pedro Tabensky RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 2 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Jones,WE Jones,WE. 2010. “Philosophers and the poor”. Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory. (125),99-123. Lenferna,GA Lenferna,GA. 2010. “Singer revisited: cosmopolitanism, global poverty and our ethical requirements”. South African Journal of Philosophy. 29(2),85-94. Paphitis,SA Paphitis,SA. 2010. “Questions of the self in the personal autonomy debate: some critical remarks on Frankfurt and Watson”. South African Journal of Philosophy. 29(2),117-131. Tabensky,PA Tabensky,PA. 2010. “The oppressor’s pathology”. Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory. 125,77-98. Vice,S Vice,S. 2010. “How do I live in this strange place?” Journal of Social Philosophy. 41(3),323-342. Other Publications Kelland,L Kelland,L. 2010. “Book review: Free will and reactive attitudes: perspectives on P.F. Strawson’s “Freedom and Resentment” (eds.) McKenna, M & Russell, P”. In: Philosophical papers 2010 39(10), 135-140. Jones, W (Ed) Routledge. United Kingdom. ISBN: 0556-8641. Tabensky,PA Tabensky,PA. ““Useless, impractical”, Philosophy asks the questions that matter”. In: Daily Dispatch, 15 June 2010. Tabensky,PA. “ANCYL disrupts water crisis talks”. In: Daily Dispatch, 13 December 2010. Tabensky,PA. “Attempt to silence non-aligned voices”. In: Cape Times. Thursday 16 December 2010. Tabensky,PA. “Crime debate skirts the causes”. In: Mercury. 26 May 2010. Tabensky,PA. “Despair, poverty at root of crime”. In: Daily Dispatch. 31 May 2010. Tabensky,PA. “Disregard for others on roads reflects ruthless culture of today”. In: Daily Dispatch. 6 April 2010. Tabensky,PA. “From black diamond to sparkling white”. In: Daily Dispatch. 26 April 2010. Tabensky,PA. “From black diamond to sparkling white”. In: Daily News. 28 April 2010. Tabensky,PA. “He wants to become sparkling white, like diamonds”. In: Mercury. 23 A pril 2010. Tabensky,PA. “Measuring the value of knowledge”. In: Mail & Guardian. Supplement C. 26 November 2010. Tabensky,PA. “Racism untraceable stink”. In: Mail & Guardian. 27 August 2010. Tabensky,PA. “South Africa: structural oppression and the future of democracy”. In: http://www.pam- Tabensky,PA. “Structural oppression, the future of democracy and the water crisis in the Makana municipality”. In: 7678. Tabensky,PA. “The walls of fear grow ever higher while crime seems to be the best option”. In: Cape Times. 8 June 2010. Tabensky,PA. “Yearning to be “The Master””. In: Saturday Dispatch. 24 April 2010. Tabensky,PA Tabensky,PA. 2010. “Book review”. In: Book review of Haybron, D.M. “The pursuit of unhappiness: the elusive psychology of well-being”. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Candlish, S (Ed) Australasian Journal of Philosophy. Australia. 88(3), 740-743. ISBN: 1072954. Vice,S Vice,S. 2010. “Truth and love together at last: style, form, and moral vision in Age of iron”. In: Coetzee and ethics: philosophical perspectives on literature. Leist,A and Singer, P (Eds) Columbia University Press. New York, United States of America. 293-315. ISBN: 978023114841 2. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Dewhurst,T Dewhurst,T. “Conformity or compliance? Truthfulness and trust in language use”. Spring colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Jones,WE Jones,WE. “The source of academic freedom”. Workshop on academic freedom. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. March 2010. Jones,WE. “Philosophers and the poor”. Charity, justice, poverty. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. South Africa. May 2010. Jones,WE. “A lover’s shame”. Spring colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Jones,WE. “Academic communities and intellectual virtues”. The aims of higher education. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. October 2010. Kelland,L Kelland,L. “Experience and ‘the self’”. Spring colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Kelland,LA Kelland,LA. “A taxonomy of the harm of rape”. Postgraduate philosophy association. University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban. South Africa. March 2010. Lenferna,GA Lenferna,GA. “Natural law ethics, homosexuality and morality”. Postgraduate philosophy association. University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban. South Africa. March 2010. Lenferna,GA. “Intelligent design: finding its rightful place in public education”. Spring colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Lothian,JA Lothian,JA. “Constructed femininity and self- constructed mechanisms of oppression”. Postgraduate philosophy assocoation. University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban. South Africa. March 2010. Lothian,JA. “Speaking for others: conceptions of authenticity in Sartre’s ‘Anti-semite and Jew’”. Spring colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Mweshi,J Mweshi,J. “Rationality of value and the value of rationality: a philosophical critique”. Spring colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Paphitis,SA Paphitis,SA. “A new direction for personal autonomy”. Postgraduate philosophy association. University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban. South Africa. March 2010. Tabensky,PA Tabensky,PA. “Against academic freedom discourse”. Roundtable on critical issues in higher education. Topic: academic freedom. Rhodes, Grahamstown. South Africa. February 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Philosophy 136 RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 3 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Tabensky,PA. “The oppressor’s pathology”. Poverty, charity, justice. Wits, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. 125. 77-98. Tabensky,PA. “The ethical function of research and teaching”. Roundtable on critical issues in higher education. Topic: the aims of higher education. Rhodes, Grahamstown. South Africa. October 2010. Vale,E Vale,E. “AIDS stigma and anti-semitism: re- appropriating Sartre in the time of AIDS”. Spring colloquium. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. Van Der Nest,M Van Der Nest,M. “Modern mythologies: teaching values through science fiction and fantasy”. Postgraduate philosophy association. University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban. South Africa. March 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Dewhurst,T Dewhurst,T. “Accepting the word of others: entitlement or obligation?”. Philosophical society of southern Africa conference. Monash, Johannesburg. South Africa. January 2010. Jones,WE Jones,WE. “The source of academic freedom”. Philosophical society of southern Africa annual conference. Monash University, Johannesburg. South Africa. January 2010. Kelland,L Kelland,L. “Rape and phenomenology”. Philosophical society of southern Africa conference. Monash, Johannesburg. South Africa. January 2010. Lenferna,GA Lenferna,GA.“Cosmopolitanism, global poverty and our ethical requirements”. Philosophical society of southern Africa conference. Monash, Johannesburg. South Africa. January 2010. Paphitis,SA Paphitis,SA. “The demise of personal-control: new beginnings for personal autonomy”. Philosophical society of southern Africa conference. Monash, Johannesburg. South Africa . January 2010. Tabensky,PA Tabensky,PA. “‘Why Hitler was not morally responsible for the Holocaust’ & ‘Tragic joyfulness’”. Limmud Cape Town. Protea Hotel, Stellenbosch. South Africa. July 2010. Tabensky,PA. “‘Shadows of goodness’ & ‘Tragic joyfulness’”. Limmud Johannesburg. Varsity College, Sandton, Johannesburg. South Africa. August 2010. Vice,S Vice,S. “How do I live in this strange place?” Philosophical society of southern Africa conference. Monash University, Johannesburg. South Africa. January 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops/ Performances/Events Kelland,L Kelland,L. Presenter. “A phenomenological discussion of the harm of rape”. Rhodes University anti sex- crimes week. Humanities Seminar Room. Grahamstown, South Africa. 12 April 2010. Tabensky,PA Tabensky,PA. Paper delivery and organizer. “Roundtable series on critical issues in higher education: academic freedom”. Roundtable series on critical issues in higher education: academic freedom. Rhodes. Grahamstown, South Africa. 17 - 19 February 2010. Tabensky,PA. Paper delivery and organizer. “Roundtable series on critical issues in higher education: aims of higher education”. Roundtable series on critical issues in higher education: aims of higher education. Rhodes. Grahamstown, South Africa. 27 - 29 October 2010. Vice,S Vice,S. Workshop leader, organiser and participant. “Intrinsic value”. Workshop on intrinsic value. Rhodes Philosophy Department. Grahamstown, South Africa. 25 - 26 January 2010. Vice,S. Invited speaker. “How do I live in this strange place?” Hoernle research seminar. Philosophy Department, University of Witwatersrand. Johannesburg, South Africa. 15 April 2010. Distinguished Visitors Bell,R Professor R Bell. Wooster College (emeritus), Wooster, Ohio, United States of America. Taught honours/MA course on African philosophy and delivered research paper. July - September 2010. Cafentzis,G Professor G Cafentzis. University of Southern Maine, Portland, United States of America. Participant in roundtable series. February 2010. Du Toit,A Professor A Du Toit. University of Cape Town politics department, Cape Town, South Africa. Participate in a roundtable discussion on critical issues in higher education. February 2010. Fried,G Dr G Fried. University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. Presented a research seminar and acted as commentator at a postgraduate research seminar day. October 2010. Gordon,G Professor G Gordon. Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, United States of America. Participate in roundtable series. October 2010. Habib,A Professor A Habib. University of Johannesburg (DVC), Johannesburg, South Africa. To participate in a roundtable discussion on critical issues in higher education. October 2010. Higgins,J Professor J Higgins. University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. To participate in a roundtable discussion on critical issues in higher education. February 2010. Lacewing,M Dr M Lacewing. Heythrop College, University of London, London, United Kingdom. Participant in workshop on intrinsic value. January 2010. Metz,T Professor T Metz. University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa. Participate in roundtable on critical issues in higher education. October 2010. Professor T Metz. University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa. Participate in workshop on intrinsic value. January 2010. Nash,A Professor A Nash. University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. To participate in a roundtable discussion on critical issues in higher education. October 2010. Pityana,B Professor B Pityana. UNISA Vice Chancellor at the time, Pretoria, South Africa. To participate in a roundtable on critical issues in higher education. February 2010. Taylor,C Mr C Taylor. Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. Taught honours/MA course on moralism, and delivered research papers to both the Philosophy and English departments. September - October 2010. Van Rinsum,H H Van Rinsum. Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. To participate in a roundtable on critical issues in higher education. October 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Philosophy 137 RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 4 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Physics and Electronics At a review meeting in December 2010, the Department resolved to reorganise existing research units and divisions into new groups as follows: • Particle and Nuclear Physics • Experimental Solid State Physics • General Relativity and Gravitation • Space Physics • Radio Astronomy Experimental Solid State Physics Research Group The following were the main activities of the Experimental Solid State Physics research group in 2010: 1. Professor M L Chithambo served as a member of the International Affairs Committee for the 1st International conference on New Trends in Luminescence and Phosphor Materials held at the University of Sonora in Hermossillo, Mexico, in October 2010. Professor M L Chithambo will also serve in this capacity for the same meeting in 2011. The meetings have been conceived as fora for discussion of the most recent advances in synthesis and characterisation of phosphor materials and their applications. 2. Professor ML Chithambo undertook a research visit to McDaniel College in Westminster, USA in October 2010. 3. Professor ML Chithambo undertook a research visit to Aalto University School of Science and Technology in Espoo, Finland in February 2010. 4. Dr Schadrack Nsengiyumva was appointed in July 2010. Dr Nsengiyumva’s field of research is “Optically stimulated luminescence in ion-implanted quartz”. In addition to the above activities, Professor Chithambo continued to serve as a reviewer for several international journals. Nuclear Physics During 2010, Dr David Roux continued to supervise one MSc student in experimental nuclear physics, Ms Katharine Henninger (06h0128). In addition, Dr Roux participated in an experiment at Ithemba LABS to investigate dipole transitions in 232U, during April 2010. He served on the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) of Ithemba LABS until April 2010, when his three-year term ended. 138 RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 5 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Physics and Electronics 139 Dr Roux was elected chairman of the Ithemba LABS user-group (UG) committee in 2010. He maintains a collaboration with Ithemba LABS and also Mississippi State University (MSU) where he will undertake a three-month research visit in 2011. During 2010, Dr Roux co-authored two peer- reviewed papers. Space Physics The Space Physics group in collaboration with the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory (HMO) completed a successful research year in 2010, which included graduating students, published papers and attendance at a number of international conferences. Patrick Sibanda, who graduated with his PhD in April 2010, left for the USA where he has taken up a postdoctoral position at the University of Michigan. Mpho Tshisaphungo, who graduated with her MSc degree in April 2010, joined the HMO as a Space Weather Assistant in the newly created Space Weather Unit. In 2010 two new NASSP MSc students joined the group bringing the total number of continuing students to 4 PhD and 4 MSc, of which 1 PhD and 1 MSc student will graduate in April 2011. The group has produced a total of 9 published papers with at least 6 more submitted to journals for review. During the course of the year, Dr McKinnell undertook international scientific research visits to the USA, Czech Republic (with 2 students) and Argentina. In addition, 2 students visited the University of Nairobi in Kenya, 1 student made a research visit to Hungary and 2 students attended a Space Weather school in Italy. Dr McKinnell and 2 PhD students attended and presented papers at the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly in Bremen, Germany in July. The entire group made presentations at the annual South African Institute of Physics (SAIP) conference. At the annual International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) meeting which was held during the COSPAR assembly, Dr McKinnell was elected to Chair of the IRI working group. This is a group of about 30 international scientists who work together on improvements to the global IRI model. In May 2010 the group hosted four visitors from the Czech Republic led by Dr Dalia Buresova who organized the installation of a Doppler Radar system centered on Hermanus. This is a joint project between South Africa and the Czech Republic and provides the group with a key piece of research infrastructure. In addition during 2010 the group also hosted visitors from Kenya (Professor Paul Baki plus 3 students), the USA (Dr Dieter Bilitza and Dr John Richardson), and Nigeria (Dr Elijah Oyeyemi). Radio Astronomy The work of the Radio Astronomy Research Group is focussed on the requirements of three major radio telescopes: the Square Kilometre Array, the MeerKAT and the C- BASS. The C-BASS telescope is a collaborative project to measure the properties of the magnetic field permeating the Milky Way. The MeerKAT project is a multi-million rand project to build an SKA precursor telescope in South Africa and Professor Jonas is Chief Project Scientist and Project Engineer for this project. The MeerKAT has attracted very significant international interest, and collaboration partners include the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Manchester in the UK, and Berkeley, Cornell, Caltech, Wisconsin and Illinois in the USA. The MeerKAT will be the world's premier instrument for centimetre wavelength radio astronomy and is the biggest investment made by the South African government into scientific infrastructure. Professor Makaiko Chithambo Head of Department RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 6 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Habarulema,JB and McKinnell,L-A Habarulema,JB, McKinnell,L-A and Opperman,BDL. 2010. “TEC measurements and modelling over southern Africa during magnetic storms, a comparative analysis”. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 509-520. Henninger,KR Karataglidis,S, Henninger,KR, Richter,WA and Amos,K. 2010. “Proton scattering observables from Skyrme-Hartree-Fock densities”. Nuclear Physics A. 848,110-125. Karataglidis,S Amos,K, Karataglidis,S and Kim,YJ. 2010. “Low excitation structure of 10B probed by scattering of electrons and of 197 MeV polarized protons”. Nuclear Physics A. 826,59-81. Canton,L, Amos,K, Karataglidis,S and Svenne,JP. 2010. “Coupled-channel calculation of bound and resonant spectra of A9Be and A13C hypernuclei”. International Journal of Modern Physics E-Nuclear Physics. 19(7),1435-1450. Uesaka,T, Sakaguchi,S, Iseri,Y, Amos,K, Aoi,N, Hashimoto,Y, Hiyama,E, Ichikawa,M, Ichikawa,Y, Ishikawa,S, Itoh,K, Itoh,M, Iwasaki,H, Karataglidis,S, Kawabata,T, Kawahara,T, Kuboki,H, Maeda,Y, Matsuo,R, Nakao,T, Okamura,H, Sakai,H, Sasamoto,Y, Sasano,M, Satou,Y, Sekiguchi,K, Shinohara,M, Suda,K, Suzuki,D, Takahashi,Y, Tanifuji,M, Tamii,A, Wakui,T, Yako,K, Yamamoto,Y and Yamaguchi,M. 2010. “Analyzing power for proton elastic scattering from the neutron-rich He6 nucleus”. Physical Review C. 82(2). Lotz,S Heilig,R, Lotz,S, Vero,J, Sutcliffe,P, Reda,J, Pajunpaa,K and Rita. 2010. “Empirically modelled Pc3 activity based on solar wind parameters”. Annales Geophysicae. 28,1703-1722. McKinnell,L-A Buresova,D, McKinnell,L-A, Sindelarova,T and De Morena,BA. 2010. “Evaluation of the STORM model storm-time corrections for middle latitude”. Advances in Space Research. 1039-1046. McKinnell,L-A and Oyeyemi,EO. 2010. “Equatorial predictions from a new neural network based global foF2 model”. Advances in Space Research. 46(8),1016-1023. McKinnell,L-A and Paradza,MW McKinnell,L-A, Paradza,MW, Cilliers,PJ, Abdu,MA and de Souza,JR. 2010. “Predicting the probability of occurrence of spread-F over Brazil using neural networks”. Advances in Space Research. 1047- 1054. McKinnell,L-A, Ngwira,CM and Lotz,SI Thomson,AWP, Gaunt,CT, Cilliers,PC, Wild,JA, Opperman,B, McKinnell,L-A, Kotze,P, Ngwira,CM and Lotz,SI. 2010. “Present day challenges in understanding the geomagnetic hazard to national power grids”. Advances in Space Research. 45(9),1182-1190. Ngwira,CM and McKinnell,L-A Ngwira,CM, McKinnell,L-A and Cilliers,PJ. 2010. “GPS phase scintillation observed over a high- latitude Antarctic station during solar minimum”. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 718-725. Okoh,DI and McKinnell,L-A Okoh,DI, McKinnell,L-A and Cilliers,PJ. 2010. “Developing an ionospheric map for South Africa”. Annales Geophysicae. 28,1431-1439. Roux,DG Ntshangase,SS, Bark,RA, Aschman,DG, Bvumbi,S, Datta,P, Davidson,PM, Dinoko,TS, Elbasher,MEA, Juhasz,K, Khaleel,EMA, Krasznahorkay,A, Lawrie,EA, Lawrie,JJ, Lieder,RM, Majola,SNT, Masiteng,PL, Mohammed,H, Mullins,SM, Nieminen,P, Nyako,BM, Papka,P, Roux,DG, Sharpey-Schaffer,JF, Shirinda,O, Stankiewicz,MA, Timar,J and Wilson,AN. “Electric dipole moments in 230, 232 U and implications for tetrahedral shapes”. Physical Review C. 82, 041305(R) (2010) Sharpey-Schafer,JF, Bark,RA, Bvumbi,SP, Lawrie,JJ, Madiba,TE, Majola,SNT, Minkova,A, Mullins,SM, Papka,P, Roux,DG and Timar,J. “A double vacuum, configuration dependent pairing and lack of beta vibrations in transitional nuclei: band structure of N = 88 to N = 91 Nuclei”, Nuclear Physics. A834 (2010) 45c - 49c. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences (Outside SA) Chithambo,ML Chithambo,ML. “Mechanisms of luminescence in a-Al2O3:C: investigations using time-resolved optical stimulation and positron annihilation spectroscopy”. 16th International conference on solid state dosimetry. Hotel Wentworth, Sydney. Australia. September 2010. Chithambo,ML. “Time-resolved optically stimulated luminescence: measurement, analysis and interpretation of spectra”. International conference on new trends in luminescence and phosphor materials. University of Sonora, Hermosillo. Mexico. October 2010. McKinnell,L-A McKinnell,L-A. “High latitude predictions from a new global foF2 model”. Committee on space research (COSPAR). Bremen, Bremen. Germany. July 2010. McKinnell,L-A. “Space weather over South Africa: progress towards a RWC for Africa”. Committee on space research (COSPAR). Bremen. Germany. July 2010. Nsengiyumva,S Nsengiyumva,S. “Oxygen depth profiling in Kr+- implanted polycrystalline titanium by means of 16O(ß,,ß,)16O resonance scattering”. Nuclear materials 2010 conference. ZKM, Karlsruhe. Germany. January 2010. International Visit Chithambo,ML Chithambo,ML. McDaniel College, Westminster, United States of America. Development of analytical expressions for time-resolved luminescence in quartz. 9 - 14 October 2010. Chithambo,ML. University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. Development of a single-aliquot procedure for pulsed OSL. 31 October - 6 November 2010. Chithambo,ML. Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Espoo, Finland. Positron annihilation in quartz. 1 - 14 November 2010. McKinnell,L-A McKinnell,L-A. IPS radio and space services, Sydney, Australia. Research visit. 6 - 11 February 2010. McKinnell,L-A. University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia. Research visit. 12 - 14 April 2010. McKinnell,L-A. COSPAR scientific assembly, Bremen, Germany. Research visit. 15 - 24 July 2010. McKinnell,L-A. Institute for atmospheric physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech, Czech Rhodes University Research Report: Physics and Electronics 140 RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 7 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Republic. Research visit. 24 - 31 July 2010. McKinnell,L-A. NASA Goddard space flight center, Washington, United States of America. Research visit. 28 August - 12 September 2010. McKinnell,L-A. ICATE, CONICET, San Juan, Argentina. Research visit. 10 - 16 October 2010. Distinguished Visitors Baki,P Dr P Baki. University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya. Research visit. February - March 2010. Buresova,D Dr D Buresova. Institute for atmospheric science, Czech Academy of Science, Czech, Czech. Research visit. May - June 2010. Oyeyemi,E Dr E Oyeyemi. University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. Research visit. June - July 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Physics and Electronics 141 RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 8 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Political and International Studies The Department continued to offer a vibrant postgraduate programme. This attracted a growing and strong body of fifty-five Diploma, Honours, Masters and PhD students in 2010. Contributing to a diverse set of postgraduate offerings spanning both Political and International Studies, fifteen distinguished visitors in their different capacities contributed to the departmental academic and seminar programmes. These included Professor Ken Good from Australia, Professor Zhenjiang Zhang from China, Dr Paul-Simon Handy, Professor Robert van Niekerk of the ISER, Professor Julie Wells, Dr Isaias Chachine, Dr Hilary Saunders and Mr Sagaren Naidoo. The department offered its eighth annual Teach-In on “After the Thrill has gone: Reflections on the 2010 FIFA World Cup” to undergraduates and the community at large with guest speakers including Professor P. Alegi and Mr G. Farred. A new series of Critical Seminars held on an initial bi-monthly basis was introduced in the second half of the year. In terms of publications, staff, including Rhodes Professor Steven Friedman of the Centre of Democracy Studies (CDS), produced eleven chapters in books, fourteen journal articles and twenty- five contributions to other publications. Professor Paul Bischoff Head of Department 142 The “Thinking Africa” Team RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 9 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Books/Chapters/Monographs Friedman,S Friedman,S. 2010. “Gaining comprehensive AIDS treatment in South Africa: the extraordinary “ordinary””. Zed publishing. London & New York. First Edition. 