ftp.DriveHQ.com. Most other companies only offer FTP storage or FTP client; DriveHQ offers a virtual FTP file server, FTP Hosting service plus great FTP client software. You can create multiple FTP accounts, share folders to different users with different permissions. You can access your FTP storage space online, including your own files and the folders shared / published by other users.
You can use any FTP client that supports standard FTP protocol. DriveHQ FileManager is strongly recommended as it
offers a lot more features and requires no configuration.
Popular FTP clients: CuteFTP,
WS FTP are all supported.
Please enter the following info to your FTP client software as needed:
FTP Server: ftp.drivehq.com
FTP Port number: 21
User name and password: your DriveHQ username and password;
Remote Directory: Just leave it blank or enter the root folder "/". Note most other FTP services only give you an FTP account
or directory, so that's why they require a remote directory. DriveHQ gives you a "virtual" FTP server, so you have access to your own root folder.
You can create your own directories as you like.
You can use any FTP client, a web browser or any software that supports FTP.
Connect to ftp.DriveHQ.com, and log on using your DriveHQ user name and password. The FTP Port is 21.
You can also use Internet Explorer, or better Windows Explorer as a simple FTP client, try the following FTP address: ftp://username:password@ftp.drivehq.com
DriveHQ FTP Server hosting service has 5 times more and better features, yet our
price is 5 times lower than other FTP hosting providers. The basic service is free with up to 1GB free space.
Please note the free service is designed for personal and casual use only and has some restrictions.
It is strongly recommended to upgrade if you use it for business.
To check out FTP service price, click here.
For premium users, the monthly download limit is 4 X Storage subscription. It covers all downloads from FileManager,
Web or FTP. Your monthly download bytes is reset to 0 on your billing date, which is the day-of-month when you
registered DriveHQ (free) account. If you need a lot more bandwidth, you might qualify for some discount.
Please contact sales@driveHQ.com for more detail. DriveHQ has virtually unlimited network bandwidth, so theoretically
the upload/download speed can be very fast. However, the real speed is dependent on a lot of factors, such as: Local connection speed,
Internet speed from your ISP to DriveHQ data center, your file type, etc.
We limit download speed to less than 220KB/sec for
free service users. For premium users, the maximum download speed is 400 to 1MB/sec. Please note if you have multiple users
downloading your files at the same time, they will share the download bandwidth. We don't limit upload speed.
However, your Internet Connection or your ISP might limit upload speed. The maximum upload speed for DSL or Cable Modem is about 25-40KB/sec,
much slower than download speed. DriveHQ FileManager can significantly increase the transfer speed in some cases.
Please always set FTP access mode to PASSIVE(PASV). Active FTP is almost always blocked by routers/gateways/anti-virus/security software. This is a general issue for FTP. Active FTP requires opening of many network ports on your local network, which is almost always blocked. Microsoft command-line FTP client doesn't support passive mode, try using any GUI-based FTP client, or use Unix / GNU command-line FTP client.
You can click on the share link to access the files online. If you want FTP access
to the shared folders, please sign up an account on www.DriveHQ.com using the email address
where you received the share notification. Once you have an account, logon ftp.drivehq.com, you should see a folder named:
\DriveHQShare\OTHER_USER_NAME\SHARED_FOLDERNAME. You can access the shared folder from there.
The folder's owner set the access permission when he/she shared the folder to you. If you don't logon, you will have read-only access to the folders shared to you by others, even if they have set a higher level of access. To have the authorized level of access, you can sign up and access the folder through DriveHQ.com or DriveHQ FileManager .
Yes. You can logon www.drivehq.com or DriveHQ FileManager, share the folder with "Full Access" permission to one user; and then share the same folder to another user with read-only permission. NOTE: you must use different share names when sharing the same folder twice. To accesss a shared folder with write permission, the user must be a DriveHQ member. Otherwise, he/she will have read-only permission.
Yes, but you must be a Premium Member or True Member. You can logon www.drivehq.com or DriveHQ FileManager and publish a folder. Once a folder is published, you can find "Publish URLs" to the folder and files in it. Files in a published folder can be downloaded using the "Publish URLs" by any Internet users without logon. See the questions below for more info.
Yes, just logon www.drivehq.com, click on My Account and then click on Group Account. You can upgrade your account to a Group Account for free. You can then create sub-accounts. As a group owner or administrator, you can create/add/edit/delete/disable sub-user accounts and allocate storage space / download bytes to your sub-accounts.
Published folders are accessible using "Publish URLs", which are usually HTTP URLs.
If you want to access a published folder using FTP client software and if you know the publisher's username, e.g. "Mike".
You can log on anonymously as follows:
(1) Logon as the username "mike" with an empty password. You will have access to the folders published by Mike. You cannot access Mike's other folders.
(2) Logon as the name "anonymous", enter your e-mail address as the password. Once connected, enter the folder "/Mike" , and you will see all the folders that Mike has published.
Files in a published folder can also be accessed directly through a link like:
e.g.: ftp://ftp.drivehq.com/DriveHQ/DriveHQSoftware/DriveHQFileManager.exe
If you want your clients to post files to you, then your clients must be
DriveHQ members. Otherwise, it is not secure to give anonymous users "write"
permission to your FTP folder. If for some reasons your clients don't want
to sign up, you have several options:
(a) Provide your own username and password to them. They can logon as you.
Uploading files should be straight-forward in this way.
(b) Upgrade to a group account and then create a sub-account(s) for your client
and provide the sub-account's username and password to your client.
This way, you don't leak your own username and password to
them. You need to share a folder to the sub-account. Set the
folder Share Permission to "Full Access". Then your clients can logon as
the sub-user account and upload files to the Shared folder. You can create different sub-accounts for different clients. You can also re-use sub-accounts.