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DriveHQ Launches New Mobile Applications for iOS and Android

10/3/2011, San Ramon, California - Drive Headquarters (https://www.drivehq.com), the leading cloud IT service provider, announces two versions of File Manager mobile application for iOS and Android, offering optimized support for these two platforms.

More and more users have embraced DriveHQ cloud storage and IT service, which can be accessed from anywhere with Internet connection. Coupled with the increasingly popular mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, users can truly access, share and manage their files and emails from anywhere at any time.

DriveHQ File Manager for iOS and Android greatly enhances DriveHQ’s support for mobile platforms. Previously, DriveHQ has supported mobile platforms with FTP and WebDAV applications, as well as web browser based service and SMTP/POP/IMAP services. “We wanted to offer a cloud storage application that is better than FTP or WebDAV. With tens of thousands of business customers, we want to make sure that our mobile application is truly useful to business customers. “ Says Sean Lee, DriveHQ’s Chief Product Manager. “ I am very glad that we have made it. With DriveHQ File Manager for mobile, it’s now easier than ever to access your files and IT systems from anywhere.”

With today’s release, DriveHQ has dramatically improved the mobile cloud storage experience. The new applications are easy to use, and they have more features than any other popular cloud storage and IT application. The main features include:

  • Access, preview or download cloud files;
  • Upload files / photos or other media files;
  • Create, edit and delete cloud files / folders;
  • Access shared folders;
  • Display thumbnails and preview photos;
  • Share folders to different people with different permissions;
  • Create drop box folders for anybody to upload files.

File Manager is designed to be similar on all different platforms yet to fully leverage on each platform’s unique capabilities. On iOS, File Manager can open PDF files and Microsoft Word files. On Android, it is possible to open more file types, dependent on which applications you’ve installed on your device. A new version for Windows Phone 7 will be available in the very near future.

File Manager for Mobile is free and can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store and Google’s Android App Market.

About Drive Headquarters, Inc.

Drive Headquarters is the world’s first cloud IT solution provider. Their focus is to help SMBs by providing a better and more cost effective alternative to traditional IT systems. Founded in 2003, DriveHQ has become a leading provider of Cloud IT service with over 2 million customers. What differentiates DriveHQ from other companies is that it is a one-stop shop for all core IT services, including cloud based file, FTP and email servers, as well as automatic online backup, remote sharing and collaboration services. DriveHQ’s services not only lower IT costs, but also are more flexible and reliable than your in-house IT system. Complementing its advanced and easy to use products with its personable and highly skilled support staff, DriveHQ is the right choice for meeting the IT needs of growing businesses

Drive Headquarters is based in San Ramon, California. More information about Drive Headquarters can be found at https://www.drivehq.com/.
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