25 pp.1(1). Friedman,S. 2010. “Gaining comprehensive AIDS treatment in South Africa: the extraordinary “ordinary””. In: Citizen Action and national Policy Reform. Zed Publishing. New York. 44-68. ISBN: 9781848133853. Friedman,S. 2010. “Government buy the people? Democracy and the private funding of politics in South Africa”. In: Paying for politics - party funding and political change in South African and the global South. Jacana Media. Sunnyside, South Africa. 155-169. ISBN: 978-1-77009-784-1. Good,K Good,K. 2010. “Predominance and private party funding in Botswana”. In: Paying for Politics - party funding and political change in South Africa and the global South. Jacana. Auckland Park. First Edition. 81-95. ISBN: 9781770097841. Matthews,SJ Matthews,SJ. 2010. “Postdevelopment theory”. The international studies encyclopedia. Wiley- Blackwell. United Kingdom. IX, 5836-5855. ISBN: 978 1 4051 5238 9. Pithouse,RM Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Abahlali baseMjondolo & the popular struggle for the right to the city in Durban, South Africa”. In: Cities for All: Proposals and Experiences Towards the Right to the City. Habitat International Coalition. Santiago. First Edition. 133-140. ISBN: 978-956-208-090-3. Praeg,L Praeg,L. 2010. “Africa: Globalisation and the Ethical”. Complexity, Difference and Identity. Springer. Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York. 26, 241-264. ISBN: 978 90 481 9186 4. Vale,P Vale,P. 2010. Sydafrikas svarfangade mote med Afrika. Tre Bocker. Sweden. First Edition. 14 pp.23(1). Vale,P. 2010. ““Silencing and Worse...”: The humanities and social sciences in South Africa”. In: New South African Review. Wits University Press. Johannesburg. First Edition. 1(1), 261-280. Vale,P. 2010. “Sydafrikas svarfangade mote med Afrika”. In: Africa: 23 Afrikaner om vagval och utmaningar. Tre Bocker. Goteborg. 69-82. ISBN: 9789170296901. Vale,P. 2010. “Thabo Mbeki and the great foreign policy riddle”. Mbeki and after - reflections on the legacy of Thabo Mbeki. Wits University Press. Johannesburg. 242-262. ISBN: 978 1 86814 502 7. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Bischoff,PH Bischoff,PH. 2010. “Contrivance with purpose? International relations and the reconstitution of the international”. Strategic Review for Southern Africa/Strategiese Oorsig Vir Suider-Afrika. XXXII(2),121-133. Bischoff,PH and Serrao,O Bischoff,PH and Serrao,O. 2009. “Foreign policy ambiguity on the part of an emergent middle power: South Africa’s foreign policy through other lenses”. Politikon. 36(3),363-380. Fluxman,T Fluxman,T. 2010. “South Africa’s soccer woes: inspiring youth to new heights”. South African Labour Bulletin. 34(2),27-29. Friedman,S Director of CSD, Johannesburg, South Africa. Friedman,S. 2010. Deepening Democracy: A Farm Workers’ Movement in the Western Cape. Journal of Southern African Studies. 36, 673 - 691. Friedman,S. 2010. An Accidental Advance?: South Africa’s 2009 Elections. Journal of Democracy. 20, 108 - 122. Good,K Good,K. 2009. “The presidency of General Ian Khama: the militarization of the Botswana Miracle”. African Affairs. 109(435),1-10. Good,K. 2010. “Autocracy, insecurity and pre- modernity in Botswana”. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics. 48(3),348-372. Matthews,SJ Matthews,SJ. 2010. “The Ambivalence of African Elitehood”. Journal of Asian and African Studies. 45(2),170-180. Matthews,SJ. 2010. “Differing interpretations of reconciliation in South Africa”. Transformation. 74,1- 22. Pithouse,RM Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Das aufbegehren der slums: eine wortmeldung aus Sudafrika”. Das Argument. (289),816-826. Praeg,L Praeg,L. 2010. “Of evil and other figures of the liminal”. Theory, Culture & Society. 27(5),107-134. Vale,P Vale,P. 2010. “Starting badly: encountering Derek Henderson”. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. 65(2),122-124. Vincent,LD Vincent,LD. 2010. “Seducing the People -- Populism and the Challenge to Democracy in South Africa”. Journal of Contemporary African Studies. 29(1),1-14. Vincent,LD and Stevenson,S Vincent,LD and Stevenson,S. 2010. “Rethinking rugby and the rainbow nation”. Journal of African Media Studies. 2(3),287-296. Other Publications Friedman,S Friedman,S. 2010. The Perils of a Shared Past: Rethinking Civil Society Strategy Transformation Vol. 1. Matthews,SJ Matthews,SJ. 2010. “Postdevelopment Theory”. In: The International Studies Encyclopedia. Denemark,RA. (Ed) Wiley-Blackwell. United Kingdom. IX, 5836-5855. ISBN: 978-1-4051-5238-9. Pithouse,RM Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Africa’s Image Overhauled”. In: The Daily News. Dunn,A (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Durban. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “ANC’s hollow slogans show how far it has strayed from interests of the people”. In: Cape Times. Dasnois,A. (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Cape Times. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Biased coverage, in favour of elites, evokes feelings of racism and imperialism”. In: The Mercury. Quintal,A (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Durban. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Cosatu Under Attack”. In: The Witness. Conyngham,J. (Ed) Times Media Limited. Pietermartizburg. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Crocodile Tears in Sweetwaters”. In: The Witness. Conyngham,J. (Ed) Times Media Limited. Pietermartizburg. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Cutting the rot would wound Rhodes University Research Report: Political and International Studies 143 RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 10 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Political and International Studies 144 the ANC first”. In: Cape Times. Dasnois,A. (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Cape Town. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Democracy and the Right to Dissent”. In: The Daily Dispatch. Mkhabela,M. (Ed) Avusa. East London. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Elitist Threat to Democracy”. In: The Daily News. Dunn, A (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Durban. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Freedom Not Yet”. In: Pambazuka News. Manji,F (Ed) Fahamu. UK . Pithouse,RM. 2010. “La Prossima Rivoluzione Dei Dannati Della Terra”. In: Il Manifesto. Rangeri,N. (Ed) il Melangolo. Italy. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Marching to Tshwane”. In: The Witness. Conyngham,J. (Ed) Times Media Limited. Pietermartizburg. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Nat Dem Revolution a Fantasy”. In: The Daily Dispatch. Mkhabela,M (Ed) Avusa. East London. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Our Patriarch Calls us to a Very Dubious Order”. In: The Daily News. Dunn,A (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Durban. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Poor Unfairly Branded as Violent”. In: Daily News. Dunn,A (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Durban. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Private Profits from Public Utilities”. In: The Star. Mda, Lizeka (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Johannesburg. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Sexwale’s Silence”. In: The Witness. Conyngham,J. (Ed) Times Media Limited. Pietermartizburg. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Sometimes it is Rational to Revolt”. In: Cape Times. Dasnois,A. (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Cape Town. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “South Africa Shinning”. In: The Witness. Conyngham,J. (Ed) Times Media Limited. Pietermartizburg. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “The ANC Turns on the Press Again”. In: The Witness. Conyngham,J. (Ed) Times Media Limited. Pietermartizburg. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “The Complicated Relationship of Global NGOs and Local Popular Movements: Reflections from South Africa”. In: Progressive Planning. Kennedy,M. (Ed) Columbia University. New York. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “The Risible Demagogues”. In: The Times. Hartley,R (Ed) Times Media Limited. Johannesburg. Pithouse,RM. 2010. “Universities need bread and roses”. In: Cape Argus. Abarder,G. (Ed) Independent Newspapers. Cape Town. Praeg,L Praeg,L. 2010. “Africa: Globalisation and the Ethical”. In: Complexity, Difference and Identity. Cilliers,P and Preiser,R. (Eds) Springer. Dordrecht. 241- 265. ISBN: 978-90-481-9186-4. Vale,P Vale,P. 2010. “Big Brother and Wikileaks”. In: Press piece. Vale,P (Ed) Daily Dispatch. Eastern Cape. n/a(n/a). Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences (Outside SA) Pithouse,RM Pithouse,RM. “Reply to Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, Minister of National Patrimony (MNP), Ecuador”. International Commons Conference. Heinrich Boll Stiftung, Berlin. Germany. November 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Jamal,A Dr A Jamal. Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. Seminar presentation on “Deep Diversity: The Indian Ocean as Idea”. August - January 2010. Distinguished Visitors Alegi,P Professor P Alegi. Michigan State University, Michigan, USA. Guest speaker in the departmental Annual Teach-in seminar series. September 2010. Beilharz,P Professor P Beilharz. La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. Seminar presentation on “After Marx”. July 2010. Cassiem,A Mr A Cassiem. Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign, Cape Town, South Africa. Guset speaker in the departmental Annual Teach-in Seminar Series. September 2010. Chachine,I Dr Isaias Chachine. College of Transfiguration, Anglican Church of Southern Africa, Grahamstown, South Africa. Taught a course to Honours/Masters students in Semester 1. February 2011. Farred,G Mr G Farred. Cornell University, New York, USA. Guest speaker at the department’s “Annual Teach-In” seminar series. September 2010. Good,K Professor K Good. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. Taught a term course to POL II students. August - November 2010. Handy,PS Dr PS Handy. Institute for Decurity Studies, Pretoria, South Africa. Taught a course to Diploma students in Semester 2. August 2010. Dr PS Handy. Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria, South Africa. Seminar presentation on “Club Governance in Africa? Critical reflections on contemporary pan- africanism”. August - October 2010. Mene,W Mr W Mene. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Pretoria, South Africa. Seminar presentation on “Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations with the EU: A hindrance to regional integration in SADC”. March - January 2010. Mkondo,R Mr R Mkondo. Local Organising Committee, FIFA, Johannesburg, South Africa. Guest speaker in the departmental Annual Teach-in seminar series. September 2010. Naidoo,S Mr Sagaren Naidoo. Department of Defence, Pretoria, South Africa. Taught a course to Diploma students in Semester 2. July 2010. Souare,I Dr I Souare. Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Pretora, South Africa. Taught a course to postgraduate Diploma students. October 2010. Dr I Souare. Institute for Security Studies, Pretora, South Africa. Seminar presentation on “Tha Chalellenge of Unconstitutional Changes of Government in Africa”. October 2010. Zhang,Z Professor Z Zhang. Jinan University, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China. Seminar presentation on “Regionalisation in East Asia: An interpretation”. August 2010. Professor Z Zhang. Jinan University, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China. Taught a term course to postgraduate students. August 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 11 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Psychology Professor Dave Edwards and Professor Ann Edwards retired at the end of 2009 after long and illustrious careers in Psychology, however, they have continued their association with the department through a research contract. This arrangement has proved to be very fruitful. Professor Dave Edwards presented a key note address at the Conference of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) held in Berlin and another paper at a local conference, as well as publishing three papers in international journals. In addition to a paper published in the Journal of Psychology in Africa, Professor Ann Edwards facilitated many of her past and present students in terms of presenting papers at conferences. Eight of her students were involved as presenters or co-presenters on eight papers at local and international conferences! We also have some new voices contributing to the department’s research outputs. Natalie Donaldson, who joined the department as Mellon lecturer in 2009, attended the International Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Psychology Summer Institute held at the University of Michigan, where she presented a poster. Elron Fouten, who joined us in July 2010, co-published an article in Journal of Psychology in Africa, and presented a conference paper. Staff members have been active in publishing and presenting papers. Dr Young, Mr Knoetze, Professor Macleod and Dr Saville Young published journal articles and Professor Wilbraham and Dr Saville Young published book chapters. Professor Wilbraham, Professor Guilfoyle, Dr Saville Young, Dr van Ommen and Ms Appalsamy presented papers at international conferences, and Ms King, Mr Steele, Dr van Ommen, Mr Bohmke, Dr Meehan, Professor Guilfoyle and Mr Knoetze presented papers at local conferences. A research programme entitled ‘Critical Sexual and Reproductive Health Studies’ is led by Professor Catriona Macleod, with Professor Louise Vincent from Political and International Studies as main collaborator. It is a multi- disciplinary and multi-institutional programme that covers a range of areas, including ‘teenage pregnancy’, abortion and sexual education. Funding from SANPAD has also been secured for the programme. Some of the research that forms the foundation of this programme has been taken up by the national Department of Health, with Professor Macleod being commissioned to 145 RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 12 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Psychology 146 Books/Chapters/Monographs Saville Young,L Frosh,S and Saville Young,L. 2010. “Using psychoanalytic methodology in psychosocial research. Researching brothers”. In: Understanding social research: thinking creatively about method. Sage. London, UK. First Edition. 49-61. ISBN: 184860145X. Wilbraham,LA Wilbraham,LA. 2010. “Parental communication with children about sex in the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa: cultural appropriations of western parenting expertise”. In: HIV treatment and prevention technologies in international perspective. Palgrave Macmillan. London. First Edition. 87-109. ISBN: 978-0-230-23819-0. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Campbell,MM and Knoetze,JJ Campbell,MM and Knoetze,JJ. 2010. “Repetitive symbolic play as a therapeutic process in child- centred play therapy”. International Journal of Play Therapy. 19(4),222-234. Edwards,DJA Edwards,DJA. 2010. “Using systematic case studies to investigate therapist responsiveness: examples from a case series of PTSD treatments”. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy. 6(4), Edwards,DJA. 2010. “Languages of science and the problem of applied clinical knowledge: a mixed methods appraisal of Eells’, case formulation research”. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy. 6(4), Dattilio,FM, Edwards,DJA and Fishman,DB. 2010. “Case studies within a mixed methods paradigm: towards a resolution of the alienation between researcher and practitioner in psychotherapy research”. Psychotherapy. 47(4),427-441. Fouten,E Ratele,K, Shefer,T, Strebel,A and Fouten,E. 2010. “‘We do not cook, we only assist them’: constructions of hegemonic masculinity through gendered activity”. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 20(4),557-568. Macleod,C and Tracey,T Macleod,C and Tracey,T. 2010. “A decade later: follow-up review of South African research on the consequences of and contributory factors in teen- aged pregnancy”. South African Journal of Psychology. 40(1),18-31. Saville Young,L Saville Young,L. 2009. “Not Knowing: towards an ethics for employing psychoanalysis in psychosocial research”. Psycho-Analytic Psychotherapy in South Africa. 17,1-26. Saville Young,L and Frosh,S. 2010. “‘And where were your brothers in all this?’: a psychosocial approach to texts on brothering”. Qualitative Research. 10(5),511-531. Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB. 2010. “Practitioner guidelines for career counselling in light of cross- cultural influences on WAIS-III IQ test performance”. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 20(3),413-419. Young,C and Mayson,T Young,C and Mayson,T. 2010. “The alcohol use disorders identification scale (AUDIT) normative scores for a multiracial sample of Rhodes University residence students”. Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 22(1),15-23. Other Publications Macleod,C Macleod,C. 2010. Strategy framework. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health: comprehensive preventive and promotion strategies. Macleod,C (Ed) Department of Health. Pretoria. 1-92. van Ommen,CH van Ommen,CH. 2010. “Conference report: South African neuropsychological association (SACNA) 12th biennial conference, Indaba Hotel, Fourways, Johannesburg, 10 to 12 March 2010”. In: New voices in psychology. Fourie, E (Ed) UNISA Press. Pretoria. 6(2), 92-94. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Bohmke,WR Bohmke,WR. “A ‘crisis’ in masculinity? Applying a critical Marxist reading to explanations of sex write a strategy framework for adolescent sexual and reproductive health. Of the seven doctoral students graduating in the Humanities faculty in 2010, three were from the Psychology Department (supervised by Professor Dave Edwards, Professor Catriona Macleod and Dr Roelf van Niekerk). We welcomed Professor Lou-Marie Kruger from Stellenbosch University and Professor Gobodo-Madikizela from University of Cape Town as distinguished guests in 2010. Professor Kruger presented the key-note address at our post-graduate conference. This conference, run for the first time last year, proved to be a great success with a range of Honours, Masters and Doctoral students presenting their work. Professor Gobodo-Madikizela was the recipient of the Social Change award. She presented a public lecture, which was well received. Both scholars facilitated workshops with our post- graduate students. Professor Catriona Macleod Head of Department RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 13 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K and gender-based violence in post-apartheid South Africa”. PsySSA 16th South African psychology conference. International Convention Centre, Durban. South Africa. August 2010. Edwards,DJA Edwards,DJA. “Guided imagery and imagery rescripting in psychotherapy: historical overview, conceptual framework and principles of practice - Invited keynote address”. “The changing faces of psychotherapy” Milton Erickson Institute of South Africa. Protea Hotel, Stellenbosch. South Africa. February 2010. Guilfoyle,MCG Guilfoyle,MCG. “The agentive subject in narrative therapy”. 16th South African psychology congress. ICC, Durban. South Africa. August 2010. King,B King,B and Thatcher,A. “Knowledge of intellectual property laws as a moderator of the relationship between moral development and attitudes towards unauthorised copying of software”. 2010 Annual SIOPSA conference. Bryanston, Johannesburg. South Africa. July 2010. Meehan,T Meehan,T. “The art of creating support: narrative and art therapy in student counselling and career guidance”. South African association for counselling and development in higher education conference 2010 (Eastern Cape Region). Woody Cape, Alexandria. South Africa. May 2010. Pattison,S and Steele,G Pattison,S and Steele,G. “Development and Implementation of a Mental Toughness Programme for a school 1st XI Cricket Team”. 16th South African psychology congress. Durban International Conference Centre. South Africa. August 2010. Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Alexander- Whitefield,VJ Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Alexander- Whitefield,VJ. “The implementation of routine neurocognitive screening to improve aviation safety: an overdue aid to medical evaluation”. Biennial conference of the South African society for aerospace and environmental medicine. Kwalata Game Lodge, Pretoria. South Africa. September 2010. Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Van der Merwe,A Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB, Van der Merwe,A and Radloff,SE. “Cross-cultural comparisons of WAIS- III and WISCIV test performance: a collation of norms and their practical application”. 12th biennial South African clinical neuropsychological society (SACNA) conference. Indaba hotel and conference centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. Andrews,K, Wong,AJ and Shuttleworth- Edwards,AB Andrews,K, Wong,AJ, Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Radloff,SE. “Normative indications for Xhosa- speaking unskilled workers on the Trail Making Test and the Stroop Test”. 12th biennial South African clinical neuropsychological society (SACNA) conference. Indaba hotel and conference centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. Fike,L, Knoetze,JJ and Shuttleworth- Edwards,AB Fike,L, Knoetze,JJ, Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Radloff,SE. “Cross-cultural normative indicators for a Black IsiXhosa-speaking population without tertiary education on WMS visual and verbal memory subtests”. 12th biennial South African clinical neuropsychological society (SACNA) conference. Indaba hotel and conference centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. Horsman,S and Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB Horsman,S, Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Radloff,SE. “Cross-cultural comparisons of performance for WAIS-III and WISC-IV digit symbol coding incidental learning: norms and their practical application”. 12th biennial South African clinical neuropsychological society (SACNA) conference. Indaba hotel and conference centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. Wong,AJ and Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB Wong,AJ, Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Radloff,SE. “Normative indicators for a black Xhosa- speaking population without tertiary education on four tests used to assess malingering”. 12th biennial South African clinical neuropsychological society (SACNA) conference. Indaba hotel and conference centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. Steele,G and Wakefield,G Steele,G and Wakefield,G. “The development of implementation of a psychological skills training programme for a high school cricketer”. 16th South African psychology congress. Durban International Convention Centre, Durban. South Africa. August 2010. van Ommen,CH van Ommen,CH. “Troubling brain imaging: the construction on PET scans”. 12th Biennial South African clinical neuropsychological association (SACNA) conference. Indaba Hotel and Conference Centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Appalsamy,P Appalsamy,P. “The effect of a spiritually mediated ontology on suicidal suffering: a case study”. International conference on positive psychology: a new approach to mental illness. Amity University, Jaipur. India. August 2010. Donaldson,N Donaldson,N. “Negotiating subject positions of lesbian representation in popular films and television programmes”. International lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender psychology summer institute. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. United States of America. August 2010. Edwards,DJA Edwards,DJA. “Experiential work with imagery and dialogue methods in psychotherapy: historical development, current practice and significance within schema therapy - Invited keynote address”. Conference of the international society of Schema Therapy (ISST). Virchow Langenbeck Haus, Berlin. Germany. July 2010. Fouten,E Fouten,E. “Narratives dialogue and photos engaging young people in knowledge production”. Shaping new forms of gender equality - gender and sexual identities and practices in childhood: a child rights approach. University of the Western Cape, Cape Town. South Africa. October 2010. Guilfoyle,MCG Guilfoyle,MCG. “Resistance and the construction of self-positions in narrative therapy”. 6th international conference on the dialogical self. Athens. Greece. October 2010. Guilfoyle,MCG, and O’Kelly,C Guilfoyle,MCG, and O’Kelly,C. “Gift giving in therapy: A discourse analysis of clinical psychologists’ talk about gifts”. Psychological Society of Ireland Conference. Sheraton Hotel, Athlone. Ireland. November 2010. Saville Young,L Saville Young,L. “Research entanglements, race and recognisability”. 3rd psychosocial studies network conference. University of East London, London. UK. January 2010. Smith,I and Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB Smith,I, Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Radloff,SE. “Is rugby bad for your intellect? The effect of repetitive mild head injuries on the neurocognitive Rhodes University Research Report: Psychology 147 RRR 2011 - Depts P - S 2/8/12 3:33 PM Page 14 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Psychology 148 function of university rugby players”. International congress of applied psychology (ICAP) division 6 clinical and community psychology/ APS College of Clinical Psychologists and APS College of Community Psychologists. Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne. Australia. July 2010. van Ommen,CH van Ommen,CH. “The notion of the malleable and open body: emancipatory or oppressive?” Marxism and psychology. Prince Edward Island, Prince Edward. Canada. August 2010. Wilbraham,LA Wilbraham,LA and Coetzee,C. “White writing about black lives and HIV/Aids in South Africa”. Life wriitng and intimate publics: 7th biennial IABA conference (international autobiographical & biographical association). Centre for life history and life writing research, University of Sussex, Brighton. United Kingdom. June 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Thomas,K. Chairperson; presenter. “Test development in the South African cross-cultural arena: comparative normative data for the WAIS-III, WISC-IV and selected neuropsychological tests”. Symposium. Indaba hotel and conference centre. Johannesburg, South Africa. 12 March 2010. International Visit Meehan,T Meehan,T. Black Sheep Community Art Group, Dublin, Ireland. Collaboration with Artist and Art Teacher Valerie Coombes on a journal article (short term) and possible book (long term) on the use of art as therapy. 5 - 28 July 2010. Distinguished Visitors Gobodo-Madikizela,P Professor P Gobodo-Madikizela. University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. Present public lecture for social change award. Present seminar to Master’s students. September 2010. Kruger,LM Professor LM Kruger. Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Present key-note address at post-graduate conference. Present seminar to Master’s students. October 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K School of Languages A number of esteemed visitors contributed to the School’s academic programmes in 2010 and visited the School in various capacities. SANTED Project/African Language Studies was honoured to be visited by a delegation from Norway. Dr Sukumane and Mr Zola Peter from the Department of Arts and Culture also paid a visit to the School of Languages as part of discussions regarding the bursary funding received from the Department of Arts and Culture. Professor Jeff Opland (SOAS) visited the School of Languages (African Language Studies) and he guest-lectured the African Language Studies Honours students. Professor Danie Prinsloo and Elsabe Taljaard (Pretoria University) also visited the School and ran a course on lexicography and terminology development for the African Language Studies Honours students. Afrikaans and Netherlandic Studies hosted Dr Hans Ester from Radboud University in the Netherlands. On his visit he presented a School of Languages seminar and contributed to the supervision of a PhD. Professors David Wardle, Richard Whitaker and Chuck Chandler (HOD, School of Languages) from the University of Cape Town (frequent visitors to this university over the last 15 years) spent a week giving lectures on ancient history to Classical Civilisation 1 and 2 students. A combined seminar was presented in the SOL and as part of the Humanities Seminar programme during the course of 2010. The seminar was entitled “Six Teaspoons of Sweetness: The amaXhosa Ukuthwala custom in Fact and Fiction”. This seminar was presented by Bulelwa Nosilela and Russell Kaschula (African Language Studies) and Tim Huisamen (Afrikaans & Netherlandic Studies). It was a combination of a short story, anthropological interpretation and a literary critique. The short story by Kaschula is to be published in 2011. A number of seminars were also presented by members of the SOL. Dr Godfrey Meintjes from Afrikaans and Netherlandic Studies also read a paper entitled ‘Transnasionalisme as ’n funksie van transtekstuele bindinge in Etienne van Heerden se teks Kikoejoe’ at the ALV Congress at NMMU in September 2010. Professor Jeff Opland gave a talk on the work of SEK Mqhayi and the notion of history as literature within the SOL. Daniel Malamis (Classical Studies) attended 149 RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 2 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: School of Languages 150 a colloquium in Pretoria on Homer Studies and he presented a paper on judgement and retribution which is now being considered for publication. Russell Kaschula was a Keynote Speaker at an international conference in Berlin, Germany where he presented a paper on the relationship between traditional oral poetry and contem- porary spoken word artists such as Lebo Mashile and Lesego Rampolokeng. The SANTED team attended a number of workshops related to multilingualism as well as the SANTED close-out conference in Johannesburg where our work was presented. Professor Kaschula and Mrs Nosilela edited 2 editions of the SAFOS journal which contain selected articles from a conference organised by us, including 5 articles presented by Rhodes academics. Three articles appeared in a 2009 edition and 2 articles appeared in a 2010 edition. The School now boasts a record number of postgraduate students, including 6 PhD, approximately 25 MA students and 50 Honours students. Professor Russell Kaschula examined 2 MA theses from the University of Stellenbosch and a PhD thesis from Unisa. Dr Godfrey Meintjes was external examiner for an MA in creative writing in the Graduate School of Humanities at UCT, whilst John Jackson acted as an external examiner for a thesis from UCT. Student numbers grew substantially in 2010. In many courses numbers doubled whilst they tripled in others. New and innovative programmes are being developed and offered in the School of Languages. African Languages staff offered vocation-specific language courses in the Faculties of Pharmacy, Law and Education as well as piloting a course in Journalism in 2010. The SANTED Project team also taught isiXhosa communication skills courses to staff at the University. This team also continued to develop an English-IsiXhosa glossary for Computer Science to support the teaching of Computer Science to isiXhosa mother-tongue students. 2010 has been a year of continued growth for the School of Languages at Rhodes University. This is attributable to the absolute dedication provided by members of the School, both in the carrying out of their teaching responsibilities as well as research. The growth in research outputs is clear evidence of this commitment, and this is augmented by staff furthering their studies and obtaining degrees within the School. It is the aim of the School to reposition itself by improving staff qualifications, continuing with teaching and research of excellence, improving our publication output and, under my leadership, to entrench the School as a leading School of Languages, a School where students are treated with ubuntu (respect) and where we form one unified entity. Professor Russell H Kaschula Head of Department AFRICAN LANGUAGES Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Kaschula,RH and Mostert,A Kaschula,RH and Mostert,A. 2010. “Gaming culture: what lessons for pedagogy in South Africa”. Commonwealth Youth and Development. 8(1),84- 101. Kaschula,RH and Mostert,A. 2010. “The role of copyright, copyleft and open source in advancing the electronic acessibility of oral literature”. Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies. 20(1),65-85. Kaschula,RH and Mostert,A. 2010. “Towards enhancing indigenous language acquisition skills through MMORPGs”. Alternation: International Journal for The Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 17(1),165-185. Maseko,P and Nosilela,BB Maseko,P and Nosilela,BB. 2010. “‘They use my medicine together with their muthi’: a motivation for integrating cultural awareness and sensitivity in the isiXhosa for pharmarcy programme at Rhodes University’. Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies. 20(1),21-36. Maseko,P, Nosilela,BB, Sam,M and Dalvit,L Maseko,P, Nosilela,BB, Sam,M and Dalvit,L. 2010. “The role of the web in the promotion of African languages”. Alternation: International Journal for The Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 17(1),312-327. Sam,M and Dalvit,L Sam,M and Dalvit,L. 2010. “Rural students’ attitudes towards the use of isiXhosa in the ICT domains: an initial study”. Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies. 20(1),37-55. Other Publications Dalvit,L Dalvit,L. 2010. “Terminology development and promotion of multilingualism in higher education institutions”. In: Terminology development for the intellectualisation of African languages. Maseko,P (Ed) Praesa Occasional Papers. Cape Town. 38, 77-85. ISBN: 978-0-799224-73-3. Maseko,P Maseko,P. 2010. “Terminology development for RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 3 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K the intellectualisation of African languages”. In: Terminology development for the intellectualisation of African languages. Maseko,P (Ed) Praesa Occasional Papers. Cape Town. 38 ISBN: 978-0-799224-73-3. Sam,M, Dalvit,L and Maseko,P Sam,M, Dalvit,L and Maseko,P. 2010. “Process of developing ICT terminology in isiXhosa”. In: Terminology development for the intellectualisation of African languages. Maseko,P (Ed) Praesa Occasional Papers. Cape Town. 38, 67-76. ISBN: 978-0-799224-73- 3. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences (In SA) Dalvit,L Maema,M, Terzoli,A and Dalvit,L. “HIV testing site locator: applying current computing trends to voice applications”. Southern Africa Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2010 Proceedings. Spier, Cape Town. South Africa. September 2010. 53-57. Kaschula,RH Kaschula,RH. “Izibongo to open mike poetry: technology and auriture”. Conversions and conventions conference. Humboldt University, Berlin. Germany. April 2010. Kaschula,RH. “The role of copyright, copyleft and open source in advancing the electronic accessibility of oral poetry”. ISOLA International Conference. University of Nairobi, Nairobi. Kenya. July 2010. Kaschula,RH and Maseko,P Kaschula,RH and Maseko,P. “Intergrating language learning in the law curriculum: experiences with isiXhosa for law”. Law Society of South Africa annual conference. University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch. South Africa. March 2010. Kaschula,RH, Maseko,P, Nosilela,BB and Dalvit,L Kaschula,RH, Maseko,P, Nosilela,BB and Dalvit,L. “Facilitating multilingualism in South African higher education institutions”. SANTED Conference. Mount Grace Hotel and Spa, Maliesburg. South Africa. September 2010. Mapi,T Mapi,T. “Do African languages need a reconstruction to fit in the media industry?” SEK Mqhayi National Language Conference. Walter Sisulu University, Berlin. South Africa. November 2010. Nosilela,BB Nosilela,BB. “Current status of African languages”. African languages in higher education. University of South Africa, Pretoria. South Africa. October 2010. Sam,M and Dalvit,L Sam,M and Dalvit,L. “Digitalization of isiXhosa literature: an aspect of intellectualisation of African languages”. SEK Mqhayi National Language Conference. Walter Sisulu University, Berlin. South Africa. November 2010. Zotwana,S Zotwana,S. “Hope and disappointment in the writing SEK Mqhayi”. SEK Mqhayi National Language Conference. Walter Sisulu University, Berlin. South Africa. November 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops/ Performances/Events Dalvit,L, Maseko,P, Nosilela,BB and Sam,M Dalvit,L, Maseko,P, Nosilela,BB and Sam,M. Workshop organisors. “Localisation of isiXhosa google website”. Google translate@thon. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 10 - 12 September 2010. Nosilela,BB Nosilela,BB. Paper presentation. “Indigenous language media and democracy in Africa: creating an interlanguage discourse for journalism”. UNESCO: indigenous language media and democracy in Africa. University of Fort Hare. East London, South Africa. 11 October 2010. Sam,M Sam,M. Participant. “Wordsmith in developing terminology and dictionaries”. Human language technology workshop. University of Cape Town. Cape Town, South Africa. 15 - 16 April 2010. Zotwana,S Zotwana,S. Paper presentation. “The importance of translation”. PANSALB: International Translation Day. City Hall. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 8 October 2010. FRENCH STUDIES Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences (Outside SA) Mwepu Mwepu. “L’invitation au voyage. Du rejet de soi a l’universel. Une lecture de l’oeuvre de Lopes”. Litteraturs Africaines actes du collogue international de Djanet. Universite d’Alger, Djanet. Algeria. April 2009. 133-142. GERMAN STUDIES Books/Chapters/Monographs Weber,US and Surridge,TM Weber,US and Surridge,TM. 2010. “Wessen Heimat? Integration/re-integration deutscher Soldaten in Ost- und Westdeutschland nach der Kriegsgefangenenschaft in der Sowjetunion”. In: Einzelgang und Rückkehr im Wandel der Zeit. Unknown passages - new beginnings. Festschrift für Gunther Pakendorf. SUNePress. Stellenbosch. First Edition. 369-380. ISBN: 978-1-920-338-46-6. Other Publications Weber,US Weber,US. 2010. “No more question marks: Germans as victims. Review of Taberner,S & Berger,K (eds.) 2009. “Germans as victims in the literary fiction of the Berlin Republic”. In: H-net reviews. Blessing,B (Ed) Humanities and Social Sciences Online. Michigan State University. 1. ISBN: Online. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences (Outside SA) Weber, US “Adding another colour to the rainbow: An attempt at imparting German cultural competence in a South African university context.” Paper presented at the international conference on “Intercultural Competence: Concepts - Challenges - Evaluations”, held at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 2nd to 4th September 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: School of Languages 151 RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 4 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Sociology The Sociology Department had a productive year in terms of research output by academic staff members. In addition, three of our post- graduate students (Lalitha Naidoo, Amy Vice and Babalwa Magoqwana) contributed to journal articles. Professor Michael Drewett is lead editor for a book entitled Peter Gabriel: from Genesis to growing up published by Ashgate in 2010. Dr Kirk Helliker published three articles in international journals. One of our lecturers, Janet Chisaka, was appointed as a visiting scholar in the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars Programme and spent two months at the University of Michigan in the second half of the year. One of the most senior sociologists in South Africa, Professor Michael Neocosmos, taught a development course in the department. Staff members attended numerous conferences, both national and international, throughout the year, including the annual conference of the Sociological Association of South Africa. The Department formed an Agrarian Studies Research Group, comprising two academic staff members and seven PhD and Masters students. This group has established links with the African Institute of Agrarian Studies based in Harare, one of the premier think- tanks on land reform in the southern African region. We had thirty-four PhD and Masters students and six of these students submitted their theses. Professor Jimi Adesina was awarded the first Humanities Focus Group at Rhodes, on transformative social policy - a number of PhD and Masters students are attached to this. Dr Kirk Helliker Head of Department 152 RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 5 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Sociology 153 Books/Chapters/Monographs Magoqwana,B Magoqwana,B. 2010. “The nature of work and well- being among call centre workers in local government: a case study of frontline workers in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality”. Society in focus - Change, Challenge & Resistance. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Newcastle upon Tyne. First Edition. 233-250. ISBN: 978-1-443822-57-2. Drewett,M Drewett,M. (co-editor). 2010. Peter Gabriel: from genesis to growing up. Ashgate. London. First Edition. 267 pp. ISBN: 978-0-754665-21-2. Drewett,M. 2010. “The eyes of the world are watching now: the political effectiveness of ‘Biko’ by Peter Gabriel”. In: Peter Gabriel: from genesis to growing up. Ashgate. London. First Edition. 99-112. ISBN: 978-0-754665-21-2. Drewett,M, Hill,S and Karki,K. 2010. “Peter Gabriel: from genesis to growing up”. In: Peter Gabriel: from genesis to growing up. Ashgate. London. First Edition. 1-12. ISBN: 978-0754665-21-2. Klerck,GG Klerck,GG. 2010. “The state and labour relations: walking the tightrope between corporatism and neo-liberalism”. In: State, society and democracy: a reader in Namibian politics. Macmillan. Windhoek. Second Edition. 200-236. ISBN: 978-9-991602-65-3. Klerck,GG and Naidoo,L Klerck,GG and Naidoo,L. 2010. “Minimum wages in the agricultural sector: division and change”. In: Society in focus: change, challenge and resistance. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Newcastle upon Tyne. First Edition. 176-197. ISBN: 978-1-443822-57-2. Roodt,JJ Roodt,JJ. 2010. “Impediments to the delivery of socio-economic rights in South Africa”. In: Society in focus: change, challenge and resistance. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Newcastle upon Tyne. First Edition. 136-154. ISBN: 978-1-443822-57-2. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Helliker,KD Helliker,KD. 2009. “Dancing around the same spot? Land reform and NGOs in Zimbabwe: the case of SOS children’s villages”. African Sociological Review. 13(2),101-125. Helliker,KD. 2010. “The state of emancipation - with, within, without?” Interface. 2(1),118-143. Sadomba,W and Helliker,KD. 2010. “Transcending objectifications and dualisms: farm workers and civil society in contemporary Zimbabwe”. Journal of Asian and African Studies. 45(2),209-225. Rau,A, Coetzee,JC and Vice,AW Rau,A, Coetzee,JC and Vice,AW. 2010. “Narrating student life in a time of risk”. Qualitative Sociology Review. 6(3),81-98. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Roodt,JJ Roodt,JJ. “The social and governance impact of the marine living resources act of 1998 on subsistence fisher communities in the former Transkei: a case study of the Tshani-Mankosi area”. South African sociological association annual congress. East London International Conference Centre, East London. South Africa. June 2010. Sishuta,HB Sishuta,HB. “Twenty years later: the quest for inclusive citizenship and social justice in South Africa”. XVI SASA congress. East London International Conference Centre, East London. South Africa. June 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Chisaka,JKC Chisaka,JKC. School of public health, University of Michigan. 2010 human rights in health symposium. Graduate School, Rackham, Ann Arbor. Unites States of America. October 2010. Coetzee,JK Coetzee,JK. “The future of qualitative research in Europe”. Conference of the research network 20 on qualitative methods (of the European sociological association). University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth. Germany. September 2010. Helliker,KD Helliker,KD. “Civil society in Zimbabwe: strategies for emancipation?” Progress in Zimbabwe conference. Bulawayo Holiday Inn, Bulawayo. Zimbabwe. November 2010. Martinez-Mullen,C Martinez-Mullen,C. “Are leisure relations free? A Marxist approach”. Sociology on the move, XVII ISA world conference of sociology. The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg. Sweden. July 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances Chisaka,JKC Chisaka,JKC. Presenter. “United in achieving quality health care for all: a case study of Settlers and Port Alfred public/private partnership hospitals, Eastern Cape, South Africa”. University of Michigan, School of Public Health seminar. School of Publich Health Auditorium. Ann Arbor, Unites States of America. 5 November 2010. International Visit Chisaka,JKC Chisaka,JKC. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States. Visiting scholar. 26 August - 14 November 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 6 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Statistics Members of the Department of Statistics were involved in joint research with the Departments of Zoology and Entomology, Psychology, Faculty of Pharmacy and ISER. Fifteen publications emanated from this collaborative research in 2010. Professor Gunther Jäger continued his interesting research in lattice-valued convergence spaces which resulted in three publications during the year. Several papers were presented at local and international conferences in 2010. Professor Jäger and MSc student, Xolani Dastile, co- presented a paper on “The use of hyperspectral data for tree species discrimination: Combining binary classifiers”; Professor Radloff and MCom student, Pavel Petrov, co-presented a paper on “Cointegration in equity markets”; Ms Lizanne Raubenheimer presented a paper on “Bayesian estimation of linear functions of binomial proportions”; Mr Stefan Janse van Rensburg presented a paper on “A Bayesian framework for index tracking under linear inequality constraints” and Mr Amos Chinomona presented a paper entitled “Time series modeling with application to SA inflation data” at the 52nd Annual Conference of SASA held in Potchefstroom at the University of the North West. Professor Radloff’s collaborative research with the Departments of Zoology and Entomology, and Psychology was presented at international conferences in South Korea and Australia, respectively. The Department hosted a distinguished visitor, Dr Isabelle Garisch, Deputy Director, Office of the Registrar: Strategic Planning at the University of the Free State, in August 2010. Professor Sarah Radloff Acting HOD Department of Statistics 154 RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 7 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Jaeger,G Jaeger,G. 2010. “Compactification of lattice-valued convergence spaces”. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 161,1002-1010. Jaeger,G. 2010. “Compactness in lattice-valued function spaces”. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 161,2962- 2974. Jaeger,G. 2010. “Lattice-valued Cauchy spaces and completion”. Quaestiones Mathematicae. 33,53- 74. Radloff,SE Berthoud,H, Imdorf,A, Haueter,M, Radloff,SE and Neumann,P. 2010. “Virus infections and winter losses of honey bee colonies (‘Apis mellifera’)”. Journal of Apicultural Research. 49(1),60-65. de Klerk,V and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Measuring the effect of diversity interventions at a South African residential university”. Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 10(2),25- 45. Hepburn,HR, Duangphakdee,O, Phiancharoen,M and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Comb wax salvage by the Red Dwarf Honeybee, ‘Apis florea’ F”. Journal of Insect Behaviour. 23(2),159-164. Moller,V and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Monitoring perceptions of social progress and pride of place in a South African community”. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 5,49-71. Nicastro,KR, Zardi,GI, McQuaid,CD, Stephens,L, Radloff,SE and Blatch,GL. 2010. “The role of gaping behaviour in habitat partitioning between coexisting intertidal mussels”. Bmc Ecology. 10(17),1-11. Phiancharoen,M, Pirk,CWW, Radloff,SE and Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Clinal nature of the frequencies of ovarioles and spermathecae in Cape worker honeybees, ‘Apis mellifera capensis’”. Apidologie. 41,129-134. Ruud,KW, Toverud,E-L, Radloff,SE and Srinivas,SC. 2010. “Antiretroviral treatment and follow-up of HIV-infected patients by health care providers in South African public primary health care”. Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care. 21(5),417- 428. Tan,K, Li,H, Yang,M-X, Hepburn,HR and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Wasp hawking induces endothermic heat production in guard bees”. Journal of Insect Science. 10(142), Tan,K, Wang,Z-W, Li,H, Yang,M-X, Pirk,CWW, Hepburn,HR and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Responses of queenright and queenless workers of ‘Apis cerana’ to 9-keto-2(‘E’)-decenoic acid, a phernmonal constituent of the mandibular gland”. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 36,966-968. Tan,K, Wang,Z-W, Yang,M-X, Hepburn,HR and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Nestmate recognition differences between honeybee colonies of ‘Apis cerana’ and ‘Apis mellifera’”. Journal of Insect Behaviour. 23,381- 388. Yang,MX, Radloff,SE, Tan,K and Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Anti-predator fan-blowing in guard bees, ‘Apis mellifera capensis’ Esch”. Journal of Insect Behaviour. 23,12-18. Yang,M-X, Tan,K, Radloff,SE, Phiancharoen,M and Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Comb construction in mixed- species colonies of honeybees ‘Apis cerana’ and ‘Apis mellifera’”. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213,1659-1664. Yang,M-X, Tan,K, Radloff,SE, Pirk,CWW and Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Hetero-specific queen retinue behavior of worker bees in mixed-species colonies of ‘Apis cerana’ and ‘Apis mellifera’”. Apidologie. 41,54-61. Yang,M-X, Wang,Z-W, Li,H, Zhang,Z-Y, Tan,K, Radloff,SE and Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Thermoregulation in mixed-species colonies of honeybees (‘Apis cerana’ and ‘Apis mellifera’)”. Journal of Insect Physiology. 