League: 1994 CFOD - Cyber Field of Dreams

Seasons: Seasons


League standings
League team vs team
League game results
League batting leaders
League pitching leaders
League fielding leaders
League team batting totals
League team pitching totals
League team pitching totals (vs batter)
League team fielding totals
League batting register
League pitching register


Mechan Syndicate Somerville Sluggers California Coneheads Bangkok Thunder
Charlottesville Squids Boston Brewins New England Whaleheads Seattle Moshers
Toronto Towers Oregon Wet Sox Carolina Lightning New York Climbers
Springfield 'Topes Hillsborough Regulators Orix Blue Wave Morristown Mayhem
Reservoir Dogs The Zippys San Diego Termites Brookfield Brouhaha
San Francisco Wierdness Cincinnati Kings Buffalo Tropics San Francisco Piazza's