56,706-709. Radloff,SE and Hepburn,C Radloff,SE, Hepburn,C, Hepburn,HR, Fuchs,S, Hadisoesilo,S, Tan,K, Engel,MS and Kuznetsov,V. 2010. “Population structure and classification of ‘Apis cerana’”. Apidologie. 41,589-601. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Chinomona,A Chinomona,A and Mwambi,H. “Time series modelling with application to South African inflation data”. 52nd Annual conference of the South African statistical association. North West University, Potchefstroom. South Africa. November 2010. Dastile,XC and Jaeger,G Dastile,XC, Jaeger,G and Debba,P. “The use of hyperspectral data for tree species discrimination: combining binary classifiers”. 52nd Annual conference of the South African statistical association. North West University, Potchefstrom. South Africa. November 2010. Janse van Rensburg,S Janse van Rensburg,S. “A Bayesian framework for index tracking under linear inequality constraints”. 52nd Annual conference of the South African statistical association. North West University, Potchefstroom. South Africa. November 2010. Petrov,P and Radloff,SE Petrov,P and Radloff,SE. “Cointegration in equity markets”. 52nd Annual conference of the South African statistical association. North West University, Potchefstroom. South Africa. November 2010. Radloff,SE Horsman,S, Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Radloff,SE. “Cross-cultural comparisons of performance for WAIS-III and WISC-IV digit symbol coding incidental learning: norms and their practical application”. 12th biennial South African clinical neuropsychological society (SACNA) conference. Indaba hotel and conference centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB, Van der Merwe,A and Radloff,SE. “Cross-cultural comparisons of WAIS- III and WISC0IV tet performance: a collation of norms and their practical application”. 12th biennial South African clinical neuropsychological society (SACNA) conference. Indaba hotel and conference centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. Raubenheimer,L Raubenheimer,L and van der Merwe,A. “Bayesian estimation of linear functions of binomial proportions”. 52nd Annual conference of the South African statistical association. North West University, Potchefstroom. South Africa. November 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Radloff,SE Andrews,K, Wong,AJ, Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Radloff,SE. “Normative indications for Xhosa- speaking unskilled workers on the Trail Making Test and the Stroop Test”. 12th biennial South African clinical neuropsychological society (SACNA) conference. Indaba hotel and conference centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. Fike,L, Knoetze,JJ, Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Radloff,SE. “Cross-cultural normative indicators for a Black IsiXhosa-speaking population without Rhodes University Research Report: Statistics 155 RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 8 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Statistics 156 tertiary education on WMS visual and verbal memory subtests”. 12th biennial South African clinical neuropsychological society (SACNA) conference. Indaba hotel and conference centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. Wong,AJ, Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Radloff,SE. “Normative indicators for a black Xhosa- speaking population without tertiary education on four tests used to assess malingering”. 12th biennial South African clinical neuropsychological society (SACNA) conference. Indaba hotel and conference centre, Johannesburg. South Africa. March 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Radloff,SE Duangphakdee,O, Radloff,SE, Pirk,CWW and Hepburn,HR. “Waggle dance in the red dwarf honeybee, ‘Apis florea’, exhibits pronounced lulls associated with Azimuths”. 10th Asian apicultural association conference and apicultural exhibition. Busan Exhibition and Convention Centre, Busan. South Korea. November 2010. Smith,I, Shuttleworth-Edwards,AB and Radloff,SE. “Is rugby bad for your intellect? The effect of repetitive mild head injuries on the neurocognitive function of university rugby players”. International congress of applied psychology (ICAP) division 6 clinical and community psychology/ APS College of Clinical Psychologists and APS College of Community Psychologists. Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne. Australia. July 2010. Distinguished Visitors Garisch,I Dr I Garisch. University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Presentation of two research seminars. August - September 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 9 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Zoology & Entomology 2010 was yet another exceedingly productive research year for the department with all staff, postdoctoral fellows, research associates and students contributing to research output. Over 60 papers on a diversity of topics were published in top peer-reviewed journals. In addition, staff, postdoctoral researchers and many students travelled widely to attend and present their research findings at major international conferences and workshops in South Africa, Brazil, Spain, Germany, Argentina, Finland, USA, Thailand, Czech Republic, New Zealand, and Canada. Once again the Vice- Chancellor’s Senior Research award was won by a member of staff, this time by Professor Alan Hodgson. In addition, Professor William Froneman was awarded a Science Research Focus Area development grant by the university. Dr Nicole Richoux’s research was given a significant boost by the acquisition of a state- of-the-art Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (funded by the NRF and Rhodes University). This facility will serve as a focal point for training postgraduate students and post doctoral researchers in lipid ecology, and it represents an important new platform for national and international collaborations. Towards the end of the year, Professor Martin Hill secured a major grant from the Working for Water programme which will enable his research group to continue their efforts to find new ways of controlling invasive water weeds. Professor Christopher McQuaid’s marine ecological research took him to various parts of the globe including the UK, Sweden, Argentina and Chile. His students also travelled widely conducting research in Brunei, Tristan da Cunha, Zanzibar, Kenya and along the South African coast from the border of Namibia to Mozambique. Christopher also supervised a number of overseas postgraduate students who are registered at the Universities of Barcelona, Florence and Sydney. These students conducted research for their theses at the department. Some of his group successfully completed the second ACEP cruise from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town in collaboration with groups from NMMU and UCT. Finally within the group, Dr Porri launched an EU funded project on mangrove crabs in the Eastern Cape and Kenya. For Professor Adrian Craig a special highlight was the opportunity to visit Katanga (DRC) with Belgian colleagues, to attempt to relocate some weaver taxa known only as museum specimens from 50 years ago. He also spent part of his sabbatical leave in the UK visiting museum collections in Tring, Liverpool and Oxford, collecting data for a study of moult in tropical starlings. 157 RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 10 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Zoology & Entomology 158 Books/Chapters/Monographs Barber-James,HM Balian,E, Harrison,IJ and Barber-James,HM. 2010. “A wealth of life: species diversity in freshwater systems”. In: Freshwater: the essence of life. Earth in Focus Editions. Arlington VA. First Edition. 1-294. ISBN: 9780984168620. Craig,A Craig,A. 2010. “Family Ploceidae (weavers)”. In: Handbook of the birds of the world. Lynx Edicions. Barcelona. First Edition. 15 , 74-197. ISBN: 9788496553682. Hepburn,HR Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Honey bees of Borneo: exploring the center of diversity”. Natural History Publications. Borneo. First Edition. 1-262. ISBN: 9838121282. Hill,MP and Coetzee,JA Hill,MP, Coetzee,JA, Julien,MH and Center,TD. 2011. “Water hyacinth”. In: Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions. University of California Press. USA. First Edition. 689-692. ISBN: 9780520264212. Hodgson,AN Hodgson,AN. 2010. “Prosobranchs with internal fertilization”. In: The evolution of primary sexual characters in animals. Oxford University Press. United Kingdom. First Edition. 121-147. ISBN: 9780195325553. McQuaid,CD McQuaid,CD and Miller,K. 2010. “Larval supply and dispersal”. In: Biofouling. Wiley-Blackwell. United Kingdom. First Edition. 1, 17-29. ISBN: 978-1-4051-6926- 4. Midgley,JM and Villet,MH Midgley,JM, Richards,CS and Villet,MH. 2010. “The utility of Coleoptera in forensic investigations”. In: Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology. Springer- Verlag. Heidelberg. First Edition. 57-68. ISBN: 9781402096839. Villet,MH Villet,MH. 2010. “ A Landscape of Insects and other Invertebrates”. Jacana Books. Johannesburg. First Edition. 1-278. ISBN: 9781770097674. Villet,MH. 2010. “ Arthropod Fauna of the UAE Volume 3”. Dar Al Ummah Printing. Adu Dhabi. First Edition. 1-700. ISBN: 9789948156161. Villet,MH. 2010. “Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations”. CRC Press. Boca Raton. Second Edition. 1-681. ISBN: 9780849392153. Villet,MH. 2010. “My First Book of Southern African Insects”. Struik Nature. Cape Town. First Edition. 1-64. ISBN: 9781770072138. Villet,MH and Midgley,JM Villet,MH, Richards,CS and Midgley,JM. 2010. “Contemporary precision, bias and accuracy of minimum post-mortem intervals estimated using development of carrion-feeding insects”. In: Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology. Springer-Verlag. Heidelberg. First Edition. 109-137. ISBN: 9781402096839. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Allan,EL, Ambrose,ST, Richoux,N and Froneman,PW Allan,EL, Ambrose,ST, Richoux,N and Froneman,PW. 2010. “Determining spatial changes in the diet of nearshore suspension-feeders along the South African coastline: stable isotope and fatty acid signatures”. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 87,463-471. Allanson,BR Allanson,BR and Msizi,SC. 2010. “Reproduction and growth of the endangered siphonariid limpet ‘Siphonaria compressa’ (Pulmonata: Basommatophora)”. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. 54(3),151-161. Barber-James,HM Barber-James,HM. 2010. “Two new species of Prosopistomatidae (Ephemeroptera) from South Africa and Swaziland”. African Entomology. 18(1),147-165. Barber-James,HM. 2010. “Neotype erection, redescription of the larva and first description of the winged stages of ‘Prosopistoma variegatum’ Latreille, 1833 (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Madagascar”. Aquatic Insects. 32(3),215-243. Barnes,RSK Barnes,RSK. 2010. “Spatial variation in abundance and diversity of the smaller surface and near- surface eelgrass-associated intertidal macrobenthos within a warm-temperate estuarine bay in the Garden Route National Park, RSA”. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 20,762-772. Bonnevie,BT Bonnevie,BT. 2010. “Relative feather mass indices: are feather masses needed to estimate the The staff of the department continue to serve on both national and international committees. Professor William Froneman is not only chairperson of the South African National Committee for Oceanographic Research, he currently serves on one of the NRF evaluation committees and was elected convenor of the committee for 2011. Professor Alan Hodgson was re-elected secretary of the International Society for Invertebrate Reproduction. Professor Adrian Craig was elected chairman of the committee preparing for the next Pan- African Ornithological Congress, and during 2010 he visited Nigeria which will host the next conference. Professor Martin Villet was appointed to the Steering Committee of the NRF's South African Biosystematics Initiative. The department not only continued to attract postdoctoral researchers from around the globe, but also hosted a number of overseas research scientists including Professor Ross Coleman (Sydney), Drs Katy Nicastro and Gerardo Zardi (Faro), Dr Stefano Cannicci (Florence), Professor Steve Compton (Leeds) and Dr Walter Sontag (Vienna). Professor Alan Hodgson Head of Department RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 11 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K percentage of new feather mass grown for moult regression models?” Ostrich. 81(1),59-62. Bonnevie,BT. 2010. “Balancing moult data by subsampling non-moulting birds prior to regression analysis”. Ostrich. 81(3),265-268. Bonnevie,BT and Oschadleus,HD. 2010. “Timing of primary wing moult in sexually dimorphic passerines from the Western Cape, South Africa”. Ostrich. 81(1),63-67. Bownes,A and Hill,MP Bownes,A, Hill,MP and Byrne,M. 2010. “Evaluating the impact of herbivory by a grasshopper, ‘Cornops aquaticum’ (Orthoptera: Acrididae), on the compe- titive performance and biomass accumulation of water hyacinth, ‘Eichhornia crassipes’ (Pontederiaceae)”. Biological Control. 53,297-303. Bownes,A, Hill,MP and Byrne,MJ. 2010. “Assessing density-damage relationships between water hyacinth and its grasshopper herbivore”. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata. 137,246- 254. Bownes,SJ and McQuaid,CD Bownes,SJ and McQuaid,CD. 2010. “Mechanisms of habitat segregation between an invasive (‘Mytilus galloprovincialis’) and an indigenous (‘Perna perna’) mussel: adult growth and mortality”. Marine Biology. 157,1799-1810. Coetzee,JA Coetzee,JA. 2010. “Better the devil you know - spiked watermilfoil in South Africa”. BioControl News and Information. 31(3),20. Coetzee,JA and Hill,MP Van Driesche,RG, Carruthers,RI, Center,T, Hoddle,MS, Hough-Goldstein,J, Morin,L, Smith,L, Wagner,DL, Blossey,B, Brancatini,V, Casagrande,R, Causton,CE, Coetzee,JA, Cuda,J, Ding,J, Fowler,SV, Frank,JH, Fuester,R, Goolsby,J, Grodowitz,M, Heard,TA, Hill,MP, Hoffman,JH, Huber,J, Julien,M, Kairo,MTK, Kenis,M, Mason,P, Medal,J, Messing,R, Miller,R, Moore,A, Neuenschwander,P, Newman,R, Norambuena,H, Palmer,WA, Pemberton,R, Perez Panduro,A, Pratt,PD and Rayamajhi,M. 2010. “Classical biological control for the protection of natural ecosystems”. Biological Control. 54,2-33. Coetzee,JA, Martin,GD and Hill,MP Baars,JR, Coetzee,JA, Martin,GD, Hill,MP and Caffrey,JM. 2010. “Natural enemies from South Africa for biological control of ‘Lagarosiphon major’ (Ridl.) Moss ex Wager (Hydrocharitaceae) in Europe”. Hydrobiologia. 656,149-158. Cole,VJ Cole,VJ. 2010. “Alteration of the configuration of bioengineers affects associated taxa”. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 416,127-136. Cole,VJ and McQuaid,CD Cole,VJ and McQuaid,CD. 2010. “Bioengineers and their associated fauna respond differently to the effects of biogeography and upwelling”. Ecology. 91(12),3549-3562. Connan,M and Bonnevie,BT Connan,M, Mayzaud,P, Duhamel,G, Bonnevie,BT and Cherel,Y. 2010. “Fatty acid signature analysis documents the diet of five myctophid fish from the Southern Ocean”. Marine Biology. 157,2303-2316. Connan,M Connan,M, Mayzaud,P, Hobson,KA, Weimerskirch,H and Cherel,Y. 2010. “Food and feeding ecology of the Tasmanian short-tailed shearwater (‘Puffinus tenuirostris’, Temminck): insights from three complimentary methods”. Journal of Oceanography, Research and Data. 3,19-32. Craig,AJFK and Bonnevie,BT Craig,AJFK, Bonnevie,BT and Oschadleus,HD. 2010. “Regional patterns in moult and sexual dimorphism of adult Southern Red Bishops ‘Euplectes orix’ in Southern Africa”. Ostrich. 81(2),123-128. Diaz,ER and McQuaid,CD Bers,AV, Diaz,ER, da Gama,BAP, Vieira-Silva,F, Dobretsov,S, Valdivia,N, Thiel,M, Scardino,AJ, McQuaid,CD, Sudgen,HE, Thomason,JC and Wahl,M. 2010. “Relevance of mytilid shell microtopographies for fouling defence: a global comparison”. Biofouling. 26(3),367-377. Diop,O, Coetzee,JA and Hill,MP Diop,O, Coetzee,JA and Hill,MP. 2010. “Impact of different densities of ‘Neohydronomus affinis’ (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on ‘Pistia stratiotes’ (Araceae) under laboratory conditions”. African Journal of Aquatic Science. 35(3),267-271. Downie,DA Downie,DA. 2010. “Baubles, bangles, and biotypes: a critical review of the use and abuse of the biotype concept”. Journal of Insect Science. 10(176),1-18. Froneman,PW and Henninger,TO Froneman,PW and Henninger,TO. 2010. “Feeding dynamics of ‘Palaemon peringueyi’ (Decapoda, Caridea) in the temporarily open/closed Kasouga estuary, South Africa”. African Journal of Aquatic Science. 35(2),193-198. Goble,TA and Hill,MP Goble,TA, Dames,JF, Hill,MP and Moore,SD. 2010. “The effects of farming system, habitat type and bait type on the isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from citrus soils in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa”. BioControl. 55,399-412. Henninger,TO, Froneman,PW and Hodgson,AN Henninger,TO, Froneman,PW, Booth,AJ and Hodgson,AN. 2010. “Growth and longevity of ‘Exosphaeroma hylocoetes’ (Isopoda) under varying conditions of salinity and temperature”. African Zoology. 45(1),41-51. Hepburn,HR Hepburn,HR, Duangphakdee,O, Phiancharoen,M and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Comb wax salvage by the Red Dwarf Honeybee, ‘Apis florea’ F”. Journal of Insect Behaviour. 23(2),159-164. Phiancharoen,M, Pirk,CWW, Radloff,SE and Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Clinal nature of the frequencies of ovarioles and spermathecae in Cape worker honeybees, ‘Apis mellifera capensis’”. Apidologie. 41,129-134. Radloff,SE, Hepburn,C, Hepburn,HR, Fuchs,S, Hadisoesilo,S, Tan,K, Engel,MS and Kuznetsov,V. 2010. “Population structure and classification of ‘Apis cerana’”. Apidologie. 41,589-601. Hepburn,HR and Yang,MX Zheng,HQ, Dietemann,V, Crewe,RM, Hepburn,HR, Hu,FL, Yang,MX and Pirk,CWW. 2010. “Pheremonal predisposition to social parasitism in the honeybee ‘Apis mellifera capensis’”. Behavioural Ecology. 21,1221-1226. Heyns,E and Froneman,PW Heyns,E and Froneman,PW. 2010. “Spatial and temporal patterns in the hyperbenthic community structure in a warm temperate southern African permanently open estuary”. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 88,105-115. Hodgson,AN Hodgson,AN. 2010. “Reproductive seasonality of southern African inshore and estuarine invertebrates: a biogeographic review”. African Zoology. 45(1),1-17. Kirk-Spriggs,AH Kirk-Spriggs,AH. 2010. “A revision of Afrotropical Quasimodo flies (Diptera: Curtonotidae: Schizo- phora). Part II - the East African Afromontane genus ‘Tigrisomyia’ gen. n., with descriptions of four new Rhodes University Research Report: Zoology & Entomology 159 RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 12 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Zoology & Entomology 160 species”. African Entomology. 18(1),127-146. Kirk-Spriggs,AH. 2010. “A revision of Afrotropical Quasimodo flies (Diptera: Curtonotidae: Schizophora). Part 1 - the genus ‘Axinota’ van der Wulp, with the description of three new species”. African Entomology. 18(1),99-126. Kuria,S and Villet,MH Kuria,S, Villet,MH, Palmer,TM and Stanton,ML. 2010. “A comparison of two sampling methods for surveying mammalian herbivore impacts on beetle communities in the canaopy of ‘Acacia drepanolo- bium’ in Kenya”. African Entomology. 18(1),87-98. McQuaid,CD McQuaid,CD. 2010. “Marine connectivity: timing is everything”. Current Biology. 20(21),938-940. McQuaid,CD. 2010. “Balancing science and politics in South African marine biology”. South African Journal of Science. 106(11/12),1-6. Marshall,DJ, McQuaid,CD and Williams,GA. 2010. “Non-climatic thermal adaptation: implications for species’ responses to climate warming”. Biology Letters. 6,669-673. Reaugh-Flower,KE, Branch,GM, Harris,JM, McQuaid,CD, Currie,B, Dye,A and Robertson,B. 2010. “Patterns of mussel recruitment in southern Africa: a caution about using artificial substrata to approximate natural recruitment”. Marine Biology. 157,2177-2185. McQuaid,CD and Mostert,BP McQuaid,CD and Mostert,BP. 2010. “The effects of within-shore water movement on growth of the intertidal mussel ‘Perna perna’: an experimental field test of bottom-up control at centimetre scales”. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 384,119-123. Neumann,P Berthoud,H, Imdorf,A, Haueter,M, Radloff,SE and Neumann,P. 2010. “Virus infections and winter losses of honey bee colonies (‘Apis mellifera’)”. Journal of Apicultural Research. 49(1),60-65. Charriere,JD and Neumann,P. 2010. “Surveys to estimate winter losses in Switzerland”. Journal of Apicultural Research. 49(1),132-133. de Miranda,JR, Dainat,B, Locke,B, Cordoni,G, Berthoud,H, Gauthier,L, Neumann,P, Budge,GE, Ball,BV and Stoltz,DB. 2010. “Genetic character- ization of slow bee paralysis virus of the honeybee (‘Apis mellifera’ L.)”. Journal of General Virology. 91,2524-2530. Ellis,JD, Spiewok,S, Delaplane,KS, Buchholz,S, Neumann,P and Tedders,WL. 2010. “Susceptibility of ‘Aethina tumida’ (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) larvae and pupae to entomopathogenic nematodes”. Journal of Economic Entomology. 103(1),1-9. Greco,MK, Hoffmann,D, Dollin,A, Duncan,M, Spooner-Hart,R and Neumann,P. 2010. “The alter- native Pharaoh approach: stingless bees mummify beetle parasites alive”. Naturwissenschaften. 97,319-323. Lounsberry,Z, Spiewok,S, Pernal,SF, Sons- tegard,TS, Hood,WM, Pettis,J, Neumann,P and Evans,JD. 2010. “Worldwide diaspora of ‘Aethina tumida’ (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a nest parasite of Honey bees”. Annals of The Entomological Society of America. 103(4),671-677. Neumann,P and Carreck,NL. 2010. “Honey bee colony losses”. Journal of Apicultural Research. 49(1),1-6. Neumann,P, Hoffmann,D, Duncan,M and Spooner- Hart,R. 2010. “High and rapid infestation of isolated commercial honey bee colonies with small hive beetles in Australia”. Journal of Apicultural Research. 49(4),343-344. Potts,SG, Roberts,SPM, Dean,R, Marris,G, Brown,MA, Jones,R, Neumann,P and Settele,J. 2010. “Declines of managed honey bees and beekeepers in Europe”. Journal of Apicultural Research. 49(1),15-22. Schafer,MO, Pettis,JS, Ritter,W and Neumann,P. 2010. “Simple small hive beetle diagnosis”. American Bee Journal. April,371-372. Schafer,MO, Ritter,W, Pettis,J and Neumann,P. 2010. “Small hive beetles, ‘Aethina tumida’, are vectors of ‘Paenibacillus larvae’”. Apidologie. 41,14-20. Schafer,MO, Ritter,W, Pettis,JS and Neumann,P. 2010. “Winter losses of honeybee colonies (Hymenoptera: Apidae): the role of infestations with ‘Aethina tumida’ (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) and ‘Varroa destructor’ (Parasitiformes: Varroidae)”. Journal of Economic Entomology. 103(1),10-16. Smith,ER and Parker,DM Smith,ER and Parker,DM. 2010. “Tick communities at the expanding wildlife/cattle interface in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa: implications for Corridor disease”. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association. 81(4),237-240. Nicastro,KR, Zardi,GI and McQuaid,CD Nicastro,KR, Zardi,GI and McQuaid,CD. 2010. “Differential reproductive investment, attachment strength and mortality of invasive and indigenous mussels across heterogeneous environments”. Biological Invasions. 12,2165-2177. Nicastro,KR, Zardi,GI, McQuaid,CD, Stephens,L, Radloff,SE and Blatch,GL. 2010. “The role of gaping behaviour in habitat partitioning between coexisting intertidal mussels”. BMC Ecology. 10(17),1-11. Pinchuck,SC and Hodgson,AN Pinchuck,SC and Hodgson,AN. 2010. “The ultrastructure and histology of the perinotal epidermis and defensive glands of two species of ‘Onchidella’ (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)”. Tissue and Cell. 42,105-115. Plass-Johnson,JG, McQuaid,CD and Porri,F Plass-Johnson,JG, McQuaid,CD and Porri,F. 2010. “Top-down effects on intertidal mussel populations: assessing two predator guilds in a South African marine protected area”. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 411,149-159. Porri,F Pineda,J, Porri,F, Starczak,V and Blythe,J. 2010. “Causes of decoupling between larval supply and settlement and consequences for understanding recruitment and population connectivity”. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 392,9- 21. Price,BW and Villet,MH Price,BW, Barker,NP and Villet,MH. 2010. “A watershed study on genetic diversity: phylogenetic analysis of the ‘Platypleura plumosa’ (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) complex reveals catchment specific lineages”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 54,617-626. Richoux,NB, McQuaid,CD and Bonnevie,BT Richoux,NB, Jaquemet,S, Bonnevie,BT, Cherel,Y and McQuaid,CD. 2010. “Trophic ecology of Grey- headed albatrosses from Marion Island, Southern Ocean: insights from stomach contents and diet tracers”. Marine Biology. 157,1755-1766. Schapira,M Leterme,SC, Ellis,AV, Mitchell,JG, Buscot,M-J, Pollet,T, Schapira,M and Seuront,L. 2010. “Morphological flexibility or ‘Cocconeis placentula’ (Bacillariophyceae) nanostructure to changing salinity levels”. Journal of Phycology. 46,715-719. Schapira,M and McQuaid,CD Lutjeharms,JRE, Durgadoo,JV, Schapira,M and McQuaid,CD. 2010.“First oceanographic survey RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 13 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K of the entire continental shelf adjacent to the northern Agulhas Current”. South African Journal of Science. 106,7-9. Schultz,A Schultz,A, Underhill,LG, Earle,RA and Underhill,G. 2010. “Infection prevalence and absence of positive correlation between avian haemosporidian, mass and body condition in the Cape Weaver ‘Ploceus capensis’”. Ostrich. 81(1),69-76. von der Meden,CEO, Porri,F, McQuaid,CD, Faulkner,K and Robey,J von der Meden,CEO, Porri,F, McQuaid,CD, Faulkner,K and Robey,J. 2010. “Fine-scale ontogenetic shifts in settlement behaviour of mussels: changing responses to biofilm and conspecific settler presence in ‘Mytilus galloprovincialis’ and ‘Perna perna’”. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 411,161-171. Weyl,PSR, Hill,MP and Weyl,OLF Weyl,PSR, de Moor,FC, Hill,MP and Weyl,OLF. 2010. “The effect of largemouth bass ‘Micropterus sal- moides’ on aquatic macro-invertebrate communities in the Wit River, Eastern Cape, South Africa”. African Journal of Aquatic Science. 35(3),273-281. Williams,KA and Villet,MH Tantawi,TI, Williams,KA and Villet,MH. 2010. “An accidental but safe and effective use of ‘Lucilia cuprina’ (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in maggot debridement therapy in Alexandra, Egypt”. Journal of Medical Entomology. 47(3),491-494. Yang,MX and Hepburn,HR Tan,K, Li,H, Yang,MX, Hepburn,HR and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Wasp hawking induces endothermic heat production in guard bees”. Journal of Insect Science. 10(142), Tan,K, Wang,Z-W, Li,H, Yang,MX, Pirk,CWW, Hepburn,HR and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Responses of queenright and queenless workers of ‘Apis cerana’ to 9-keto-2( E )-decenoic acid, a pheronmonal constituent of the mandibular gland”. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 36,966-968. Tan,K, Wang,Z-W, Yang,MX, Hepburn,HR and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Nestmate recognition differences between honeybee colonies of ‘Apis cerana’ and ‘Apis mellifera’”. Journal of Insect Behaviour. 23,381- 388. Yang,MX, Tan,K, Radloff,SE, Phiancharoen,M and Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Comb construction in mixed- species colonies of honeybees ‘Apis cerana’ and ‘Apis mellifera’”. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213,1659-1664. Yang,MX, Tan,K, Radloff,SE, Pirk,CWW and Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Hetero-specific queen retinue behavior of worker bees in mixed-species colonies of ‘Apis cerana’ and ‘Apis mellifera’”. Apidologie. 41,54-61. Yang,MX, Wang,Z-W, Li,H, Zhang,Z-Y, Tan,K, Radloff,SE and Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Thermoregulation in mixed-species colonies of honeybees (‘Apis cerana’ and ‘Apis mellifera’)”. Journal of Insect Physiology. 56,706-709. Yang,MX, Radloff,SE, Tan,K and Hepburn,HR. 2010. “Anti-predator fan-blowing in guard bees, ‘Apis mellifera capensis’ Esch”. Journal of Insect Behaviour. 23,12-18. Zachariades,C and Compton,SG Zachariades,C, Schatz,B and Compton,SG. 2010. “Wasp emergence from the figs of ‘Ficus sur’: characteristics and predation by ants”. Tropical Zoology. 23,121-138. Other Publications Craig,A Craig,A. 2010. “CAR route EG04, 31st July 2010”. In: Diaz Diary. Hulley, P (Ed) Diaz Cross Bird Club. Grahamstown. 38(3), 10. Craig,A. 2010. “Outing to Featherstone Kloof”. In: Diaz Diary. Hulley, P (Ed) Diaz Cross Bird Club. Grahamstown. 38(2), 9. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Ambrose,ST and Froneman,PW Ambrose,ST, Froneman,PW, Smale,M and Plon,S. “Feeding ecology and diet shift in the long-beaked common dolphin (‘Delphinus capensis’ incidentally caught in anti-shark nets off Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa”. The First Marine Mammal Colloquium. Kleinbaai, Western Cape. South Africa. May 2010. Brassine,M, Parker,D and Bernard,R Brassine,M, Parker,D and Bernard,R. “The diet of black-backed jackals, ‘Canis mesomelas’, in two conservation areas in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa”. Southern African Wildlife Management Association. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. September 2010. Coetzee,JA and Hill,MP Coetzee,JA and Hill,MP. “3 years of post-release evaluations on aquatics weeds: dispelling myths and new insights”. 38th Annual workshop on the Biological and Integrated Control of Weeds. Berg- en-Dal, Marikana. South Africa. August 2010. Forbes,RW, Craig,A, Hulley,PE and Parker,D Forbes,RW, Craig,A, Hulley,PE and Parker,D. “Seasonal variation in the avian community associated with an ‘Aloe ferox’ (Asphodelaceae, Mill) flowering even in the Eastern Cape, South Africa”. 12th Pan-African Ornithological Congress. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. South Africa. September 2010 9 -17. Fordham,CF and Coetzee,JA Fordham,CF and Coetzee,JA. “Mapping the ‘Myriophyllum spicatum’ infestation in the Vaal River, and recommendations for control”. 38th Annual workshop on the Biological Control and Integrated Control of Weeds. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. August 2010. Froneman,PW De Almeida,L, Froneman,PW and Pletschke,BI. “The endocrine disrupting effects of sewage effluent from De Beers Marine Namibia Diamond Mining operations on the expression of CYP1a and vitellogenin in the hake, ‘Merluccius capensis’ and ’M. paradoxus’”. 22nd South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(SASBMB) Congress. Ilanga Estate, Bloemfontein. South Africa. January 2010. P15. 65. Plon,S, Albrecht,K and Froneman,PW. “Organ weights of three dolphin species from South Africa”. The First African Marine Mammal Colloquium. Kleinbaai, Western Cape. South Africa. May 2010. Goble,TA and Hill,MP Goble,TA, Dames,J, Hill,MP and Moore,SD. “The effects of farming system, habitat type and bait type on the isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from citrus soils in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa”. 6th Citrus Research Symposium. Champagne Sports Resort, Central Drakensberg. South Africa. August 2010. 173. Hill,MP Hill,MP. “‘Stenopelmus rufinasus’ proves to be an excellent ‘Azolla’ taxonomist”. 38th Annual Workshop on the Biological and Integrated Control of Weeds. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. August 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Zoology & Entomology 161 RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 14 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Zoology & Entomology 162 Kirkman,W and Hill,MP Moore,SD, Kirkman,W and Hill,MP. “Lepidopteran pests of lemons: what they are and what they do”. 6th Citrus Research Symposium. Champagne Sports Resort, Central Drakensburg. South Africa. August 2010. 80. Marlin,D and Hill,MP Marlin,D, Byrne,M and Hill,MP. “The effect of ‘Orthogalumna terebrantis’ (Acari: galumnidae) on water hyacinth gas exchange and chlorophyll-a fluorescence”. 38th Annual Workshop on the Biological Control and Integrated Control of Weeds. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. August 2010. Martin,GD and Coetzee,JA Martin,GD and Coetzee,JA. “Competition between ‘Myriophyllum spicatum’ and ‘Lagarosiphon major’ under different nutrient and sediment conditions”. 38th Annual Workshop on the Biological Control and Integrated Control of Weeds. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. August 2010. May,B and Hill,MP May,B, Hill,MP and Moore,SD. “Comparative field evaluation of different pheromone dispensers and trap types for monitoring false codling moth”. 6th Citrus Research Symposium. Champagne Sports Resort, Central Drakensburg. South Africa. August 2010. 172. Opoku-Debrah,J and Hill,MP Opoku-Debrah,J, Hill,MP, Moore,SD and Knox,C. “Studies on exiting and new isolates of ‘Crypto- phlebia leucotreta’ granulovirus (CrleGV) on FCM populations from a range of geographical regions in South Africa”. 6th Citrus Research Symposium. Champagne Sports Resort, Central Drakensburg. South Africa. August 2010. 171. Paterson,ID, Hill,MP and Downie,DA Paterson,ID, Hill,MP and Downie,DA. “Biological control research on ‘Pereskia aculeata’: an overview of three years of research”. 38th Annual Workshop on the Biological and Integrated Control of Weeds. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. August 2010. Ray,P and Hill,MP Ray,P and Hill,MP. “Possibilities of integrating insects and fungi for effective management of water hyacinth”. 38th Annual Workshop on the Biological and Integrated Control of Weeds. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. August 2010. Smith,ER and Parker,DM Smith,ER and Parker,DM. “Can the status of the corridor disease vector, ‘Rhipicephalus appendiculatus’ (Neumann 1901), be linked to an expanding wildlife/cattle interface?”. Southern African Wildlife Management Association. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. September 2010. Watermeyer,J and Parker,D Watermeyer,J, Parker,D, Beverly,G, Marnewick,K and Daview-Mostert,H. “The Kruger western boundary project: an analysis of the potential threats to resident and dispersing wild dogs (‘Lycaon pictus’) west of the Kruger National Park”. Southern African Wildlife Management Association. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. September 2010. Weyl,PSR, Coetzee,JA and Hill,MP Weyl,PSR, Coetzee,JA and Hill,MP. ““Is more less?” An investigation into the interactions between some of the agents already released for the biological control of water hyacinth, ‘Eichhornia crassipes’, in South Africa”. 38th Annual Workshop on the Biological and Integrated Control of Weeds. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. August 2010. Whittington-Jones,B and Parker,D Whittington-Jones,B, Parker,D and Davies- Mostert,H. “Factors influencing the attitudes of rural communities towards African wild dogs, ‘Lycaon pictus’ in northern KwaZulu-Natal”. Southern African Wildlife Management Association. Buffelspoort Conference Resort, Marikana. South Africa. September 2010. International Conferences (Inside SA) Barber-James,HM Barber-James,HM and Gattolliat,JL. “How well are Afrotropical mayflies known?” 31st Congress of the International Limnological Society. Cape International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. 15. Bellingan,TA de Moor,FC and Bellingan,TA. “Caddisflies are indicators of climate change: preliminary data from the southern Cape, South Africa”. 31st Congress of the International Association of Limnology. Cape International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. 8. Connan,M, McQuaid,CD and Bonnevie,BT Connan,M, McQuaid,CD, Bonnevie,BT, Kelly,CMR and Barker,NP. “Does sexual segregation exist in the feeding ecology of the Grey-headed albatross breeding in the Prince Edward Islands?” 1st World Seabird Conference. Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria. Canada. September 2010. Hill,MP Moran,VC, Hoffman,JH and Hill,MP. “Preserving the fynbos”. The 2010 Biological Control for Nature Conference. Hotel Northampton, Massachusetts. United States of America. October 2010. Hodgson,AN Pinchuck,SC and Hodgson,AN. “Structure and histology of the epidermis of ‘Trimusculus costatus’ (Trimusculidae)”. 17th International Congress of Microscopy. Windsor Barra Convention Center, Rio de Janiero. Brazil. September 2010. Kohler,S, Hill,JM, Connan,M and McQuaid,CD Kohler,S, Mablouke,C, Hill,JM, Connan,M, Ludynia,K, Kemper,J, Huisamen,J, Underhill,LG, Cherel,Y and McQuaid,CD. “Are African Black Oystercatchers good indicators of coastal biogeographic trends?” 7th International Conference on Stable Isotope Techniques in Ecological Studies. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Alaska. August 2010. Kok,AD and Parker,DM Kok,AD, Parker,DM and Barker,NP. “Small mammals at high altitude: how does bait type influence estimates of species richness?” 4th International Conference of Rodent Biology and Management. CR Swart Auditorium University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. South Africa. April 2010. McQuaid,CD McQuaid,CD. “Climate change and reproductive success: the need for a holistic approach”. International Conference on Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. Congress Centre Krystal, Prague. Czech Republic. August 2010. Richoux,NB Richoux,NB. “Lipids in aquatic ecosystems: current status and future of potential in South Africa”. Congress of the International Society of Limnologists. Cape International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. Vermeulen,I, Richoux,NB and Froneman,PW Vermeulen,I, Richoux,NB and Froneman,PW. “Spatial and temporal changes in the diet of rocky shore invertebrates along the coast of South Africa: a fatty acid perspective”. Congress of the International Society of Limnologists. Cape RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 15 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. Williams,KA and Villet,MH Tantawi,TI, Williams,KA and Villet,MH. “An accidental but safe and effective use of ‘Lucilia cuprina’ (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in maggot debridement therapy in Alexandria, Egypt”. 8th International Conference on Biotherapy. Hollywood Hilton, Los Angeles. North America. November 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Allan,EL, Richoux,N and Froneman,PW Allan,EL, Richoux,NB and Froneman,PW. “Regional variations in carbon utilization by benthic communities around the Prince Edward Islands: stable isotope and fatty acid signatures”. The 31st Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Conference. Hotel Panamenoano Buenos Aires. Argentina. August 2010. Ambrose,ST and Froneman,PW Ambrose,ST, Froneman,PW, Smale,M and Plon,S. “Feeding ecology and diet shift in the long-beaked common dolphin (‘Delphinus capensis’ incidentally caught incidentally in anti-shark nets off Kwa-Zulu- Natal, South Africa”. 24th Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Ozeaneum, Stralsund. Germany. March 2010. Coetzee,JA and Hill,MP Coetzee,JA and Hill,MP. “The role of eutrophication in the biological control of water hyacinth in South Africa: evidence from the laboratory and the field”. The 2010 Biological Control for Nature Conference. Hotel Northampton, Massachusetts. United States of America. October 2010. Connan,M, McQuaid,CD and Bonnevie,BT Connan,M, McQuaid,CD and Bonnevie,BT. “Diet of Sooty and Light-mantled albatross breeding in the Prince Edward Islands: a multiple-indicator approach”. 1st World Seabird Conference. Congress Centre Krystal, Victoria. Canada. September 2010. Craig,AJFK Craig,AJFK.“The bird collection of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren: one African’s perspective”. Proceedings of the 6th European Bird Curators Meeting. Royal Museum for Central Africa, Teruvuren. Belgium. August 2010. 109-110. Craig,AJFK and Nuttall,RJ. “The current status of ornithological collections in southern African Museums”. Proceedings of the 6th European Bird Curators. Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren. Rhodes University Research Report: Zoology & Entomology 163 Craig,AJFK, Forbes,RW, Hulley,PE and Jones,S Craig,AJFK, Forbes,RW, Hulley,PE and Jones,S. “Birds at winter-flowering ‘Aloe ferox’ in South Africa: a nectar source in a season of scarcity”. 25th International Ornithological Congress. Campos del Jordao, Sao Paulo. Brazil. August 2010. Hepburn,HR Duangphakdee,O, Radloff,SE, Pirk,CWW and Hepburn,HR. “Waggle dance in the red dwarf honeybee, ‘Apis florea’, exhibits pronounced lulls associated with Azimuths”. 10th Asian Apicultural Association Conference and Apicultural exhibition. Busan Exhibition and Convention Centre, Busan. South Korea. November 2010. Hill,JM and McQuaid,CD Hill,JM and McQuaid,CD . “Stable isotope methods: bias associated with gut content in whole body analysis of zooplankton”. 7th International Conference on stable isotope Techniques in ecological studies. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Alaska. August 2010. Hill,MP Schooler,S, Hill,MP and Center,TD. “Can we develop a general measure of environmental impact?” The 2010 Biological Control for Nature Conference. Hotel Northampton, Massachusetts. United States of America. October 2010. Hodgson,AN Pinchuck,SC and Hodgson,AN. “Structure and histology of the epidermis of ‘Trimusculus costatus’ (Trimusculidae)”. International Congress of Microscopy. Windsor Barra Hotel, Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. September 2010. Kirk-Spriggs,AH Kirk-Spriggs,AH, Wiegmann,B and McGregor,G. “Systematics and biogeography of ‘Afrotropical quasimodo’ flies (Curtonotidae)”. 7th International Congress of Dipterolgy. Ramada-Herradura International Conference Center, San Jose. Costa Rica. August 2010. 126. Kirkman,W and Hill,MP Moore,SD, Pereira da Conceicoa,L, Kirkman,W, Hill,MP, Verreyne,S and Fourie,P. “Baculovirus: how much is a lethal concentration?” 43rd Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology. Karadeniz Technical University, Tarbzon. Turkey. July 2010. Kohler,S, Connan,M, Jaquemet,S and McQuaid,CD Kohler,S, Connan,M, Jaquemet,S and McQuaid,CD. “Are muscle tissues a good proxy for whole body 13C and 15N isotope signatures in intertidal invertebrate species throughout the year? Implications for top-predator studies.” 7th International Conference on Stable Isotope Techniques in Ecological studies. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Alaska. August 2010. Paterson,ID, Coetzee,JA, Hill,MP and Downie,DA Paterson,ID, Coetzee,JA, Hill,MP and Downie,DA. “A novel method of determining the impact and control threshold values of environmental weeds using native plant biodiversity: an example using ‘Pereskia aculeata’ (Cactaceae) in South Africa”. The 2010 Biological Control for Nature Conference. Hotel Northampton, Massachusetts. United States of America. October 2010. Richoux,NB Richoux,NB. “Allochthonous and autochthonous support of consumers in aquatic systems: estuarine perspective”. The American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and the Northern American Benthological Society joint summer meeting. Santa Fe Convention Centre, Santa Fe. New Mexico. June 2010. Richoux,NB. “Trophic ecology of zooplankton at a frontal transition zone: fatty acid signatures at the subtropical convergence”. The American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and the North American Benthological Society joint summer meeting. Santa Fe Convention Centre, Santa Fe. New Mexico. June 2010. Schapira,M, McQuaid,CD and Froneman,PW Schapira,M, McQuaid,CD and Froneman,PW. “Prokaryotic metabolism in the vicinity of sub- Antarctic islands: evidence of an island mass effect and implications for bentho-pelagic coupling”. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Santa Fe Convention Centre, Santa Fe. United States of America. June 2010. von der Meden,CEO, Porri,F and McQuaid,CD von der Meden,CEO, Porri,F and McQuaid,CD. “Total life-history pattern: explaining topogra- phically-related adult mussel distributions”. 9th Larval Biology Symposium. Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington. New Zealand. August 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Barber-James,HM Barber-James,HM. Speaker. “When is species a species?” National Science Festival. Albany Museum. Grahamstown, South Africa. 24 - 30 March 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts S 2/8/12 3:49 PM Page 16 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Bellingan,TA McIlleron,WG, Bellingan,TA and de Moor,FC. Presentation. “A quest to understand and conserve our rivers”. Tsitsikamma Rivers Research Project roadshow. Kurland Village Community Hall. Plettenberg Bay, South Africa. 28 October 2010. Craig,A Craig,A. Demonstrator. “Bird-ringing”. Science Festival 2010. Botanical Gardens. Grahamstown, South Africa. 19 - 27 March 2010. Craig,A. Lecturer. “Bird movements in the Eastern Cape”. Focus week. Albany Museum. Grahamstown, South Africa. 19 - 23 April 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Zoology & Entomology 164 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Centre for Higher Education, Research, Teaching and Learning (CHERTL) 2010 saw the first enrolments in CHERTL’s Higher Education Doctoral Programme co- ordinated by Professor Sioux McKenna. The programme provides structural support in addition to traditional one-on-one supervision in the form of three ‘Doctoral Weeks’ per year and an online learning space on RUConnected. Candidates enrolled in the programme are researching a broad range of topics in the field of Higher Education Studies and Doctoral Weeks support their work by providing a series of engagements around methodological and theoretical issues relevant to their studies. Supervision is provided by academics from a range of departments across the University including CHERTL. In 2010, fifteen candidates enrolled in the programme. The Programme also hosted a number of ‘Pre-docs’ - candidates who were not yet ready to enroll for doctoral level work but who it was judged would benefit from a year of structured reading. At the end of 2010, five Pre-Docs converted to fully registered doctoral scholars. Early in 2010, Professor Chrissie Boughey completed the second tranche of a major piece of research commissioned by the Council on Higher Education. This commissioned work uses audit data to provide a ‘meta-analysis’ of teaching and learning at twenty two of the twenty three South African universities. The first tranche, completed in 2009, examined teaching and learning at five ‘research intensive’ universities. The second tranche looked at teaching and learning at five universities of technology. A proposal based on the theoretical and methodological framework for the research was submitted to the NRF towards the end of the year. Funding of just over R1 million was awarded and provided funding for six doctoral scholars to be recruited to pursue work on a Social Inclusion in Higher Education 165 Institutes, Centres and Units RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 2 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Books/Chapters/Monographs Belluigi,DZ Belluigi,DZ. 2010. “Creating the conditions for creativity: Looking at Assessment in fine art studio practice”. In: Teaching Creativity - creativity in teaching. Libri Publishing. Oxfordshire. First Edition. 47- 63. ISBN: 978-7-907471-17-9. Meistre,BA and Belluigi,DZ. 2010. “After image: using metaphoric storytelling in the evaluation of a fine art photography course”. In: Teaching creativity: creativity in teaching. Libri Publishing. United Kingdom. First Edition. 155-170. ISBN: 978-1- 907471-17-9. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Belluigi,DZ Nygaard,C and Belluigi,DZ. 2010. “A proposed methodology for contextualised evaluation in higher education”. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. (20 April 2010 (iFirst)),1-15. Hlengwa,A Hlengwa,A. 2010. “Infusing service-learning in curricula: A theoretical exploration of infusion possibilities.” Journal of Education. 48,155-168. McKenna,S Biputh,B and McKenna,S. 2010. “Tensions in quality assurance processes in post-apartheid South African schools”. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 40,279- 292. Harrison,L, McKenna,S and Searle,R. 2010. “I won’t be squeezed into someone else’s frame: Stories of supervisor selection”. Acta Academica. 1,175- 200. Mqadi,P and McKenna,S. 2010. “A difference of opinion: implementing the amended dental technicians’ act”. South African Dental Technology Journal. 2(1). Mostert,M Snowball,JD and Mostert,M. 2010. “Introducing a learning management system in a large first year class: impact on lecturers and students”. South African Journal of Higher Education. 24(5),818-831. project. The Social Inclusion Project involves collaboration with researchers from a range of South African universities including the University of Cape Town, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the University of Venda. 2010 saw CHERTL staff attending a range of international conferences. Dr Jo-Anne Vorster and Mandy Hlengwa attended the 6th International Basil Bernstein Symposium in Brisbane Australia in July. Both are using Bernstein in their research. Markus Mostert presented a paper co-authored with Professor Jen Snowball of Economics at the Association for Learning Technology’s conference in Nottingham in the United Kingdom and Professor Chrissie Boughey attended the 5th Higher Education CloseUp Conference at the University of Lancaster, also in the United Kingdom. The 6th Higher Education CloseUp Conference will be hosted at Rhodes University in 2012. In addition Nompilo Tshuma presented a paper electronically at the World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT) in Istanbul, Turkey in October. Publications of note include former Mellon lecturer Mandy Hlengwa’s first article in an accredited journal. The article, ‘Infusing service-learning in curricula: A theoretical exploration of infusion possibilities’ was based on her proposal for doctoral research. In addition, Dina Belluigi achieved a publication in the prestigious Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education with Brent Meistre. Towards the end of the year, CHERTL was fortunate to host Dr Karl Maton of the University of Sydney for a series of seminars offered to doctoral students. Maton has extended the work of British Sociologist Basil Bernstein into a more overarching theory which is proving enormously useful in understanding a range of issues in higher education and which is being used by a number of candidates on the doctoral programme. Maton’s seminars were very well attended with participants from a range of departments and from other universities attending. Professor Chrissie Boughey Dean: CHERTL Rhodes University Research Report: CHERTL 166 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 3 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: CHERTL 167 Other Publications Boughey,CM Boughey,CM. 2010. “Understanding teaching and learning at university level: A ‘critical’ imperative?” In: Beyond the University Gates: Provision of Extended Curriculum Programmes in South Africa. Hutchings,C and Garraway,J. (Eds) CPUT. Cape Town. 4- 10. ISBN: 978-0-620-46968-5. Boughey,CM. 2010. “A meta-analysis of teaching and learning at five South African universities of technology.” Commissioned report. Council on Higher Education: Pretoria. McKenna,S McKenna,S. 2010. “Cracking the code of academic literacy: An ideological task”. In: Beyond the university gates: Provision of Extended Curriculum Programmes in South Africa. Hutchings,C and Garraway,J. (Eds) CPUT. South Africa. 8-16. ISBN: 978- 0-620-46968-5. Vorster,JE Vorster,JE. 2010. “Wearing two hats”. In: Rhodes Journalism Review - Journalism Education in an age of radical change. Garman,A. (Ed) Rhodes Univeristy Department of Journalism and Media Studies. Grahamstown. 30, 53-54. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Boughey,CM Boughey,CM. “Analysing Teaching and Learning at the Universities of Techonology: A tribute to Terry Volbrecht”. Keynote address. Research and Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town. South Africa. December 2010. Hlengwa,A Abel,S, Davies-Coleman,MT, Sewry,JD and Hlengwa,A. “Implementation and evaluation of a service-learning component in a second year organic chemistry course”. Southern African association for research in mathematics, science and technology education (SAARMSTE) 2010 conference. North West University, Pinetown. South Africa. January 2010. McKenna,S McKenna,S. “Empty Excellence and other Weasel Words”. Higher Education Learning, Teaching Association of Southern Africa. Polokwane. South Africa. November 2010. Reynolds,JM Reynolds,JM. “Reading in the discipline of Anthropology”. 4th Annual University Teaching and Learning Conference. UKZN, Pietermaritzburg. South Africa. September 2010. Southwood,S Southwood,S. “Assessment and its impact on the curriculum: From disruption to dream ”. National AMESA (Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa) Congress. George Campbell School of Technology, Durban. South Africa. May 2010. Tshuma,N Tshuma,N. “Blended Learning Model: Implementation, Evaluation and Reflection”. Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA) 2010. Fairview Hotel, Tzaneen. South Africa. November 2010. Vorster,J-A Van Niekerk,R and Vorster,J-A. “Economic responsiveness in organizational psychology curricula”. Creating sustainable empowering learning environments through scholarship of engagement. North West University, Potchefstroom. South Africa. August 2009. 313-336. International Conferences (Outside SA) Boughey,CM Boughey,CM. “Teaching and Learning at South African Universities: A Critical Realist Analysis”. Higher Education CloseUp 5. University of Lancaster, Lancaster. United Kingdom. July 2010. Hlengwa,A Hlengwa,A. “Towards an understanding of service- learning as a pedagogic tool”. The 6th International Basil Bernstein Symposium. Griffith University, Brisbane. Australia. June 2010. Mostert,M Mostert,M and Snowball,JD. “Where angels fear to tread: online peer-assessment in a large first- year class”. The 17th association for learning technology conference. University of Nottingham, Nottingham. England, UK. September 2010. 40-49. Tshuma,N Dlodlo,N and Tshuma,N. “A Framework Towards the Definition of the South African Technology- Integrated Classroom of the Future”. World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT) 2010. Bahcesehir University, Istanbul. Turkey. October 2010. Vorster,JE Vorster,JE. “Facing both ways: an analysis of the structuring principles underpinning the integration of theory and practice in a Journalism and Media Studies curriculum at a research-intensive university”. The 6th International Basil Bernstein Symposium. Griffith University, Brisbane. Australia. July 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 4 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Electron Microscope Unit During 2010, despite numerous technical problems with both the scanning and transmission electron microscopes, the unit continued to fulfill its role of facilitating the research of both staff and students (undergraduate and postgraduate). The majority of users were from Rhodes University, but the unit also assisted researchers from other Eastern Cape universities, museums and industry. In the middle of the year the microscope facilities within the unit were improved with the purchase and installation of a new state of the art Olympus stereo microscope with image analysis capabilities. At the April science graduation ceremony, Shirley Pinchuck (Principal Technical Officer in the unit) received an M.Sc. for her work on the structure of the defensive glands of some marine pulmonate snails. In addition to publishing another paper from her thesis, she also travelled to Brazil in September to present research results at the World Electron Microscopy congress in Rio de Janeiro. Professor Alan Hodgson presented some of their joint research on pulmonate defensive glands at the World Malacology congress in Thailand. Finally the staff participated once again in SciFest, running eight workshops in which school learners were not only given a tour of the facilities, but were also afforded the opportunity of using the unit’s scanning electron microscope. Professor Alan Hodgson Director of Unit Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences (In SA) Pinchuck,SC Pinchuck,SC and Hodgson,AN. “Structure and histology of the epidermis of ‘Trimusculus costatus’ (Trimusculidae)”. 17th International congress of microscopy. Windsor Barra Convention Center, Rio de Janiero. Brazil. September 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Pinchuck,SC Pinchuck,SC and Hodgson,AN. “Structure and histology of the epidermis of ‘Trimusculus costatus’ (Trimusculidae)”. International congress of Microscopy. Windsor Barra Hotel, Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. September 2010. 168 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 5 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K The Institute for Environmental Biotechnology (EBRU) Several major projects were successfully concluded by staff of The Institute for Environmental Biotechnology, Rhodes University (EBRU) during the course of 2010. A full scale feasibility study including life cycle assessment of algae-to-energy systems was concluded for Sasol. A screening programme for NOVUS International LLC (St Charles, MO) indicated that its propriety molecule HMTBA has the potential to increase lipid and calorific value of cultivated microalgae. Several contract projects were also concluded. Amongst these a feasibility study for implementing an Integated Algal Ponding System (IAPS) system at Riebeek East, an evaluation of the small scale IAPS introduced by Peoples Power Africa (PPA) at Three Crowns preparatory school, and a feasibility study for exploiting bio- methane as an energy feedstock for the East London Industrial Zone (ELIZ). Technical papers on operation and implementation of IAPS for waste water treatment were published in Water, Sewage & Effluent (Jan 2010) and the Dutch journal, H2O (volume 13: 22-23). Undoubtedly, increased publicity and the outcomes of research endeavours assisted a bid by the EBRU-DHV-SSI-Makana Municipality consortium to win a Partners’ for Water (The Netherlands) grant to construct a full scale demonstration IAPS facility in Grahamstown. The project is scheduled to start in 2011, will run for two years, and increase the capacity of the Grahamstown waste water treatment plant by 1.5-2 mega litres per day. Studies continued on the Anglo Thermal Coal sponsored Fungcoal process for the remediation of compacted and damaged soil due to open cast coal mining. Dr Eric Igbinigie and Emeritus Professor Peter Rose published their findings on the phytobio- conversion of coal in the plant/coal rhizosphere. In addition, large demonstration scale trials were established on several coal mines in the Emalahleni area to confirm the technical feasibility of the Fungcoal soil decompaction technology and its application in the productive rehabilitation of open cast mining land. Several important visitors were received by EBRU but none more so than the Board of the Protein Research Foundation (PRF). The PRF invited Professor Keith Cowan to address its board at its annual general meeting held in Grahamstown (August 2010) on aspects of Environmental Biotechnology at Rhodes University including bioprocess technologies for waste treatment, energy and product valorization with a view to supporting the current research effort. EBRU was also invited to join a bid for a European Framework Programme 7 (FP7) call under Energy: Development of new or improved bio-energy carriers. Within the ambit of this FP7 call 169 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 6 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: The Institute for Environmental Biotechnology (EBRU) 170 Books/Chapters/Monographs Igbinigie,EE, Mutambanengwe,CZ and Rose,PD Igbinigie,EE, Mutambanengwe,CZ and Rose,PD. 2010. Phyto-bioconversion of hard coal in the Cynodon dactylon/coal rhizosphere. Biotechnology Journal. 5, 292-303. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) International Conferences Cowan,AK Cowan,AK. 3rd Algae World Asia, Goodwood Park, Singapore, October 2010 (delegate). Cowan,AK. 2010. Bio-refineries: bioprocess technologies for waste-water treatment, energy and product valorization. In Tarasenko O, (ed.) Biology, Nanotechnology, Toxicology and Applications: 4th BioNanoTox, AIP Conference Proceedings. 1229: 80-86. Other Publications Cowan AK Horjus,F, Kerstholt,M, Stöcker,T, and Cowan,AK. 2010. Afvalwaterzuivering in Zuid-Afrika op basis van algen. H2O 13: 22-23. Cowan,AK and Laubscher,RK. 2010. Algal biotechnology: carbon sequestration, biofuels and bio-hydrogen production. Report for Sasol. Cowan,AK. 2010. Retro-fitting biogas harvesting to the EBRU Integrated Algal Pond System (IAPS). Report for The Mvula Trust. Cowan,AK. 2010. Algal Biotechnology: Effect of Novus BIOX compounds on growth, productivity, and chemical composition of selected microalgae, Report for NOVUS International. Cowan,AK and Render,DS. 2010. Proposed waste water treatment system for Riebeek East, Report for Makana Municipality. International Visits Cowan,AK Cowan,AK. AlgaeTech Group of Companies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Site and inspection visit for proposed algae waste water treatment system at Kota Warisaan. 1-4 March. Cowan,AK. Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia (UKM) - National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Invited lecture - Challenges and opportunities for sustainable waste water use and re-use. July 2010. Cowan,AK. SIRIM Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Presented seminar on “low cost sustainable microalgae systems for water treatment and re- use”. July 2010. EBRU is partnering with the University of Greenwich at Medway, and the National Technical University of Athens in addition to a number of Small, Medum and Micro Entreprises (SMME). Large research proposals from EBRU have also been solicited by Omnia Fertilizers, NOVUS International, and Hyson Cells/Hyson Sustainable Energy which emphasizes the priority large companies are giving to implementation of sustainable remedial technologies. Professor Keith Cowan Director of Institute RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 7 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 171 Institute for the Study of English in Africa (ISEA) The ISEA maintained a strong research performance. The Director, Professor Laurence Wright, gave a public lecture, “Learning to be Original” and published on Australasian Shakespeare, on J.M. Coetzee, and on politics in South African railway poetry. Dr Monica Hendricks contributed a chapter on resourcing and inequality in Eastern Cape schools to a forthcoming book-length survey of the Province, as well as work on the teaching of prepositions in the additional language classroom. Chris Mann, Rhodes Professor of Poetry, launched a new collection, Home from Home, at several venues in South Africa and the United Kingdom. He also notched up the remarkable achievement of coming fourth in the recent elections for the prestigious Oxford Chair of Poetry, a position held in earlier years by figures such as Matthew Arnold, C. Day Lewis, W.H. Auden and Seamus Heaney. Madeyandile Mbelani published on approaches to visual literacy in the additional language classroom, while Ntombekhaya Fulani contributed work on disparities in the construction of the subject seen in school textbooks in English and in African languages. Both these researchers are making good progress with their higher degree studies. Highlights of 2010 in the Institute included the formation of the Eastern Cape English Educators Association (ECEEA), which took place during the Teachers’ Networking Conference run by the Institute in April; and the conceptualization of a book on the rural education crisis in the Province, to be completed in 2011. The Teachers Networking Conference was attended by some 160 teachers, with a keynote address by Professor Brahm Fleisch from the University of the Witwatersrand. The core of the new provincial English teachers’ professional association consists of graduates from the ISEA’s own accredited teacher education programmes since 1992. The Eastern Cape English Educators Association, which is governed by a ratified Constitution and a Provincial Council elected according to its provisions, aims to foster teachers’ professional development by offering district level workshops; by providing an Association publication carrying expert articles and writing by both teachers and their pupils; and through a biennial Conference, open to all language teachers. It is hoped the Association will mature into a broader forum to encourage the professional development of teachers in all languages used in the Province. The book on the rural education crisis in the Eastern Cape seeks to capture some of the educational and contextual understanding of the issues facing rural education, amassed in the Institute over the past ten years. It is being RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 8 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Institute for the Study of English in Africa 172 authored by ISEA staff and colleagues from the Rhodes Education Department, and seeks to highlight both problems and possible solutions evident in the dire educational situation facing rural schooling. The Eastern Cape Wordfest, convened by the ISEA, and providing an hospitable platform from which the Province’s word artists can share their work, exchange views on cultural developments and issues, and share in the life of the University and the Festival, was postponed to 2011 because of the pressures acccasioned by the World Cup. The ISEA’s new Master’s in Creative Writing programme received the final go-ahead from the University. This new degree, only the second Masters degree dedicated to creative writing registered on South Africa's National Qualification Framework, offers a major emphasis on an independent writing project, co-supervised by practicing writers, and rich ancillary support in the form of seminars, a reflective journal, a reading programme, and collegial support in an environment fully conducive to creative work. The programme will launch in February 2011, with a cohort of eight candidates. We hope to take the programme to scale in 2012, adding a part- time option which will prove very attractive to those who cannot afford to study full time. Professor Laurence Wright Director ISEA Books/Chapters/Monographs Leff,CW Leff,CW. 2010. ‘running scared’. In: Poems for Haiti: A South African Anthology. Ed. A Mitra. East London: Poets Printery (October 2010: p53). Mann,CM Mann,CM. 2010. “Aliwal North”. In: &words: poems Singapore and beyond. Ethos Books. Singapore. First Edition. 154. ISBN: 978-981-08-6321-0. Mann,CM. 2010. “Crossing Over”. In: The Complete Poetry Resource. The English Experience. Johannesburg. First Edition. 140-141. ISBN: 978-0-620-46308-9. Mann,CM. 2010. “Crossing Over”. In: Clusters: a teaching anthology of poetry. Juta Gariep. Cape Town. First Edition. 91-92. ISBN: 978-1-86903-493-1. Mann,CM. 2010. “Home from Home”. Echoing Green Press. Cape Town. First Edition. n/a(n/a), 1-182. ISBN: 978-0-9802501-7-6. Wright,LS Wright,LS. 2010. David Lurie’s learning and the meaning of J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace. Ashgate. Aldershot. First Edition. 16 pp. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Fulani,NC Fulani,NC. 2010. “Classroom observation and reflective practice”. Teaching English Today. 1 (2), Hendricks,MG Hendricks,MG. 2010. “Consciousness-raising and prepositions”. English Teaching Forum. 42(2),24- 29. Hendricks,MG. 2010. “The luminous tongue in a black world”. Safundi: Journal of South African and American Studies. 11 (3),308-311. Mann,C Saunders,M, McDonald,PD, Thurman,C, Mackenzie,C, Driver,D, Coetzee,JM, Walters,P, Mann,C and van der Vlies,A. 2010. “Tributes to the National English Literary Museum”. English Studies in Africa. 53(2),113-116. Mann,CM Mann,CM. 2010. “First Meeting”. English Academy Review. 27 (2),166-167. Mann,CM. 2010. “Tuscany”. English Academy Review. 27(2),168. Mann,CM. 2010. “Domestic Icons”. Scrutiny2. 15(1),73-74. Mbelani,M Mbelani,M. 2010. “Listening to visual images: appreciating political cartoons”. Teaching English Today. 1(1). Wright,LS Wright,LS. 2010. “Third World Express: Trains and “revolution” in South African Poetry”. Literator. 31(1),1-17. Wright,LS. 2010. “Why english teachers need professional associations”. Teaching English Today. 1(1). Other Publications Mann,CM Mann,CM. 2010. “Bees”. Alternation: International Journal for The Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(2), 105. Mann,CM. 2010. “Eagle Owl”. Alternation: International Journal for The Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(2), 120. Mann,CM. 2010. “Owl”. Alternation: International Journal for The Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(2), 112-113. Mann,CM. 2010. “Peregrine Falcon”. Alternation: International Journal for The Study of Southern African Literature and Languages. 16(2), 115-116. Mann,CM. 2010. “A contemplation of the soul”. In: Southern Anglican. Tulleken,L (Ed) Uhuru Publications. Cape Town. 24 April 2010, 50. Mann,CM. 2010. “A little guy’s enormous contribution”. In: Mail and Guardian. Dawes,N (Ed) M&G Media. Johannesburg. 7 May, 23. Mann,CM. 2010. “A universal leap of faith”. In: Mail and Guardian. Dawes,N (Ed) M&G Media. Johannesburg. (1 April ), 34. Mann,CM. 2010. “Easter epiphanies”. In: Southern Anglican. Tulleken,L (Ed) Uhuru Publications. Cape Town. 24 April 2010, 50. Mann,CM. 2010. “Epiphanies at Easter”. In: The Spire. Whisson,M (Ed) Grahamstown Cathedral. Grahamstown. March, 8. Mann,CM. 2010. “Evensong in Grahamstown Cathedral”. In: Southern Anglican. Tulleken,L (Ed) Uhuru Publications. Cape Town. 24 April 2010. Mann,CM. 2010. “Heron”. In: The Spire. Whisson,P (Ed) Grahamstown Cathedral. Grahamstown. February, 8. RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 9 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Mann,CM. 2010. “The consolation of Emmanuel”. In: Southern Anglican. Tulleken, L (Ed) Uhuru Publications. Cape Town. 24(April 2010), 70. Mann,CM. 2010. “To - in the supermarket”. In: Grocott’s Mail. Lang,S (Ed) Grocott’s Media/Rhodes. Grahamstown. 12 February, 16. Mann,CM. 2010. “Winchester”. In: Southern Anglican. T ulleken,L (Ed) Uhuru Publications. Cape Town. 24 April 2010, 71. Wright,LS Wright,LS. 2010. “Review of Shakespeare’s 100 greatest dramatic images by Claire and John Saunders. Grossetto, Italy: Pari Publishing, 2008”. In: English Academy Review. Williams,M (Ed) UNISA/Routledge. Johannesburg. 27(1), 118-121. ISBN: 10131752. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Fulani,NC and Hendricks,MG Fulani,NC and Hendricks,MG. “Classroom observation and reflective practice”. Networking Teachers’ Conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. April 2010. Hendricks,MG Hendricks,MG. “‘Not waiting for the initiative to arrive’: Teachers making reading programmes sustainable”. 5th Annual Conference of the Reading Association of South Africa. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth. South Africa. October 2010. Mbelani,M Mbelani,M. “Listening to visual images: appreciating cartoons”. Networking Teachers’ Conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. April 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Fulani,NC Fulani,NC. “The role played by textbooks in the construction of particular subject positions for learners”. 5th Annual Conference of the Reading Association of South Africa. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth. South Africa. October 2010. Mbelani,M Mbelani,M. “Extensive reading posters: designing at the intersection of visual literacy and teacher development”. 5th Annual Conference of the Reading Association of South Africa. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth. South Africa. October 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Hendricks,MG Hendricks,MG. Organiser. “Networking English Teachers’ Conference”. Networking English Teachers’ Conference. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 9 - 11 April 2010. Leff,CW Leff,CW. Poem - Painting. “schuinsdrift farm” (painted by Sonia Strumpher) at Transfigurations, a poetry-paintings art exhibition. New Creations Gallery. Port Elizabeth, RSA. 1 October - 30 November 2010. Leff,CW. Poem - Painting. “mountain fire” (painted by Alison Williams and Tori Stowe) at Transfigurations, a poetry-paintings art exhibition. New Creations Gallery. Port Elizabeth, RSA. 1 October - 30 November 2010. Leff,CW. Poem - Painting. “heat waves” (painted by Andre Pillay) at Transfigurations, a poetry- paintings art exhibition. New Creations Gallery. Port Elizabeth, RSA. 1 October - 30 November 2010. Mann,CM Mann,CM. Performance of poem on radio. “To J - in the supermarket”. Radio 702/Cape Talk. Phone interview. Johannesburg/Cape Town , South Africa. 14 February 2010. Mann,CM. Performance of poem on radio. “Sunday Drive”. Radio 702/Cape Talk. Phone interview. Johannesburg/Cape Town, South Africa. 8 May 2010. Mann,CM. Performance of poem on radio. “Full Bloom”. Radio 702/Cape Talk. Phone interview. Johannesburg/Cape Town, South Africa. 8 May 2010. Mann,CM. Performance of poem on radio. “Annunciations”. Radio 702/Cape Talk. Phone interview. Johannesburg/Cape Town, South Africa. 8 May 2010. Mann,CM. Composer of song-poems, main performer. “Home from Home”. St Andrews and DSG. St Andrews. Grahamstown, South Africa. 15 June 2010. Mann,CM. Composer of song-poems, main performer. “Home from Home”. For Eastern Cape teachers on ISEA course. Eastern Star Gallery. Grahamstown, South Africa. 18 - 1 June 2010. Mann,CM. Composer of song-poems, main performer. “Home from Home”. Launch of book, NELM. Eastern Star Gallery. Grahamstown, South Africa. 18 June 2010. Mann,CM. Composer of song-poems, main performer. “Home from Home”. National Arts Festival fringe performance. Cathedral. Grahamstown, RSA/UK. 23 June 2010. Mann,CM. Composer of song-poems, main performer. “Home from Home”. National Arts Festival fringe performance. Cathedral. Grahamstown, South Africa. 25 June 2010. Mann,CM. Composer of song-poems, main performer. “Home from Home”. National Arts festival fringe performance. Cathedral. Grahamstown, South Africa. 26 June 2010. Mann,CM. Composer of song-poems, main performer. “Home from Home”. National Arts Festival fringe performance. Cathedral. Grahamstown, South Africa . 29 June 2010. Mann,CM. Composer of song-poems, main performer. “Home from Home”. National Arts Festival fringe performance. Cathedral. Grahamstown, South Africa. 30 June 2010. Mann,CM. Performance of poem on radio. “Halala Mavulenezindlela”. Radio 702/Cape Talk. Phone interview. Johannesburg/Cape Town, South Africa. 15 August 2010. Mann,CM. Composer of song-poems, solo performer. “Home from Home”. Conference on ‘Cosmopoetics’. Durham University. Durham, Britain. 10 September 2010. Mann,CM. Composer of song-poems, solo performer. “Home from Home”. Oxford alumni weekend programme. St Edmund Hall. Oxford, Britain. 25 September 2010. Mann,CM. Poem - Painting. “Epiphanies”. at Transfigurations, a poetry-paintings art exhibition. New Creations Gallery. Port Elizabeth, RSA. 1 October - 30 November 2010. Mann,CM. Poem - Painting. “A Contemplation of the Soul”. at Transfigurations, a poetry-paintings art exhibition. New Creations Gallery. Port Elizabeth, RSA. 1 October - 30 November 2010. Mann,CM. Poem - Painting. “Kariega Metaphors”. at Transfigurations, a poetry-paintings exhibition. New Creations Gallery. Port Elizabeth, RSA. 1 October - 30 November 2010. Wright,LS Wright,LS. Presenter. “Learning to be original”. Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Senior Research Award Lecture. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 4 May 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Institute for the Study of English in Africa 173 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 10 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Institute for the Study of English in Africa 174 International Visit Mann,CM Mann,CM. Department of English, Durham University, Durham, Britain. Plenary paper at conference entitled ‘Cosmopoetics’. 5 - 8 September 2010. Mann,CM. Oxford University, Oxford, Britain. Launch of book ‘Home from Home’. 24 September 2010. Mann,CM. Rhodes House, Oxford, Britain. Rhodes scholars international reunion. 26 September 2010. Distinguished Visitors Baba,N Ms N Baba. Centre for the Book, Cape Town, South Africa. Wordfest presentation. July 2010. Bucwa,MS Mr MS Bucwa. Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture, King William’s Town, South Africa. Wordfest opening ceremony. January - December 2010. Buwa,IM Mr IM Buwa. IsiXhosa writers, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Wordfest launch and presentation. July 2010. Davane,SS Ms SS Davane. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Book launch and lecture, Wordfest. January - December 2010. Duka,MMM Dr MMM Duka. Author, Cradock, South Africa. Wordfest book launch and presentation. July 2010. Fleisch,B Professor B Fleisch. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Keynote speaker, author. April 2010. Mahomed,I Mr I Mahomed. National Arts Festival, Grahamstown, South Africa. Wordfest: word-arts in the Eastern Cape colloquium. November 2010. Matthew,G Ms G Matthew. Co-author, Cape Town, South Africa. Book launch, Wordfest. July 2010. Matyumza,M Mr M Matyumza. Centre for the Book, Cape Town, King William’s Town, South Africa. Wordfest Eastern Cape progamme. January - December 2010. Mntwana,S Mr S Mntwana. Daily Dispatch, East London, South Africa. Wordfest: word-arts in the Eastern Cape colloquium. November 2010. Moletsane,P Mr P Moletsane. SeSotho Writers’ Group, Free State/Eastern Cape, South Africa. Book launch, Wordfest. January - December 2010. Mona,GV Mr GV Mona. Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture, King William’s Town, South Africa. Wordfest opening ceremony. January - December 2010. Ndlela,P Dr P Ndlela. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Book launch and lecture, Wordfest. January - December 2010. Pearce,R Mr R Pearce. Author, Cape Town, South Africa. Book launch, Wordfest. July 2010. Piek,T Ms T Piek. Co-author, Cape Town, South Africa. Book launch. July 2010. Prender,T Mr T Prender. Board of Trustees, Swallows Foundation, Newcastle, Britain. Wordfest: word-arts in the Eastern Cape colloquium. November 2010. Rasmeni,N Ms N Rasmeni. Author, Cape Town, South Africa. Book launch, Wordfest. July 2010. Starke,P Mr P Starke. Swallows UK-RSA Project, Port Elizabeth/Newcastle UK, RSA/UK. Wordfest: word- arts in the Eastern Cape colloquium. November 2010. Swepu,C Mr C Swepu. CEO, PanSALB, Pretoria, South Africa. Wordfest opening ceremony. July 2010. Tom,X Ms X Tom. MEC, Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture of the Eastern Province, Bhisho, South Africa. MEC: opening Wordfest Eastern Cape. July 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 11 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 175 The Institute of Social and Economic Research The highlight of 2010 for the ISER was the launch of the Social Policy Programme inaugurated by Gavin Williams of Oxford University. Gavin Williams did the 2nd Dr AB Xuma Social Policy Memorial Lecture series with a lecture entitled “The ideas of social policy and development policy”. “The idea of development,” he argued “needs a thorough dialectical probing”. Development he suggested “is a system of ideas rather than a definable concrete process. The study of development is problematic and paradoxical because it is both an end and a means. Freedom cannot be attained without development, yet freedom is a prerequisite for development to transpire”. He maintained that in the complex interrelation between what he described as the “trilogy of social policy, development policy and citizenship”, social policy itself “is often a result of equitable goals which manifest unintended consequences, which in turn give rise to new policy. The first law of the social sciences is the law of unintended consequences”. With these and other critical insights, the ISER research and teaching has increasingly centered on critical social policy. New MA students, new SANPAD grants and the visit of several high profile government officials and international academics to the Institute and our Summer School activities now reflect this new focus. We hosted lectures and seminars by Wiseman Magasela, (Chief Director of Department of Social Development- DSD), and Professor Ndangwa Noyoo (Research Specialist at DSD and former head of Social Work at Wits University) and Ms Mastoera Sadan (in the Presidency), Dr Rebecca Surrender (Oxford University) and Professor Yusuf Sayed (Sussex University). Professors Ruiters and Van Niekerk were invited by the Department of Social Development to be part of a specialist team of professors who provided training in social policy analysis for senior government officials from the SADC region. The training took place over a week in Swakopmund, Namibia. The annual “Summer School”, held at Rhodes University in September 2010 attracted over twenty Eastern Cape civic and trade unions organizations. Presenters included leading activists, top government officials and professors from Rhodes and other universities. It is our fourth year of having the school which has been generously funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. Professor Van Niekerk with the Eastern Cape Socio-Economic Council (ECSECC) also RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 12 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: The Institute of Social and Economic Research 176 initiated and organized a Health Colloquium attended by over 50 individuals including the top practitioners and health policy analysts in SA. Dr Rebecca Surender of Oxford University and ISER Research Associate, provided a keynote address on the reform of the UK National Health Service. In 2010, ISER undertook to organize a major cross national study (South Africa, India, China, Netherlands and Ireland) on the “Developmental State and Social Policy”. The lead researcher is Professor Van Niekerk whose concept paper will inform an International Conference on the developmental state, to be held in Ireland in 2011. Professor Van Niekerk also worked on an edited volume entitled Social Policy in a Developing World: Comparative Development and Debates. The 13 chapter volume is co-edited with Professor Robert Walker and Dr Rebecca Surender of the University of Oxford, and is scheduled for publication in 2012 by Elgar Press. A second major highlight was the prodigious output of research publications by Professor Moller who also retired at the end the 2010. The ISER-based Journal (JCAS) under Professor Southall’s leadership and which now comes out 4 times a year boasted a total of 69 000 downloads - a 77% increase. Professor Fred Hendricks, Dean of Humanities will assume the editorship of JCAS from January 2012. The Eastern Cape book edited by Professor Ruiters entitled “The Fate of Eastern Cape” was recently published by UKZN Press and is now available in book-shops. It has been favourably reviewed as a pioneering contribution to the study of the politics and social policies of the Eastern Cape. The Municipal Services Project based at the ISER under Professor Ruiters, will publish a book “Alternatives to Privatisation” in 2011. The book will be published jointly by Routledge (New York) which is the primary publisher, the HSRC press in South Africa (the largest publisher in Africa, and with free on-line access to their books) and co-publishers for India and Latin America. In 2010 the ISER, through Dr Michelle Cocks was invited to host a major international conference at Rhodes University. The ISER in 2010 continued to be supported by able and energetic administrators (Debbie, Valance and Julie) and we are very grateful for their support. A number of staff changes took place in 2010. Towards the end of year, Professor Robert Van Niekerk took over as the new director of the ISER with the departure of Professor Ruiters who has taken up a chair in governance at the University of the Western Cape. Professor Valerie Moller, after more than a decade of service to ISER, also retired at the end of 2010. She has been appointed Emeritus Professor and continues her research and writing at the ISER. We also enjoyed loyal support from our Board which was chaired by Professor Webb. Nova de Villiers who has been at ISER for over 20 years also announced her retirement as administrator of the JCAS at the ISER. Professor Robbie Van Niekerk Director: ISER Books/Chapters/Monographs Cocks,ML Cocks,ML. 2010. “What is bio cultural diversity? A theoretical review”. In: Human ecology: contemporary Research and practice. Springer. New York. First Edition. 67-78. ISBN: 978-1-4419-5700-9. Shackleton,SE, Cocks,ML, Dold,AP, Kaschula,SAH, Kokwe,G, Mbata,K and von Maltitz,G. 2010. “Non- wood forest products: description, use and management”. In: The dry forests and woodlands of Africa: managing for products and services. Earthscan. London. First Edition. 93-130. ISBN: 978-1- 84971-131-9. Hamer,NG Hamer,NG and Palmer,RCG. 2011. “Transkei’s wild coast: development and frustration at Dwesa- Cwebe reserve”. In: The Fate of the Eastern Cape: History, Politics and Social Policy. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. Durban. First Edition. ISBN: 978- 1-869141-84-4. Hendricks,F Hendricks,F and Ntsebeza,L. 2010. “Black poverty and white property in rural SA”. In: Zuma’s own goal: losing South Africa’s war on poverty. Africa World Press. Trenton. 213-239. ISBN: 978-1-5922179- 60-0. Huschka,D Huschka,D, Habich,R, Himmelreicher,RK. 2010. “Datenquellen zur Analyse der Lebensverlaeufe und Lebensbedingungen in Ost- und Westdeut- schland”. In: Krause, Peter/Ostner, Ilona: Leben in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Eine sozialwissen- schaftliche Bilanz der deutschen Einheit 1990-2010. Campus Verlag. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. First Edition. ISBN: 978-3593393339. Huschka,D, Hohmann,E and Moeller,J Huschka, D, Hohmann, E, Moeller, J. 2010. “Einleitung". In: Der weisse Fleck - zur Konzeption und Machbarkeit regionaler Preisindizes. Bertelsmann Verlag. Bielefeld, Germany. First Edition. 5 - 9. ISBN: 978- 3-7639-4018-9. Huschka,D, Hohmann,E, Moeller,J (Eds). 2010. Der weisse Fleck - zur Konzeption und Machbarkeit regionaler Preisindizes. Bertelsmann Verlag. Bielefeld, Germany. First Edition. 5 - 9. ISBN: 978-3-7639-4018-9. Huschka,D, Solga,H and Wagner,GG “Preface by the German Data Forum (RatSWD)”. In: German Data Forum (ed.): Building on Progress: Expanding the Research Infrastructure for the Social, Economic and Behavioral Sciences. Budrich RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 13 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K UniPress Ltd. Opladen (Germany) & Farmington Hills, MI (USA). First Edition. 11 - 15. ISBN: 978-3-940755-58-2. Kelly,K Kelly,K. 2010. “Book review: South African psychology in historical perspective”. Psychology in Society. 39, 67-69. Connolly, Ndlovu,I, Myers,I, Kelly,K, Colvin,M and Myers,l. 2010. “HIV prevalence and related factors: Higher education sector study - South Africa 2008- 2009”. HEAIDS. Pretoria. First Edition. ISBN: 978-0-620- 46068-2. Kelly,K and van Donk,M. 2009. Local level responses to HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Springer. New York. First Edition. 19 pp. Møller,V Møller,V. 2010. “Book review: Generations in Africa: Connections and conflicts edited by Erdmute Alber, Sjaak van der Geest and Susan Reynolds Whyte. Lit Verlag, Berlin, 2008”. Ageing and Society. 30(5), 916-917. Peires,JB Peires,JB. 2008. “How the Eastern Cape lost its edge”. In: State of the Eastern Cape. HSRC Press. Cape Town. First Edition. Ruiters,GD Ruiters,GD. 2010. “Poverty research, oppression and free basic water”. In: Zuma’s Own Goal: losing South Africa’s war on poverty. Africa World Press. Trenton. First Edition. 213-239. ISBN: 978-1-592217-96-0. Wright,G and Noble,M Wright,G, Noble,M and Magasela,W. 2010. “Towards a democratic definition of poverty: socially perceived necessities in South Africa”. In: South African Social Attitudes 2nd Report: Reflections on the age of hope. Human Sciences Research Council Press. Cape Town. First Edition. 143-166. ISBN: 978- 07969-2217-5. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Huschka,D Huschka,D, Bruhn,A, Wagner,GG. 2010. Fussball- WM in Suedafrika: Kaum wirtschaftlicher Nutzen, aber ein Beitrag zum Nation Building. In: DIW Wochenbericht, 2010: 23, 11-18. Huschka,D, Mau,S. 2010. Who is who? Die Sozialstruktur der Soziologie-Professorenschaft in Deutschland. In: Koelner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 62: 4, 751-768. Kelly,K Kelly,K and Birdsall,K. 2010. “The effects of national and international HIV/AIDS funding and governance mechanisms on the development of civil society responses to HIV/AIDS in East and southern Africa”. Aids Care. 22(2),1580-1587. Møller,V Møller,V. 2010. “Strengthening intergenerational solidarity in South Africa, closing the gaps in the social security system for unemployed youth: a case study of the ‘perverse incentive’.” Journal of Intergenerational Relationships: Programs, Policy and Research. 8(2),145-160. Cramm,JM, Finkenflügel,HJM, Møller,V and Nieboer,AP. 2010. “TB treatment initiation and adherence in a South African community influenced more by perceptions than by knowledge of tuberculosis”. BMC Public Health. 10,72-79. Cramm,JM, Møller,V and Nieboer,AP. 2010. “Improving subjective well-being of the poor in the Eastern Cape”. Journal of Health Psychology. 15(7),1012-1019. Cramm,JM, van Exel,J, Møller,V and Finkenflügel,HJM. 2010. “Patient views on determinants of compliance with tuberculosis treatment in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: an application of Q-methodology”. Patient. 3(3),159- 172. Møller,V, Erstad,I and Zani,D. 2010. “Drinking, smoking and morality: Do ‘drinkers and smokers’ constitute a stigmatised stereotype or a real TB risk factor in the time of HIV/AIDS?” Social Indicators Research. 98(2),217-238. Møller,V and Radloff,SE. 2010. “Monitoring perceptions of social progress and pride of place in a South African community”. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 5,49-71. Surender,R Surender,R, Devi,A and Rayner,M. 2010. “Improving the food environment in UK schools: Policy opportunities and challenges”. Journal of Public Health Policy. 31(2),212-226. Surender,R, Noble,M and Wright,G Surender,R, Noble,M, Wright,G and Ntshongwana,P. 2010. “Social Assistance and Dependency in South Africa: An Analysis of Attitudes to Paid Work and Social Grants”. Journal of Social Policy. 203-221. Wright,G and Noble,M Wright,G and Noble,M. 2010. “Recent social policy developments in Africa”. Global Social Policy: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy and Social Development. 10(1),111-119. Other Publications Hamer,NG Palmer,RCG and Hamer,NG. 2010. “Transkei’s Wild Coast: development and frustration at Dwesa- Cwebe reserve”. In: The fate of the Eastern Cape. History, politics and social policy. Ruiters,G (Ed) University of Kwazulu-Natal Press. Durban. ISBN: 9781869141844. Huschka,D Huschka,D and Beck,C. 2010. “Die Macht der Zahlen”. RatSWD Working Paper 160/2010. Wagner,GG and Huschka,D (Eds). Rat für Sozial und Wirtschaftsdaten. Berlin, Germany. Huschka,D and Mau,S. 2010. “Die Sozialstruktur der Soziologie-Professorenschaft in Deutschland”. WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2010-204 Berlin: WZB. Huschka,D, Habich,R and Himmelreicher,RK. 2010. “Zur Entwicklung der sozial-, verhaltens und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Dateninfrastruktur in Deutschland”. RatSWD Working Paper 157/2010. Wagner,GG and Huschka,D (Eds). Rat für Sozial und Wirtschaftsdaten. Berlin, Germany. Huschka,D and Wagner,GG. 2010. “Sind Indikatoren zur Lebensqualitaet und zur Lebenszufriedenheit als politische Zielgroessen sinnvoll?” RatSWD Research Note, 43/2010. Wagner,GG and Huschka,D (Eds). Rat für Sozial und Wirtschaftsdaten. Berlin, Germany. Huschka,D and Wagner,GG. 2010. “Statistical Problems and Solutions in Onomastic Research - Exemplified by a Comparison of Given Name Distributions in Germany throughout the 20th Century” SOEPpapers No. 332/ 2010. DIW Berlin (Ed). Berlin, Germany. Kelly,K Kelly,K, Mfecane,S, Dwadwa-Henda,N, Phalane,T, Hajiyiannis,H and Myers,L. 2010. In: Social mobilisation and communication to prevent mother- to-child transmission of HIV. Mfecane,S, Dwadwa- Henda,N, Phalane,T, Kelly,K, Hajiyiannis,H and Myers,L. (Eds) CADRE/UNICEF. Johannesburg. Møller,V Møller,V. 2010. “Living in the future”. In: The World Book of Happiness. Bormans,L (Ed) PageOne. Singapore. 326-327. ISBN: 978-981-275-243-7. Wright,G Wright,G and Hall,K. 2010. “A profile of children Rhodes University Research Report: The Institute of Social and Economic Research 177 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 14 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: The Institute of Social and Economic Research 178 living in South Africa in 2008”. Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics. In: Studies in Economics and Econometrics . 34(3), 45-68. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Cocks,ML Cocks,ML and Dold,AP. “‘Uthixo ulihlathi lam’ - God is my forest: use of local belief systems and values in conserving bio-cultural diversity in the Albany thicket, South Africa”. ASSAf-DST-NRF First Annual South African Young Scientists’ Conference. Diep in Die Berg Functions and Conference Centre, Pretoria. South Africa. October 2010. Kingwill,RA Kingwill,RA. “Lost in translation: adjusting title in Fingo Village, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape”. Development, Pluralism and Resources. Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. South Africa. November 2010. International Conferences (In SA) Huschka,D Huschka,D. “The German Council for Social and Economic Data - its role for Germany and Europe”. Third Workshop on Data Access. University of Michigan, Michigan. USA. May 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Alexander,J and Cocks,ML Alexander,J and Cocks,ML. “Forest stories: The role of cultural environmental narratives and perceptions for improved community conservation and protection of landscapes”. KZN Conservation Symposium. Queen Elizabeth Park, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa. October 2010. Huschka,D Huschka,D and Wagner,GG. “Are Indicators on Quality of Life and Life Satisfaction Meaningful as a Political Goal?” 2010 ISQOLS Conference in Bangkok, 8-11 December 2010. University of Bangkok, Thailand. December 2010. Huschka,D. “Forschungsdaten für die Wissenschaft. Ein Blick auf die Infrastruktur für die Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften.” Hochschultag Albert Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg. Freiburg, Germany. 4 November 2010. Huschka,D. “The German Data Forum - Its Role for Germany and Europe”. Third Workshop on Data Access. University of Michigan, Michigan. USA. 26-27 May 2010. Kelly,K Kelly,K. “The vagaries of research and evaluation influence in the HIV/AIDS field”. Evaluating research in divided societies. University of Ulster, Derry/Londonderry. Northern Ireland. January 2010. Kelly,K. “Civil society organisations and social capital”. aids2031: Social Capital and HIV/AIDS. Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg. Austria. January 2010. Kelly,K. “Evaluating research outcomes in a socially sensitive sector characterised by deep divisions”. 9th European Evaluation Society International Conference: Evaluation in the public interest - participation, politics, policy. Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague. Czech Republic. October 2010. 69. Møller,V Møller,V. “Quality of life and the measurement of prosperity - an African perspective”. Growth in Transition. Aula der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Austria. January 2010. Møller,V. “Fortune and misfortune in South African pensioner households 2002-2009: an analysis of intra-household dynamics”. XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Research Committee 55 Social Indicators, Gothenburg. Sweden. July 2010. Ruiters,GD Ruiters,GD. “Essential services: revisiting the public sharing of the Indian experience and the municipal services project initiative”. Essential Services: Revisiting the Public. Residency Resorts Pvt Ltd, New Delhi. India. March 2010. Van Niekerk,RD Van Niekerk,RD. “International Conference - Social citizenship and social policy reform in South Africa in the 1940’s”. Celebrating Gavin Williams International Conference. Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford. UK. July 2010. O. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Cocks,ML Cocks,ML. Organiser. “International seminars”. Integrating Cultural Values into Conservation. Continuing education centre. Grahamstown, South Africa. November 2010. Cocks,ML. Organiser. “International workshop”. Integrating Cultural Values into Conservation. Ornee cottage. Grahamstown, South Africa. 2 - 3 November 2010. Vetter,S and Cocks,ML. Organiser and presenter. Integrating cultural values into conservation. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 1 - 3 November 2010. Distinguished Visitors Gilson,L Professor L Gilson. UCT Oliver Tambo Fellowship Programme and Professor, Health Policy and Systems, Cape Town, South Africa. Colloquium on Health. September 2010. Mase,J Ms J Mase. University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom. Research collaboration seminar. October 2010. Mcintyre,D Professor D Mcintyre. Health Unit - University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. Colloquium on Health. September 2010. Mohamed,S Dr S Mohamed. School of Economics and Business Sciences - Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa. Lecture at the Annual Summer School. August 2010. Mteto,Z Ms Z Mteto. Families and Victim Empowerment Directorate - Provincial Department of Social Development, Bhisho, South Africa. Lecture at the Annual Summer School. September 2010. Noyoo,N Dr N Noyoo. Senior Social Policy Analyst - Social Policy Unit - Department of Social Development, Pretoria, South Africa. Lecture at the Annual Summer School. August 2010. Ntsebeza,L Professor L Ntsebeza. NRF Research Chair Initiative - Department of Sociology - University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. Lecture at the Annual Summer School. September 2010. Pillay,S Dr S Pillay. Superintendent General Provincial Department of Health, Bhisho, South Africa. Colloquium on Health. September 2010. Sadan,M Ms M Sadan. Programme Manager PSPPD: Social Sector PCAS - The Presidency, Pretora, South Africa. Lecture at the Annual Summer School. August 2010. RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2/8/12 3:54 PM Page 15 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Sanders,D Professor D Sanders. School of Public Health - University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. Colloquium on Health. September 2010. Shung King,M Dr M Shung King. Wolfson College Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom. Colloquium on Health and collaboration. September 2010. Surender,R Dr R Surender. Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. Colloquium on Health and Collaboration. September 2010. Wiersum,FK Professor FK Wiersum. Forest and Nature Policy Chair group Wageningin University, Wageningin, The Netherlands. Research Collobration Seminar. October - November 2010. Williams,G Mr G Williams. St Peter’s College, Oxford, United Kingdom. Lecture - Dr AB Xuma Memorial Lecture. Research Collaboration. August 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: The Institute of Social and Economic Research 179 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 1 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Institute for Water Research This report covers research highlights that are not covered by the submission of published journal articles and chapters in books. Scientific reports: In addition to the 13 peer reviewed publications the IWR generated 21 scientific reports to its various research funders during 2010. Some of these were interim deliverable reports while 6 were final reports at the conclusion of projects. Conferences attended during 2010: Kovacs Colloquium on ‘New Tools for Solving Wicked Water Problems’, Paris France, July 2010. British Hydrological Society International Conference, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK, July 2010. 31st Congress of the International Limnological Society, Cape Town, August 2010. 11th WaterNet/WARFSA International Symposium, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, November 2010. 6th International FRIEND Conference, Fez, Morocco, November 2010. Post-graduate and post-doctoral students: 2 PhD and 2 MSc students finalized their theses during 2010. During 2010 the Institute had 13 registered PhD and 5 MSc students (in either Hydrology or Water Resource Sciences). The Institute hosted 2 post- doctoral fellows during 2010. Dr Nikita Muller resigned to take up a post at Amatole Water but remains as a Research Associate of the Institute. As a replacement, Dr Carolyn Palmer was appointed as a full professor and Director of the Unilever Centre for Environmental Water Quality. The IWR (Professor Hughes as Academic Director and Dr Mantel as Secretariat) continued to manage the Sub-Saharan Africa Water Resources Network under the Carnegie RISE (Regional Initiative in Science and Education) programme. The funding support was extended for a further three years (2011 to 2013) with a further grant to support the 4 nodes in South Africa, Mozambique, Uganda and Botswana. Through this programme, 1 MSc student completed at the end of 2010, while 7 PhD students and 1 MSc student in the IWR will be supported during 2011. Professor Denis Hughes Director of Institute 180 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 2 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Research Report: Institute for Water Research 181 Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Arimoro,FO and Muller,WJ Arimoro,FO and Muller,WJ. 2010. “Mayfly (Insecta: ephemeroptera) community structure as an indicator of the ecological status of a stream in the Niger delta area of Nigeria”. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 166(1-4),581-594. Davies-Coleman,HD Haigh,EH, Fox,HE and Davies-Coleman,HD. 2010. “Framework for local government to implement integrated water resources management linked to water services”. Water SA. 36(4),475-486. Gordon,AK and Muller,WJ Richardson,N, Gordon,AK, Muller,WJ, Pletschke,B and Whitfield,AK. 2010. “The use of liver histopathology, lipid peroxidation and acetylcholinesterase assays as biomarkers of contaminant induced stress in the Cape stumpnose, ‘Rhabdosargus holubi’ (Teleostei: Sparidae), from selected South African estuaries”. Water SA. 36(4),407-416. Haigh,EH and Fox,HE Haigh,EH, Fox,HE and Davies-Coleman,HD. 2010. “Framework for local government to implement integrated water resources management linked to water services”. Water SA. 36(4),475-486. Hughes,DA Hughes,DA. 2010. “Hydrological models: mathematics or science?” Hydrological Processes. 24,2199-2201. Hughes,DA. 2010. “Unsaturated zone fracture flow contributions to stream flow: evidence for the process in South Africa and its importance”. Hydrological Processes. 24,767-774. Hughes,DA, Kingston,DG and Todd,MC. 2010. “Uncertainty in water resources availability in the Okavango River Basin as a result of climate change”. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 7(4),5736-5768. Hughes,DA and Louw,D Hughes,DA and Louw,D. 2010. “Integrating hydrology, hydraulics and ecological response into a flexible approach to the determination of environmental water requirements for rivers”. Environmental Modelling and Software. 25(8),910- 918. Hughes,DA and Mantel,SK Hughes,DA and Mantel,SK. 2010. “Estimating the uncertainty in simulating the impacts of small farm dams on stream flow regimes in South Africa”. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 55(4),578-592. Hughes,DA, Kapangaziwiri,E and Baker,K Hughes,DA, Kapangaziwiri,E and Baker,K. 2010. “Initial evaluation of a simple coupled surface and ground water hydrological model to assess sustainable ground water abstractions at the regional scale”. Hydrology Research. 41(1),1-12. Hughes,DA, Kapangaziwiri,E and Sawunyama,T Hughes,DA, Kapangaziwiri,E and Sawunyama,T. 2010. “Hydrological model uncertainty assessment in southern Africa”. Journal of Hydrology. 387,221- 232. Mantel,SK Dudgeon,D, Cheung,FKW and Mantel,SK. 2010. “Foodweb structure in small streams: do we need different models for the tropics?” Journal of The North American Benthological Society. 29,395-412. Mantel,SK, Hughes,DA and Muller,WJ Mantel,SK, Hughes,DA and Muller,WJ. 2010. “Ecological impacts of small dams on South African rivers: part 1: drivers of change - water quantity and quality”. Water SA. 36(3),351-360. Mantel,SK, Muller,WJ and Hughes,DA Mantel,SK, Muller,WJ and Hughes,DA. 2010. “Ecological impacts of small dams on South African rivers, Part 2: biotic response - abundance and composition of macroinvertebrate communities”. Water SA. 36(3),361-370. Sawunyama,T and Hughes,DA Sawunyama,T and Hughes,DA. 2010. “Using satellite-based rainfall data to support the implementation of environmental water requirements in South Africa”. Water SA. 36(4),379- 385. Other Publications Muller,WJ Tandlich,R, Luyt,CD and Muller,WJ. 2010. “Project No. K8/806: Progress report as 2nd deliverable. Project report submitted as a deliverable to the Water Research Commission in April 2010”. Project report submitted as a deliverable to the Water Research Commission in April 2010. Tandlich,R and Luyt,CD (Ed) Water Research Commission. Pretoria, South Africa. 1(1), 1-52. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Griffin,N Mabeka,P, Meiklejohn,KI and Griffin,N. “Developing a palaeoclimatic record Of Marion Island using diatoms extracted from sediment cores”. Southern African Association of Geomorphologists Biennial Conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. South Africa. September 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Hughes,DA and Mantel,SK Hughes,DA and Mantel,SK. “Estimating uncertainties in simulations of natural and modified streamflow regimes in South Africa”. Global change: facing risks and threats to water resources. Fez, Fez. Morocco. October 2010. 340. 358-364. Hughes,DA, Tshimanga,R and Tirivarombo,S Hughes,DA, Tshimanga,R and Tirivarombo,S. “Simulating the hydrology and water resources of large basins in southern Africa”. Global change: facing risks and threats to water resources. Fez, Fez. Morocco. October 2010. 340. 591-597. RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 3 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K The Public Service Accountability Monitor and CSA The Centre for Social Accountability (CSA) monitors the performance of the Departments of Education, Health and Human Settlements in the Eastern Cape. Researchers monitoring these Departments each produce outputs analysing the budgets, strategic plans, financial management and performance of the Departments. These reports are distributed to and used by a range of interested parties, including Departmental planning officials, members of civil society and the media. Staff at the CSA also contribute to broader analyses of governance and accountability issues, and provide regular analysis and comment to the media Derek Luyt Acting Director: CSA 182 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 4 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Books/Chapters/Monographs Allan,C and Overy,N Allan,C and Overy,N. 2010. “APRM’s Economic Governance and Management Standards: What Civil Society Should Look For”. In: Gruzd,S. (Editor). Grappling with Governance: Perspectives on the African Peer Review Mechanism. Fanele. Auckland Park. First Edition. 107 - 123. ISBN: 978-1-920196-30-1 . Luyt,D Luyt,D. 2010. “Seeking social accountability from provincial government in South Africa”. In: Social accountability in Africa: Practitioners’ Experiences and Lessons. Orchard Publishing. Cape Town. First Edition. 25-39. ISBN: 978-1-920409-20-3. Other Publications Overy,N Overy,N. 2010. “An Evaluation of the School Nutrition Programme in the Grahamstown District, Eastern Cape, South Africa”. Public Service Accountability Monitor. Grahamstown. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Kruuse,J Kruuse,J. “Promoting social justice and good governance using access to information laws - a reflection on case law emanating from the Eastern Cape Bench”. Conference “The Eastern Cape and Social Justice”. Faculty of Law, Rhodes University, September 2010. International Conferences (Outside SA) Luyt,D Luyt,D. “Principles of Social and Public Accountability”. Conference “Towards an Accountable Zimbabwe: Public Accountability in the Context of Transition”. Harare, Zimbabwe. September 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: The Public Service Accountability Monitor and CSA 183 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 5 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Rhodes University Mathematics Education Project (RUMEP) Twenty-nine teachers on the Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE) presented their classroom research at a conference on the 27th & 28th September 2010. The teachers are requested to design and carry out a small research project using a simple action research cycle. The evaluation of this module takes the form of a conference presentation (at a conference arranged by RUMEP), and a written report (conference paper) which must be submitted. Although there were many challenges for teachers in 2010, some quality papers were presented. A RUMEP staff member, Mr Thomas Haywood, is in the process of preparing for the final phase of the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship program in the USA. It will provide him with an opportunity to spend 10 months in the USA on a professional development programme. RUMEP engaged in mathematics workshops for teachers and learners centred on the Soccer World Cup. The workshops were held locally and in Port Elizabeth. They were a huge success and we were able to relate mathematics to real life activities. In 2010 seven staff members submitted research papers for the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE). All papers were accepted for the conference in North West Province in January 2011. Mathematics workshops were conducted for teachers of the Stutterheim Education Trust in the Debe Nek district during 2010. The hands-on workshops were well received by teachers who had difficulty seeing the interconnectedness between common fractions and decimal fractions. Other topics in mathematics were addressed as well. Mr Tom Penlington facilitated the AMESA Mathematics challenge for learners in local schools. Less schools participated in the challenge due to the “abnormal” school year in 2010. Dr Rose Spanneberg Director: RUMEP 184 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 6 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Jooste,ZC Jooste,ZC. “The concept of Zero: why are learners and teachers experiencing difficulty with this concept?” SAARMSE 2010. University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban. South Africa. January 2010. Penlington,TH Penlington,TH. “Can our mathematics teachers measure up”. SAARMSTE 2010. University of Kwa- Zulu Natal, Durban. South Africa. January 2010. Spanneberg,R Spanneberg,R. “Rural development and service delivery”. IMPUMELELO innovations award trust. Town House Hotel, Cape Town. South Africa. September 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Rhodes University Mathematics Education Project 185 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 7 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Albany Museum The Albany Museum under its Freshwater Invertebrates Department conducts research on the systematics and biogeography of aquatic insects. In the year under review two students respectively completed an MSc degree (Terence Bellingan) describing the use of aquatic insects to advise on river conservation priorities and a PhD (Helen James) involving a worldwide study on the systematics and biogeography of a unique family of Mayflies. Research on molecular and morphological systematics of Alder and Dobsonflies has been conducted by a postdoctoral student (Ben Price) in the Albany Museum at SAIAB and Rhodes University. Research on caddisfly systematics, bio- diversity and flight behaviour has been conducted by Dr de Moor and Geoff McIlleron. All these fields of research have helped get a better knowledge of the diversity of these insects and helped evaluate water and environmental status of rivers studied. This in turn contributed to help set conservation priorities for aquatic ecosystems. The Herbarium section, under the leadership of Tony Dold is currently collaborating on two formal research projects. The first project is a revision of the genus Albuca (Hyacinthaceae) together with Rhodes University Department of Botany and Alicante University in Spain. The second project is Untold Stories - Assessing African environmental perceptions in relation to past and present portrayal and connections to landscape and Implications for biodiversity and its conservation and cultural heritage policies. This project is conducted with the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Rhodes University. The Herbarium is collaborating on an informal research project led by Pumlani Cimi with the Anthropology section of the museum under Pumeza Mntonintshi on Ethno-Botanical study of calabashes as used by AmaXhosa of the Eastern Cape. The official nationally and internationally recognised research specialization of the Entomology and Arachnology section focuses on Aculeate Hymenoptera in particular hunting wasps, pollen wasps and bees. The fields of study are taxonomy, systematics, nesting, flower associations, and roles, as applicable, as predators and pollinators. This area of research is led by Drs Fred and Sara Gess who are rated NRF scientists. The Archaeology section of the museum under Dr Johan Binneman continues with its research on pre-colonial archaeology including Rock Art. This section is unlocking new information which will be useful for rewriting the past. 186 Affiliates RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 8 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Focused research in the Earth Sciences section by Dr Billy de Klerk has been on recent dinosaur discoveries that were made in both the lower Jurassic sediments of the Karoo Basin and the early Cretaceous Kirkwood Formation sediments of the Algoa Basin near Uitenhage. Of particular note is the discovery of two beautifully preserved specimens of the primitive Jurassic herbivorous dinosaur Heterodontosaurus - one a complete skeleton and the other a single skull. Research associates, Dr Rose Prevec and Mr Robert Gess continue with their productive research in Permian plants and Devonian esturine ecosystems of the Eastern Cape respectively. Dr Prevec’s speciality is the Permian Karoo floras of South Africa, particularly the taxonomy and biostratigraphic utility of the enigmatic plant Glossopteris, which thrived across Gondwana for some 60 million years, producing most of the southern hemisphere’s coal reserves. Robert Gess completed his doctoral thesis in January 2011 and will graduate at Wits in June. Congratulations to him for literally putting Grahamstown on the palaeo map of Gondwana. The History section of the museum under the capable leadership of Fleur Way-Jones and William Jervois, is informally involved in genealogical research. This section has also been requested to undertake research for the soon to be established museum in Alice. Before his retirement this year Dr Jim Cambray of the Ichthyology section was very active in studies of the Cape Rocky and endangered fish endemic only to the rivers of the Eastern Cape. While research at the Albany Museum is contributing to our understanding of the past it is also playing a meaningful role in unlocking our futures. Mr Bongani Mgijima Museum Manager Books/Chapters/Monographs Barber-James,HM and de Moor,FC Balian,E, Harrison,IJ, Barber-James,HM, Butchart,SHM, Chambers,P, Cordeiro,J, Cumberlidge,N, de Moor,FC, Gascon, C, Kalkman,V, van Dijk,PP and Yeo,D. 2010. Chapter 1. A Wealth of Life - Species Diversity in Freshwater Systems. In: Mittermeier,CG, Mittermeier,RA, Farrell,TA, Harrison,IJ, Upgren, AJ, and Brooks,TM. (Eds). “Freshwater - The Essence of Life.” Cemex Conservation Book Series.299 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9841686- 2-0. Gess,SK and Gess,FW Gess,SK and Gess,FW. 2010. “Pollen wasps and flowers in southern Africa”. SANBI. South Africa. First Edition. 1, 1-147. ISBN: 978-1-9199766-00-0. Mgijima,B Mgijima,B and Buthelezi,V. 2010. “Mapping museum-community relations in Lwandle”. In: Popular Snapshots and Tracks to the Past. Royal Museum of Central Africa. Belgium. First Edition. 171, 245-260. ISBN: 978-9-0747-5279-4. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Barber-James,HM Barber-James,HM. Two new species of Prosopistomatidae (Ephemeroptera) from South Africa and Swaziland. African Entomology. 18 (1): 147-165. Barber-James,HM. 2010 September. Neotype erection, redescription of the larva and first description of the winged stages of Prosopistoma variegatum Latreille, 1833 (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Madagascar. Aquatic Insects 32(3): 215-243. de Moor,FC Weyl,PSR, de Moor,FC, Hill,MP and Weyl,OLF. 2010. “The effect of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides on aquatic macro-invertebrate communities in the Wit River, Eastern Cape, South Africa”. African Journal of Aquatic Science. 35(3),273- 281. Rhodes University Research Report: Albany Museum 187 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 9 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences de Klerk,WJ Norton,LA, Rubidge,B and de Klerk,WJ. “Study of ‘tapinocephaliddinocephalian’ dentition using synchron micromography”. 2010. 68-69. de Moor,FC and Bellingan,TA de Moor,FC and Bellingan,TA. “Rivers of the Tsitsikamma mountains. Powerpoint presentation on Results of a two-year survey”. Final Tsitsikamma Rivers Steering Committee Meeting. Nature’s Valley, Tsitsikamma. South Africa. February 2010. de Moor,FC and Bellingan TA. A survey of macroinvertebrate diversity of eleven rivers in and around the Tsitsikamma National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Final Report for the Tsitsikamma Steering Committee. Xii + 133 pp + Appendices 173 pp. June 2010. Way-Jones,MF Way-Jones,MF. “Environmental controls: a digital data logger”. South African Museums Association - Eastern Cape Conference. Olive Schreiner House, Cradock. South Africa. March 2010. International Conferences Barber-James,HM Barber-James,HM and Gattolliat,J-L. How well are Afrotropical mayflies known? 31st Congress of the International Association of Limonology. Cape International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. de Moor,FC and Bellingan,TA de Moor,FC and Bellingan,TA. “Caddisflies as indicators of climate change: preliminary data from the southern Cape, South Africa”. 31st Congress of the International Association of Limonology. Cape International Convention Centre, Cape Town. South Africa. August 2010. Gess,SK and Gess,FW Gess,SK and Gess,FW. “Flower visiting by sand wasps in southern Africa”. Seventh International Congress of Hymenopterists. Koszeg, Koszeg. Hungary. June 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops/ Performances/Events Barber-James,HM Barber-James,HM.“When is a species a species?” In: Talkshops 24 and 28 March 2010. SciFest Africa 24-30 March 2010 Pp. 23 and 28. de Moor,FC McIlleron,WG, Bellingan,TA and de Moor,FC. Presentation. “A quest to understand and conserve our rivers”. Tsitsikamma rivers research project roadshow. Kurland Village Community Hall. Plettenberg Bay, South Africa. 28 October 2010. de Moor,FC, Barber-James,HM and Weeks,DA. The Albany Museum’s Freshwater Invertebrate Collection data - SABIF Migration. Poster presented. SABIF funded projects initiated in 2008. SANBI collection data handover meeting 25 March 2010. Distinguished Visitors Dewhurst,K Professor K Dewhurst. Michigan State University, Michigan, United States. Research. April 2010. Macdowell,M M Macdowell. Michigan State University, Michigan, United States. Research. April 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: Albany Museum 188 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 10 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K National English Literary Museum (NELM) The National English Literary Museum houses the world’s most comprehensive collection of resources relating to southern African literature in English. This collection is researched by museum staff and the university community for academic papers, exhibitions, popular publications and presentations. In 2010 The National English Literary Museum celebrated its 30th anniversary. Lynne Grant and Andrew Martin paid tribute to NELM in three publications during the year. Paul Walters, Professor Emeritus (Rhodes University), and Jeremy Fogg, have been researching the life and works of Olive Schreiner and her husband, Samuel Cronwright, for some years. The latest chapter in their project appeared in a special edition of English Studies in Africa. Their considerable research output on this topic provides for academic and popular presentations at NELM’s satellite museum in Cradock, Schreiner House. Thomas Jeffery’s paper on Thomas Mofolo, the first African novelist, was based on his research some years ago for an exhibition. A paper presented by Ann Torlesse at the Alan Paton Centre 20th Anniversary Conference held in Pietermaritzburg in 2009, and charting the important relationship that existed between Alan Paton and the publishing firm David Philip, was published in the English Academy Review. Both Basil Mills and Crystal Warren presented papers at the 2nd UNISA conference on Reading Promotion and Storytelling for Children in Pretoria in October 2010. In March 2010 NELM hosted the South African Museums Association Eastern Cape branch conference at Schreiner House in Cradock. Beverley Thomas delivered the keynote address and Ann Torlesse, Basil Mills and Jeremy Fogg presented a paper on “Reconciliation through Archives”. NELM always mounts a new exhibition to coincide with the National Arts Festival. This year it also coincided with the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa so it was thought appropriate to focus on sport in literature. The resulting exhibition titled “Sport is darned crazy, sir!” included fiction, biography, poetry, drama, children’s literature and cartoons. Other exhibitions were produced for mounting at external venues, both locally and abroad. Ms Beverley Thomas Director: National English Literary Museum 189 RRR 2011 - Depts Affiliate 2 2/8/12 3:59 PM Page 11 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Books/Chapters/Monographs Jeffery,TC and Martin,AJ Jeffery,TC and Martin,AJ. An exhibition by the National English Literary Museum: Es’kia Mphahlele: The tyranny of place. National English Literary Museum. Grahamstown. First Edition. ISBN: 978-0-621- 39821-2. Publications Research Journals in Abstract and/or Full Paper Blight,CM Blight,CM. “Extracts relating to slavery in East Africa from the diary of Alfred John Wookey’s expedition from Zanzibar to Ujiji”. Quarterly Bulletin of the National Library of South Africa. 2010. 64(4), 186-199. Grant,L Grant,L. 2010. “English literature in Southern Africa: NELM at 30”. African Research & Documentation. (112), 25-36. Jeffrey,TC Jeffery,TC. “Fear and Loathing in Elsinore: A Review of Ian Martin’s ‘Pop-Splat’”. Shakespeare In Southern Africa. 2010 (22), 65-68. Jeffrey,TC. 2010. “A hundred years of Thomas Mofolo: a tribute”. English in Africa. 37(2),37-55. Martin,A Martin,A. 2010. “Introducing the National English Literary Museum”. Baobab. 2010. 58,1-82. Martin,A. 2010. “The National English Literary Museum at 30”. English Studies in Africa. 53(1),102- 106. Torlesse,A Torlesse,A. 2010. “Publishing Paton: Alan Paton and David Philip Publishers”. English Academy Review. 27(2),51-59. Walters,P and Fogg,J Walters,P and Fogg,J. 2010. “The short sorry tale of Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland and its frontispiece”. English Studies in Africa. 53(2),86-101. Warren,C Warren,C. 2010. “South Africa: Introduction”. Journal of Commonwealth Literature. 45(4),659-692. Research Papers Presented at Academic/Scientific Conferences (Proceedings, Booklets and Attendance) Local Conferences Mills,BC Mills,BC. "“The Kaross of Heritage”. 2nd UNISA conference on Reading Promotion and Storytelling for Children. University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. October 2010. Warren,CA Warren,CA. “What can we Read? Recent South African fiction for Teenagers”. 2nd UNISA conference on Reading Promotion and Storytelling for Children. University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. October 2010. Concerts/Exhibitions/Workshops /Performances/Events Jeffery,TC Jeffery,TC. “Bessie Head”. Middfest International. Middletown. Ohio USA. 24 September - 3 October 2010. Jeffery,TC. “Es’kia Mphahlele: The Tyranny of Place’. Es’kia Mphahlele Library. Pretoria. 19 November - 31 December 2010. Jeffery,TC, Martin,AJ and Warren,CA Jeffery,TC, Martin,AJ and Warren,CA. “Sport is darned crazy, sir!” National English Literary Museum. Grahamstown. 22 June - 31 December 2010. Martin,AJ Martin,AJ. “South Africa in World Literature”. Public Library. Grahamstown. 28 June - 17 September 2010. Mills,BC and Walters,PS Mills,BC and Walters,PS. Talk and excursion to Krantzplaats and Klein Gannahoek. Spirit of Schreiner Festival. Cradock, 2 - 4 July 2010. Stevens,MP Stevens,MP. “Don Maclennan’s Letter to William Blake”. Don Maclennan: An anniversary colloquium. ISEA, Rhodes University. Grahamstown. 5 - 7 March 2010. Thomas,BA Thomas,BA. “Museums in Motion”. South African Museums Association Eastern Cape 27th Conference and Annual General Meeting. Schreiner House, Cradock. 9 - 10 March 2010. Torlesse,ACM Torlesse, ACM. “Celebrating 50 years of Contrast”. Eden Grove, Rhodes University. Grahamstown. 6 - 9 July 2010. Torlesse,ACM, Mills,BC and Fogg,WJM Torlesse,ACM, Mills,BC and Fogg,WJM. “Reconciliation through Archives”. South African Museums Association Eastern Cape 27th Conference and Annual General Meeting. Schreiner House, Cradock. 9 - 10 March 2010. Walters,PS and Fogg,WJM Walters,PS and Fogg,WJM. “Olive Schreiner in Rhodesia: June 1911”. University of the Third Age. Grahamstown. 29 July 2010. Rhodes University Research Report: National English Musem (NELM) 190 Cover design FINAL 2/3/12 12:14 PM Page 2 Composite C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Research Office Director: Jaine Roberts Tel: 27-046-6038055/8756